Software /
code /
plugins/mod_admin_telnet.lua @ 5915:e6fed1d80116
Back out 1b0ac7950129, as SSLv3 appears to still be in moderate use on the network. Also, although obsolete, SSLv3 isn't documented to have any weaknesses that TLS 1.0 (the most common version used today) doesn't also have. Get your act together clients!
author | Matthew Wild <> |
date | Tue, 12 Nov 2013 02:13:01 +0000 |
parent | 5769:f6ea5b3739c9 |
child | 5770:7722372aa087 |
child | 6016:eb05360e8525 |
line wrap: on
line source
-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- module:set_global(); local hostmanager = require "core.hostmanager"; local modulemanager = require "core.modulemanager"; local s2smanager = require "core.s2smanager"; local portmanager = require "core.portmanager"; local _G = _G; local prosody = _G.prosody; local hosts = prosody.hosts; local incoming_s2s = prosody.incoming_s2s; local console_listener = { default_port = 5582; default_mode = "*a"; interface = "" }; local iterators = require "util.iterators"; local keys, values = iterators.keys, iterators.values; local jid = require "util.jid"; local jid_bare, jid_split = jid.bare, jid.split; local set, array = require "util.set", require "util.array"; local cert_verify_identity = require "util.x509".verify_identity; local envload = require "util.envload".envload; local envloadfile = require "util.envload".envloadfile; local commands = module:shared("commands") local def_env = module:shared("env"); local default_env_mt = { __index = def_env }; local core_post_stanza = prosody.core_post_stanza; local function redirect_output(_G, session) local env = setmetatable({ print = session.print }, { __index = function (t, k) return rawget(_G, k); end }); env.dofile = function(name) local f, err = envloadfile(name, env); if not f then return f, err; end return f(); end; return env; end console = {}; function console:new_session(conn) local w = function(s) conn:write(s:gsub("\n", "\r\n")); end; local session = { conn = conn; send = function (t) w(tostring(t)); end; print = function (...) local t = {}; for i=1,select("#", ...) do t[i] = tostring(select(i, ...)); end w("| "..table.concat(t, "\t").."\n"); end; disconnect = function () conn:close(); end; }; session.env = setmetatable({}, default_env_mt); -- Load up environment with helper objects for name, t in pairs(def_env) do if type(t) == "table" then session.env[name] = setmetatable({ session = session }, { __index = t }); end end return session; end function console:process_line(session, line) local useglobalenv; if line:match("^>") then line = line:gsub("^>", ""); useglobalenv = true; elseif line == "\004" then commands["bye"](session, line); return; else local command = line:match("^%w+") or line:match("%p"); if commands[command] then commands[command](session, line); return; end end session.env._ = line; local chunkname = "=console"; local env = (useglobalenv and redirect_output(_G, session)) or session.env or nil local chunk, err = envload("return "..line, chunkname, env); if not chunk then chunk, err = envload(line, chunkname, env); if not chunk then err = err:gsub("^%[string .-%]:%d+: ", ""); err = err:gsub("^:%d+: ", ""); err = err:gsub("'<eof>'", "the end of the line"); session.print("Sorry, I couldn't understand that... "..err); return; end end local ranok, taskok, message = pcall(chunk); if not (ranok or message or useglobalenv) and commands[line:lower()] then commands[line:lower()](session, line); return; end if not ranok then session.print("Fatal error while running command, it did not complete"); session.print("Error: "..taskok); return; end if not message then session.print("Result: "..tostring(taskok)); return; elseif (not taskok) and message then session.print("Command completed with a problem"); session.print("Message: "..tostring(message)); return; end session.print("OK: "..tostring(message)); end local sessions = {}; function console_listener.onconnect(conn) -- Handle new connection local session = console:new_session(conn); sessions[conn] = session; printbanner(session); session.send(string.char(0)); end function console_listener.onincoming(conn, data) local session = sessions[conn]; local partial = session.partial_data; if partial then data =; end for line in data:gmatch("[^\n]*[\n\004]") do if session.closed then return end console:process_line(session, line); session.send(string.char(0)); end session.partial_data = data:match("[^\n]+$"); end function console_listener.ondisconnect(conn, err) local session = sessions[conn]; if session then session.disconnect(); sessions[conn] = nil; end end -- Console commands -- -- These are simple commands, not valid standalone in Lua function commands.bye(session) session.print("See you! :)"); session.closed = true; session.disconnect(); end commands.quit, commands.exit = commands.bye, commands.bye; commands["!"] = function (session, data) if data:match("^!!") and session.env._ then session.print("!