

Merge 0.10->trunk
author Matthew Wild <>
date Fri, 05 Feb 2016 00:04:11 +0000
parents 7126:de3659191e90 (current diff) 7140:b19438c2ca1b (diff)
children 7142:67226eaef97c
files core/moduleapi.lua
diffstat 5 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/core/certmanager.lua	Thu Feb 04 14:57:45 2016 +0000
+++ b/core/certmanager.lua	Fri Feb 05 00:04:11 2016 +0000
@@ -56,12 +56,11 @@
 local crt_try = { "", "/%s.crt", "/%s/fullchain.pem", "/%s.pem", };
 local key_try = { "", "/%s.key", "/%s/privkey.pem",   "/%s.pem", };
-local function find_cert(host)
-	local certs = configmanager.get(host, "certificate") or global_certificates;
-	certs = resolve_path(config_path, certs);
+local function find_cert(user_certs, name)
+	local certs = resolve_path(config_path, user_certs or global_certificates);
 	for i = 1, #crt_try do
-		local crt_path = certs .. crt_try[i]:format(host);
-		local key_path = certs .. key_try[i]:format(host);
+		local crt_path = certs .. crt_try[i]:format(name);
+		local key_path = certs .. key_try[i]:format(name);
 		if stat(crt_path, "mode") == "file" then
 			if stat(key_path, "mode") == "file" then
@@ -77,6 +76,19 @@
+local function find_host_cert(host)
+	if not host then return nil; end
+	return find_cert(configmanager.get(host, "certificate"), host) or find_host_cert(host:match("%.(.+)$"));
+local function find_service_cert(service, port)
+	local cert_config = configmanager.get("*", service.."_certificate");
+	if type(cert_config) == "table" then
+		cert_config = cert_config[port] or cert_config.default;
+	end
+	return find_cert(cert_config, service);
 -- Built-in defaults
 local core_defaults = {
 	capath = "/etc/ssl/certs";
@@ -109,7 +121,12 @@
 	local cfg = new_config();
-	cfg:apply(find_cert(host) or find_cert(host:match("%.(.*)")));
+	local service_name, port = host:match("^(%w+) port (%d+)$");
+	if service_name then
+		cfg:apply(find_service_cert(service_name, tonumber(port)));
+	else
+		cfg:apply(find_host_cert(host));
+	end
 		mode = mode,
 		-- We can't read the password interactively when daemonized
--- a/core/loggingmanager.lua	Thu Feb 04 14:57:45 2016 +0000
+++ b/core/loggingmanager.lua	Fri Feb 05 00:04:11 2016 +0000
@@ -10,17 +10,13 @@
 local format = string.format;
 local setmetatable, rawset, pairs, ipairs, type =
 	setmetatable, rawset, pairs, ipairs, type;
-local io_open, io_write =, io.write;
+local stdout = io.stdout;
+local io_open =;
 local math_max, rep = math.max, string.rep;
 local os_date =;
-local getstyle, setstyle = require "util.termcolours".getstyle, require "util.termcolours".setstyle;
--- COMPAT: This should no longer be needed since the addition of setvbuf calls
-if os.getenv("__FLUSH_LOG") then
-	local io_flush = io.flush;
-	local _io_write = io_write;
-	io_write = function(...) _io_write(...); io_flush(); end
+local getstyle, getstring = require "util.termcolours".getstyle, require "util.termcolours".getstring;
+local tostring = tostring;
+local unpack = table.unpack or unpack;
 local config = require "core.configmanager";
 local logger = require "util.logger";
@@ -34,7 +30,7 @@
 -- The log config used if none specified in the config file (see reload_logging for initialization)
 local default_logging;
 local default_file_logging;
-local default_timestamp = "%b %d %H:%M:%S";
+local default_timestamp = "%b %d %H:%M:%S ";
 -- The actual config loggingmanager is using
 local logging_config;
@@ -154,7 +150,6 @@
 	default_file_logging = {
 		{ to = "file", levels = { min = (debug_mode and "debug") or "info" }, timestamps = true }
-	default_timestamp = "%b %d %H:%M:%S";
 	logging_config = config.get("*", "log") or default_logging;
@@ -171,114 +166,90 @@
 --- Definition of built-in logging sinks ---
 -- Null sink, must enter log_sink_types *first*
-function log_sink_types.nowhere()
+local function log_to_nowhere()
 	return function () return false; end;
+log_sink_types.nowhere = log_to_nowhere;
--- Column width for "source" (used by stdout and console)
-local sourcewidth = 20;
+local function log_to_file(sink_config, logfile)
+	logfile = logfile or io_open(sink_config.filename, "a+");
+	if not logfile then
+		return log_to_nowhere(sink_config);
+	end
+	local write = logfile.write;
-function log_sink_types.stdout(sink_config)
 	local timestamps = sink_config.timestamps;
 	if timestamps == true then
 		timestamps = default_timestamp; -- Default format
-	end
-	if sink_config.buffer_mode ~= false then
-		io.stdout:setvbuf(sink_config.buffer_mode or "line");
-	end
-	return function (name, level, message, ...)
