
description author age
s2smanager: Queue db:verify unless we already sent a db:result (if we had then it can could a dialback deadlock). Also remove some redundant code which could cause a db:result to be sent while still negotiating features (e.g. TLS) and break things. Collectively these fix a 'random' s2s failure (usually with ejabberd for some reason) - resulting in an 'unbound prefix' XML error, or 'ssl handshake failure'. Was this commit message long enough? I think so. Matthew Wild Fri, 20 Nov 2009 04:39:54 +0000
util.sasl: Add COMPAT comment Matthew Wild Wed, 18 Nov 2009 03:35:42 +0000
mod_console: Moved activation of the console port from the main file to mod_console. Waqas Hussain Wed, 18 Nov 2009 08:30:03 +0500
prosody.net_activate_ports: Slightly refactored and definition moved to before modules are loaded. Waqas Hussain Wed, 18 Nov 2009 08:26:43 +0500
mod_register: Log a debug message when a session's IP is not available. Waqas Hussain Wed, 18 Nov 2009 06:23:41 +0500
mod_bosh: Set session.ip for BOSH sessions. Waqas Hussain Wed, 18 Nov 2009 06:22:52 +0500
util.sasl: Added compatibility workaround for jwchat sending an encoded trailing '\0' in SASL responses. Waqas Hussain Wed, 18 Nov 2009 06:21:59 +0500
net.dns: Be more strict about the records we cache Matthew Wild Wed, 18 Nov 2009 01:09:09 +0000