

mod_incidents_handling: recommit after full test, cleaned it a bit as what I posted was regretfully an unfinished draft, replaced a lot of the fixed type fields used for fields description with desc elements (upstream prosody's util.dataforms will still strip those). Also moved auxiliary functions to a library.
author Marco Cirillo <>
date Sun, 17 Feb 2013 19:28:47 +0100
parents 911:46e807dff445
children 913:f42837829d5f
files mod_incidents_handling/incidents_handling/mod_incidents_handling.lua
diffstat 1 files changed, 351 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mod_incidents_handling/incidents_handling/mod_incidents_handling.lua	Sun Feb 17 19:28:47 2013 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+-- This plugin implements XEP-268 (Incidents Handling)
+-- (C) 2012-2013, Marco Cirillo (LW.Org)
+-- Note: Only part of the IODEF specifications are supported.
+local datamanager = require "util.datamanager"
+local dataforms_new = require "util.dataforms".new
+local st = require "util.stanza"
+local id_gen = require "util.uuid".generate
+local pairs, os_time = pairs, os.time
+local xmlns_inc = "urn:xmpp:incident:2"
+local xmlns_iodef = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-1.0"
+local my_host = module:get_host()
+local ih_lib = module:require("incidents_handling")
+incidents = {}
+local expire_time = module:get_option_number("incidents_expire_time", 0)
+-- Incidents Table Methods
+local _inc_mt = {} ; _inc_mt.__index = _inc_mt
+function _inc_mt:init()
+	self:clean() ; self:save()			
+function _inc_mt:clean()
+	if expire_time > 0 then
+		for id, incident in pairs(self) do
+			if ((os_time() - incident.time) > expire_time) and incident.status ~= "open" then
+				incident = nil
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function _inc_mt:save()
+	if not"incidents", my_host, "incidents_store", incidents) then
+		module:log("error", "Failed to save the incidents store!")
+	end
+function _inc_mt:add(stanza, report)
+	local data = ih_lib.stanza_parser(stanza)
+	local new_object = {
+		time = os_time(),
+		status = (not report and "open") or nil,
+		data = data
+	}
+	self[] = new_object
+	self:clean() ; self:save()
+function _inc_mt:new_object(fields, formtype)
+	local start_time, end_time, report_time = fields.started, fields.ended, fields.reported
+	local _desc, _contacts, _related, _impact, _sources, _targets = fields.description, fields.contacts, fields.related, fields.impact, fields.sources, fields.targets
+	local fail = false
+	local _lang, _dtext = _desc:match("^(%a%a)%s(.*)$")
+	if not _lang or not _dtext then return false end
+	local desc = { text = _dtext, lang = _lang }
+	local contacts = {}	
+	for contact in _contacts:gmatch("[%w%p]+%s[%w%p]+%s[%w%p]+") do
+		local address, atype, role = contact:match("^([%w%p]+)%s([%w%p]+)%s([%w%p]+)$")
+		if not address or not atype or not role then fail = true ; break end
+		contacts[#contacts + 1] = {
+			role = role,
+			ext_role = (role ~= "creator" or role ~= "admin" or role ~= "tech" or role ~= "irt" or role ~= "cc" and true) or nil,
+			type = atype,
+			ext_type = (atype ~= "person" or atype ~= "organization" and true) or nil,
+			jid = (atype == "jid" and address) or nil,
+			email = (atype == "email" and address) or nil,
+			telephone = (atype == "telephone" and address) or nil,
+			postaladdr = (atype == "postaladdr" and address) or nil
+		}
+	end
+	local related = {}
+	if _related then
+		for related in _related:gmatch("[%w%p]+%s[%w%p]+") do
+			local fqdn, id = related:match("^([%w%p]+)%s([%w%p]+)$")
+			if fqdn and id then related[#related + 1] = { text = id, name = fqdn } end
+		end
+	end
+	local _severity, _completion, _type = _impact:match("^([%w%p]+)%s([%w%p]+)%s([%w%p]+)$")
+	local assessment = { lang = "en", severity = _severity, completion = _completion, type = _type }
+	local sources = {}
+	for source in _sources:gmatch("[%w%p]+%s[%w%p]+%s[%d]+%s[%w%p]+") do
+		local address, cat, count, count_type = source:match("^([%w%p]+)%s([%w%p]+)%s(%d+)%s([%w%p]+)$")
+		if not address or not cat or not count or not count_type then fail = true ; break end
+		local cat, cat_ext = ih_lib.get_type(cat, "category")
+		local count_type, count_ext = ih_lib.get_type(count_type, "counter")
+		sources[#sources + 1] = {
+			address = { cat = cat, ext = cat_ext, text = address },
+			counter = { type = count_type, ext_type = count_ext, value = count }
+		}
+	end
+	local targets, _preprocess = {}, {}
+	for target in _targets:gmatch("[%w%p]+%s[%w%p]+%s[%w%p]+") do
+		local address, cat, noderole, noderole_ext
+		local address, cat, noderole = target:match("^([%w%p]+)%s([%w%p]+)%s([%w%p]+)$")
