
description author age
Merge 0.7->trunk Matthew Wild 2010-06-03
s2smanager: Remove potentially misleading log message (thanks albert) Matthew Wild 2010-06-03
Merge 0.7->trunk Matthew Wild 2010-06-02
net.server_event: Also return the socket from wrapclient, to maintain compatibility with server_select (thanks uhoreg) Matthew Wild 2010-06-02
mod_compression: Use filters! \o/ Matthew Wild 2010-06-02
xmppserver_listener: Add filters for incoming bytes and stanzas Matthew Wild 2010-06-02
s2smanager: Add filters for outgoing bytes and stanzas Matthew Wild 2010-06-02
sessionmanager: Rename filters_initialize->initialize_filters Matthew Wild 2010-06-02
xmppclient_listener: Add filters for incoming bytes and stanzas Matthew Wild 2010-06-02
sessionmanager: Initialize new sessions for filtering, and add filters for outgoing bytes and stanzas Matthew Wild 2010-06-02
util.filters: Ensure initialize() never initializes an object twice - and return the filter function to the caller Matthew Wild 2010-06-02
xmppserver_listener: Port to util.xmppstream \o/ Matthew Wild 2010-06-02
util.filters: Break processing if a filterer returns nil Matthew Wild 2010-06-02
util.filters: Don't traceback with no filters of a type added Matthew Wild 2010-06-02
net.multiplex_listener: Test to make sure listener.onconnect isn't nil. Waqas Hussain 2010-06-02
net.multiplex_listener: Call listener.onconnect(conn) when swapping listeners. Waqas Hussain 2010-06-02
xmppclient_listener: Port to onconnect handler Matthew Wild 2010-06-02
util.filters: Don't traceback when trying to remove a filter from an uninitialized object Matthew Wild 2010-06-02
util.filters: Expose the initialization function Matthew Wild 2010-06-02
util.filters: New utility library for managing filters on an object Matthew Wild 2010-06-02
mod_pep: Corrected and optimized handling of non-available presence stanzas. Waqas Hussain 2010-06-01
mod_iq: Removed a check for user existance when firing iq/bare/* sub-events. Waqas Hussain 2010-05-30
mod_pep: Use is_contact_subscribed (which uses the new rostermanager fix to avoid unnecessary roster loads) Matthew Wild 2010-06-01
rostermanager: Optimisation to avoid unnecessarily loading rosters for offline contacts on probes, etc. Waqas Hussain 2010-06-01
Merge compression fix Matthew Wild 2010-05-29
mod_compression: Update for new session.data() syntax, fixes invalid XML errors after compression negotiation (thanks hg bisect) Matthew Wild 2010-05-29
Merge 0.7->trunk Matthew Wild 2010-05-26
mod_groups: Check for existence of roster[false] before clearing version (thanks Flo) Matthew Wild 2010-05-26
Merge 0.7->trunk Matthew Wild 2010-05-24
util.sasl.scram: Fix remaining - in profile name Matthew Wild 2010-05-24
util.sasl.*: Adjusting authentication provider names. All '-' replaced with '_' Tobias Markmann 2010-05-24
Merge trunk/Tobias->trunk Matthew Wild 2010-05-24
util.sasl.*: Adjusting authentication provider names. All '-' replaced with '_' Tobias Markmann 2010-05-24
Merge 0.7->trunk Matthew Wild 2010-05-24
util.sasl.scram: Fixing logic error in argument checking. Tobias Markmann 2010-05-24
util.sasl.scram: Fixing logic error in argument checking. Tobias Markmann 2010-05-24
Merge 0.7->trunk Matthew Wild 2010-05-23
Merge 0.7/waqas->0.7/MattJ Matthew Wild 2010-05-23
mod_private: Detect datamanager read errors, and respond with 'internal-server-error'. Waqas Hussain 2010-05-23
usermanager: Take datamanager errors into account when determining account existance. Waqas Hussain 2010-05-23
mod_presence: Don't send 'unsubscribed' in response to probes when roster loading fails. Waqas Hussain 2010-05-23
rostermanager: Return an error string when subscription test fails due to an error. Waqas Hussain 2010-05-23
rostermanager: Mark rosters which fail to load as broken, and never save them. Waqas Hussain 2010-05-23
mod_presence: Removed a useless check when handling incoming presence probes and subscriptions. Waqas Hussain 2010-05-23
util.datamanager: Return an error string when failing to save. Waqas Hussain 2010-05-23
util.sasl.scram: Adjusting authentication backend name to conform with the style already used by the plain module. Tobias Markmann 2010-02-28
util.sasl.scram: Fixing issue #177. Tobias Markmann 2010-05-22
util.sasl.plain: Typo. Tobias Markmann 2010-05-22
util.sasl.scram: Providing an API function to generate a salted password for the SCRAM-SHA-1 mechanism. Tobias Markmann 2010-05-22
util.sasl.scram: Split up long line. Tobias Markmann 2010-05-22
util.sasl.scram: Parsing client-final-message in a more strict way. (thanks Marc Santamaria) Tobias Markmann 2010-05-22
util.sasl.scram: Fix in nonce check of client-final-message. Tobias Markmann 2010-05-22
util.sasl.scram: Parsing client-first-message in a more strict way. (thanks Marc Santamaria) Tobias Markmann 2010-05-22
util.sasl.scram: Check nonce in client final message. Check channel binding flag in client first message. Adding some TODOs on more strict parsing. (thanks Marc Santamaria) Tobias Markmann 2010-05-21
util.sasl.scram: Fixed global access. Waqas Hussain 2010-05-06
util.sasl.scram: Adding documentation on SCRAM authentication backend. Tobias Markmann 2010-02-28
util.sasl: Abstracting out the hash function used since SCRAM is independent of it. Adding scram-{mech} authentication backend support. Tobias Markmann 2010-02-28
util.sasl.plain: Removing plain_hashed authentication provider. Just do hashing and comparison yourself in a plain_test authentication provider. Tobias Markmann 2010-05-21
util.sasl: 2009 -> 2010 in copyright header. Tobias Markmann 2010-03-12
util.sasl.plain: Adding plain_hashed authentication backend support. Tobias Markmann 2010-02-28