# HG changeset patch
# User Waqas Hussain <waqas20@gmail.com>
# Date 1260395423 -18000
# Node ID c7e5ed5eca99ca6ca9e15ccd4250d3c6aa08bd8a
# Parent  f36cd334e7a64e7a897af5a0b0ce9dda66714f5e
prosody: Call tostring on the key being used for nil global read before concatenating it with a string.

diff -r f36cd334e7a6 -r c7e5ed5eca99 prosody
--- a/prosody	Thu Dec 10 02:47:13 2009 +0500
+++ b/prosody	Thu Dec 10 02:50:23 2009 +0500
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
 function init_global_protection()
 	-- Catch global accesses
 	local locked_globals_mt = {
-		__index = function (t, k) log("warn", "%s", debug.traceback("Attempt to read a non-existent global '"..k.."'", 2)); end;
+		__index = function (t, k) log("warn", "%s", debug.traceback("Attempt to read a non-existent global '"..tostring(k).."'", 2)); end;
 		__newindex = function (t, k, v) error("Attempt to set a global: "..tostring(k).." = "..tostring(v), 2); end;