

Merge with tip.
author Tobias Markmann <>
date Tue, 01 Dec 2009 23:05:32 +0100
parents 2293:abd28ed5d8b0 (diff) 2273:b98b29f614ae (current diff)
children 2296:23e84604fb00
diffstat 4 files changed, 189 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/plugins/mod_compression.lua	Tue Dec 01 20:18:47 2009 +0000
+++ b/plugins/mod_compression.lua	Tue Dec 01 23:05:32 2009 +0100
@@ -8,16 +8,16 @@
 local st = require "util.stanza";
 local zlib = require "zlib";
 local pcall = pcall;
 local xmlns_compression_feature = ""
 local xmlns_compression_protocol = ""
+local xmlns_stream = "";
 local compression_stream_feature = st.stanza("compression", {xmlns=xmlns_compression_feature}):tag("method"):text("zlib"):up();
 local compression_level = module:get_option("compression_level");
 -- if not defined assume admin wants best compression
 if compression_level == nil then compression_level = 9 end;
 compression_level = tonumber(compression_level);
 if not compression_level or compression_level < 1 or compression_level > 9 then
 	module:log("warn", "Invalid compression level in config: %s", tostring(compression_level));
@@ -34,89 +34,179 @@
--- TODO Support compression on S2S level too.
-module:add_handler({"c2s_unauthed", "c2s"}, "compress", xmlns_compression_protocol,
+		function (data)
+			local session, features = data.session, data.features;
+			-- FIXME only advertise compression support when TLS layer has no compression enabled
+			if not session.compressed then 
+				features:add_child(compression_stream_feature);
+			end
+		end
+-- Hook to activate compression if remote server supports it.
+module:hook_stanza(xmlns_stream, "features",
+		function (session, stanza)
+			if not session.compressed then
+				-- does remote server support compression?
+				local comp_st = stanza:child_with_name("compression");
+				if comp_st then
+					-- do we support the mechanism
+					for a in comp_st:children() do
+						local algorithm = a[1]
+						if algorithm == "zlib" then
+							session.sends2s(st.stanza("compress", {xmlns=xmlns_compression_protocol}):tag("method"):text("zlib"))
+							session.log("info", "Enabled compression using zlib.")
+							return true;
+						end
+					end
+					session.log("debug", "Remote server supports no compression algorithm we support.")
+				end
+			end
+		end
+, 250);
+-- returns either nil or a fully functional ready to use inflate stream
+local function get_deflate_stream(session)
+	local status, deflate_stream = pcall(zlib.deflate, compression_level);
+	if status == false then
+		local error_st = st.stanza("failure", {xmlns=xmlns_compression_protocol}):tag("setup-failed");
+		(session.sends2s or session.send)(error_st);
+		session.log("error", "Failed to create zlib.deflate filter.");
+		module:log("error", deflate_stream);
+		return
+	end
+	return deflate_stream
+-- returns either nil or a fully functional ready to use inflate stream
+local function get_inflate_stream(session)
+	local status, inflate_stream = pcall(zlib.inflate);
+	if status == false then
+		local error_st = st.stanza("failure", {xmlns=xmlns_compression_protocol}):tag("setup-failed");
+		(session.sends2s or session.send)(error_st);
+		session.log("error", "Failed to create zlib.deflate filter.");
+		module:log("error", inflate_stream);
+		return
+	end
+	return inflate_stream
+-- setup compression for a stream
+local function setup_compression(session, deflate_stream)
+	local old_send = (session.sends2s or session.send);
+	local new_send = function(t)
+			--TODO: Better code injection in the sending process
+			session.log(t)
+			local status, compressed, eof = pcall(deflate_stream, tostring(t), 'sync');
+			if status == false then
+				session:close({
+					condition = "undefined-condition";
+					text = compressed;
+					extra = st.stanza("failure", {xmlns=""}):tag("processing-failed");
+				});
+				module:log("warn", compressed);
+				return;
+			end
+			session.conn:write(compressed);
+		end;
+	if session.sends2s then session.sends2s = new_send
+	elseif session.send then session.send = new_send end
+-- setup decompression for a stream
+local function setup_decompression(session, inflate_stream)
+	local old_data =
+ = function(conn, data)
+			local status, decompressed, eof = pcall(inflate_stream, data);
+			if status == false then
+				session:close({
+					condition = "undefined-condition";
+					text = decompressed;
+					extra = st.stanza("failure", {xmlns=""}):tag("processing-failed");
+				});
+				module:log("warn", decompressed);
+				return;
+			end
+			old_data(conn, decompressed);
+		end;
+module:add_handler({"s2sout_unauthed", "s2sout"}, "compressed", xmlns_compression_protocol, 
+		function(session ,stanza)
+			session.log("debug", "Activating compression...")
