
net/server_select.lua @ 5093:1ce9e8068dda

description author age
net.server_select: Remove unused variables and imports Matthew Wild 2012-07-22
net.server_select: Remove extraneous variable Matthew Wild 2012-07-22
net.server_select: Never call ondisconnect() directly, go via handler:close() or handler:force_close() - fixes cases where ondisconnect() could be called multiple times for the same connection, leading to issues with s2sout retry logic. Matthew Wild 2012-07-22
net.server_select, net.server_event: Change semantics of conn:close() - always call ondisconnect (with err == nil), and never close with data in send buffer (i.e. 'now' parameter removed) Matthew Wild 2012-07-22
net.server_select: Don't close client connections when closing a server (it wasn't working anyway) Matthew Wild 2012-05-23
net.server_select: Call ondisconnect handler, even if we closed the socket ourselves (fixes HTTP session hoarding, thanks Maranda) Matthew Wild 2012-05-23
net.server_select: Return error when SSL handshake fails immediately (thanks Zash) Matthew Wild 2012-05-17
net.server, net.timer, net.server_select: Rearrange dependencies between these three modules. server.addtimer() is no longer a public function (renamed to _addtimer) and is not available at all from server_event (compat code removed to prevent traceback) (thanks Nulani) Matthew Wild 2012-05-03
net.server_select: Remove server from _server table when closing Matthew Wild 2012-04-24
net.server_select: Autostart SSL negotiation as the last part of socket setup to avoid a traceback (#262) (thanks Maranda) Matthew Wild 2011-11-28
net.server_event, net.server_select: Fixed some global pollution. Waqas Hussain 2011-10-13
net.server_select: Minor whitespace fix. Waqas Hussain 2011-10-12
net.server_select: Never call onincoming with nil data when a listener doesn't have an onconnect handler Matthew Wild 2011-09-27
net.server_select: Remove socket from sendlist before calling listener callbacks (thanks darkrain) Matthew Wild 2011-08-20
net.server_select: Merge straight-SSL and starttls code paths, also fixes onconnect being called before handshake completion for straight-SSL Matthew Wild 2011-08-20
net.server_select: Update error logging logic during SSL handshake (now shows correctly when a handshake exceeded max. allowed iterations) Matthew Wild 2011-08-20
net.server_select: Small fix to SSL handshake logic, read/wrote were being checked despite it not being possible for them to be other than nil Matthew Wild 2011-08-20
net.server_select: Do not set 'ssl' flag simply when assigning an sslctx to a handler, it doesn't mean anything Matthew Wild 2011-08-20
connlistener, server_select, prosody: Add support for binding to multiple addresses Florian Zeitz 2011-06-15
net.server_select: Expose step() function (thanks Łukasz) Matthew Wild 2011-02-14
net.server_select, net.server_event: Silence 'error during ssl handshake' for wantread and wantwrite Matthew Wild 2011-01-11
net/server_select.lua: Reduce select() timeout back to 1s Matthew Wild 2010-12-18
net.server_select: Set select() timeout to 3600 by default. Waqas Hussain 2010-12-02
net.server_select: Made another global local. Waqas Hussain 2010-12-02
net.server_select: Made some globals local. Waqas Hussain 2010-12-02
net.server_select: Make changes required for sub-second timer precision. Waqas Hussain 2010-12-02
net.server_select: Restore real sendbuffer() before calling onconnect handler, in case onconnect sends data and the socket is still writeable (causing stack overflow into sendbuffer()/onconnect()) Matthew Wild 2010-10-22
net.server_select: Add server.step() to run through a single iteration of the event loop Matthew Wild 2010-09-09
net.server_select, net.server_event: Remove set_mode() call from server.link()... it can cause the last chunk of data to be discarded if shorter than buffersize (thanks to Zash for the debugging) Matthew Wild 2010-08-22
net.server_select: Remove 'now' parameter from starttls(), and base it on whether the sendbuffer is empty instead Matthew Wild 2010-07-22