
prosody @ 7105:01bd0ac9cf0c

description author age
prosody: Check dependencies later in the startup sequence Kim Alvefur 2014-04-09
Merge 0.9->0.10 Matthew Wild 2013-12-13
prosody: Store the config file name so the same file can be used when reloading Kim Alvefur 2013-12-13
Merge Tobias SCRAM-PLUS work Kim Alvefur 2013-09-21
Backout ae48bf828f21 Kim Alvefur 2013-09-21
Run with own LuaSec. Tobias Markmann 2011-01-17
prosody: Remove global ssl context, no longer used Kim Alvefur 2013-06-13
prosody: load rostermanager after usermanager during environment initialization. Marco Cirillo 2013-04-05
prosody, prosodyctl: Remove last trace of "core" \o/ Kim Alvefur 2013-03-23
prosody: Add COMPAT note about globals Matthew Wild 2013-03-22
configmanager, hostmanager, prosody: Almost complete removal of section-related code, and the infamous 'core' section. Still backwards-compatible with API users. Matthew Wild 2013-03-22
prosodyctl, prosody: Pass the selected config file from prosodyctl to prosody Kim Alvefur 2013-01-09
prosody, mod_c2s, mod_s2s: Move closing of c2s and s2s sessions to respective plugins Kim Alvefur 2012-12-28
prosody, prosodyctl: chdir() to data directory on startup Matthew Wild 2012-09-19
mod_admin_telnet, prosody, prosodyctl, ejabberd2prosody: Don't depend on modules setting globals Florian Zeitz 2012-06-09
prosody: Define a getfenv() replacement for Lua 5.2 Florian Zeitz 2012-06-08
prosody, stanza_router: Load stanza_router earlier. Put routing functions in the global prosody table. Fixes module:send() Kim Alvefur 2012-05-14
prosody: Load portmanager at startup, to ensure it is ready to receive item-added events when modules are loaded Matthew Wild 2012-04-24
prosody: Don't require net.httpserver now Matthew Wild 2012-04-21
prosody: sandboxed require(): Point __index of _G at current env for modules that need to reference globals they already set Matthew Wild 2012-01-23
prosody: Remove connlisteners, and net_activate_ports Matthew Wild 2012-01-23
prosody: Ensure prosody.paths.config is never nil (certmanager.create_context fails otherwise). Waqas Hussain 2011-11-01
prosody: Invalid escape sequence in componentmanager deprecation warning (can cause luajit to throw). Waqas Hussain 2011-09-20
connlistener, server_select, prosody: Add support for binding to multiple addresses Florian Zeitz 2011-06-15
prosody: Add sanity_check() to startup sequence. Check that we have at least one vhost enabled to avoid Bad Things. Matthew Wild 2011-04-14
prosody: Load net.httpserver at startup, to avoid creating a global later. Waqas Hussain 2011-03-02
prosody, prosodyctl: Use plugin_paths in addition to, not instead of, the default plugin path Matthew Wild 2011-02-24
prosody: Change plugin_path -> plugin_paths and make it an array instead of a string Matthew Wild 2011-02-22
prosody: Add config option plugin_path to allow overriding plugin directories. Waqas Hussain 2011-01-20
prosody: Instead of calling datamanager.set_path(), just ensure prosody.paths.data always contains the correct value (including config) Matthew Wild 2011-01-07
prosody, prosodyctl: Filter out relative paths from package.(c)path when installed Matthew Wild 2011-01-04
prosody, prosodyctl: Create prosody object as a local before exporting as a global Matthew Wild 2011-01-04
prosody: Don't add a datamanager callback when anonymous_login=true (mod_auth_anonymous does this now). Waqas Hussain 2010-12-28
prosody: Catch a recursive Include error and print a more friendly error Matthew Wild 2010-12-21
prosody, prosodyctl, util.dependencies: Split checking and logging of dependencies so we can check hard deps before the config and logging is loaded Matthew Wild 2010-12-20
prosody: Added a comment, to match prosodyctl. Waqas Hussain 2010-12-12
prosody: Don't attempt to load core.xmlhandlers in the main file. It no longer exists. Waqas Hussain 2010-12-07
prosody: Added a stub implementation of core.componentmanager to the package.loaded table (re-commiting, as this was accidentally removed). Waqas Hussain 2010-12-07
prosody, configmanager, certmanager: Relocate prosody.resolve_relative_path() to configmanager, and update certmanager (the only user of this function) Matthew Wild 2010-11-10
prosody: Added a stub implementation of core.componentmanager to the package.loaded table. Waqas Hussain 2010-11-10
prosody: Removed all references to componentmanager from Prosody, except the main componentmanager file. Waqas Hussain 2010-11-10