> "..session.env._); return console_listener.onincoming(session.conn, session.env._); end local old, new = data:match("^!(.-[^\\])!(.-)!$"); if old and new then local ok, res = pcall(string.gsub, session.env._, old, new); if not ok then session.print(res) return; end session.print("!> "..res); return console_listener.onincoming(session.conn, res); end session.print("Sorry, not sure what you want"); end function, data) local print = session.print; local section = data:match("^help (%w+)"); if not section then print [[Commands are divided into multiple sections. For help on a particular section, ]] print [[type: help SECTION (for example, 'help c2s'). Sections are: ]] print [[]] print [[c2s - Commands to manage local client-to-server sessions]] print [[s2s - Commands to manage sessions between this server and others]] print [[module - Commands to load/reload/unload modules/plugins]] print [[host - Commands to activate, deactivate and list virtual hosts]] print [[user - Commands to create and delete users, and change their passwords]] print [[server - Uptime, version, shutting down, etc.]] print [[port - Commands to manage ports the server is listening on]] print [[dns - Commands to manage and inspect the internal DNS resolver]] print [[config - Reloading the configuration, etc.]] print [[console - Help regarding the console itself]] elseif section == "c2s" then print [[c2s:show(jid) - Show all client sessions with the specified JID (or all if no JID given)]] print [[c2s:show_insecure() - Show all unencrypted client connections]] print [[c2s:show_secure() - Show all encrypted client connections]] print [[c2s:close(jid) - Close all sessions for the specified JID]] elseif section == "s2s" then print [[s2s:show(domain) - Show all s2s connections for the given domain (or all if no domain given)]] print [[s2s:close(from, to) - Close a connection from one domain to another]] print [[s2s:closeall(host) - Close all the incoming/outgoing s2s sessions to specified host]] elseif section == "module" then print [[module:load(module, host) - Load the specified module on the specified host (or all hosts if none given)]] print [[module:reload(module, host) - The same, but unloads and loads the module (saving state if the module supports it)]] print [[module:unload(module, host) - The same, but just unloads the module from memory]] print [[module:list(host) - List the modules loaded on the specified host]] elseif section == "host" then print [[host:activate(hostname) - Activates the specified host]] print [[host:deactivate(hostname) - Disconnects all clients on this host and deactivates]] print [[host:list() - List the currently-activated hosts]] elseif section == "user" then print [[user:create(jid, password) - Create the specified user account]] print [[user:password(jid, password) - Set the password for the specified user account]] print [[user:delete(jid) - Permanently remove the specified user account]] print [[user:list(hostname, pattern) - List users on the specified host, optionally filtering with a pattern]] elseif section == "server" then print [[server:version() - Show the server's version number]] print [[server:uptime() - Show how long the server has been running]] print [[server:memory() - Show details about the server's memory usage]] print [[server:shutdown(reason) - Shut down the server, with an optional reason to be broadcast to all connections]] elseif section == "port" then print [[port:list() - Lists all network ports prosody currently listens on]] print [[port:close(port, interface) - Close a port]] elseif section == "dns" then print [[dns:lookup(name, type, class) - Do a DNS lookup]] print [[dns:addnameserver(nameserver) - Add a nameserver to the list]] print [[dns:setnameserver(nameserver) - Replace the list of name servers with the supplied one]] print [[dns:purge() - Clear the DNS cache]] print [[dns:cache() - Show cached records]] elseif section == "config" then print [[config:reload() - Reload the server configuration. Modules may need to be reloaded for changes to take effect.]] elseif section == "console" then print [[Hey! Welcome to Prosody's admin console.]] print [[First