# HG changeset patch
# User João Duarte <jvsDuarte08@gmail.com>
# Date 1563967469 25200
# Node ID ebe39918d4309079e53d72a5792d19cb5830e507
# Parent  ad081451291f2129bd4ee67b4270ae3a6254a780
prosodyctl: Removed the development commands magic, get_modules and write_rockspec

diff -r ad081451291f -r ebe39918d430 prosodyctl
--- a/prosodyctl	Tue Jul 23 13:27:19 2019 -0700
+++ b/prosodyctl	Wed Jul 24 04:24:29 2019 -0700
@@ -85,88 +85,6 @@
 local commands = {};
 local command = table.remove(arg, 1);
-function commands.magic(arg)
-		--print("Getting all the available modules")
-		--os.execute("hg clone https://hg.prosody.im/prosody-modules/ downloaded_modules")
-		local i, popen = 0, io.popen
-		local flag = "mod_"
-		os.execute("mkdir repository")
-    local pfile = popen('ls -a "'..arg[1]..'"')
-    for filename in pfile:lines() do
-        i = i + 1
-				if filename:sub(1, #flag) == flag then
-					local file = io.open("repository/"..filename.."-scm-1.rockspec", "w")
-					file:write('package = "'..filename..'"', '\n')
-					file:write('version = "scm-1"', '\n')
-					file:write('source = {', '\n')
-					file:write('\turl = "hg+https://hg.prosody.im/prosody-modules",', '\n')
-					file:write('\tdir = "prosody-modules"', '\n')
-					file:write('}', '\n')
-					file:write('description = {', '\n')
-					file:write('\thomepage = "https://prosody.im/",', '\n')
-					file:write('\tlicense = "MIT"', '\n')
-					file:write('}', '\n')
-					file:write('dependencies = {', '\n')
-					file:write('\t"lua >= 5.1"', '\n')
-					file:write('}', '\n')
-					file:write('build = {', '\n')
-					file:write('\ttype = "builtin",', '\n')
-					file:write('\tmodules = {', '\n')
-					file:write('\t\t["'..filename..'.'..filename..'"] = "'..filename..'/'..filename..'.lua"', '\n')
-					file:write('\t}', '\n')
-					file:write('}', '\n')
-					file:close()
-				end
-    end
-    pfile:close()
-		os.execute("cd repository/ && luarocks-admin make_manifest ./ && chmod -R 644 ./*")
--- This function receives no arguments. It clones all the plugins from prosody's plugin repository
-function commands.get_modules(arg)
-	if arg[1] == "--help" then
-		show_usage([[get_modules]], [[Downloads all available modules]]);
-		return 1;
-	end
-	if os.execute '[ -e "./downloaded_modules" ]' then
-		print("The modules have already been imported")
-		print("Do you want to re-import?(Y/N)")
-		local answer = io.read()
-		if answer == "Y" then
-			print("Deleting previous imports")
-			os.execute("rm -rf downloaded_modules")
-			print("Downloading plugins")
-			os.execute("hg clone https://hg.prosody.im/prosody-modules/ downloaded_modules")
-			print("Done!")
-			return 0;
-		else
-			print("We keep what we have then!")
-			return 0;
-		end
-	else
-		print("Getting all the available modules")
-		os.execute("hg clone https://hg.prosody.im/prosody-modules/ downloaded_modules")
-		print("Done!")
-		return 0;
-	end
--- Function to write rockspecs from a module at working_directory/downloaded_modules
--- Receives the module's name as an argument
--- The rockspec is saved inside its module's folder
-function commands.write_rockspec(arg)
-	if arg[1] == "--help" then
-		show_usage([[write_rockspec]], [[Picks up a module and writes an initial rockspec]]);
-		return 1;
-	end
-	print("Writing rockspec for "..arg[1])
-	os.execute("luarocks write_rockspec "..arg[1].." ./downloaded_modules/"..arg[1])
-	print("Rockspec created! Moving it into the ./downloaded_modules/"..arg[1].." folder")
-	os.execute("mv "..arg[1].."-scm-1.rockspec ./downloaded_modules/"..arg[1])
-	print("Done!")
-	return 0;
 -- Command to install a rockspec with local sources
 -- The module is installed at the plugins folder
 function commands.make(arg)