# HG changeset patch
# User Kim Alvefur <zash@zash.se>
# Date 1614293888 -3600
# Node ID ce8291e89d67c95dd9ea21ee446069737d3e575b
# Parent  f7704f9874390a5157fb898bfe4832608892c6cd
mod_http_file_share: Remove correct entries when not all expired files were deleted

If any of the expired files could not be deleted then we should not
forget about that, we should complain loudly and try again.

The code got this backwards and would have removed only the entries
referring to still existing files.

Test procedure:
1.  Upload a file
2.  chown root:root http_file_share/
3.  In uploads.list, decrease 'when' enough to ensure expiry
4.  Reload mod_http_file_share
5.  Should see an error in the logs about failure to delete the file
6.  Should see that the metadata in uploads.list is still there
7.  chown http_file_share/ back to the previous owner
8.  Reload mod_http_file_share
9.  Should see logs about successful removal of expired file
10. Should see that the metadata in uploads.list is gone
11. Should see that the file was deleted

diff -r f7704f987439 -r ce8291e89d67 plugins/mod_http_file_share.lua
--- a/plugins/mod_http_file_share.lua	Thu Feb 25 13:12:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/plugins/mod_http_file_share.lua	Thu Feb 25 23:58:08 2021 +0100
@@ -383,39 +383,49 @@
 		module:log("info", "Pruning expired files uploaded earlier than %s", dt.datetime(boundary_time));
-		local obsolete_files = array();
+		local obsolete_uploads = array();
 		local i = 0;
 		for slot_id in iter do
 			i = i + 1;
-			obsolete_files:push(get_filename(slot_id));
+			obsolete_uploads:push(slot_id);
 			upload_cache:set(slot_id, nil);
 		local n = 0;
-		obsolete_files:filter(function(filename)
+		local problem_deleting = false;
+		obsolete_uploads:filter(function(slot_id)
 			n = n + 1;
 			if i % 100 == 0 then sleep(0.1); end
+			local filename = get_filename(slot_id);
 			local deleted, err, errno = os.remove(filename);
 			if deleted or errno == ENOENT then
-				return false;
+				return true;
 				module:log("error", "Could not delete file %q: %s", filename, err);
-				return true;
+				problem_deleting = true;
+				return false;
+		-- obsolete_uploads now contains slot ids for which the files have been
+		-- deleted and that needs to be cleared from the database
 		local deletion_query = {["end"] = boundary_time};
-		if #obsolete_files == 0 then
-			module:log("info", "All %d expired files deleted", n);
+		if not problem_deleting then
+			module:log("info", "All (%d) expired files successfully deleted", n);
+			-- we can delete based on time
-			module:log("warn", "%d out of %d expired files could not be deleted", #obsolete_files, n);
-			deletion_query = {ids = obsolete_files};
+			module:log("warn", "%d out of %d expired files could not be deleted", n-#obsolete_uploads, n);
+			-- we'll need to delete only those entries where the files were
+			-- successfully deleted, and then try again with the failed ones.
+			-- eventually the admin ought to notice and fix the permissions or
+			-- whatever the problem is.
+			deletion_query = {ids = obsolete_uploads};
 		local removed, err = uploads:delete(nil, deletion_query);
-		if removed == true or removed == n or removed == #obsolete_files then
+		if removed == true or removed == n or removed == #obsolete_uploads then
 			module:log("debug", "Removed all metadata for expired uploaded files");
 			module:log("error", "Problem removing metadata for deleted files: %s", err);