thing, if you're ever wondering how to get out, simply type 'quit'.]] print [[Secondly, note that we don't support the full telnet protocol yet (it's coming)]] print [[so you may have trouble using the arrow keys, etc. depending on your system.]] print [[]] print [[For now we offer a couple of handy shortcuts:]] print [[!! - Repeat the last command]] print [[!old!new! - repeat the last command, but with 'old' replaced by 'new']] print [[]] print [[For those well-versed in Prosody's internals, or taking instruction from those who are,]] print [[you can prefix a command with > to escape the console sandbox, and access everything in]] print [[the running server. Great fun, but be careful not to break anything :)]] end print [[]] end -- Session environment -- -- Anything in def_env will be accessible within the session as a global variable def_env.server = {}; function def_env.server:insane_reload() prosody.unlock_globals(); dofile "prosody" prosody = _G.prosody; return true, "Server reloaded"; end function def_env.server:version() return true, tostring(prosody.version or "unknown"); end function def_env.server:uptime() local t = os.time()-prosody.start_time; local seconds = t%60; t = (t - seconds)/60; local minutes = t%60; t = (t - minutes)/60; local hours = t%24; t = (t - hours)/24; local days = t; return true, string.format("This server has been running for %d day%s, %d hour%s and %d minute%s (since %s)", days, (days ~= 1 and "s") or "", hours, (hours ~= 1 and "s") or "", minutes, (minutes ~= 1 and "s") or "","%c", prosody.start_time)); end function def_env.server:shutdown(reason) prosody.shutdown(reason); return true, "Shutdown initiated"; end local function human(kb) local unit = "K"; if kb > 1024 then kb, unit = kb/1024, "M"; end return ("%0.2f%sB"):format(kb, unit); end function def_env.server:memory() if not pposix.meminfo then return true, "Lua is using "..collectgarbage("count"); end local mem, lua_mem = pposix.meminfo(), collectgarbage("count"); local print = self.session.print; print("Process: "..human((mem.allocated+mem.allocated_mmap)/1024)); print(" Used: "..human(mem.used/1024).." ("..human(lua_mem).." by Lua)"); print(" Free: "..human(mem.unused/1024).." ("..human(mem.returnable/1024).." returnable)"); return true, "OK"; end def_env.module = {}; local function get_hosts_set(hosts, module) if type(hosts) == "table" then if hosts[1] then return; elseif hosts._items then return hosts; end elseif type(hosts) == "string" then return { hosts }; elseif hosts == nil then local mm = require "modulemanager"; local hosts_set = / function (host) return (prosody.hosts[host].type == "local" or module and mm.is_loaded(host, module)) and host or nil; end; if module and mm.get_module("*", module) then hosts_set:add("*"); end return hosts_set; end end function def_env.module:load(name, hosts, config) local mm = require "modulemanager"; hosts = get_hosts_set(hosts); -- Load the module for each host local ok, err, count, mod = true, nil, 0, nil; for host in hosts do if (not mm.is_loaded(host, name)) then mod, err = mm.load(host, name, config); if not mod then ok = false; if err == "global-module-already-loaded" then if count > 0 then ok, err, count = true, nil, 1; end break; end self.session.print(err or "Unknown error loading module"); else count = count + 1; self.session.print("Loaded for "; end end end return ok, (ok and "Module loaded onto "..count.." host"..(count ~= 1 and "s" or "")) or ("Last error: "..tostring(err)); end function def_env.module:unload(name, hosts) local mm = require "modulemanager"; hosts = get_hosts_set(hosts, name); -- Unload the module for each host local ok, err, count = true, nil, 0; for host in hosts do if mm.is_loaded(host, name) then ok, err = mm.unload(host, name); if not ok then ok = false; self.session.print(err or "Unknown error unloading module"); else count = count + 1; self.session.print("Unloaded from "; end end end return ok, (ok and "Module unloaded from "..count.." host"..(count ~= 1 and "s" or "")) or ("Last error: "..tostring(err)); end function def_env.module:reload(name, hosts) local mm = require "modulemanager"; hosts = array.collect(get_hosts_set(hosts, name)):sort(function (a, b) if a == "*" then return true elseif b == "*" then return false else return a < b; end end); -- Reload the module for each host local ok, err, count = true, nil, 0; for _, host in ipairs(hosts) do if mm.is_loaded(host, name) then ok, err = mm.reload(host, name); if not ok then ok = false; self.session.print(err or "Unknown error reloading module"); else count = count + 1; if ok == nil then ok = true; end self.session.print("Reloaded on "; end end end return ok, (ok and "Module reloaded on "..count.." host"..