# HG changeset patch
# User Matthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>
# Date 1229984382 0
# Node ID 9c9c671ecc50bf5e1fbdb5c49d73635efc6a8d41
# Parent  25f1117d7886f4756329cbd4827fb179d0fa88e8
Initial mod_bosh, works, kind of, but quite incomplete

diff -r 25f1117d7886 -r 9c9c671ecc50 plugins/mod_bosh.lua
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plugins/mod_bosh.lua	Mon Dec 22 22:19:42 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+module.host = "*" -- Global module
+local lxp = require "lxp";
+local init_xmlhandlers = require "core.xmlhandlers"
+local server = require "net.server";
+local httpserver = require "net.httpserver";
+local sm = require "core.sessionmanager";
+local new_uuid = require "util.uuid".generate;
+local fire_event = require "core.eventmanager".fire_event;
+local core_process_stanza = core_process_stanza;
+local st = require "util.stanza";
+local log = require "util.logger".init("bosh");
+local stream_callbacks = { stream_tag = "http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind|body" };
+local xmlns_bosh = "http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind"; -- (hard-coded into a literal in session.send)
+local t_insert, t_remove, t_concat = table.insert, table.remove, table.concat;
+local os_time = os.time;
+local sessions = {};
+-- Used to respond to idle sessions
+local waiting_requests = {};
+function on_destroy_request(request)
+	waiting_requests[request] = nil;
+function handle_request(method, body, request)
+	if (not body) or request.method ~= "POST" then
+		--return { status = "200 OK", headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "text/html" }, body = "<html><body>You don't look like a BOSH client to me... what do you want?</body></html>" };
+		return "<html><body>You really don't look like a BOSH client to me... what do you want?</body></html>";
+	end
+	if not method then 
+		log("debug", "Request %s suffered error %s", tostring(request.id), body);
+		return;
+	end
+	log("debug", "Handling new request %s: %s\n----------", request.id, tostring(body));
+	request.notopen = true;
+	request.log = log;
+	local parser = lxp.new(init_xmlhandlers(request, stream_callbacks), "|");
+	parser:parse(body);
+	local session = sessions[request.sid];
+	if session then
+		local r = session.requests;
+		log("debug", "Session %s has %d out of %d requests open", request.sid, #r, session.bosh_hold);
+		log("debug", "and there are %d things in the send_buffer", #session.send_buffer);
+		if #r > session.bosh_hold then
+			-- We are holding too many requests, send what's in the buffer,
+			log("debug", "We are holding too many requests, so...");
+			if #session.send_buffer > 0 then
+				log("debug", "...sending what is in the buffer")
+				session.send(t_concat(session.send_buffer));
+				session.send_buffer = {};
+				return;
+			else
+				-- or an empty response
+				log("debug", "...sending an empty response");
+				session.send("");
+				return;
+			end
+		elseif #session.send_buffer > 0 then
+			log("debug", "Session has data in the send buffer, will send now..");
+			local resp = t_concat(session.send_buffer);
+			session.send_buffer = {};
+			session.send(resp);
+			return;
+		end
+		if not request.destroyed and session.bosh_wait then
+			request.reply_before = os_time() + session.bosh_wait;
+			request.on_destroy = on_destroy_request;
+			waiting_requests[request] = true;
+		end
+		log("debug", "Had nothing to say, so leaving request unanswered for now");
+		return true;
+	end
+local function bosh_reset_stream(session) session.notopen = true; end
+local function bosh_close_stream(session, reason) end
+function stream_callbacks.streamopened(request, attr)
+	print("Attr:")
+	for k,v in pairs(attr) do print("", k, v); end
+	log("debug", "BOSH body open (sid: %s)", attr.sid);
+	local sid = attr.sid
+	if not sid then
+		-- TODO: Sanity checks here (rid, to, known host, etc.)