+			-- create deflate and inflate streams
+			local deflate_stream = get_deflate_stream(session);
+			if not deflate_stream then return end
+			local inflate_stream = get_inflate_stream(session);
+			if not inflate_stream then return end
+			-- setup compression for session.w
+			setup_compression(session, deflate_stream);
+			-- setup decompression for
+			setup_decompression(session, inflate_stream);
+			local session_reset_stream = session.reset_stream;
+			session.reset_stream = function(session)
+					session_reset_stream(session);
+					setup_decompression(session, inflate_stream);
+					return true;
+				end;
+			session:reset_stream();
+			local default_stream_attr = {xmlns = "jabber:server", ["xmlns:stream"] = "",
+										["xmlns:db"] = 'jabber:server:dialback', version = "1.0", to = session.to_host, from = session.from_host};
+			session.sends2s("<?xml version='1.0'?>");
+			session.sends2s(st.stanza("stream:stream", default_stream_attr):top_tag());
+			session.compressed = true;
+		end
+module:add_handler({"c2s_unauthed", "c2s", "s2sin_unauthed", "s2sin"}, "compress", xmlns_compression_protocol,
 		function(session, stanza)
 			-- fail if we are already compressed
 			if session.compressed then
 				local error_st = st.stanza("failure", {xmlns=xmlns_compression_protocol}):tag("unsupported-method");
-				session.send(error_st);
-				session:log("warn", "Tried to establish another compression layer.");
+				(session.sends2s or session.send)(error_st);
+				session.log("warn", "Tried to establish another compression layer.");
 			-- checking if the compression method is supported
 			local method = stanza:child_with_name("method")[1];
 			if method == "zlib" then
 				session.log("info", method.." compression selected.");
-				session.send(st.stanza("compressed", {xmlns=xmlns_compression_protocol}));
-				session:reset_stream();
 				-- create deflate and inflate streams
-				local status, deflate_stream = pcall(zlib.deflate, compression_level);
-				if status == false then
-					local error_st = st.stanza("failure", {xmlns=xmlns_compression_protocol}):tag("setup-failed");
-					session.send(error_st);
-					session:log("error", "Failed to create zlib.deflate filter.");
-					module:log("error", deflate_stream);
-					return
-				end
+				local deflate_stream = get_deflate_stream(session);
+				if not deflate_stream then return end
-				local status, inflate_stream = pcall(zlib.inflate);
-				if status == false then
-					local error_st = st.stanza("failure", {xmlns=xmlns_compression_protocol}):tag("setup-failed");
-					session.send(error_st);
-					session:log("error", "Failed to create zlib.deflate filter.");
-					module:log("error", inflate_stream);
-					return
-				end
+				local inflate_stream = get_inflate_stream(session);
+				if not inflate_stream then return end
+				(session.sends2s or session.send)(st.stanza("compressed", {xmlns=xmlns_compression_protocol}));
+				session:reset_stream();
 				-- setup compression for session.w
-				local old_send = session.send;
-				session.send = function(t)
-						local status, compressed, eof = pcall(deflate_stream, tostring(t), 'sync');
-						if status == false then
-							session:close({
-								condition = "undefined-condition";
