
description author age
Moved server module to net/ Matthew Wild 2008-08-25
Remove redundant comments Matthew Wild 2008-08-25
renaming _ to sock to improve readability Tobias Markmann 2008-08-24
remaned _ to sock to improve readability Tobias Markmann 2008-08-24
added LICENSE file Matthew Wild 2008-08-24
- Remove some debugging code Matthew Wild 2008-08-24
Merged 2 heads o_O matthew 2008-08-24
Added all the files to please hg :/ matthew 2008-08-24
Presence unavailable on disconnect matthew 2008-08-24
"Shared roster" - well, kind of :) matthew 2008-08-24
Working presence! matthew 2008-08-24
Switched to new connection framework, courtesy of the luadch project matthew 2008-08-24
First commit, where do you want to go tomorrow? matthew 2008-08-22