

Partial s2s commit
author Matthew Wild <>
date Fri, 24 Oct 2008 07:34:13 +0100 (2008-10-24)
parents 143:e0f20546cd68
children 150:d09b8a1ab046
files core/s2smanager.lua core/sessionmanager.lua core/stanza_router.lua core/xmlhandlers.lua net/xmppclient_listener.lua net/xmppserver_listener.lua util/hashes.lua
diffstat 7 files changed, 316 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/core/s2smanager.lua	Fri Oct 24 07:34:13 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+local hosts = hosts;
+local sessions = sessions;
+local socket = require "socket";
+local format = string.format;
+local tostring, pairs, ipairs, getmetatable, print, newproxy, error, tonumber
+    = tostring, pairs, ipairs, getmetatable, print, newproxy, error, tonumber;
+local connlisteners_get = require "net.connlisteners".get;
+local wraptlsclient = require "net.server".wraptlsclient;
+local modulemanager = require "core.modulemanager";
+local uuid_gen = require "util.uuid".generate;
+local logger_init = require "util.logger".init;
+local log = logger_init("s2smanager");
+local md5_hash = require "util.hashes".md5;
+local dialback_secret = "This is very secret!!! Ha!";
+module "s2smanager"
+function connect_host(from_host, to_host)
+function send_to_host(from_host, to_host, data)
+	if hosts[to_host] then
+		-- Write to connection
+		hosts[to_host].send(data);
+		log("debug", "stanza sent over s2s");
+	else
+		log("debug", "opening a new outgoing connection for this stanza");
+		local host_session = new_outgoing(from_host, to_host);
+		-- Store in buffer
+		host_session.sendq = { data };
+	end
+function disconnect_host(host)
+local open_sessions = 0;
+function new_incoming(conn)
+	local session = { conn = conn,  priority = 0, type = "s2sin_unauthed", direction = "incoming" };
+	if true then
+		session.trace = newproxy(true);
+		getmetatable(session.trace).__gc = function () open_sessions = open_sessions - 1; print("s2s session got collected, now "..open_sessions.." s2s sessions are allocated") end;
+	end
+	open_sessions = open_sessions + 1;
+	local w = conn.write;
+	session.send = function (t) w(tostring(t)); end
+	return session;
+function new_outgoing(from_host, to_host)
+		local host_session = { to_host = to_host, from_host = from_host, notopen = true, type = "s2sout_unauthed", direction = "outgoing" };
+		hosts[to_host] = host_session;
+		local cl = connlisteners_get("xmppserver");
+		local conn, handler = socket.tcp()
+		--FIXME: Below parameters (ports/ip) are incorrect (use SRV)
+		conn:connect(to_host, 5269);
+		conn = wraptlsclient(cl, conn, to_host, 5269, 0, 1, hosts[from_host].ssl_ctx );
+		host_session.conn = conn;
+		-- Register this outgoing connection so that xmppserver_listener knows about it
+		-- otherwise it will assume it is a new incoming connection
+		cl.register_outgoing(conn, host_session);
+		do
+			local conn_name = "s2sout"..tostring(conn):match("[a-f0-9]*$");
+			host_session.log = logger_init(conn_name);
+		end
+		local w = conn.write;
+		host_session.send = function (t) w(tostring(t)); end
+		conn.write(format([[<stream:stream xmlns='jabber:server' xmlns:db='jabber:server:dialback' xmlns:stream='' from='%s' to='%s' version='1.0'>]], from_host, to_host));
+		return host_session;
+function streamopened(session, attr)
+	session.log("debug", "s2s stream opened");
+	local send = session.send;
+	session.version = tonumber(attr.version) or 0;
+	if session.version >= 1.0 and not ( and attr.from) then
+		print("to: "..tostring(" from: "..tostring(attr.from));
+		--error(session.to_host.." failed to specify 'to' or 'from' hostname as per RFC");
+		log("warn", (session.to_host or "(unknown)").." failed to specify 'to' or 'from' hostname as per RFC");
+	end
+	if session.direction == "incoming" then
+		-- Send a reply stream header
+		for k,v in pairs(attr) do print("", tostring(k), ":::", tostring(v)); end
+		session.to_host =;
+		session.from_host = attr.from;
+		session.streamid = uuid_gen();
+		print(session, session.from_host, "incoming s2s stream opened");
+		send("<?xml version='1.0'?>");
+		send(format("<stream:stream xmlns='jabber:server' xmlns:db='jabber:server:dialback' xmlns:stream='' id='%s' from='%s'>", session.streamid, session.to_host));
