
description author age
Merge 0.11 -> trunk Matthew Wild 2018-12-19
spec/scansion: Add tests for members-only rooms 0.11 Matthew Wild 2018-12-19
admin_telnet: show when bidi is used on s2s Maxime “pep” Buquet 2018-12-18
Merge 0.11->trunk Kim Alvefur 2018-12-17
prosodyctl check: Add statisticsmanager settings to known global options 0.11 Kim Alvefur 2018-12-17
MUC: Test that subject is still empty after sending a non-subject change message with a subject (#667) Kim Alvefur 2018-12-16
MUC: Add descriptive comments to #667 test Kim Alvefur 2018-12-16
MUC: Add another message to #667 test Kim Alvefur 2018-12-16
core.rostermanager: Cache rosters of offline users for faster access (fixes #1233) Kim Alvefur 2018-12-16
Merge 0.11->trunk Kim Alvefur 2018-12-15
MUC: Fix traceback when requesting voice (fixes #1269) (thanks jonas’) 0.11 Kim Alvefur 2018-12-15
spec/scansion/prosody.cfg.lua: Add remaining modules listened in prosody.cfg.lua.dist for easier comparisons Kim Alvefur 2018-12-11
spec/scansion/prosody.cfg.lua: Replace mod_vcard with mod_vcard4 and mod_vcard_legacy as in default config Kim Alvefur 2018-12-11
spec/scansion/prosody.cfg.lua: Update a comment from prosody.cfg.lua.dist for easier comparisons Kim Alvefur 2018-12-11
Merge 0.11->trunk Kim Alvefur 2018-12-09
util.datetime: Make sure timezone difference is calculated correctly (fixes #1262) 0.11 Kim Alvefur 2018-12-09
net.connlisteners: Remove deprecated stub module Kim Alvefur 2018-12-09
net.server_epoll: Bail on callback error Kim Alvefur 2018-12-08
net.server_epoll: Call onconnect right after accept()ing a new client Kim Alvefur 2018-12-08
luacheckrc: No longer ignore access to undefined fields on table lib Kim Alvefur 2018-12-08
util.format: Serialize values for the %q format Kim Alvefur 2018-10-11
lint: Remove use of the 143 error code Kim Alvefur 2018-12-08
various: Don't rely on _G.unpack existing Kim Alvefur 2018-12-08
lint: No longer ignore access to the deprecated global 'unpack' Kim Alvefur 2018-12-08
luacheckrc: Set Lua standard to 5.3 with 5.2 compat enabled Kim Alvefur 2018-12-08
util.iterators: Use pack from table.pack Kim Alvefur 2018-12-08
util.format: Use pack from util.table Kim Alvefur 2018-12-08
moduleapi: Use pack from util.table Kim Alvefur 2018-12-08
MUC: Add test case for #667 Kim Alvefur 2018-12-06
MUC/subject: Don't consider messages with <body> or <subject> (fixes #667) Kim Alvefur 2018-12-04
makefile: Allow configuring path to busted (to match GNUMakefile) Matthew Wild 2018-12-04
makefile: Add lint target (to match GNUMakefile) Matthew Wild 2018-12-04
util.pposix: Don't define POSIX_C_SOURCE on FreeBSD to ensure visibility of initgroups() Matthew Wild 2018-12-04
util.time: Bump POSIX_C_SOURCE to ensure visibility of CLOCK_MONOTONIC on FreeBSD (fixes #1253) Matthew Wild 2018-12-04
configure: Refactor header search to make it more portable Matthew Wild 2018-12-03
configure: Also look for lua.h in a directory with the same suffix as the interpreter (FreeBSD-friendly) Matthew Wild 2018-12-03
mod_presence: Handle older boolean subscription request data (thanks Martin) Kim Alvefur 2018-12-02
mod_presence: Remove unnecessary stanza clone call Kim Alvefur 2018-12-02
Merge 0.11->trunk Kim Alvefur 2018-12-02
util.stanza: Deserialize stanza without mutating input (fixes #711) 0.11 Kim Alvefur 2018-12-01
util.stanza: Improve tests 0.11 Kim Alvefur 2018-12-02
mod_vcard_legacy: Limit injection of XEP-0153 to normal presence (fixes #1252) 0.11 Kim Alvefur 2018-11-30
rostermanager, mod_presence: Store stanza for incoming subscription requests (fixes #689) (thanks Zash, Ge0rG) Matthew Wild 2018-12-01
spec/keep_full_sub_req: Make the second connect a differenct device (workaround for scansion issue) Kim Alvefur 2018-12-01
spec/keep_full_sub_req: Verify that the presence subscription stays the same after a reconnect Kim Alvefur 2018-12-01
spec/keep_full_sub_req: Add missing type attribute Kim Alvefur 2018-12-01
tests: Add scansion test for #689 about keeping the full subscription request stanza Kim Alvefur 2018-11-30
Merge 0.11->trunk Kim Alvefur 2018-11-30
server_epoll: Add comments describing config options 0.11 Kim Alvefur 2018-11-30
net.server_epoll: Remove unused config option 0.11 Kim Alvefur 2018-11-30
server_epoll: Increase write timeout 0.11 Kim Alvefur 2018-11-30
Merge 0.11->trunk Kim Alvefur 2018-11-30
util-src/makefile: Update with util.poll and util.compat (fixes #1251) 0.11 Kim Alvefur 2018-11-30
net.websocket.frames: Add some brief tests 0.11 Kim Alvefur 2018-11-29
net.websocket.frames: Prefer Lua 5.2 built-in bit module over LuaJIT version Kim Alvefur 2018-11-29
configure: Recognise 5.4 as a valid Lua version Kim Alvefur 2018-11-29
configure: Split list of possible suffixes into a line per Lua version Kim Alvefur 2018-11-29
util.format: Tweak how nil values are handled Kim Alvefur 2018-11-28
Added tag 0.11.1 for changeset 91856829f18b 0.11 Matthew Wild 2018-11-28
Merge 0.11->trunk Kim Alvefur 2018-11-27