prosody: Ensure componentmanager is loaded in the main file. Waqas Hussain 2010-11-09
prosody: Enable storage manager. Waqas Hussain 2010-07-31
prosody.resolve_relative_path: Updated to take a parent path to resolve against. Waqas Hussain 2010-07-23
prosody: Add prosody.resolve_relative_path() helper to change relative paths to be relative to the config file Matthew Wild 2010-07-13
Merge 0.7->trunk Matthew Wild 2010-06-29
Merge backout Matthew Wild 2010-06-29
Backed out changeset 454e1cf18daf (this isn't for debugging, it's to inform the user) Matthew Wild 2010-06-29
prosody: Load util.xmppstream :( Matthew Wild 2010-05-09
Merge 0.7->trunk Waqas Hussain 2010-05-07
prosody: Modified function metatable for better string representation of functions. Waqas Hussain 2010-05-07
prosody: Lowered log level for a log message. Waqas Hussain 2010-05-07
eventmanager, prosody: Adapt eventmanager to use prosody.events, as a step towards removing it entirely Matthew Wild 2010-05-04
Merge 0.7->trunk (with MUC needing checking, waqas) Matthew Wild 2010-05-04
prosody: Set metatable on functions to allow easy access to upvalues. Waqas Hussain 2010-04-19
Merge 0.7->trunk Matthew Wild 2010-03-22
Merge 0.6->0.7 Matthew Wild 2010-03-22
Update copyright headers for 2010 Matthew Wild 2010-03-22
Merge 0.6.2/waqas with 0.6.2/MattJ Matthew Wild 2010-03-03
prosody: More accurate friendly error message in the event that creating the global SSL context fails Matthew Wild 2010-02-13
prosody: Add a catch-all friendly message for when any port is in use we want to use Matthew Wild 2010-02-05
prosody: Show friendly error when no config present for legacy SSL ports Matthew Wild 2010-01-31
prosody: Log error message when failing to open ports Matthew Wild 2010-01-31
prosody: Listen for component connections on port 5347 by default. Waqas Hussain 2010-01-24
prosody: Call tostring on the key being used for nil global read before concatenating it with a string. Waqas Hussain 2009-12-09
prosody: Log a warning and traceback, but don't throw an error on nil global read. Waqas Hussain 2009-12-09
Mainfile: Broke up a really long line. Waqas Hussain 2009-12-09
util.dependencies: Load luarocks.loader/luarocks.require Matthew Wild 2010-01-28
prosody: net_activate_ports: Accept strings as well as numbers for specifying ports Matthew Wild 2010-01-09
prosody: Fixed a possible nil concatenation. Waqas Hussain 2009-12-15
prosody: Less strict matching for the magic 'interrupted' error Matthew Wild 2009-12-07
Merge with 0.7 Matthew Wild 2010-03-01
prosody: Bump log message describing current connection backend to level 'info' Matthew Wild 2010-02-27
prosody: Don't add fallbacks to package.path and package.cpath. Waqas Hussain 2010-02-15
prosody: More accurate friendly error message in the event that creating the global SSL context fails Matthew Wild 2010-02-13
prosody: Use certmanager to create the global SSL context Matthew Wild 2010-02-13
prosody, prosodyctl: Re-jiggle load order again, fixes logging config not being obeyed (thanks darkrain) Matthew Wild 2010-02-11
prosody: Add a catch-all friendly message for when any port is in use we want to use Matthew Wild 2010-02-05
prosody: Initialize logging before checking dependencies (fixes another traceback with no LuaSec) Matthew Wild 2010-02-05
prosody: Show friendly error when no config present for legacy SSL ports Matthew Wild 2010-01-31
prosody: Log error message when failing to open ports Matthew Wild 2010-01-31
prosody: Only set the ssl_ctx for 'ssl' connections Matthew Wild 2010-01-31
prosody: Check dependencies (and load LuaRocks) earlier on in the startup process Matthew Wild 2010-01-28
util.dependencies, prosody, prosodyctl: Give util.dependencies a check_dependencies() function so the caller can decide what to do when dependencies aren't met - update prosody/prosodyctl for this change Matthew Wild 2010-01-28
prosody: Listen for component connections on port 5347 by default. Waqas Hussain 2010-01-24
prosody: net_activate_ports: Accept strings as well as numbers for specifying ports Matthew Wild 2010-01-09
prosody: Read list of possible config extensions from configmanager, removes old TODO Matthew Wild 2010-01-09
prosody: Fixed a possible nil concatenation. Waqas Hussain 2009-12-15
prosody: Fix to net_activate_ports to mend binding to specific interfaces Paul Aurich 2009-12-15
prosody: Added config option 'ssl_ports' to allow multiplexed SSL ports. Waqas Hussain 2009-12-10