(count ~= 1 and "s" or "")) or ("Last error: "..tostring(err)); end function def_env.module:list(hosts) if hosts == nil then hosts = array.collect(keys(prosody.hosts)); table.insert(hosts, 1, "*"); end if type(hosts) == "string" then hosts = { hosts }; end if type(hosts) ~= "table" then return false, "Please supply a host or a list of hosts you would like to see"; end local print = self.session.print; for _, host in ipairs(hosts) do print((host == "*" and "Global" or host)..":"); local modules = array.collect(keys(modulemanager.get_modules(host) or {})):sort(); if #modules == 0 then if prosody.hosts[host] then print(" No modules loaded"); else print(" Host not found"); end else for _, name in ipairs(modules) do print(" "; end end end end def_env.config = {}; function def_env.config:load(filename, format) local config_load = require "core.configmanager".load; local ok, err = config_load(filename, format); if not ok then return false, err or "Unknown error loading config"; end return true, "Config loaded"; end function def_env.config:get(host, section, key) local config_get = require "core.configmanager".get return true, tostring(config_get(host, section, key)); end function def_env.config:reload() local ok, err = prosody.reload_config(); return ok, (ok and "Config reloaded (you may need to reload modules to take effect)") or tostring(err); end def_env.hosts = {}; function def_env.hosts:list() for host, host_session in pairs(hosts) do self.session.print(host); end return true, "Done"; end function def_env.hosts:add(name) end def_env.c2s = {}; local function show_c2s(callback) for hostname, host in pairs(hosts) do for username, user in pairs(host.sessions or {}) do for resource, session in pairs(user.sessions or {}) do local jid = username.."@"..hostname.."/"..resource; callback(jid, session); end end end end function def_env.c2s:count(match_jid) local count = 0; show_c2s(function (jid, session) if (not match_jid) or jid:match(match_jid) then count = count + 1; end end); return true, "Total: "..count.." clients"; end function def_env.c2s:show(match_jid) local print, count = self.session.print, 0; local curr_host; show_c2s(function (jid, session) if curr_host ~= then curr_host =; print(curr_host); end if (not match_jid) or jid:match(match_jid) then count = count + 1; local status, priority = "unavailable", tostring(session.priority or "-"); if session.presence then status = session.presence:child_with_name("show"); if status then status = status:get_text() or "[invalid!]"; else status = "available"; end end print(" "..jid.." - "..status.."("..priority..")"); end end); return true, "Total: "..count.." clients"; end function def_env.c2s:show_insecure(match_jid) local print, count = self.session.print, 0; show_c2s(function (jid, session) if ((not match_jid) or jid:match(match_jid)) and not then count = count + 1; print(jid); end end); return true, "Total: "..count.." insecure client connections"; end function def_env.c2s:show_secure(match_jid) local print, count = self.session.print, 0; show_c2s(function (jid, session) if ((not match_jid) or jid:match(match_jid)) and then count = count + 1; print(jid); end end); return true, "Total: "..count.." secure client connections"; end function def_env.c2s:close(match_jid) local count = 0; show_c2s(function (jid, session) if jid == match_jid or jid_bare(jid) == match_jid then count = count + 1; session:close(); end end); return true, "Total: "..count.." sessions closed"; end local function session_flags(session, line) if session.cert_identity_status == "valid" then line[#line+1] = "(secure)"; elseif then line[#line+1] = "(encrypted)"; end if session.compressed then line[#line+1] = "(compressed)"; end if session.smacks then line[#line+1] = "(sm)"; end if session.conn and session.conn:ip():match(":") then line[#line+1] = "(IPv6)"; end return table.concat(line, " "); end def_env.s2s = {}; function def_env.s2s:show(match_jid) local _print = self.session.print; local print = self.session.print; local count_in, count_out = 0,0; for host, host_session in pairs(hosts) do print = function (...) _print(host); _print(...); print = _print; end for remotehost, session in pairs(host_session.s2sout) do if (not match_jid) or remotehost:match(match_jid) or host:match(match_jid) then count_out = count_out + 1; print(session_flags(session, {" ", host, "->", remotehost})); if session.sendq then print(" There are "..