# HG changeset patch
# User Matthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>
# Date 1582739783 0
# Node ID 25c84c0a66fdfa5f56633f66e749d504e5cf1421
# Parent  49312378ba1d6e71f6cf8b00863d10557a3d587f
mod_authtokens: New module for managing auth tokens

diff -r 49312378ba1d -r 25c84c0a66fd plugins/mod_authtokens.lua
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plugins/mod_authtokens.lua	Wed Feb 26 17:56:23 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+local id = require "util.id";
+local jid = require "util.jid";
+local base64 = require "util.encodings".base64;
+local token_store = module:open_store("auth_tokens", "map");
+function create_jid_token(actor_jid, token_jid, token_scope, token_ttl)
+	token_jid = jid.prep(token_jid);
+	if not actor_jid or token_jid ~= actor_jid and not jid.compare(token_jid, actor_jid) then
+		return nil, "not-authorized";
+	end
+	local token_username, token_host, token_resource = jid.split(token_jid);
+	if token_host ~= module.host then
+		return nil, "invalid-host";
+	end
+	local token_info = {
+		owner = actor_jid;
+		expires = token_ttl and (os.time() + token_ttl) or nil;
+		jid = token_jid;
+		session = {
+			username = token_username;
+			host = token_host;
+			resource = token_resource;
+			auth_scope = token_scope;
+		};
+	};
+	local token_id = id.long();
+	local token = base64.encode("1;"..token_username.."@"..token_host..";"..token_id);
+	token_store:set(token_username, token_id, token_info);
+	return token, token_info;
+local function parse_token(encoded_token)
+	local token = base64.decode(encoded_token);
+	if not token then return nil; end
+	local token_jid, token_id = token:match("^1;([^;]+);(.+)$");
+	if not token_jid then return nil; end
+	local token_user, token_host = jid.split(token_jid);
+	return token_id, token_user, token_host;
+function get_token_info(token)
+	local token_id, token_user, token_host = parse_token(token);
+	if not token_id then
+		return nil, "invalid-token-format";
+	end
+	if token_host ~= module.host then
+		return nil, "invalid-host";
+	end
+	local token_info, err = token_store:get(token_user, token_id);
+	if not token_info then
+		if err then
+			return nil, "internal-error";
+		end
+		return nil, "not-authorized";
+	end
+	if token_info.expires and token_info.expires < os.time() then
+		return nil, "not-authorized";
+	end
+	return token_info
+function revoke_token(token)
+	local token_id, token_user, token_host = parse_token(token);
+	if not token_id then
+		return nil, "invalid-token-format";
+	end
+	if token_host ~= module.host then
+		return nil, "invalid-host";
+	end
+	return token_store:set(token_user, token_id, nil);