

plugins.roster: Add roster push handling, roster item parsing, delete_contact()
author Kim Alvefur <>
date Wed, 09 Mar 2011 18:38:24 +0100 (2011-03-09)
parents 191:e0664081654c
children 193:fa6e1e65cb3c
files plugins/roster.lua
diffstat 1 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/plugins/roster.lua	Mon Mar 07 21:53:02 2011 +0100
+++ b/plugins/roster.lua	Wed Mar 09 18:38:24 2011 +0100
@@ -1,19 +1,133 @@
 local xmlns_roster = "jabber:iq:roster";
+local bare_jid = require "util.jid".bare;
+local t_insert = table.insert;
 function verse.plugins.roster(stream)
-	function stream:roster_add(jid, callback)
-		self:send_iq({ type = "set" })
-			:tag("query", { xmlns = xmlns_roster })
-				:tag("item", { jid = jid }), function ()
-					callback();
-				end);
+	local roster = {
+		items = {};
+		-- TODO:
+		-- groups = {};
+		-- ver = nil;
+	};
+	stream.roster = roster;
+	local function item_lua2xml(item_table)
+		local xml_item = verse.stanza("item", { xmlns = xmlns_roster });
+		for k, v in pairs(item_table) do
+			if k ~= "groups" then 
+				xml_item.attr[k] = v;
+			else
+				for i = 1,#v do
+					xml_item:tag("group"):text(v[i]):up();
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		return xml_item;
-	function stream:roster_fetch(callback)
-		self:send_iq({type="get"}):tag("query", { xmlns = xmlns_roster }),
-			function (result)
-				--TODO: Pass parsed roster to callback
-				callback(result);
+	local function item_xml2lua(xml_item)
+		local item_table = { };
+		local groups = {};
+		item_table.groups = groups;
+		local jid = xml_item.attr.jid;
+		for k, v in pairs(xml_item.attr) do
+			if k ~= "xmlns" then
+				item_table[k] = v
+			end
+		end
+		for group in xml_item:childtags("group") do
+			t_insert(groups, group:get_text())
+		end
+		return item_table;
+	end
+	-- should this be add_contact(item, callback) instead?
+	function roster:add_contact(jid, nick, groups, callback)
+		local item = { jid = jid, name = nick, groups = groups };
+		local stanza ={ type = "set" })
+			:tag("query", { xmlns = xmlns_roster })
+				:add_child(item_lua2xml(item));
+		stream:send_iq(stanza, function (reply)
+			if not callback then return end
+			if reply.attr.type == "result" then
+				callback(true);
+			else
+				type, condition, text = reply:get_error();
+				callback(nil, { type, condition, text });
+			end
+		end);
+	end
+	-- What about subscriptions?
+	function roster:delete_contact(jid, callback)
+		jid = (type(jid) == "table" and jid.jid) or jid;
+		local item = { jid = jid, subscription = "remove" }
+		if not roster.items[jid] then return false, "item-not-found"; end
+		stream:send_iq({ type = "set" })
+			:tag("query", { xmlns = xmlns_roster })
+				:add_child(item_lua2xml(item)),
+			function (reply)
+				if not callback then return end
+				if result.attr.type == "result" then
+					callback(true);
+				else
+					type, condition, text = reply:get_error();
+					callback(nil, { type, condition, text });
+				end
+	local function add_item(item) -- Takes one roster <item/>
+		local roster_item = item_xml2lua(item);
+		roster.items[roster_item.jid] = roster_item;
+	end
+	-- Private low level
+	local function delete_item(jid)
+		local deleted_item = roster.items[jid];
+		roster.items[jid] = nil;
+		return deleted_item;
+	end
+	function roster:fetch(callback)
+		stream:send_iq({type="get"}):tag("query", { xmlns = xmlns_roster }),
+			function (result)
+				if result.attr.type == "result" then
+					local query = result:get_child("query", xmlns_roster);
+					for item in query:childtags("item") do
+						add_item(item)
+					end
+					callback(roster);
+				else
+					type, condition, text = stanza:get_error();
+					callback(nil, { type, condition, text }); --FIXME
+				end
+			end);
+	end
+	stream:hook("iq/"..xmlns_roster, function(stanza)
+		local type, from = stanza.attr.type, stanza.attr.from;
+		if type == "set" and (not from or from == bare_jid(stream.jid)) then
+			local query = stanza:get_child("query", xmlns_roster);
+			local item = query and query:get_child("item");
+			if item then
+				local event, target;
+				local jid = item.attr.jid;
+				if item.attr.subscription == "remove" then
+					event = "removed"
+					target = delete_item(jid);
+				else
+					event = roster.items[jid] and "changed" or "added";
+					add_item(item)
+					target = roster.items[jid];
+				end
+				stream:event("roster/item-"..event, target);
+			-- TODO else return error? Events?
+			end
+			stream:send(verse.reply(stanza))
+			return true;
+		end
+	end);