

Merge 0.10->trunk
author Kim Alvefur <>
date Fri, 15 May 2015 15:33:31 +0200
parents 6693:365f0f885aa5 (current diff) 6704:03afecdf2e3c (diff)
children 6721:3807af36d773 6722:d022cb4486bd
files plugins/storage/mod_xep0227.lua plugins/storage/xep227store.lib.lua
diffstat 4 files changed, 187 insertions(+), 334 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/net/http/codes.lua	Thu May 14 00:24:21 2015 +0200
+++ b/net/http/codes.lua	Fri May 15 15:33:31 2015 +0200
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 	[305] = "Use Proxy";
 	-- The 306 status code was used in a previous version of [RFC2616], is no longer used, and the code is reserved.
 	[307] = "Temporary Redirect";
+	[308] = "Permanent Redirect";
 	[400] = "Bad Request";
 	[401] = "Unauthorized";
@@ -39,17 +40,21 @@
 	[410] = "Gone";
 	[411] = "Length Required";
 	[412] = "Precondition Failed";
-	[413] = "Request Entity Too Large";
-	[414] = "Request-URI Too Long";
+	[413] = "Payload Too Large";
+	[414] = "URI Too Long";
 	[415] = "Unsupported Media Type";
-	[416] = "Requested Range Not Satisfiable";
+	[416] = "Range Not Satisfiable";
 	[417] = "Expectation Failed";
 	[418] = "I'm a teapot";
+	[421] = "Misdirected Request";
 	[422] = "Unprocessable Entity";
 	[423] = "Locked";
 	[424] = "Failed Dependency";
 	-- The 425 status code is reserved for the WebDAV advanced collections expired proposal [RFC2817]
 	[426] = "Upgrade Required";
+	[428] = "Precondition Required";
+	[429] = "Too Many Requests";
+	[431] = "Request Header Fields Too Large";
 	[500] = "Internal Server Error";
 	[501] = "Not Implemented";
@@ -61,6 +66,7 @@
 	[507] = "Insufficient Storage";
 	[508] = "Loop Detected";
 	[510] = "Not Extended";
+	[511] = "Network Authentication Required";
 for k,v in pairs(response_codes) do response_codes[k] = k.." "..v; end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plugins/mod_storage_xep0227.lua	Fri May 15 15:33:31 2015 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+local ipairs, pairs = ipairs, pairs;
+local setmetatable = setmetatable;
+local tostring = tostring;
+local next = next;
+local t_remove = table.remove;
+local os_remove = os.remove;
+local io_open =;
+local paths = require"util.paths";
+local st = require "util.stanza";
+local parse_xml_real = require "util.xml".parse;
+local function getXml(user, host)
+	local jid = user.."@";
+	local path = paths.join(, jid..".xml");
+	local f = io_open(path);
+	if not f then return; end
+	local s = f:read("*a");
+	f:close();
+	return parse_xml_real(s);
+local function setXml(user, host, xml)
+	local jid = user.."@";
+	local path = paths.join(, jid..".xml");
+	local f, err = io_open(path, "w");
+	if not f then return f, err; end
+	if xml then
+		local s = tostring(xml);
+		f:write(s);
+		f:close();
+		return true;
+	else
+		f:close();
+		return os_remove(path);
+	end
+local function getUserElement(xml)
+	if xml and == "server-data" then
+		local host = xml.tags[1];
+		if host and == "host" then
+			local user = host.tags[1];
+			if user and == "user" then
+				return user;
+			end
+		end
+	end
+local function createOuterXml(user, host)
+	return st.stanza("server-data", {xmlns='urn:xmpp:pie:0'})
+		:tag("host", {jid=host})
+			:tag("user", {name = user});
+local function removeFromArray(array, value)
+	for i,item in ipairs(array) do
+		if item == value then
+			t_remove(array, i);
+			return;
+		end
+	end
+local function removeStanzaChild(s, child)
+	removeFromArray(s.tags, child);
+	removeFromArray(s, child);
+local handlers = {};
+-- In order to support mod_auth_internal_hashed
+local extended = "\1";