+		if session.from_host then
+			-- Need to perform dialback to check identity
+			print("to: "..tostring(" from: "..tostring(attr.from));
+			print("Need to do dialback here you know!!");
+		end
+	elseif session.direction == "outgoing" then
+		-- If we are just using the connection for verifying dialback keys, we won't try and auth it
+		if not session.dialback_verifying then
+			-- generate dialback key
+			if not then error("stream response did not give us a streamid!!!"); end
+			session.streamid =;
+			session.dialback_key = generate_dialback(session.streamid, session.to_host, session.from_host);
+			session.send(format("<db:result from='%s' to='%s'>%s</db:result>", session.from_host, session.to_host, session.dialback_key));
+			session.log("info", "sent dialback key on outgoing s2s stream");
+		else
+			mark_connected(session);
+		end
+	end
+	--[[
+	local features = {};
+	modulemanager.fire_event("stream-features-s2s", session, features);
+	send("<stream:features>");
+	for _, feature in ipairs(features) do
+		send(tostring(feature));
+	end
+	send("</stream:features>");]]
+	log("info", "s2s stream opened successfully");
+	session.notopen = nil;
+function generate_dialback(id, to, from)
+	return md5_hash(; -- FIXME: See XEP-185 and XEP-220
+function verify_dialback(id, to, from, key)
+	return key == generate_dialback(id, to, from);
+function make_authenticated(session)
+	if session.type == "s2sout_unauthed" then
+		session.type = "s2sout";
+	elseif session.type == "s2sin_unauthed" then
+		session.type = "s2sin";
+	else
+		return false;
+	end
+	session.log("info", "connection is now authenticated");
+	mark_connected(session);
+	return true;
+function mark_connected(session)
+	local sendq, send = session.sendq, session.send;
+	if sendq then
+		session.log("debug", "sending queued stanzas across new connection");
+		for _, data in ipairs(sendq) do
+			session.log("debug", "sending: %s", tostring(data));
+			send(data);
+		end
+	end
+return _M;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/core/sessionmanager.lua	Thu Oct 23 18:43:00 2008 +0100
+++ b/core/sessionmanager.lua	Fri Oct 24 07:34:13 2008 +0100
@@ -35,14 +35,15 @@
 function destroy_session(session)
 	session.log("info", "Destroying session");
-	if session.username then
+	if and session.username then
 		if session.resource then
 			hosts[].sessions[session.username].sessions[session.resource] = nil;
-		if not next(hosts[].sessions[session.username].sessions) then
-			log("debug", "All resources of %s are now offline", session.username);
-			hosts[].sessions[session.username] = nil;
+		if hosts[] and hosts[].sessions[session.username] then
+			if not next(hosts[].sessions[session.username].sessions) then
+				log("debug", "All resources of %s are now offline", session.username);
+				hosts[].sessions[session.username] = nil;
+			end
 	session.conn = nil;
--- a/core/stanza_router.lua	Thu Oct 23 18:43:00 2008 +0100
+++ b/core/stanza_router.lua	Fri Oct 24 07:34:13 2008 +0100
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 	if == "iq" and not(#stanza.tags == 1 and stanza.tags[1].attr.xmlns) then
 		if stanza.attr.type == "set" or stanza.attr.type == "get" then
 			error("Invalid IQ");
-		elseif #stanza.tags > 1 or not(stanza.attr.type == "error" or stanza.attr.type == "result") then
+		elseif #stanza.tags > 1 and not(stanza.attr.type == "error" or stanza.attr.type == "result") then
 			error("Invalid IQ");
--- a/core/xmlhandlers.lua	Thu Oct 23 18:43:00 2008 +0100
+++ b/core/xmlhandlers.lua	Fri Oct 24 07:34:13 2008 +0100
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
 local st = stanza;
 local tostring = tostring;
+local pairs = pairs;
+local ipairs = ipairs;
+local type = type;
+local print = print;
 local format = string.format;
 local m_random = math.random;
 local t_insert = table.insert;
@@ -15,6 +19,10 @@
 module "xmlhandlers"
+local ns_prefixes = {
+						[""] = "xml";
+				}
 function init_xmlhandlers(session, streamopened)
 		local ns_stack = { "" };
 		local curr_ns = "";
--- a/net/xmppclient_listener.lua	Thu Oct 23 18:43:00 2008 +0100