+		if not address or not cat or not noderole then fail = true ; break end
+		cat, cat_ext = ih_lib.get_type(cat, "category")
+		noderole_ext = ih_lib.get_type(cat, "noderole")
+		if not _preprocess[noderole] then _preprocess[noderole] = { addresses = {}, ext = noderole_ext } end
+		_preprocess[noderole].addresses[#_preprocess[noderole].addresses + 1] = {
+			text = address, cat = cat, ext = cat_ext
+		}
+	end
+	for noderole, data in pairs(_preprocess) do
+		local nr_cat = (data.ext and "ext-category") or noderole
+		local nr_ext = (data.ext and noderole) or nil
+		targets[#targets + 1] = { addresses = data.addresses, noderole = { cat = nr_cat, ext = nr_ext } }
+	end
+	local new_object = {}
+	if not fail then
+		new_object["time"] = os_time()
+		new_object["status"] = (formtype == "request" and "open") or nil
+		new_object["type"] = formtype
+		new_object["data"] = {
+			id = { text = id_gen(), name = my_host },
+			start_time = start_time,
+			end_time = end_time,
+			report_time = report_time,
+			desc = desc,
+			contacts = contacts,
+			related = related,
+			assessment = assessment,
+			event_data = { sources = sources, targets = targets }
+		}
+		self[] = new_object
+		return
+	else return false end
+-- // Handler Functions //
+local function report_handler(event)
+	local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza
+	incidents:add(stanza, true)
+	return origin.send(st.reply(stanza))
+local function inquiry_handler(event)
+	local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza
+	local inc_id = stanza:get_child("inquiry", xmlns_inc):get_child("Incident", xmlns_iodef):get_child("IncidentID"):get_text()
+	if incidents[inc_id] then
+		module:log("debug", "Server %s queried for incident %s which we know about, sending it", stanza.attr.from, inc_id)
+		local report_iq = stanza_construct(incidents[inc_id])
+		report_iq.attr.from =
+ = stanza.attr.from
+		report_iq.attr.type = "set"
+		origin.send(st.reply(stanza))
+		origin.send(report_iq)
+		return true
+	else
+		module:log("error", "Server %s queried for incident %s but we don't know about it", stanza.attr.from, inc_id)
+		origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "item-not-found")) ; return true
+	end	
+local function request_handler(event)
+	local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza
+	local req_id = stanza:get_child("request", xmlns_inc):get_child("Incident", xmlns_iodef):get_child("IncidentID"):get_text()
+	if not incidents[req_id] then
+		origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "item-not-found")) ; return true
+	else
+		origin.send(st.reply(stanza)) ; return true
+	end
+local function response_handler(event)
+	local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza
+	local res_id = stanza:get_child("response", xmlns_inc):get_child("Incident", xmlns_iodef):get_child("IncidentID"):get_text()
+	if incidents[res_id] then
+		incidents[res_id] = nil
+		incidents:add(stanza, true)
+		origin.send(st.reply(stanza)) ; return true
+	else
+		origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "item-not-found")) ; return true
+	end
+local function results_handler(event) return true end -- TODO results handling
+-- // Adhoc Commands //
+local function list_incidents_command_handler(self, data, state)
+	local list_incidents_layout = ih_lib.render_list(incidents)
+	if state then
+		if state.step == 1 then
+			if data.action == "cancel" then 
+				return { status = "canceled" }
+			elseif data.action == "prev" then
+				return { status = "executing", actions = { "next", "cancel", default = "next" }, form = list_incidents_layout }, {}
+			end
+			local single_incident_layout = state.form_layout
+			local fields = single_incident_layout:data(data.form)
+			if fields.response then
+				incidents[].status = "closed"
+				local iq_send = ih_lib.stanza_construct(incidents[])
+				module:send(iq_send)
+				return { status = "completed", info = "Response sent." }
+			else
+				return { status = "completed" }
+			end
+		else
+			if data.action == "cancel" then return { status = "canceled" } end
+			local fields = list_incidents_layout:data(data.form)
+			if fields.ids then
+				local single_incident_layout = ih_lib.render_single(incidents[fields.ids])
+				return { status = "executing", actions = { "prev", "cancel", "complete", default = "complete" }, form = single_incident_layout }, { step = 1, form_layout = single_incident_layout, id = fields.ids }
+			else
+				return { status = "completed", error = { message = "You need to select the report ID to continue." } }
+			end
+		end
+	else
+		return { status = "executing", actions = { "next", "cancel", default = "next" }, form = list_incidents_layout }, {}