+handlers.accounts = {
+	get = function(self, user)
+		user = getUserElement(getXml(user,;
+		if user and user.attr.password then
+			return { password = user.attr.password };
+		elseif user then
+			local data = {};
+			for k, v in pairs(user.attr) do
+				if k:sub(1, #extended) == extended then
+					data[k:sub(#extended+1)] = v;
+				end
+			end
+			return data;
+		end
+	end;
+	set = function(self, user, data)
+		if data then
+			local xml = getXml(user,;
+			if not xml then xml = createOuterXml(user,; end
+			local usere = getUserElement(xml);
+			for k, v in pairs(data) do
+				if k == "password" then
+					usere.attr.password = v;
+				else
+					usere.attr[extended..k] = v;
+				end
+			end
+			return setXml(user,, xml);
+		else
+			return setXml(user,, nil);
+		end
+	end;
+handlers.vcard = {
+	get = function(self, user)
+		user = getUserElement(getXml(user,;
+		if user then
+			local vcard = user:get_child("vCard", 'vcard-temp');
+			if vcard then
+				return st.preserialize(vcard);
+			end
+		end
+	end;
+	set = function(self, user, data)
+		local xml = getXml(user,;
+		local usere = xml and getUserElement(xml);
+		if usere then
+			local vcard = usere:get_child("vCard", 'vcard-temp');
+			if vcard then
+				removeStanzaChild(usere, vcard);
+			elseif not data then
+				return true;
+			end
+			if data then
+				vcard = st.deserialize(data);
+				usere:add_child(vcard);
+			end
+			return setXml(user,, xml);
+		end
+		return true;
+	end;
+handlers.private = {
+	get = function(self, user)
+		user = getUserElement(getXml(user,;
+		if user then
+			local private = user:get_child("query", "jabber:iq:private");
+			if private then
+				local r = {};
+				for _, tag in ipairs(private.tags) do
+					r[":"..tag.attr.xmlns] = st.preserialize(tag);
+				end
+				return r;
+			end
+		end
+	end;
+	set = function(self, user, data)
+		local xml = getXml(user,;
+		local usere = xml and getUserElement(xml);
+		if usere then
+			local private = usere:get_child("query", 'jabber:iq:private');
+			if private then removeStanzaChild(usere, private); end
+			if data and next(data) ~= nil then
+				private = st.stanza("query", {xmlns='jabber:iq:private'});
+				for _,tag in pairs(data) do
+					private:add_child(st.deserialize(tag));
+				end
+				usere:add_child(private);
+			end
+			return setXml(user,, xml);
+		end
+		return true;
+	end;
+local driver = {};
+function driver:open(datastore, typ)
+	local handler = handlers[datastore];
+	if not handler then return nil, "unsupported-datastore"; end
+	local instance = setmetatable({ host =; datastore = datastore; }, { __index = handler });
+	if instance.init then instance:init(); end
+	return instance;
+module:provides("storage", driver);
--- a/plugins/storage/mod_xep0227.lua	Thu May 14 00:24:21 2015 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-local ipairs, pairs = ipairs, pairs;
-local setmetatable = setmetatable;
-local tostring = tostring;
-local next = next;
-local t_remove = table.remove;
-local os_remove = os.remove;
-local io_open =;
-local st = require "util.stanza";
-local parse_xml_real = require "util.xml".parse;
-local function getXml(user, host)
-	local jid = user.."@";
-	local path = "data/"..jid..".xml";
-	local f = io_open(path);
-	if not f then return; end
-	local s = f:read("*a");
-	return parse_xml_real(s);
-local function setXml(user, host, xml)
-	local jid = user.."@";
-	local path = "data/"..jid..".xml";
-	if xml then
-		local f = io_open(path, "w");
-		if not f then return; end
-		local s = tostring(xml);
-		f:write(s);
-		f:close();
-		return true;
-	else
-		return os_remove(path);
-	end