prosody: Use the multiplex listener when the 'ports' config option is specified. Waqas Hussain 2009-12-10
net_activate_ports: Use the default config option 'ports' when no option is specified. Waqas Hussain 2009-12-10
prosody: Call tostring on the key being used for nil global read before concatenating it with a string. Waqas Hussain 2009-12-09
prosody: Log a warning and traceback, but don't throw an error on nil global read. Waqas Hussain 2009-12-09
Mainfile: Broke up a really long line. Waqas Hussain 2009-12-09
prosody: Report the current socket backend in use Matthew Wild 2009-12-08
prosody: Clarify and add some comments to describe what we're doing when and why Matthew Wild 2009-12-08
prosody: Less strict matching for the magic 'interrupted' error Matthew Wild 2009-12-07
prosody: Expose global_ssl_ctx through prosody object Matthew Wild 2009-12-04
Disable SSLv2 by default, it's known to be insecure. Paul Aurich 2009-12-04
prosody: Added support for command line argument '--config'. Waqas Hussain 2009-11-23
Mainfile: Fixed some comments. Waqas Hussain 2009-11-23
mod_console: Moved activation of the console port from the main file to mod_console. Waqas Hussain 2009-11-18
prosody.net_activate_ports: Slightly refactored and definition moved to before modules are loaded. Waqas Hussain 2009-11-18
Prosody top-level error handler modified to log properly on non-string error messages. Waqas Hussain 2009-10-25
prosody, util.require: Remove util.require, the shortest-lived module so far. Woke up this morning with a much simpler idea, which is also effective against C modules (I believe). Yay for metatables :) Matthew Wild 2009-10-21
prosody: Use rawget to test for the existence of ssl (LuaSec) so we don't look for a nil global Matthew Wild 2009-10-20
prosody: Move global protection earlier (to before modules are loaded, etc.) Matthew Wild 2009-10-17
prosody: Require new require :) Matthew Wild 2009-10-17
prosody: Require some core/util libraries which core modules depend upon, C modules and other modules which write to _G Matthew Wild 2009-10-17
prosody: Rename global net_activate_ports -> prosody.net_activate_ports Matthew Wild 2009-10-17
Minor changes; outgoing TLS works. Paul Aurich 2009-10-04
prosody: Add prosody.installed flag to indicate whether Prosody has been installed or is running from checkout Matthew Wild 2009-09-19
prosody: Add prosody.platform which can be either 'windows', 'posix' or 'unknown' Matthew Wild 2009-09-19
Merge with 0.5 Matthew Wild 2009-07-29
Added: Support for PROSODY_SRCDIR and PROSODY_PLUGINDIR environment variables Waqas Hussain 2009-07-29
prosody: net_activate_ports: Check listener exists before trying to open port for it Matthew Wild 2009-07-23
Merge with 0.5 Matthew Wild 2009-07-23
prosody: Correctly allow console ports to be changed through the config Matthew Wild 2009-07-23
prosody: Send friendly text with system-shutdown stream error Matthew Wild 2009-07-18
prosody: Return success/error from prosody.reload_config() Matthew Wild 2009-07-18
prosody: Load util.helpers at startup Matthew Wild 2009-07-12
prosody: Call initialisation functions at once Matthew Wild 2009-07-11
prosody: Start of refactoring of main file Matthew Wild 2009-07-11
Remove version number from copyright headers Matthew Wild 2009-07-10
prosody: Record time the server started Matthew Wild 2009-07-08
prosody: Add fallbacks/ to path Matthew Wild 2009-07-02
prosody: Switch anonymous_login check to use the new datamanager callback syntax Matthew Wild 2009-06-22
Main: Don't use empty event data objects for some global events. Some handlers don't expect it. Waqas Hussain 2009-06-20
Main: removed some eventmanager references (replaced by prosody.events) Waqas Hussain 2009-06-20
Fire global events using prosody.events Waqas Hussain 2009-06-20
prosody: prosody_reload_config => prosody.reload_config (guess I accidentally missed it when converting the others) Matthew Wild 2009-06-05
prosody: Prefix hg: to changeset ids in the version Matthew Wild 2009-06-05
prosody: Read version from prosody.version file and set, er, prosody.version! Matthew Wild 2009-06-05
prosody: Add support for general 'interface' option which is used as the default network interface Matthew Wild 2009-06-04
Added new prosody.events object Waqas Hussain 2009-05-30
prosody: Remove global functions Matthew Wild 2009-05-30
prosody: (un)lock_globals() -> prosody.(un)lock_globals() Matthew Wild 2009-05-30