#session.sendq.." queued outgoing stanzas for this connection"); end if session.type == "s2sout_unauthed" then if session.connecting then print(" Connection not yet established"); if not session.srv_hosts then if not session.conn then print(" We do not yet have a DNS answer for this host's SRV records"); else print(" This host has no SRV records, using A record instead"); end elseif session.srv_choice then print(" We are on SRV record "..session.srv_choice.." of "..#session.srv_hosts); local srv_choice = session.srv_hosts[session.srv_choice]; print(" Using "..( or ".")..":"..(srv_choice.port or 5269)); end elseif session.notopen then print(" The <stream> has not yet been opened"); elseif not session.dialback_key then print(" Dialback has not been initiated yet"); elseif session.dialback_key then print(" Dialback has been requested, but no result received"); end end end end local subhost_filter = function (h) return (match_jid and h:match(match_jid)); end for session in pairs(incoming_s2s) do if session.to_host == host and ((not match_jid) or host:match(match_jid) or (session.from_host and session.from_host:match(match_jid)) -- Pft! is what I say to list comprehensions or (session.hosts and #array.collect(keys(session.hosts)):filter(subhost_filter)>0)) then count_in = count_in + 1; print(session_flags(session, {" ", host, "<-", session.from_host or "(unknown)"})); if session.type == "s2sin_unauthed" then print(" Connection not yet authenticated"); end for name in pairs(session.hosts) do if name ~= session.from_host then print(" also hosts "..tostring(name)); end end end end print = _print; end for session in pairs(incoming_s2s) do if not session.to_host and ((not match_jid) or session.from_host and session.from_host:match(match_jid)) then count_in = count_in + 1; print("Other incoming s2s connections"); print(" (unknown) <- "..(session.from_host or "(unknown)")); end end return true, "Total: "..count_out.." outgoing, "..count_in.." incoming connections"; end local function print_subject(print, subject) for _, entry in ipairs(subject) do print( (" %s: %q"):format( or entry.oid, entry.value:gsub("[\r\n%z%c]", " ") ) ); end end -- As much as it pains me to use the 0-based depths that OpenSSL does, -- I think there's going to be more confusion among operators if we -- break from that. local function print_errors(print, errors) for depth, t in pairs(errors) do print( (" %d: %s"):format( depth-1, table.concat(t, "\n| ") ) ); end end function def_env.s2s:showcert(domain) local ser = require "util.serialization".serialize; local print = self.session.print; local domain_sessions = /function(session) return session.from_host == domain and session or nil; end; for local_host in values(prosody.hosts) do local s2sout = local_host.s2sout; if s2sout and s2sout[domain] then domain_sessions:add(s2sout[domain]); end end local cert_set = {}; for session in domain_sessions do local conn = session.conn; conn = conn and conn:socket(); if not conn.getpeerchain then if conn.dohandshake then error("This version of LuaSec does not support certificate viewing"); end else local cert = conn:getpeercertificate(); if cert then local certs = conn:getpeerchain(); local digest = cert:digest("sha1"); if not cert_set[digest] then local chain_valid, chain_errors = conn:getpeerverification(); cert_set[digest] = { { from = session.from_host, to = session.to_host, direction = session.direction }; chain_valid = chain_valid; chain_errors = chain_errors; certs = certs; }; else table.insert(cert_set[digest], { from = session.from_host, to = session.to_host, direction = session.direction }); end end end end local domain_certs = array.collect(values(cert_set)); -- Phew. We now have a array of unique certificates presented by domain. local n_certs = #domain_certs; if n_certs == 0 then return "No certificates found for "..domain; end local function _capitalize_and_colon(byte) return string.upper(byte)..":"; end local function pretty_fingerprint(hash) return hash:gsub("..", _capitalize_and_colon):sub(1, -2); end for cert_info in values(domain_certs) do local certs = cert_info.certs; local cert = certs[1]; print("---") print("Fingerprint (SHA1): "..pretty_fingerprint(cert:digest("sha1"))); print(""); local n_streams = #cert_info; print("Currently used on "..n_streams.." stream"..