
description author age
net.server_epoll: Make minimum poll wait time configurable Kim Alvefur 2016-09-04
net.server_epoll: Support for setting configuration parameters Kim Alvefur 2016-09-04
mod_bosh: Update BOSH wait timeout logic to work despite the addition of deferred requests Matthew Wild 2016-09-02
mod_bosh: Fix typo Matthew Wild 2016-09-02
Merge 0.10->trunk Matthew Wild 2016-09-02
mod_bosh: Make 'hold' and 'requests' fixed to '1' and '2' respectively, as this is what all implementations realistically use Matthew Wild 2016-09-02
mod_bosh: Log when a stanza isn't handled because we can't find a session for it Matthew Wild 2016-09-02
mod_bosh: Correctly handle requests arriving out of order (thanks Jitsi folk!) Matthew Wild 2016-09-02
Logging error if MUC room cache is full Sam Whited 2016-09-02
Merge 0.10->trunk Matthew Wild 2016-08-31
stanza_router: Make 'unhandled stanza' errors more informative Matthew Wild 2016-08-31
Merge 0.10->trunk Matthew Wild 2016-08-31
moduleapi: 'duration' became 'times' Matthew Wild 2016-08-31
storagemanager: Fix for previous commit Matthew Wild 2016-08-31
storagemanager: Fire event when opening a store, and allow the returned store/err to be overridden Matthew Wild 2016-08-31
storagemanager: Simplify function flow Matthew Wild 2016-08-31
Backed out changeset a23b5cb8c22b Matthew Wild 2016-08-31
MUC: Restore modern version of public create_room() function removed in dfaacf042cfe Kim Alvefur 2016-08-30
mod_admin_telnet: Fix to use modern way to fetch a MUC room Kim Alvefur 2016-08-30
Merge 0.10->trunk Kim Alvefur 2016-08-28
mod_s2s: Fire event when s2s connection fails Matthew Wild 2016-08-27
net.server_epoll: More comments Kim Alvefur 2016-08-27
Merge 0.10->trunk Kim Alvefur 2016-08-26
net.http.parser: Don't collapse buffer when expecting a chunk and not enough data has been received Kim Alvefur 2016-08-26
net.http.parser: Fix missing buffer length adjustment when parsing chunked streams Kim Alvefur 2016-08-26
Merge 0.10->trunk Kim Alvefur 2016-08-24
configure: Add ostype preset for NetBSD Holger Weiss 2015-04-17
MUC: Fix compatibility with new and old storage format Kim Alvefur 2016-08-23
net.server_epoll: Remove commented out code Kim Alvefur 2016-08-23
net.server_epoll: Return early in the event of zero timers Kim Alvefur 2016-08-23
net.server_epoll: Fix timer returning boolean Kim Alvefur 2016-08-23
net.server_epoll: Let :init handle setup for onconnect handling Kim Alvefur 2016-08-22
net.server_epoll: Tailcalls Kim Alvefur 2016-08-22
net.server_epoll: Move management of fd registry to :setflags Kim Alvefur 2016-08-22
net.server_epoll: Comments Kim Alvefur 2016-08-22
net.server_epoll: Make maximum wait time configurable Kim Alvefur 2016-08-22
Merge 0.10->trunk Kim Alvefur 2016-08-20
mod_blocklist: Mention issue numbers Kim Alvefur 2016-08-20
mod_blocklist: Decrease priority of iq hooks to ease handling by other modules Kim Alvefur 2016-08-20
Merge 0.10->trunk Kim Alvefur 2016-08-19
configure: Add --compiler-wrapper flag for using things like ccache or distcc Kim Alvefur 2016-08-19
configure: Add initial attempt at pkg-config preset Kim Alvefur 2016-08-19
configure: Do the same to CFLAGS and LDFLAGS in linux preset as for debian Kim Alvefur 2016-08-19
configure: Move -ggdb flag here from util-src/Make Kim Alvefur 2016-08-19
configure: Add C compiler flag to indicate C89 Kim Alvefur 2016-08-19
Move C compiler flag -pedantic from Makefile to configure Kim Alvefur 2016-08-19
util-src/Makefile: Remove redundant -Wall (already set by configure) Kim Alvefur 2016-08-19
configure: Remove unused 'find_helper' function Kim Alvefur 2016-08-19
configure: Indicate that LUA_INCDIR is set in openbsd preset Kim Alvefur 2016-08-19
configure: Quote strings Kim Alvefur 2016-08-19
configure: Respect Lua suffix in Debian preset if already set Kim Alvefur 2016-08-19
configure: Normalize whitespace Kim Alvefur 2016-08-19
net.server_epoll: Set timers before calling onincoming, fixes traceback if connection is closed before onincoming returns Kim Alvefur 2016-08-18
Merge 0.10->trunk Kim Alvefur 2016-08-18
net.server_epoll: Call ondetach when listeners are replaced Kim Alvefur 2016-08-18
net.server_epoll: Make sure wantwrite is set when starting TLS Kim Alvefur 2016-08-18
net.server_epoll: Prevent invalid FDs from being added to epoll Kim Alvefur 2016-08-18
net.server_epoll: Make sure a recent LuaSocket is avaliable Kim Alvefur 2016-08-18
net.server_epoll: Trigger onconnect for TLS connections when writable after handshake Kim Alvefur 2016-08-18
net.server_epoll: Add separate timout for initial connection Kim Alvefur 2016-08-18