+	end
+local function send_inquiry_command_handler(self, data, state)
+	local send_inquiry_layout = dataforms_new{
+		title = "Send an inquiry about an incident report to a host";
+		instructions = "Please specify both the server host and the incident ID.";
+		{ name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" };
+		{ name = "server", type = "text-single", label = "Server to inquiry" };
+		{ name = "hostname", type = "text-single", label = "Involved incident host" };
+		{ name = "id", type = "text-single", label = "Incident ID" };
+	}
+	if state then
+		if data.action == "cancel" then return { status = "canceled" } end
+		local fields = send_inquiry_layout:data(data.form)
+		if not fields.hostname or not or not fields.server then
+			return { status = "completed", error = { message = "You must supply the server to quest, the involved incident host and the incident ID." } }
+		else
+			local iq_send ={ from = my_host, to = fields.server, type = "get" })
+						:tag("inquiry", { xmlns = xmlns_inc })
+							:tag("Incident", { xmlns = xmlns_iodef, purpose = "traceback" })
+								:tag("IncidentID", { name = data.hostname }):text(
+			module:log("debug", "Sending incident inquiry to %s", fields.server)
+			module:send(iq_send)
+			return { status = "completed", info = "Inquiry sent, if an answer can be obtained from the remote server it'll be listed between incidents." }
+		end
+	else
+		return { status = "executing", form = send_inquiry_layout }, "executing"
+	end
+local function rr_command_handler(self, data, state, formtype)
+	local send_layout = ih_lib.get_incident_layout(formtype)
+	local err_no_fields = { status = "completed", error = { message = "You need to fill all fields, except the eventual related incident." } }
+	local err_proc = { status = "completed", error = { message = "There was an error processing your request, check out the syntax" } }
+	if state then
+		if data.action == "cancel" then return { status = "canceled" } end
+		local fields = send_layout:data(data.form)
+		if fields.started and fields.ended and fields.reported and fields.description and fields.contacts and
+		   fields.impact and fields.sources and fields.targets and fields.entity then
+			if formtype == "request" and not fields.expectation then return err_no_fields end
+			local id = incidents:new_object(fields, formtype)
+			if not id then return err_proc end
+			local stanza = ih_lib.stanza_construct(id)
+			stanza.attr.from = my_host
+ = fields.entity
+			module:log("debug","Sending incident %s stanza to: %s", formtype,
+			module:send(stanza)
+			return { status = "completed", info = string.format("Incident %s sent to %s.", formtype, fields.entity) }
+		else
+			return err_no_fields
+		end	   
+	else
+		return { status = "executing", form = send_layout }, "executing"
+	end
+local function send_report_command_handler(self, data, state)
+	return rr_command_handler(self, data, state, "report")
+local function send_request_command_handler(self, data, state)
+	return rr_command_handler(self, data, state, "request")
+local adhoc_new = module:require "adhoc".new
+local list_incidents_descriptor = adhoc_new("List Incidents", xmlns_inc.."#list", list_incidents_command_handler, "admin")
+local send_inquiry_descriptor = adhoc_new("Send Incident Inquiry", xmlns_inc.."#send_inquiry", send_inquiry_command_handler, "admin")
+local send_report_descriptor = adhoc_new("Send Incident Report", xmlns_inc.."#send_report", send_report_command_handler, "admin")
+local send_request_descriptor = adhoc_new("Send Incident Request", xmlns_inc.."#send_request", send_request_command_handler, "admin")
+module:provides("adhoc", list_incidents_descriptor)
+module:provides("adhoc", send_inquiry_descriptor)
+module:provides("adhoc", send_report_descriptor)
+module:provides("adhoc", send_request_descriptor)
+-- // Hooks //
+module:hook("iq-set/host/urn:xmpp:incident:2:report", report_handler)
+module:hook("iq-get/host/urn:xmpp:incident:2:inquiry", inquiry_handler)
+module:hook("iq-get/host/urn:xmpp:incident:2:request", request_handler)
+module:hook("iq-set/host/urn:xmpp:incident:2:response", response_handler)
+module:hook("iq-result/host/urn:xmpp:incident:2", results_handler)
+-- // Module Methods //
+module.load = function()
+	if datamanager.load("incidents", my_host, "incidents_store") then incidents = datamanager.load("incidents", my_host, "incidents_store") end
+	setmetatable(incidents, _inc_mt) ; incidents:init()
+ = function()
+	return { incidents = incidents }
+module.restore = function(data)
+	incidents = data.incidents or {}
+	setmetatable(incidents, _inc_mt) ; incidents:init()		