plugins/muc/muc.lib: Refactor subject logic; fix bug of mixed up subject/author
daurnimator |
2014-04-15 |
plugins/muc: Move persistent room configuration to own module
daurnimator |
2014-04-15 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Move members_only into seperate file
daurnimator |
2014-04-04 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Turn get_default_role into an event
daurnimator |
2014-04-03 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Fix getting a list of occupants by role (it was sending presences instead of items inside an iq)
daurnimator |
2014-04-03 |
plugins/muc: Move valid_roles, valid_affiliations and is_kickable_error to new muc/util module
daurnimator |
2014-04-03 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Use util.iterators to count occupants
daurnimator |
2014-04-03 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Move occupancy check to later in `deconstruct_stanza_id`: As vcards are from the bare jid, you need to use the `from_jid` out of the encoded `id`
daurnimator |
2014-04-03 |
plugins/muc: Move history to an external module
daurnimator |
2014-04-03 |
plugins/muc: Move `whois` code to seperate file
daurnimator |
2014-04-03 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Remember to coerce nil role to "none"
daurnimator |
2014-04-03 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Refactor of change-nick presence handling
daurnimator |
2014-04-03 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Clean up whois handling
daurnimator |
2014-04-03 |
plugins/muc/occupant.lib: Don't allow an unavailable session to be the primary jid
daurnimator |
2014-04-02 |
plugins/muc: Move name functions to seperate module
daurnimator |
2014-04-02 |
plugins/muc: Move password functions to seperate module
daurnimator |
2014-04-02 |
plugins/muc/lock.lib: Need to let creator into the locked room :)
daurnimator |
2014-04-02 |
plugins/muc: Move locking to seperate module
daurnimator |
2014-04-02 |
plugins/muc/mod_muc: Move room locking into hook
daurnimator |
2014-04-02 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Move description functions out to own file
daurnimator |
2014-04-02 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Modify muc-config-submitted to keep a list of status codes instead of fields changed
daurnimator |
2014-04-02 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Refactor out process_form into hooks
daurnimator |
2014-04-01 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Move default config layout into hooks
daurnimator |
2014-04-01 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Split up get_disco_info into events
daurnimator |
2014-04-01 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Add muc-room-locked event
daurnimator |
2014-03-31 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: restrict invitations in members only rooms to admins
daurnimator |
2014-03-31 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Don't try and get occupant jids for annotating invite affiliation changes
daurnimator |
2014-03-31 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Update declines to be more like invites
daurnimator |
2014-03-31 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Add pre-invite event. Move role check to it
daurnimator |
2014-03-31 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Tidy up muc-invite event.
daurnimator |
2014-03-31 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Remove top level pre-join event. Assign event priorities for other handlers
daurnimator |
2014-03-31 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Use occupant methods where possible
daurnimator |
2014-03-29 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Subjects get sent even if empty.
daurnimator |
2014-03-29 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Fix typo (moderators vs moderator)
daurnimator |
2014-03-28 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: nick change unavailables should be from original occupant jid
daurnimator |
2014-03-28 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Status codes should be inside of x element
daurnimator |
2014-03-28 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Improve set affiliation logic;
daurnimator |
2014-03-28 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Smarter validation in set_affiliation
daurnimator |
2014-03-28 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Fix anonymous check in `send_occupant_list`
daurnimator |
2014-03-28 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Allow `:send_occupant_list` to have no filter
daurnimator |
2014-03-28 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Fix sending occupant jid instead of real jid in <item/> actor
daurnimator |
2014-03-28 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Clean up :set_role. Removes :can_set_role
daurnimator |
2014-03-28 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: Remove callback parameter from set_role and set_affiliation
daurnimator |
2014-03-28 |
plugins/muc/muc.lib: non-function changes (reordering, semicolons and comments)
daurnimator |
2014-03-27 |
plugins/muc: Massive refactor
daurnimator |
2014-03-27 |
mod_muc/muc.lib: Fix parameters to send_history() (thanks Peter Villeneuve)
Matthew Wild |
2014-05-10 |
Merge 0.10->trunk
Kim Alvefur |
2014-05-11 |
mod_admin_telnet: Remove dead code
Kim Alvefur |
2014-05-11 |
mod_admin_telnet: Show which hosts are components and what type of component in host:list()
Kim Alvefur |
2014-05-11 |
mod_admin_telnet: Add c2s:show_tls(), behaves like s2s:show_tls()
Kim Alvefur |
2014-05-11 |
mod_admin_telnet: Move generation of log tag for s2s:show() (adds it to c2s:show() too)
Kim Alvefur |
2014-05-11 |
mod_admin_telnet: Add s2s:show_tls() for showing ciphers used on s2s connections
Kim Alvefur |
2014-05-11 |
mod_admin_telnet: Move extraction of c2s presence info into session_flags()
Kim Alvefur |
2014-05-11 |
mod_admin_telnet: Split (secure) into (authenticated) + (secure)
Kim Alvefur |
2014-05-11 |
mod_admin_telnet: Send NUL byte as keepalive on read timeouts
Kim Alvefur |
2014-05-11 |
Merge 0.10->trunk
Kim Alvefur |
2014-05-09 |
Merge 0.9->0.10
Kim Alvefur |
2014-05-09 |
configmanager: Delay importing LuaFileSystem until needed by an Include line
Kim Alvefur |
2014-05-09 |
core.certmanager, core.moduleapi, mod_storage_sql, mod_storage_sql2: Import from util.paths
Kim Alvefur |
2014-05-09 |
core.configmanager: Move path utility functions into util.paths
Kim Alvefur |
2014-05-09 |