(n_streams==1 and "" or "s")..":"); for _, stream in ipairs(cert_info) do if stream.direction == "incoming" then print(" "" <- "; else print(" "" -> "; end end print(""); local chain_valid, errors = cert_info.chain_valid, cert_info.chain_errors; local valid_identity = cert_verify_identity(domain, "xmpp-server", cert); if chain_valid then print("Trusted certificate: Yes"); else print("Trusted certificate: No"); print_errors(print, errors); end print(""); print("Issuer: "); print_subject(print, cert:issuer()); print(""); print("Valid for "..domain..": "..(valid_identity and "Yes" or "No")); print("Subject:"); print_subject(print, cert:subject()); end print("---"); return ("Showing "..n_certs.." certificate" ..(n_certs==1 and "" or "s") .." presented by "..domain.."."); end function def_env.s2s:close(from, to) local print, count = self.session.print, 0; if not (from and to) then return false, "Syntax: s2s:close('from', 'to') - Closes all s2s sessions from 'from' to 'to'"; elseif from == to then return false, "Both from and to are the same... you can't do that :)"; end if hosts[from] and not hosts[to] then -- Is an outgoing connection local session = hosts[from].s2sout[to]; if not session then print("No outgoing connection from "..from.." to " else (session.close or s2smanager.destroy_session)(session); count = count + 1; print("Closed outgoing session from "..from.." to "; end elseif hosts[to] and not hosts[from] then -- Is an incoming connection for session in pairs(incoming_s2s) do if session.to_host == to and session.from_host == from then (session.close or s2smanager.destroy_session)(session); count = count + 1; end end if count == 0 then print("No incoming connections from "..from.." to "; else print("Closed "..count.." incoming session"..((count == 1 and "") or "s").." from "..from.." to "; end elseif hosts[to] and hosts[from] then return false, "Both of the hostnames you specified are local, there are no s2s sessions to close"; else return false, "Neither of the hostnames you specified are being used on this server"; end return true, "Closed "..count.." s2s session"..((count == 1 and "") or "s"); end function def_env.s2s:closeall(host) local count = 0; if not host or type(host) ~= "string" then return false, "wrong syntax: please use s2s:closeall('hostname.tld')"; end if hosts[host] then for session in pairs(incoming_s2s) do if session.to_host == host then (session.close or s2smanager.destroy_session)(session); count = count + 1; end end for _, session in pairs(hosts[host].s2sout) do (session.close or s2smanager.destroy_session)(session); count = count + 1; end else for session in pairs(incoming_s2s) do if session.from_host == host then (session.close or s2smanager.destroy_session)(session); count = count + 1; end end for _, h in pairs(hosts) do if h.s2sout[host] then (h.s2sout[host].close or s2smanager.destroy_session)(h.s2sout[host]); count = count + 1; end end end if count == 0 then return false, "No sessions to close."; else return true, "Closed "..count.." s2s session"..((count == 1 and "") or "s"); end end = {}; def_env.hosts =; function, config) return hostmanager.activate(hostname, config); end function, reason) return hostmanager.deactivate(hostname, reason); end function local print = self.session.print; local i = 0; for host in values(array.collect(keys(prosody.hosts)):sort()) do i = i + 1; print(host); end return true, i.." hosts"; end def_env.port = {}; function def_env.port:list() local print = self.session.print; local services = portmanager.get_active_services().data; local ordered_services, n_ports = {}, 0; for service, interfaces in pairs(services) do table.insert(ordered_services, service); end table.sort(ordered_services); for _, service in ipairs(ordered_services) do local ports_list = {}; for interface, ports in pairs(services[service]) do for port in pairs(ports) do table.insert(ports_list, "["..interface.."]:"..port); end end n_ports = n_ports + #ports_list; print(service..": "..table.concat(ports_list, ", ")); end return true, #ordered_services.." services listening on "..n_ports.." ports"; end function def_env.port:close(close_port, close_interface) close_port = assert(tonumber(close_port), "Invalid port number"); local n_closed = 0; local services = portmanager.get_active_services().data; for service, interfaces in pairs(services) do for interface, ports in pairs(interfaces) do if not close_interface or close_interface == interface then if ports[close_port] then self.session.print("Closing ["..interface.."]:"..close_port.."