-								text = compressed;
-								extra = st.stanza("failure", {xmlns=""}):tag("processing-failed");
-							});
-							module:log("warn", compressed);
-							return;
-						end
-						old_send(compressed);
-					end;
+				setup_compression(session, deflate_stream);
 				-- setup decompression for
-				local function setup_decompression(session)
-					local old_data =
- = function(conn, data)
-							local status, decompressed, eof = pcall(inflate_stream, data);
-							if status == false then
-								session:close({
-									condition = "undefined-condition";
-									text = decompressed;
-									extra = st.stanza("failure", {xmlns=""}):tag("processing-failed");
-								});
-								module:log("warn", decompressed);
-								return;
-							end
-							old_data(conn, decompressed);
-						end;
-				end
-				setup_decompression(session);
+				setup_decompression(session, inflate_stream);
 				local session_reset_stream = session.reset_stream;
 				session.reset_stream = function(session)
-						setup_decompression(session);
+						setup_decompression(session, inflate_stream);
 						return true;
 				session.compressed = true;
 				session.log("info", method.." compression selected. But we don't support it.");
 				local error_st = st.stanza("failure", {xmlns=xmlns_compression_protocol}):tag("unsupported-method");
-				session.send(error_st);
+				(session.sends2s or session.send)(error_st);
--- a/util/hmac.lua	Tue Dec 01 20:18:47 2009 +0000
+++ b/util/hmac.lua	Tue Dec 01 23:05:32 2009 +0100
@@ -7,27 +7,20 @@
 local hashes = require "util.hashes"
+local xor = require "bit".bxor
+local t_insert, t_concat = table.insert, table.concat;
 local s_char = string.char;
-local s_gsub = string.gsub;
-local s_rep = string.rep;
 module "hmac"
-local xor_map = {0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;1;0;3;2;5;4;7;6;9;8;11;10;13;12;15;14;2;3;0;1;6;7;4;5;10;11;8;9;14;15;12;13;3;2;1;0;7;6;5;4;11;10;9;8;15;14;13;12;4;5;6;7;0;1;2;3;12;13;14;15;8;9;10;11;5;4;7;6;1;0;3;2;13;12;15;14;9;8;11;10;6;7;4;5;2;3;0;1;14;15;12;13;10;11;8;9;7;6;5;4;3;2;1;0;15;14;13;12;11;10;9;8;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;9;8;11;10;13;12;15;14;1;0;3;2;5;4;7;6;10;11;8;9;14;15;12;13;2;3;0;1;6;7;4;5;11;10;9;8;15;14;13;12;3;2;1;0;7;6;5;4;12;13;14;15;8;9;10;11;4;5;6;7;0;1;2;3;13;12;15;14;9;8;11;10;5;4;7;6;1;0;3;2;14;15;12;13;10;11;8;9;6;7;4;5;2;3;0;1;15;14;13;12;11;10;9;8;7;6;5;4;3;2;1;0;};
-local function xor(x, y)
-	local lowx, lowy = x % 16, y % 16;
-	local hix, hiy = (x - lowx) / 16, (y - lowy) / 16;
-	local lowr, hir = xor_map[lowx * 16 + lowy + 1], xor_map[hix * 16 + hiy + 1];
-	local r = hir * 16 + lowr;
-	return r;
-local opadc, ipadc = s_char(0x5c), s_char(0x36);
-local ipad_map = {};
-local opad_map = {};
-for i=0,255 do
-	ipad_map[s_char(i)] = s_char(xor(0x36, i));
-	opad_map[s_char(i)] = s_char(xor(0x5c, i));
+local function arraystr(array)
+	local t = {}
+	for i = 1,#array do
+		t_insert(t, s_char(array[i]))
+	end
+	return t_concat(t)
@@ -43,15 +36,31 @@
   return raw hash or hexadecimal string
 function hmac(key, message, hash, blocksize, hex)
+	local opad = {}
+	local ipad = {}
+	for i = 1,blocksize do
+		opad[i] = 0x5c
+		ipad[i] = 0x36
+	end
 	if #key > blocksize then
 		key = hash(key)
-	local padding = blocksize - #key;
