
description author age
Merge with 0.9 Matthew Wild 2012-01-17
net.http: Pass response object to callbacks (feels hacky, should this be passed *instead of* the request?) Matthew Wild 2012-01-17
util.throttle: Fix 'outstanding' return value Matthew Wild 2012-01-13
util.throttle: Import setmetatable Matthew Wild 2012-01-13
net.server_event: Fix :pause() to actually stop reading from the socket, rather than ignoring socket-readable events (!), and :resume() to restart the event listener Matthew Wild 2012-01-16
util.throttle: Fix 'outstanding' return value Matthew Wild 2012-01-13
util.throttle: Import setmetatable Matthew Wild 2012-01-13
util.debug: Adjust level within get_locals_table() to account for the additional depth of this function itself Matthew Wild 2012-01-13
mod_component: removed unused variable reference, added "flagging" to assert if a component is connected or not. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-06
net.xmppcomponent_listener: removed unused variable reference. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-06
util.stanza: Remove unused __add metamethod Matthew Wild 2011-12-21
s2smanager: Fix missing import of 'type' (thanks darkrain) Matthew Wild 2011-12-20
hostmanager: Add send() method to hosts Matthew Wild 2011-12-16
usermanager: Prep admin JIDs (fixes issue#276). Waqas Hussain 2011-12-14