

mod_muclogging: with http_server part for viewing
author Thilo Cestonaro <>
date Sun, 18 Oct 2009 22:39:36 +0200
parents 49:59f490390528
children 51:6a40e44a2b8a
files mod_muclogging/mod_muclogging.lua
diffstat 1 files changed, 261 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/mod_muclogging/mod_muclogging.lua	Sat Oct 17 01:37:25 2009 +0200
+++ b/mod_muclogging/mod_muclogging.lua	Sun Oct 18 22:39:36 2009 +0200
@@ -7,9 +7,45 @@
 local splitJid = require "util.jid".split;
 local bareJid = require "util.jid".bare;
 local config_get = require "core.configmanager".get;
+local httpserver = require "net.httpserver";
+local dump = require "util.logger".dump;
+local config = {};
+--[[ LuaFileSystem 
+* URL:
+* Install: luarocks install luafilesystem
+* ]]
+local lfs = require "lfs";
+local lom = require "lxp.lom";
+function validateLogFolder()
+	module:log("debug", "validateLogFolder; Folder: %s", tostring(config.folder));
+	if config.folder == nil then
+		module:log("warn", "muclogging folder isn't configured. configure it please!");
+		return false;
+	end
+	-- check existance
+	local attributes = lfs.attributes(config.folder);
+	if attributes == nil then
+		module:log("warn", "muclogging folder doesn't exist. create it please!");
+		return false;
+	elseif attributes.mode ~= "directory" then
+		module:log("warn", "muclogging folder isn't a folder, it's a %s. change this please!", attributes.mode);
+		return false;
+	end --TODO: check for write rights!
+	module:log("debug", "Folder is validated and correct.")
+	return true;
 function logIfNeeded(e)
 	local stanza, origin = e.stanza, e.origin;
+	if validateLogFolder() == false then
+		return;
+	end
 	if ( == "presence") or 
 	   ( == "message" and tostring(stanza.attr.type) == "groupchat")
@@ -18,11 +54,11 @@
 			local bare = node .. "@" .. host;
 			if prosody.hosts[host] ~= nil and prosody.hosts[host].muc ~= nil and prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bare] ~= nil then
 				local room = prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bare]
-				local logFolder = config_get(host, "core", "logFolder");
-				if logFolder ~= nil then
+				local logging = config_get(host, "core", "logging");
+				if logging == true then
 					local today ="%y%m%d");
 					local now ="%X")
-					local fn = logFolder .. "/" .. today .. "_" .. bare .. ".log";
+					local fn = config.folder .. "/" .. today .. "_" .. bare .. ".log";
 					local mucFrom = nil;
 					if == "presence" and stanza.attr.type == nil then
@@ -54,7 +90,227 @@
+function createDoc(body)
+	return [[<html>
+	<head>
+		<title>muclogging</title>
+	</head>
+	<style type="text/css">
+	<!--
+	.timestuff {color: #AAAAAA; text-decoration: none;}
+	.muc_join {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
+	.muc_leave {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
+	.muc_kick {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
+	.muc_bann {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
+	.muc_name {color: #0000AA;}
+	//-->
+	</style>
+	<body>
+	]] .. tostring(body) .. [[
+	</body>
+	</html>]];
+function splitQuery(query)
+	local ret = {};
+	if query == nil then return ret; end
+	local last = 1;
+	local idx = query:find("&", last);
+	while idx ~= nil do
+		ret[#ret + 1] = query:sub(last, idx - 1);
+		last = idx + 1;
+		idx = query:find("&", last);
+	end
+	ret[#ret + 1] = query:sub(last);
+	return ret;
+function grepRoomJid(url)
+	local tmp = url:sub(string.len("/muclogging/") + 1);
+	local node = nil;
+	local host = nil;
+	local at = nil;
+	local slash = nil;
+	at = tmp:find("@");
+	slash = tmp:find("/");
+	if slash ~= nil then
+		slash = slash - 1;
+	end
+	if at ~= nil then
+	 	node = tmp:sub(1, at - 1);
+		host = tmp:sub(at + 1, slash);
+	end
+	return node, host;
+local function generateRoomListSiteContent()
+	local ret = "<h2>Rooms hosted on this server:</h2><hr /><p>";
+	for host, config in pairs(prosody.hosts) do
+		if prosody.hosts[host].muc ~= nil then
+			local logging = config_get(host, "core", "logging");
+			if logging then
+				for jid, room in pairs(prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms) do
+					ret = ret .. "<a href=\"/muclogging/" .. jid .. "/\">" .. jid .."</a><br />\n";
+				end
+			else
+				module:log("debug", "logging not enabled for muc component: %s", tostring(host));
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	return ret .. "</p><hr />";
+local function generateDayListSiteContentByRoom(bareRoomJid)
+	local ret = "";
+	for file in lfs.dir(config.folder) do
+		local year, month, day = file:match("^(%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)_" .. bareRoomJid .. ".log");
+		module:log("debug", "year: %s, month: %s, day: %s", year, month, day);
+		if	year ~= nil and month ~= nil and day ~= nil and
+			year ~= ""  and month ~= ""  and day ~= ""
+		then
+			ret = "<a href=\"/muclogging/" .. bareRoomJid .. "/?year=" .. year .. "&month=" .. month .. "&day=" .. day .. "\">20" .. year .. "/" .. month .. "/" .. day .. "</a><br />\n" .. ret;
+		end
+	end
+	if ret ~= "" then
+		return "<h2>available logged days of room: " .. bareRoomJid .. "</h2><hr /><p>" .. ret .. "</p><hr />";