..."); local ok, err = portmanager.close(interface, close_port) if not ok then self.session.print("Failed to close "..interface.." "..close_port..": "..err); else n_closed = n_closed + 1; end end end end end return true, "Closed "..n_closed.." ports"; end def_env.muc = {}; local console_room_mt = { __index = function (self, k) return[k]; end; __tostring = function (self) return "MUC room <"">"; end; }; local function check_muc(jid) local room_name, host = jid_split(jid); if not hosts[host] then return nil, "No such host: "; elseif not hosts[host].modules.muc then return nil, "Host '""' is not a MUC service"; end return room_name, host; end function def_env.muc:create(room_jid) local room, host = check_muc(room_jid); if not room then return nil, host end if hosts[host].modules.muc.rooms[room_jid] then return nil, "Room exists already" end return hosts[host].modules.muc.create_room(room_jid); end function def_env.muc:room(room_jid) local room_name, host = check_muc(room_jid); local room_obj = hosts[host].modules.muc.rooms[room_jid]; if not room_obj then return nil, "No such room: "..room_jid; end return setmetatable({ room = room_obj }, console_room_mt); end local um = require"core.usermanager"; def_env.user = {}; function def_env.user:create(jid, password) local username, host = jid_split(jid); if not hosts[host] then return nil, "No such host: "; elseif um.user_exists(username, host) then return nil, "User exists"; end local ok, err = um.create_user(username, password, host); if ok then return true, "User created"; else return nil, "Could not create user: "..err; end end function def_env.user:delete(jid) local username, host = jid_split(jid); if not hosts[host] then return nil, "No such host: "; elseif not um.user_exists(username, host) then return nil, "No such user"; end local ok, err = um.delete_user(username, host); if ok then return true, "User deleted"; else return nil, "Could not delete user: "..err; end end function def_env.user:password(jid, password) local username, host = jid_split(jid); if not hosts[host] then return nil, "No such host: "; elseif not um.user_exists(username, host) then return nil, "No such user"; end local ok, err = um.set_password(username, password, host); if ok then return true, "User password changed"; else return nil, "Could not change password for user: "..err; end end function def_env.user:list(host, pat) if not host then return nil, "No host given"; elseif not hosts[host] then return nil, "No such host"; end local print = self.session.print; local total, matches = 0, 0; for user in um.users(host) do if not pat or user:match(pat) then print(user.."@"; matches = matches + 1; end total = total + 1; end return true, "Showing "..(pat and (matches.." of ") or "all " )" users"; end def_env.xmpp = {}; local st = require "util.stanza"; function def_env.xmpp:ping(localhost, remotehost) if hosts[localhost] then core_post_stanza(hosts[localhost],{ from=localhost, to=remotehost, type="get", id="ping" } :tag("ping", {xmlns="urn:xmpp:ping"})); return true, "Sent ping"; else return nil, "No such host"; end end def_env.dns = {}; local adns = require"net.adns"; local dns = require"net.dns"; function def_env.dns:lookup(name, typ, class) local ret = "Query sent"; local print = self.session.print; local function handler(...) ret = "Got response"; print(...); end adns.lookup(handler, name, typ, class); return true, ret; end function def_env.dns:addnameserver(...) dns.addnameserver(...) return true end function def_env.dns:setnameserver(...) dns.setnameserver(...) return true end function def_env.dns:purge() dns.purge() return true end function def_env.dns:cache() return true, "Cache:\n"..tostring(dns.cache()) end ------------- function printbanner(session) local option = module:get_option("console_banner"); if option == nil or option == "full" or option == "graphic" then session.print [[ ____ \ / _ | _ \ _ __ ___ ___ _-_ __| |_ _ | |_) | '__/ _ \/ __|/ _ \ / _` | | | | | __/| | | (_) \__ \ |_| | (_| | |_| | |_| |_| \___/|___/\___/ \__,_|\__, | A study in simplicity |___/ ]] end if option == nil or option == "short" or option == "full" then session.print("Welcome to the Prosody administration console. For a list of commands, type: help"); session.print("You may find more help on using this console in our online documentation at "); session.print("\n"); end if option and option ~= "short" and option ~= "full" and option ~= "graphic" then if type(option) == "string" then session.print(option) elseif type(option) == "function" then module:log("warn", "Using functions as value for the console_banner option is no longer supported"); end end end module:provides("net", { name = "console"; listener = console_listener; default_port = 5582; private = true; });