+		request.notopen = nil; -- Signals that we accept this opening tag
+		-- New session
+		sid = tostring(new_uuid());
+		local session = { type = "c2s_unauthed", conn = {}, sid = sid, rid = attr.rid, host = attr.to, bosh_version = attr.ver, bosh_wait = attr.wait, streamid = sid, 
+						bosh_hold = BOSH_DEFAULT_HOLD,
+						requests = { }, send_buffer = {}, reset_stream = bosh_reset_stream, close = bosh_close_stream };
+		sessions[sid] = session;
+		log("info", "New BOSH session, assigned it sid '%s'", sid);
+		local r, send_buffer = session.requests, session.send_buffer;
+		local response = { }
+		function session.send(s)
+			log("debug", "Sending BOSH data: %s", tostring(s));
+			local oldest_request = r[1];
+			while oldest_request and oldest_request.destroyed do
+				t_remove(r, 1);
+				waiting_requests[oldest_request] = nil;
+				oldest_request = r[1];
+			end
+			if oldest_request then
+				log("debug", "We have an open request, so using that to send with");
+				response.body = t_concat{"<body xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind' sid='", sid, "' xmlns:stream = 'http://etherx.jabber.org/streams'>", tostring(s), "</body>" };
+				oldest_request:send(response);
+				log("debug", "Sent");
+				if oldest_request.stayopen then
+					if #r>1 then
+						-- Move front request to back
+						t_insert(r, oldest_request);
+						t_remove(r, 1);
+					end
+				else
+					log("debug", "Destroying the request now...");
+					oldest_request:destroy();
+					t_remove(r, 1);
+				end
+			elseif s ~= "" then
+				log("debug", "Saved to send buffer because there are %d open requests", #r);
+				-- Hmm, no requests are open :(
+				t_insert(session.send_buffer, tostring(s));
+				log("debug", "There are now %d things in the send_buffer", #session.send_buffer);
+			end
+		end
+		-- Send creation response
+		local features = st.stanza("stream:features");
+		fire_event("stream-features", session, features);
+		--xmpp:version='1.0' xmlns:xmpp='urn:xmpp:xbosh'
+		local response = st.stanza("body", { xmlns = xmlns_bosh, 
+									inactivity = "30", polling = "5", requests = "2", hold = tostring(session.bosh_hold), maxpause = "120", 
+									sid = sid, ver  = '1.6', from = session.host, secure = 'true', ["xmpp:version"] = "1.0", 
+									["xmlns:xmpp"] = "urn:xmpp:xbosh", ["xmlns:stream"] = "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" }):add_child(features);
+		request:send(tostring(response));
+		request.sid = sid;
+		return;
+	end
+	local session = sessions[sid];
+	if not session then
+		-- Unknown sid
+		log("info", "Client tried to use sid '%s' which we don't know about", sid);
+		request:send(tostring(st.stanza("body", { xmlns = xmlns_bosh, type = "terminate", condition = "item-not-found" })));
+		request.notopen = nil;
+		return;
+	end
+	if session.notopen then
+		local features = st.stanza("stream:features");
+		fire_event("stream-features", session, features);
+		session.send(features);
+		session.notopen = nil;
+	end
+	request.notopen = nil; -- Signals that we accept this opening tag
+	t_insert(session.requests, request);
+	request.sid = sid;
+function stream_callbacks.handlestanza(request, stanza)
+	log("debug", "BOSH stanza received: %s\n", stanza:pretty_print());
+	local session = sessions[request.sid];
+	if session then
+		if stanza.attr.xmlns == xmlns_bosh then
+			stanza.attr.xmlns = "jabber:client";
+		end
+		core_process_stanza(session, stanza);
+	end
+function on_timer()
+	log("debug", "Checking for requests soon to timeout...");
+	-- Identify requests timing out within the next few seconds
+	local now = os_time() + 3;
+	for request in pairs(waiting_requests) do
+		if request.reply_before <= now then
+			log("debug", "%s was soon to timeout, sending empty response", request.id);
+			-- Send empty response to let the
+			-- client know we're still here
+			if request.conn then
+				sessions[request.sid].send("");
+			end
+		else
+			log("debug", "%s timing out in %ds [destroyed: %s]", request.id, request.reply_before - now, tostring(request.destroyed));
+		end
+		if not request.on_destroy then
+			log("warn", "%s has no on_destroy!", request.id);
+		end
+	end
+httpserver.new{ port = 5280, base = "http-bind", handler = handle_request, ssl = false}
\ No newline at end of file