
description author age
moduleapi: Remove accidental use of undefined and unnecessary 'priority' variable Matthew Wild 2015-05-06
moduleapi: Add module:broadcast() to send a stanza to a list of JIDs Matthew Wild 2015-05-06
Merge 0.10->trunk Kim Alvefur 2015-05-04
util.statistics: Collect duration sample even if run fewer times than the sample interval Kim Alvefur 2015-05-04
util.events: Add local reference to table.remove (fixes traceback) Kim Alvefur 2015-05-04
Merge 0.10->trunk Kim Alvefur 2015-05-03
Merge 0.9->0.10 Kim Alvefur 2015-05-03
net.dns: Make sure argument to math.randomseed does not overflow a 32 bit *signed* int (blame Lua). Closes #439 Kim Alvefur 2015-04-26
util.datamanager: Fix traceback due to %s in log message Kim Alvefur 2015-04-03
util.encodings: Move declarations to top of function [pedantic] Kim Alvefur 2015-05-02
util.pposix: Return error from ftruncate if that fails too (but what would we do here?) Kim Alvefur 2015-05-02
util.events: Change from nil to false to indicate adding a global wrapper Matthew Wild 2015-04-28
moduleapi: New methods for modules to conveniently wrap events Matthew Wild 2015-04-28
moduleapi: Experimental API for modules to measure the rate+duration of events Matthew Wild 2015-04-28
util.events: Add support for event wrappers, functions which can wrap the calling of event handlers to run code before/after an event (for debugging, statistics, logging purposes, etc.) Matthew Wild 2015-04-28