-	local ipad = s_gsub(key, ".", ipad_map)..s_rep(ipadc, padding);
-	local opad = s_gsub(key, ".", opad_map)..s_rep(opadc, padding);
+	for i = 1,#key do
+		ipad[i] = xor(ipad[i],key:sub(i,i):byte())
+		opad[i] = xor(opad[i],key:sub(i,i):byte())
+	end
-	return hash(opad..hash(ipad..message), hex)
+	opad = arraystr(opad)
+	ipad = arraystr(ipad)
+	if hex then
+		return hash(opad..hash(ipad..message), true)
+	else
+		return hash(opad..hash(ipad..message))
+	end
 function md5(key, message, hex)
--- a/util/sasl/plain.lua	Tue Dec 01 20:18:47 2009 +0000
+++ b/util/sasl/plain.lua	Tue Dec 01 23:05:32 2009 +0100
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 		return "failure", "malformed-request";
-	local authorization, authentication, password = s_match(message, "^([^%z]*)%z([^%z]+)%z([^%z]+)");
+	local authorization, authentication, password = s_match(message, "^([^%z]+)%z([^%z]+)%z([^%z]+)");
 	if not authorization then
 		return "failure", "malformed-request";
--- a/util/sasl/scram.lua	Tue Dec 01 20:18:47 2009 +0000
+++ b/util/sasl/scram.lua	Tue Dec 01 23:05:32 2009 +0100
@@ -21,9 +21,6 @@
 local generate_uuid = require "util.uuid".generate;
 local saslprep = require "util.encodings".stringprep.saslprep;
 local log = require "util.logger".init("sasl");
-local t_concat = table.concat;
-local char = string.char;
-local byte = string.byte;
 module "scram"
@@ -39,19 +36,17 @@
 	return result
-local xor_map = {0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;1;0;3;2;5;4;7;6;9;8;11;10;13;12;15;14;2;3;0;1;6;7;4;5;10;11;8;9;14;15;12;13;3;2;1;0;7;6;5;4;11;10;9;8;15;14;13;12;4;5;6;7;0;1;2;3;12;13;14;15;8;9;10;11;5;4;7;6;1;0;3;2;13;12;15;14;9;8;11;10;6;7;4;5;2;3;0;1;14;15;12;13;10;11;8;9;7;6;5;4;3;2;1;0;15;14;13;12;11;10;9;8;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;9;8;11;10;13;12;15;14;1;0;3;2;5;4;7;6;10;11;8;9;14;15;12;13;2;3;0;1;6;7;4;5;11;10;9;8;15;14;13;12;3;2;1;0;7;6;5;4;12;13;14;15;8;9;10;11;4;5;6;7;0;1;2;3;13;12;15;14;9;8;11;10;5;4;7;6;1;0;3;2;14;15;12;13;10;11;8;9;6;7;4;5;2;3;0;1;15;14;13;12;11;10;9;8;7;6;5;4;3;2;1;0;};
-local result = {};
 local function binaryXOR( a, b )
-	for i=1, #a do
-		local x, y = byte(a, i), byte(b, i);
-		local lowx, lowy = x % 16, y % 16;
-		local hix, hiy = (x - lowx) / 16, (y - lowy) / 16;
-		local lowr, hir = xor_map[lowx * 16 + lowy + 1], xor_map[hix * 16 + hiy + 1];
-		local r = hir * 16 + lowr;
-		result[i] = char(r)
+	if a:len() > b:len() then
+		b = string.rep("\0", a:len() - b:len())..b
+	elseif string.len(a) < string.len(b) then
+		a = string.rep("\0", b:len() - a:len())..a
-	return t_concat(result);
+	local result = ""
+	for i=1, a:len() do
+		result = result..string.char(xor(a:byte(i), b:byte(i)))
+	end
+	return result
 -- hash algorithm independent Hi(PBKDF2) implementation
@@ -121,9 +116,9 @@
 			return "failure", "malformed-request", "Missing an attribute(p, r or c) in SASL message.";
-		local password, state;
+		local password;
 		if self.profile.plain then
-			password, state = self.profile.plain(, self.realm)
+			local password, state = self.profile.plain(, self.realm)
 			if state == nil then return "failure", "not-authorized"
 			elseif state == false then return "failure", "account-disabled" end
 			password = saslprep(password);