+	else
+		return generateRoomListSiteContent(); -- fallback
+	end
+local function parseDay(bareRoomJid, query)
+	local ret = "";
+	local year;
+	local month;
+	local day;
+	for _,str in ipairs(query) do 
+		local name, value;
+		name, value = str:match("^(%a+)=(%d+)$");
+		if name == "year" then
+			year = value;
+		elseif name == "month" then
+			month = value;
+		elseif name == "day" then
+			day = value;
+		else
+			log("warn", "unknown query value");
+		end
+	end
+	if year ~= nil and month ~= nil and day ~= nil then
+		local file = config.folder .. "/" .. year .. month .. day .. "_" .. bareRoomJid .. ".log";
+		local f, err =, "r");
+		if f ~= nil then
+			local content = f:read("*a");
+			local parsed = lom.parse("<xml>" .. content .. "</xml>");
+			if parsed ~= nil then
+				for _,stanza in ipairs(parsed) do
+					module:log("debug", "dump of stanza: \n%s", dump(stanza))
+					if stanza.attr ~= nil and stanza.attr.time ~= nil then
+						ret = ret .. "<a name=\"" .. stanza.attr.time .. "\" href=\"#" .. stanza.attr.time .. "\" class=\"timestuff\">[" .. stanza.attr.time .. "]</a> ";
+						if stanza[1] ~= nil then
+							local nick;
+							if stanza[1].attr.from ~= nil then
+								nick = stanza[1].attr.from:match("/(.+)$");
+							end						
+							if stanza[1].tag == "presence" and nick ~= nil then
+								if stanza[1].attr.type == nil then
+									ret = ret .. "<font class=\"muc_join\"> *** " .. nick .. " joins the room</font><br />\n";
+								elseif stanza[1].attr.type ~= nil and stanza[1].attr.type == "unavailable" then
+									ret = ret .. "<font class=\"muc_leave\"> *** " .. nick .. " leaves the room</font><br />\n";
+								else
+									ret = ret .. "<font class=\"muc_leave\"> *** " .. nick .. " changed his/her status to: " .. stanza[1].attr.type .. "</font><br />\n";
+								end
+							elseif stanza[1].tag == "message" then
+								local body;
+								for _,tag in ipairs(stanza[1]) do
+									if tag.tag == "body" then
+										body = tag[1]:gsub("\n", "<br />\n");
+										if nick ~= nil then
+											break;
+										end
+									elseif tag.tag == "nick" and nick == nil then
+										nick = tag[1];
+										if body ~= nil then
+											break;
+										end
+									end
+								end
+								if nick ~= nil and body ~= nil then
+									ret = ret .. "<font class=\"muc_name\">&lt;" .. nick .. "&gt;</font> " .. body .. "<br />\n";
+								end
+							else
+								module:log("info", "unknown stanza subtag in log found. room: %s; day: %s", bareRoomJid, year .. "/" .. month .. "/" .. day);
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			else
+					module:log("warn", "could not parse room log. room: %s; day: %s", bareRoomJid, year .. "/" .. month .. "/" .. day);
+			end
+			f:close();
+		else
+			ret = err;
+		end
+		return "<h2>room " .. bareRoomJid .. " logging of 20" .. year .. "/" .. month .. "/" .. day .. "</h2><hr /><p>" .. ret .. "</p><hr />";
+	else
+		return generateDayListSiteContentByRoom(bareRoomJid); -- fallback
+	end
+function handle_request(method, body, request)
+	module:log("debug", "method: %s, body: %s, request: %s", tostring(method), tostring(body), tostring(request));
+	-- module:log("debug", "dump of request:\n%s\n", dump(request));
+	local query = splitQuery(request.url.query);
+	local node, host = grepRoomJid(request.url.path);
+	if validateLogFolder() == false then
+		return createDoc([[
+		Muclogging is not configured correctly. Add a section to Host * "muclogging" and configure the value for the logging "folder".<br />
+		Like:<br />
+		Host "*"<br />
+		....<br />
+		&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;muclogging = {<br />
+		&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;folder = "/opt/local/var/log/prosody/rooms";<br />
+		&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;}<br />
+		]]);
+	end
+	if node ~= nil  and host ~= nil then
+		local bare = node .. "@" .. host;
+		if prosody.hosts[host] ~= nil and prosody.hosts[host].muc ~= nil and prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bare] ~= nil then
+			local room = prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bare];
+			local logging = config_get(host, "core", "logging");
+			if logging == true then
+				if request.url.query == nil then
+					return createDoc(generateDayListSiteContentByRoom(bare));
+				else
+					return createDoc(parseDay(bare, query));
+				end
+			else
+				module:log("debug", "logging not enabled for this room: %s", bare);
+			end
+		else
+			module:log("debug", "room instance not found. bare room jid: %s", tostring(bare));
+		end
+	else
+		return createDoc(generateRoomListSiteContent());
+	end
+	return;
+function module.load()
+	config = config_get("*", "core", "muclogging");
+	module:log("debug", "muclogging config: \n%s", dump(config));
+	if config.http_port ~= nil then
+		httpserver.new_from_config({ config.http_port }, "muclogging", handle_request);
+	end
+	return validateLogFolder();
 module:hook("pre-message/bare", logIfNeeded, 500);
 module:hook("pre-presence/full", logIfNeeded, 500);
-module:log("debug", "loaded ...");
\ No newline at end of file