
core/moduleapi.lua @ 8925:d367aeb9c50f

description author age
moduleapi: Remove unused and undocumented :has_feature and :has_identity Kim Alvefur 2018-02-23
moduleapi: Warn if a module being loaded as a dependency has been disabled Kim Alvefur 2017-12-26
Merge 0.10->trunk Kim Alvefur 2017-03-16
core.moduleapi: Factor out code for getting a scalar config option Kim Alvefur 2017-03-15
Merge 0.10->trunk Kim Alvefur 2017-03-06
core: Split some very long lines [luacheck] Kim Alvefur 2017-03-04
Merge 0.10->trunk Matthew Wild 2016-08-31
moduleapi: 'duration' became 'times' Matthew Wild 2016-08-31
Merge 0.10->trunk Kim Alvefur 2016-04-07
moduleapi: Allow an origin session to be passed to module:send() Kim Alvefur 2016-04-06
Merge 0.10->trunk Kim Alvefur 2016-02-18
loggingmanager,modulemanager,moduleapi: Ignore warning about accessing _G.unpack [luacheck] Kim Alvefur 2016-02-18
loggingmanager,modulemanager,moduleapi: Localize unpack compatible with Lua 5.2+ Kim Alvefur 2016-02-18
moduleapi: Silence luacheck warning about unused 'id' parameter Matthew Wild 2016-02-05
Merge 0.10->trunk Matthew Wild 2016-02-05
moduleapi: Add API method for getting a file path Kim Alvefur 2016-02-04
Merge 0.10->trunk Matthew Wild 2016-02-01
modulemanager, util.pluginloader: Move logic for locating some module libraries to pluginloader, to fix problems with non-filesystem errors being masked by the second load_code call Matthew Wild 2016-02-01
Merge 0.10->trunk Kim Alvefur 2015-08-20
core.*: Remove use of module() function Kim Alvefur 2015-02-21
Merge 0.10->trunk Matthew Wild 2015-05-06
moduleapi: Import util.stanza required for module:broadcast() Matthew Wild 2015-05-06
moduleapi: Add luacheck annotation Matthew Wild 2015-05-06
moduleapi: Minor variable renaming to avoid clashes with the 'type' function Matthew Wild 2015-05-06
moduleapi: Clear self.event_handlers when unhooking an event, to prevent leaks Matthew Wild 2015-05-06
moduleapi: module:measure_event(), module:measure_global_event(): Fix copy/paste error Matthew Wild 2015-05-06
moduleapi: Remove accidental use of undefined and unnecessary 'priority' variable Matthew Wild 2015-05-06
moduleapi: Add module:broadcast() to send a stanza to a list of JIDs Matthew Wild 2015-05-06
Merge 0.10->trunk Kim Alvefur 2015-05-03
moduleapi: New methods for modules to conveniently wrap events Matthew Wild 2015-04-28
moduleapi: Experimental API for modules to measure the rate+duration of events Matthew Wild 2015-04-28
Merge 0.10->trunk Matthew Wild 2015-01-21
moduleapi: Module API for statsmanager Matthew Wild 2015-01-21
Merge 0.10->trunk Kim Alvefur 2014-09-22
core.module{manager,api}: Fix for 010b141e91ed (Thanks v1ct0r) Kim Alvefur 2014-09-22
Merge 0.10->trunk Kim Alvefur 2014-09-18
core.modulemanager, core.moduleapi: Hack around dependency loop Kim Alvefur 2014-09-17
core.moduleapi: Use require instead of global to get storagemanager in module:open_store() Kim Alvefur 2014-09-17
Merge 0.10->trunk Kim Alvefur 2014-05-09
core.certmanager, core.moduleapi, mod_storage_sql, mod_storage_sql2: Import from util.paths Kim Alvefur 2014-05-09
core.moduleapi: Fix some global accesses. Waqas Hussain 2013-11-06
core/moduleapi: Return timer object from module:add_timer daurnimator 2013-11-06
moduleapi: Add module:unhook() Matthew Wild 2013-09-16
Remove all trailing whitespace Florian Zeitz 2013-08-09
moduleapi: module:get_host_type() now returns 'global' for * and 'local' for non-components Matthew Wild 2013-08-06
moduleapi: in module:provides(), add the name of the module in item._provided_by Kim Alvefur 2013-04-27
moduleapi: module:provides called without an item makes a copy of the environment instead. Fixes warnings about non-existent globals Kim Alvefur 2013-04-27
moduleapi: Add module:get_option_inherited_set() to return a set that inherits items from a globally set set, if set Matthew Wild 2013-04-27
moduleapi: Add module:context(host) to produce a fake API context for a given host (or global). module:context("*"):get_option("foo") to get global options. Matthew Wild 2013-04-27
moduleapi: Make module:open_store() open a store named after the calling module by default Kim Alvefur 2013-04-19
moduleapi: Add module:open_store() as a front-end to storagemanager.open() Matthew Wild 2013-04-19
moduleapi: assert() that prosody.core_post_stanza is not nil Matthew Wild 2013-04-05
moduleapi: have get_host_items wrap on get_items from modulemanager, also add has_{feature/identity} to the API. Marco Cirillo 2013-04-01
core.*: Complete removal of all traces of the "core" section and section-related code. Kim Alvefur 2013-03-23
moduleapi: Revert previous commit and add comment, it's meant to be this way Matthew Wild 2012-09-29
moduleapi: Fix require of modulemanager (thanks mva!) Matthew Wild 2012-09-29
moduleapi: Clarify comment Matthew Wild 2012-08-03
moduleapi: If path name ends with '-cache' create table as weak (keys and values) Matthew Wild 2012-07-29
Merge with Florob Matthew Wild 2012-07-28
Eliminate direct setfenv usage Florian Zeitz 2012-06-08