-		sourcewidth = math_max(#name+2, sourcewidth);
-		local namelen = #name;
-		if timestamps then
-			io_write(os_date(timestamps), " ");
-		end
-		if ... then
-			io_write(name, rep(" ", sourcewidth-namelen), level, "\t", format(message, ...), "\n");
-		else
-			io_write(name, rep(" ", sourcewidth-namelen), level, "\t", message, "\n");
-		end
-	end
-	local do_pretty_printing = true;
-	local logstyles = {};
-	if do_pretty_printing then
-		logstyles["info"] = getstyle("bold");
-		logstyles["warn"] = getstyle("bold", "yellow");
-		logstyles["error"] = getstyle("bold", "red");
-	end
-	function log_sink_types.console(sink_config)
-		-- Really if we don't want pretty colours then just use plain stdout
-		if not do_pretty_printing then
-			return log_sink_types.stdout(sink_config);
-		end
-		local timestamps = sink_config.timestamps;
-		if timestamps == true then
-			timestamps = default_timestamp; -- Default format
-		end
-		if sink_config.buffer_mode ~= false then
-			io.stdout:setvbuf(sink_config.buffer_mode or "line");
-		end
-		return function (name, level, message, ...)
-			sourcewidth = math_max(#name+2, sourcewidth);
-			local namelen = #name;
-			if timestamps then
-				io_write(os_date(timestamps), " ");
-			end
-			io_write(name, rep(" ", sourcewidth-namelen));
-			setstyle(logstyles[level]);
-			io_write(level);
-			setstyle();
-			if ... then
-				io_write("\t", format(message, ...), "\n");
-			else
-				io_write("\t", message, "\n");
-			end
-		end
-	end
-local empty_function = function () end;
-function log_sink_types.file(sink_config)
-	local log = sink_config.filename;
-	local logfile = io_open(log, "a+");
-	if not logfile then
-		return empty_function;
+	elseif timestamps then
+		timestamps = timestamps .. " ";
 	if sink_config.buffer_mode ~= false then
 		logfile:setvbuf(sink_config.buffer_mode or "line");
-	local write = logfile.write;
-	local timestamps = sink_config.timestamps;
-	if timestamps == nil or timestamps == true then
-		timestamps = default_timestamp; -- Default format
-	end
+	-- Column width for "source" (used by stdout and console)
+	local sourcewidth = sink_config.source_width;
 	return function (name, level, message, ...)
-		if timestamps then
-			write(logfile, os_date(timestamps), " ");
+		local n = select('#', ...);
+		if n ~= 0 then
+			local arg = { ... };
+			for i = 1, n do
+				arg[i] = tostring(arg[i]);
+			end
+			message = format(message, unpack(arg, 1, n));
+		end
+		if sourcewidth then
+			sourcewidth = math_max(#name+2, sourcewidth);
+			name = name ..  rep(" ", sourcewidth-#name);
+		else
+			name = name .. "\t";
-		if ... then
-			write(logfile, name, "\t", level, "\t", format(message, ...), "\n");
-		else
-			write(logfile, name, "\t" , level, "\t", message, "\n");
+		write(logfile, timestamps and os_date(timestamps) or "", name, level, "\t", message, "\n");
+	end
+log_sink_types.file = log_to_file;
+local function log_to_stdout(sink_config)
+	if not sink_config.timestamps then
+		sink_config.timestamps = false;
+	end
+	if sink_config.source_width == nil then
+		sink_config.source_width = 20;
+	end
+	return log_to_file(sink_config, stdout);
+log_sink_types.stdout = log_to_stdout;
+local do_pretty_printing = true;
+local logstyles;
+if do_pretty_printing then
+	logstyles = {};
+	logstyles["info"] = getstyle("bold");
+	logstyles["warn"] = getstyle("bold", "yellow");
+	logstyles["error"] = getstyle("bold", "red");
+local function log_to_console(sink_config)
+	-- Really if we don't want pretty colours then just use plain stdout
+	local logstdout = log_to_stdout(sink_config);
+	if not do_pretty_printing then
+		return logstdout;
+	end
+	return function (name, level, message, ...)
+		local logstyle = logstyles[level];
+		if logstyle then
+			level = getstring(logstyle, level);
-	end;
+		return logstdout(name, level, message, ...);
+	end
+log_sink_types.console = log_to_console;
 local function register_sink_type(name, sink_maker)
 	local old_sink_maker = log_sink_types[name];
--- a/core/moduleapi.lua	Thu Feb 04 14:57:45 2016 +0000
+++ b/core/moduleapi.lua	Fri Feb 05 00:04:11 2016 +0000
@@ -303,6 +303,20 @@
 	return value;
+function api:get_option_path(name, default, parent)
+	if parent == nil then
+		parent = parent or self:get_directory();
+	elseif prosody.paths[parent] then
+		parent = prosody.paths[parent];
+	end
+	local value = self:get_option_string(name, default);
+	if value == nil then
+		return nil;
+	end
+	return resolve_relative_path(parent, value);
 function api:context(host)
 	return setmetatable({host=host or "*"}, {__index=self,__newindex=self});
--- a/plugins/mod_groups.lua	Thu Feb 04 14:57:45 2016 +0000
+++ b/plugins/mod_groups.lua	Fri Feb 05 00:04:11 2016 +0000
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
 local groups;
 local members;
-local groups_file;
 local jid, datamanager = require "util.jid", require "util.datamanager";
 local jid_prep = jid.prep;
@@ -82,7 +80,7 @@
 function module.load()
-	groups_file = module:get_option_string("groups_file");
+	local groups_file = module:get_option_path("groups_file", nil, "config");
 	if not groups_file then return; end
 	module:hook("roster-load", inject_roster_contacts);
--- a/util/logger.lua	Thu Feb 04 14:57:45 2016 +0000
+++ b/util/logger.lua	Fri Feb 05 00:04:11 2016 +0000
@@ -5,11 +5,9 @@
 -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
 -- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
-local pcall = pcall;
+-- luacheck: ignore 213/level
-local find = string.find;
-local ipairs, pairs, setmetatable = ipairs, pairs, setmetatable;
+local pairs = pairs;
 local _ENV = nil;