# HG changeset patch
# User Florian Zeitz <florob@babelmonkeys.de>
# Date 1319587413 -7200
# Node ID c25dee24623f9dcde61d4dac5e4ec66c82f79d5c
# Parent  971a66627f7a08526064c4e577833871dbdcb502
s2smanager, net.dns: Fix handling for NXNAME and SRV target of "."

diff -r 971a66627f7a -r c25dee24623f core/s2smanager.lua
--- a/core/s2smanager.lua	Sat Oct 22 18:29:23 2011 +0200
+++ b/core/s2smanager.lua	Wed Oct 26 02:03:33 2011 +0200
@@ -246,6 +246,11 @@
 				for _, record in ipairs(answer) do
 					t_insert(srv_hosts, record.srv);
+				if #srv_hosts == 1 and srv_hosts[1].target == "." then
+					log("debug", to_host.." does not provide a XMPP service");
+					destroy_session(host_session, err); -- Nothing to see here
+					return;
+				end
 				t_sort(srv_hosts, compare_srv_priorities);
 				local srv_choice = srv_hosts[1];
@@ -347,9 +352,19 @@
 			if has_other then
-				rfc3484_dest(host_session.ip_hosts, sources);
-				host_session.ip_choice = 0;
-				try_next_ip(host_session, connect_port);
+				if #IPs > 0 then
+					rfc3484_dest(host_session.ip_hosts, sources);
+					host_session.ip_choice = 0;
+					try_next_ip(host_session, connect_port);
+				else
+					log("debug", "DNS lookup failed to get a response for %s", connect_host);
+					host_session.ip_hosts = nil;
+					if not attempt_connection(host_session, "name resolution failed") then -- Retry if we can
+						log("debug", "No other records to try for %s - destroying", host_session.to_host);
+						err = err and (": "..err) or "";
+						destroy_session(host_session, "DNS resolution failed"..err); -- End of the line, we can't
+					end
+				end
 				has_other = true;
@@ -366,9 +381,19 @@
 			if has_other then
-				rfc3484_dest(host_session.ip_hosts, sources);
-				host_session.ip_choice = 0;
-				try_next_ip(host_session, connect_port);
+				if #IPs > 0 then
+					rfc3484_dest(host_session.ip_hosts, sources);
+					host_session.ip_choice = 0;
+					try_next_ip(host_session, connect_port);
+				else
+					log("debug", "DNS lookup failed to get a response for %s", connect_host);
+					host_session.ip_hosts = nil;
+					if not attempt_connection(host_session, "name resolution failed") then -- Retry if we can
+						log("debug", "No other records to try for %s - destroying", host_session.to_host);
+						err = err and (": "..err) or "";
+						destroy_session(host_session, "DNS resolution failed"..err); -- End of the line, we can't
+					end
+				end
 				has_other = true;
diff -r 971a66627f7a -r c25dee24623f net/dns.lua
--- a/net/dns.lua	Sat Oct 22 18:29:23 2011 +0200
+++ b/net/dns.lua	Wed Oct 26 02:03:33 2011 +0200
@@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
 	local remember, pointers = nil, 0;
 	local len = self:byte();
 	local n = {};
+	if len == 0 then return "." end -- Root label
 	while len > 0 do
 		if len >= 0xc0 then    -- name is "compressed"
 			pointers = pointers + 1;