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mod_storage_sql: Quote identifiers in SQL with backquotes, and use the empty string for NULL, and '=' instead of 'IS' for comparison, to work with MySQL's limitations...Mon, 27 Dec 2010 06:10:35 +0500, by Waqas Hussain
Don't check priority in mod_offlineThu, 09 Dec 2010 23:25:16 -0600, by Robert Hoelz
mod_message, mod_offline: Change message/offline/store -> message/offline/handleThu, 09 Dec 2010 12:41:30 -0600, by Robert Hoelz
mod_offline: Make sure mod_offline's store handler reports success vs failure.Thu, 09 Dec 2010 12:38:33 -0600, by Robert Hoelz
mod_message: Send service-unavailable if offline storage fails.Thu, 09 Dec 2010 12:36:29 -0600, by Robert Hoelz
mod_presence, mod_offline: Merge message/offline/delete with message/offline/broadcast.Thu, 09 Dec 2010 12:28:05 -0600, by Robert Hoelz
core.offlinemanager, mod_message, mod_presence: Removed core.offlinemanager in favor of mod_offline.Thu, 09 Dec 2010 12:23:37 -0600, by Robert Hoelz
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