+++ b/net/xmppclient_listener.lua	Fri Oct 24 07:34:13 2008 +0100
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 local function session_reset_stream(session)
 	-- Reset stream
-		local parser =, sm_streamopened), ":");
+		local parser =, sm_streamopened), "|");
 		session.parser = parser;
 		session.notopen = true;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/net/xmppserver_listener.lua	Fri Oct 24 07:34:13 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+local logger = require "logger";
+local lxp = require "lxp"
+local init_xmlhandlers = require "core.xmlhandlers"
+local sm_new_session = require "core.sessionmanager".new_session;
+local s2s_new_incoming = require "core.s2smanager".new_incoming;
+local s2s_streamopened = require "core.s2smanager".streamopened;
+local connlisteners_register = require "net.connlisteners".register;
+local t_insert = table.insert;
+local t_concat = table.concat;
+local t_concatall = function (t, sep) local tt = {}; for _, s in ipairs(t) do t_insert(tt, tostring(s)); end return t_concat(tt, sep); end
+local m_random = math.random;
+local format = string.format;
+local sm_new_session, sm_destroy_session = sessionmanager.new_session, sessionmanager.destroy_session; --import("core.sessionmanager", "new_session", "destroy_session");
+local st = stanza;
+local sessions = {};
+local xmppserver = { default_port = 5269 };
+-- These are session methods --
+local function session_reset_stream(session)
+	-- Reset stream
+		local parser =, s2s_streamopened), "|");
+		session.parser = parser;
+		session.notopen = true;
+		function, data)
+			parser:parse(data);
+		end
+		return true;
+-- End of session methods --
+function xmppserver.listener(conn, data)
+	local session = sessions[conn];
+	if not session then
+		session = s2s_new_incoming(conn);
+		sessions[conn] = session;
+		-- Logging functions --
+		local mainlog, log = log;
+		do
+			local conn_name = "s2sin"..tostring(conn):match("[a-f0-9]+$");
+			log = logger.init(conn_name);
+		end
+		local print = function (...) log("info", t_concatall({...}, "\t")); end
+		session.log = log;
+		print("Incoming s2s connection");
+		session.reset_stream = session_reset_stream;
+		session_reset_stream(session); -- Initialise, ready for use
+		-- FIXME: Below function should be session,stanza - and xmlhandlers should use :method() notation to call,
+		-- this will avoid the useless indirection we have atm
+		-- (I'm on a mission, no time to fix now)
+		session.stanza_dispatch = function (stanza) return core_process_stanza(session, stanza); end
+	end
+	if data then
+, data);
+	end
+function xmppserver.disconnect(conn)
+function xmppserver.register_outgoing(conn, session)
+	session.direction = "outgoing";
+	sessions[conn] = session;
+	session.reset_stream = session_reset_stream;	
+	session_reset_stream(session); -- Initialise, ready for use
+	-- FIXME: Below function should be session,stanza - and xmlhandlers should use :method() notation to call,
+	-- this will avoid the useless indirection we have atm
+	-- (I'm on a mission, no time to fix now)
+	session.stanza_dispatch = function (stanza) return core_process_stanza(session, stanza); end
+connlisteners_register("xmppserver", xmppserver);
+-- We need to perform some initialisation when a connection is created
+-- We also need to perform that same initialisation at other points (SASL, TLS, ...)
+-- ...and we need to handle data
+-- ...and record all sessions associated with connections
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/util/hashes.lua	Fri Oct 24 07:34:13 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+local softreq = function (...) return select(2, pcall(require, ...)); end
+module "hashes"
+local md5 = softreq("md5");
+if md5 then
+	if md5.digest then
+		local md5_digest = md5.digest;
+		local sha1_digest = sha1.digest;
+		function _M.md5(input)
+			return md5_digest(input);
+		end
+		function _M.sha1(input)
+			return sha1_digest(input);
+		end
+	elseif md5.sumhexa then
+		local md5_sumhexa = md5.sumhexa;
+		function _M.md5(input)
+			return md5_sumhexa(input);
+		end
+	else
+		error("md5 library found, but unrecognised... no hash functions will be available", 0);
+	end
+return _M;