-local function getUserElement(xml)
-	if xml and == "server-data" then
-		local host = xml.tags[1];
-		if host and == "host" then
-			local user = host.tags[1];
-			if user and == "user" then
-				return user;
-			end
-		end
-	end
-local function createOuterXml(user, host)
-	return st.stanza("server-data", {xmlns=''})
-		:tag("host", {jid=host})
-			:tag("user", {name = user});
-local function removeFromArray(array, value)
-	for i,item in ipairs(array) do
-		if item == value then
-			t_remove(array, i);
-			return;
-		end
-	end
-local function removeStanzaChild(s, child)
-	removeFromArray(s.tags, child);
-	removeFromArray(s, child);
-local handlers = {};
-handlers.accounts = {
-	get = function(self, user)
-		local user = getUserElement(getXml(user,;
-		if user and user.attr.password then
-			return { password = user.attr.password };
-		end
-	end;
-	set = function(self, user, data)
-		if data and data.password then
-			local xml = getXml(user,;
-			if not xml then xml = createOuterXml(user,; end
-			local usere = getUserElement(xml);
-			usere.attr.password = data.password;
-			return setXml(user,, xml);
-		else
-			return setXml(user,, nil);
-		end
-	end;
-handlers.vcard = {
-	get = function(self, user)
-		local user = getUserElement(getXml(user,;
-		if user then
-			local vcard = user:get_child("vCard", 'vcard-temp');
-			if vcard then
-				return st.preserialize(vcard);
-			end
-		end
-	end;
-	set = function(self, user, data)
-		local xml = getXml(user,;
-		local usere = xml and getUserElement(xml);
-		if usere then
-			local vcard = usere:get_child("vCard", 'vcard-temp');
-			if vcard then
-				removeStanzaChild(usere, vcard);
-			elseif not data then
-				return true;
-			end
-			if data then
-				vcard = st.deserialize(data);
-				usere:add_child(vcard);
-			end
-			return setXml(user,, xml);
-		end
-		return true;
-	end;
-handlers.private = {
-	get = function(self, user)
-		local user = getUserElement(getXml(user,;
-		if user then
-			local private = user:get_child("query", "jabber:iq:private");
-			if private then
-				local r = {};
-				for _, tag in ipairs(private.tags) do
-					r[":"..tag.attr.xmlns] = st.preserialize(tag);
-				end
-				return r;
-			end
-		end
-	end;
-	set = function(self, user, data)
-		local xml = getXml(user,;
-		local usere = xml and getUserElement(xml);
-		if usere then
-			local private = usere:get_child("query", 'jabber:iq:private');
-			if private then removeStanzaChild(usere, private); end
-			if data and next(data) ~= nil then
-				private = st.stanza("query", {xmlns='jabber:iq:private'});
-				for _,tag in pairs(data) do
-					private:add_child(st.deserialize(tag));
-				end
-				usere:add_child(private);
-			end
-			return setXml(user,, xml);
-		end
-		return true;
-	end;
-local driver = {};
-function driver:open(host, datastore, typ)
-	local instance = setmetatable({}, self);
- = host;
-	instance.datastore = datastore;
-	local handler = handlers[datastore];
-	if not handler then return nil; end
-	for key,val in pairs(handler) do
-		instance[key] = val;
-	end
-	if instance.init then instance:init(); end
-	return instance;
-module:provides("storage", driver);
--- a/plugins/storage/xep227store.lib.lua	Thu May 14 00:24:21 2015 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-local st = require "util.stanza";
-local function getXml(user, host)
-	local jid = user.."@";
-	local path = "data/"..jid..".xml";
-	local f =;
-	if not f then return; end
-	local s = f:read("*a");
-	return parse_xml_real(s);
-local function setXml(user, host, xml)
-	local jid = user.."@";
-	local path = "data/"..jid..".xml";
-	if xml then
