# HG changeset patch
# User Matthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>
# Date 1227136692 0
# Node ID a73a5afd7da3848fe20d0abe4fe605022b766973
# Parent  b6c552bc5716834a3731d4efbaec1c309c2f200c
Fix the reversed to/from on the final db:result. Fixes M-Link and Gmail. Thanks dwd!!

diff -r b6c552bc5716 -r a73a5afd7da3 plugins/mod_dialback.lua
--- a/plugins/mod_dialback.lua	Wed Nov 19 22:50:37 2008 +0000
+++ b/plugins/mod_dialback.lua	Wed Nov 19 23:18:12 2008 +0000
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 				log("warn", "Incoming s2s session %s was closed in the meantime, so we can't notify it of the db result", tostring(origin.dialback_verifying):match("%w+$"));
 				origin.dialback_verifying.sends2s(format("<db:result from='%s' to='%s' id='%s' type='%s'>%s</db:result>",
-					attr.from, attr.to, attr.id, valid, origin.dialback_verifying.dialback_key));
+					attr.to, attr.from, attr.id, valid, origin.dialback_verifying.dialback_key));