prosody: New global 'prosody' object Matthew Wild 2009-05-30
Added globals bare_sessions and full_sessions, which map bare and full JIDs to sessions. Waqas Hussain 2009-05-29
Removed unused global 'session' Waqas Hussain 2009-05-29
prosody: Add functions to reload the config and re-open log files Matthew Wild 2009-05-05
prosody, xmppcomponent_listener: Add listener for XEP-0114 component connections Matthew Wild 2009-05-04
prosody: Less verbose logging during shutdown sequence Matthew Wild 2009-05-02
prosody: Define prosody_shutdown() before emitting the server-starting event Matthew Wild 2009-05-02
prosody: Add log messages during shutdown sequence to indicate progress Matthew Wild 2009-05-02
prosody: Don't require console_enabled option anymore Matthew Wild 2009-05-02
prosody: Fire events during server shutdown process Matthew Wild 2009-04-21
prosody: Remove logging code and instead load core.loggingmanager to set up logging Matthew Wild 2009-04-21
prosody: Simple whitespace fix in error output Matthew Wild 2009-04-17
prosody: Add prosody_shutdown() function to initiate a server shutdown, add code to gracefully close connections before stopping Matthew Wild 2009-04-12
Allow config to specify listening interfaces Matthew Wild 2009-04-10
prosody: Don't look to use SSL when LuaSec not available (thanks Florob) Matthew Wild 2009-04-09
Add lock_globals() and unlock_globals() functions (for when you really need to use globals) Matthew Wild 2009-03-31
Load util.array and util.iterator at startup Matthew Wild 2009-03-31
Automated merge with ssh://hg@prosody.im/prosody-hg Matthew Wild 2009-03-30
Move SSL initialisation into the correct spot (thanks albert) Matthew Wild 2009-03-30
Added: Prevent disk writes for anonmous hosts (option: core/anonymous_login = true) Waqas Hussain 2009-03-29
prosody: Expose net_activate_ports as a global function for use by plugins Matthew Wild 2009-03-22
prosody: Allow ports to be specified as just numbers Matthew Wild 2009-03-22
0.3->0.4 Matthew Wild 2009-03-20
prosody: Load logger after reading the config Matthew Wild 2009-03-07
prosody: Log top-level errors Matthew Wild 2009-03-02
prosody: Protect main loop. Dare I say crashing finally becomes impossible. Matthew Wild 2009-02-27
Report errors in the config file to the user Matthew Wild 2009-02-13
Update main prosody file, since it doesn't match *.lua pattern, and sed -i treats symlinks badly Matthew Wild 2009-01-30
Load net.server after util.dependencies to catch missing luasocket Matthew Wild 2009-01-29
Friendlier message when config file not found Matthew Wild 2009-01-22
Port to new server.lua, quite some changes, but I believe everything to be working Matthew Wild 2009-01-17
Removed core/offlinemessage.lua along with documentation and references - we have core/offlinemanager.lua instead Waqas Hussain 2009-01-09
Default mod_console to listening on localhost only. May be changed with console_interface=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx in the config Matthew Wild 2009-01-07
Don't use TLS connection handler when SSL/TLS not available or configured (thanks to Ricardo for finding) Matthew Wild 2008-12-29
Fix specifying ports in config, and SSL support Matthew Wild 2008-12-27
Moved directory auto-creation to datamanager Waqas Hussain 2008-12-25
Fixed URL encoding to generate %0x instead of %x Waqas Hussain 2008-12-15
0.1 -> 0.2 Matthew Wild 2008-12-10
Add commented line to disable logging entirely Matthew Wild 2008-12-10
Added: Ports now read from the config Waqas Hussain 2008-12-07
Some code cleaning for the main script Matthew Wild 2008-12-06
Move the setting of data_path to fix #unfiledbug Matthew Wild 2008-12-06
Move module loading to modulemanager Matthew Wild 2008-12-06
Add hostmanager, and eventmanager Matthew Wild 2008-12-06
Merge from waqas Matthew Wild 2008-12-03
config and data directories taken from path, and quoted to allow spaces in path Waqas Hussain 2008-12-03
Insert copyright/license headers Matthew Wild 2008-12-03
Installation improvements (auto-creation of data directories) Matthew Wild 2008-11-30
Path fix for auto-creating directories Waqas Hussain 2008-11-30
Auto-create data directories on start Waqas Hussain 2008-11-30
Update Makefile to now pass config paths to prosody. Update prosody, modulemanager and connectionlisteners to obey these paths. Matthew Wild 2008-11-29
main.lua -> prosody base main.lua@cc027f7a8f08 Matthew Wild 2008-11-29