-		local f =, "w");
-		if not f then return; end
-		local s = tostring(xml);
-		f:write(s);
-		f:close();
-		return true;
-	else
-		return os.remove(path);
-	end
-local function getUserElement(xml)
-	if xml and == "server-data" then
-		local host = xml.tags[1];
-		if host and == "host" then
-			local user = host.tags[1];
-			if user and == "user" then
-				return user;
-			end
-		end
-	end
-local function createOuterXml(user, host)
-	return st.stanza("server-data", {xmlns=''})
-		:tag("host", {jid=host})
-			:tag("user", {name = user});
-local function removeFromArray(array, value)
-	for i,item in ipairs(array) do
-		if item == value then
-			table.remove(array, i);
-			return;
-		end
-	end
-local function removeStanzaChild(s, child)
-	removeFromArray(s.tags, child);
-	removeFromArray(s, child);
-local handlers = {};
-handlers.accounts = {
-	get = function(self, user)
-		local user = getUserElement(getXml(user,;
-		if user and user.attr.password then
-			return { password = user.attr.password };
-		end
-	end;
-	set = function(self, user, data)
-		if data and data.password then
-			local xml = getXml(user,;
-			if not xml then xml = createOuterXml(user,; end
-			local usere = getUserElement(xml);
-			usere.attr.password = data.password;
-			return setXml(user,, xml);
-		else
-			return setXml(user,, nil);
-		end
-	end;
-handlers.vcard = {
-	get = function(self, user)
-		local user = getUserElement(getXml(user,;
-		if user then
-			local vcard = user:get_child("vCard", 'vcard-temp');
-			if vcard then
-				return st.preserialize(vcard);
-			end
-		end
-	end;
-	set = function(self, user, data)
-		local xml = getXml(user,;
-		local usere = xml and getUserElement(xml);
-		if usere then
-			local vcard = usere:get_child("vCard", 'vcard-temp');
-			if vcard then
-				removeStanzaChild(usere, vcard);
-			elseif not data then
-				return true;
-			end
-			if data then
-				vcard = st.deserialize(data);
-				usere:add_child(vcard);
-			end
-			return setXml(user,, xml);
-		end
-		return true;
-	end;
-handlers.private = {
-	get = function(self, user)
-		local user = getUserElement(getXml(user,;
-		if user then
-			local private = user:get_child("query", "jabber:iq:private");
-			if private then
-				local r = {};
-				for _, tag in ipairs(private.tags) do
-					r[":"..tag.attr.xmlns] = st.preserialize(tag);
-				end
-				return r;
-			end
-		end
-	end;
-	set = function(self, user, data)
-		local xml = getXml(user,;
-		local usere = xml and getUserElement(xml);
-		if usere then
-			local private = usere:get_child("query", 'jabber:iq:private');
-			if private then removeStanzaChild(usere, private); end
-			if data and next(data) ~= nil then
-				private = st.stanza("query", {xmlns='jabber:iq:private'});
-				for _,tag in pairs(data) do
-					private:add_child(st.deserialize(tag));
-				end
-				usere:add_child(private);
-			end
-			return setXml(user,, xml);
-		end
-		return true;
-	end;
-local driver = {};
-driver.__index = driver;
-function driver:open(host, datastore, typ)
-	local cache_key = host.." "..datastore;
-	if self.ds_cache[cache_key] then return self.ds_cache[cache_key]; end
-	local instance = setmetatable({}, self);
- = host;
-	instance.datastore = datastore;
-	local handler = handlers[datastore];
-	if not handler then return nil; end
-	for key,val in pairs(handler) do
-		instance[key] = val;
-	end
-	if instance.init then instance:init(); end
-	self.ds_cache[cache_key] = instance;
-	return instance;
-local _M = {};
-	local instance = setmetatable({}, driver);
-	instance.__index = instance;
-	instance.ds_cache = {};
-	return instance;
-return _M;