
core/modulemanager.lua @ 8976:92f0876b9230

description author age
modulemanager: Expose function to get the list of modules that should be loaded on a host Matthew Wild 2018-06-20
core: Use prosody.hosts instead of _G.hosts for consistency Kim Alvefur 2018-03-29
vairious: Add annotation when an empty environment is set [luacheck] Kim Alvefur 2018-02-28
core: Split some very long lines [luacheck] Kim Alvefur 2017-03-04
modulemanager: Silence log message about attempts to load already loaded modules for shared modules Kim Alvefur 2016-03-19
loggingmanager,modulemanager,moduleapi: Ignore warning about accessing _G.unpack [luacheck] Kim Alvefur 2016-02-18
loggingmanager,modulemanager,moduleapi: Localize unpack compatible with Lua 5.2+ Kim Alvefur 2016-02-18
core.*: Remove use of module() function Kim Alvefur 2015-02-21
modulemanager: Add luacheck annotations Matthew Wild 2015-05-06
modulemanager: Remove unused import of pcall #luacheck Matthew Wild 2015-05-06
core.module{manager,api}: Fix for 010b141e91ed (Thanks v1ct0r) Kim Alvefur 2014-09-22
core.modulemanager, core.moduleapi: Hack around dependency loop Kim Alvefur 2014-09-17
Merge 0.9->0.10 Matthew Wild 2014-08-28
modulemanager: Reduce warning to debug level message about modules already being loaded, it's probably just module:depends() Kim Alvefur 2014-08-27
mod_s2s_auth_certs: Split PKIX based certificate checking from mod_s2s into new plugin Kim Alvefur 2014-07-25
Merge 0.9->0.10 Kim Alvefur 2014-03-25
modulemanager: Load mod_saslauth on components by default Kim Alvefur 2014-03-22
modulemanager: Always load a platform-specific module, add stub modules for Windows and unknown platforms Kim Alvefur 2014-01-26
Remove all trailing whitespace Florian Zeitz 2013-08-09
modulemanager: add missing ipairs import. Marco Cirillo 2013-04-01
modulemanager: add function to retrieve module items from a specific host entity. Marco Cirillo 2013-04-01
core.*: Complete removal of all traces of the "core" section and section-related code. Kim Alvefur 2013-03-23
modulemanager: Set module.reloading when a module is reloading, and when loading make the saved state available in module.saved_state (if any) Matthew Wild 2012-11-22
hostmanager, modulemanager: Ensure hosts[*].modules always exists. Waqas Hussain 2012-09-12
Eliminate direct setfenv usage Florian Zeitz 2012-06-08
modulemanager, moduleapi: Turn module.event_handlers into a multitable and track object->event->handler associations correctly (thanks Zash) Matthew Wild 2012-05-19
moduleapi, modulemanager: Re-structure module.event_handlers so that the same handler can harmlessly handle multiple events (thanks Zash) Matthew Wild 2012-05-18
modulemanager: Components should inherit mod_s2s from global modules_enabled too Matthew Wild 2012-05-16
modulemanager: Set module.reloading = true when firing module-reloaded event Matthew Wild 2012-05-11
modulemanager: Pass the module's final host (e.g. '*') to the module-loaded event Matthew Wild 2012-04-29
modulemanager: Hide deprecation warning for modules loaded on '*' directly (e.g. prosodyctl mod_<command>) (thanks Zash) Matthew Wild 2012-04-29
modulemanager: Fixes to handle circular dependencies in module:depends() Matthew Wild 2012-04-28
modulemanager: Remove unused function imports Matthew Wild 2012-04-28
modulemanager: Remove unused NULL declaration Matthew Wild 2012-04-28
modulemanager: Clear modulemap when a host is deactivated (thanks xnyhps) Matthew Wild 2012-04-27
modulemanager: Set module.environment before calling add_host, otherwise the module will get the parent's environment (thanks xnyhps and Maranda) Matthew Wild 2012-04-27
modulemanager: Set module.loaded = false on unload Matthew Wild 2012-04-23
modulemanager: Report errors that happen when loading a shared module onto its original host Matthew Wild 2012-04-23
modulemanager: For children of shared modules, set module.environment to the empty environment for that module (useful to expose data or APIs at host.modules[module]) Matthew Wild 2012-04-21
modulemanager: When a shared module becomes global, ensure it still gets loaded onto the original target host Matthew Wild 2012-04-21
modulemanager: Support for shared modules - function module.add_host(host_module) in a global module Matthew Wild 2012-04-21
modulemanager: Make module_has_method and module_call_method use rawget() Matthew Wild 2012-04-21
modulemanager: Use modulemap rather than hosts[host] (fix for when host == "*") Matthew Wild 2012-04-21
modulemanager: Use api_instance rather than pluginenv.module (same thing) Matthew Wild 2012-04-21
modulemanager: Allow loading a module onto "*" (part-fixes #228) Matthew Wild 2012-04-21
modulemanager: Some refactoring. Deprecate module.host = "*", modules should call module:set_global() (which has been around since forever) Matthew Wild 2012-03-14
modulemanager: Use appropriate events object for global modules when firing item-removed on unload Matthew Wild 2012-03-14
modulemanager: include mod_c2s and mod_s2s into autoloaded modules. Florian Zeitz 2012-02-24
modulemanager: load(): Return and use the correct module object Matthew Wild 2012-01-22
modulemanager: Cleanup some unused variables, imports, whitespace and add a comment. Matthew Wild 2012-01-22
modulemanager, moduleapi: Replace hooks multitable with an event_handlers map stored in individual modules. Also adds module:hook_object_event() to hook events on any util.events compatible object. Matthew Wild 2012-01-22
modulemanager: Drop unnecessary prosody_events local Matthew Wild 2012-01-22
modulemanager: Some reorganisation. Only external change is (should be) that module-unloaded and module-loaded are no longer fired when reloading a module, the new event module-reloaded is fired instead. Matthew Wild 2012-01-22
modulemanager: Move in-module API functions to core.moduleapi (half the file size, yay) Matthew Wild 2012-01-22
modulemanager: Remove 'config' from module environments (no modules use it that I'm aware of) Matthew Wild 2011-12-13
modulemanager: Fix undefined global access in handling of module.save error handling. Waqas Hussain 2011-09-20
modulemanager: Fixed undefined global access in broadcast of item-remove events on module unload. Waqas Hussain 2011-09-17
modulemanager: Add module:handle_items() to allow a module to more easily handle a list of items on a host Matthew Wild 2011-08-29
modulemanager: Add module:hook_global(name, handler, priority) to hook global (server-wide) events Matthew Wild 2011-08-14
core.modulemanager, mod_disco: Add support for XEP-0128: Service Discovery Extensions Kim Alvefur 2011-08-08