
util/iterators.lua @ 8706:e2919978673e

net.http: Fix parameter order to http request callbacks Commit e3b9dc9dd940 changed the parameter order in 2013, but did not update the names of the parameters in the callback function. Due to this inconsistency, 12df41a5a4b1 accidentally reversed the order when fixing the variable names without fixing where they are used. Additionally the documentation was incorrect (since 2013), and this has also now been fixed.
author Matthew Wild <>
date Wed, 04 Apr 2018 18:27:44 +0100
parent 7355:4b4cf0167391
child 8389:5d866eb8f18f
line wrap: on
line source

-- Prosody IM
-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild
-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain
-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.

--[[ Iterators ]]--

local it = {};

local t_insert = table.insert;
local select, next = select, next;
local unpack = table.unpack or unpack; --luacheck: ignore 113
local pack = table.pack or function (...) return { n = select("#", ...), ... }; end

-- Reverse an iterator
function it.reverse(f, s, var)
	local results = {};

	-- First call the normal iterator
	while true do
		local ret = { f(s, var) };
		var = ret[1];
		if var == nil then break; end
		t_insert(results, 1, ret);

	-- Then return our reverse one
	local i,max = 0, #results;
	return function (_results)
		if i<max then
			i = i + 1;
			return unpack(_results[i]);
	end, results;

-- Iterate only over keys in a table
local function _keys_it(t, key)
	return (next(t, key));
function it.keys(t)
	return _keys_it, t;

-- Iterate only over values in a table
function it.values(t)
	local key, val;
	return function (_t)
		key, val = next(_t, key);
		return val;
	end, t;

-- Iterate over the n:th return value
function, f, s, var)
	return function (_s)
		local ret = pack(f(_s, var));
		var = ret[1];
		return ret[n];
	end, s, var;

-- Given an iterator, iterate only over unique items
function it.unique(f, s, var)
	local set = {};

	return function ()
		while true do
			local ret = pack(f(s, var));
			var = ret[1];
			if var == nil then break; end
			if not set[var] then
				set[var] = true;
				return unpack(ret, 1, ret.n);

--[[ Return the number of items an iterator returns ]]--
function it.count(f, s, var)
	local x = 0;

	while true do
		var = f(s, var);
		if var == nil then break; end
		x = x + 1;

	return x;

-- Return the first n items an iterator returns
function it.head(n, f, s, var)
	local c = 0;
	return function (_s, _var)
		if c >= n then
			return nil;
		c = c + 1;
		return f(_s, _var);
	end, s, var;

-- Skip the first n items an iterator returns
function it.skip(n, f, s, var)
	for _ = 1, n do
		var = f(s, var);
	return f, s, var;

-- Return the last n items an iterator returns
function it.tail(n, f, s, var)
	local results, count = {}, 0;
	while true do
		local ret = pack(f(s, var));
		var = ret[1];
		if var == nil then break; end
		results[(count%n)+1] = ret;
		count = count + 1;

	if n > count then n = count; end

	local pos = 0;
	return function ()
		pos = pos + 1;
		if pos > n then return nil; end
		local ret = results[((count-1+pos)%n)+1];
		return unpack(ret, 1, ret.n);
	--return reverse(head(n, reverse(f, s, var))); -- !

function it.filter(filter, f, s, var)
	if type(filter) ~= "function" then
		local filter_value = filter;
		function filter(x) return x ~= filter_value; end
	return function (_s, _var)
		local ret;
		repeat ret = pack(f(_s, _var));
			_var = ret[1];
		until _var == nil or filter(unpack(ret, 1, ret.n));
		return unpack(ret, 1, ret.n);
	end, s, var;

local function _ripairs_iter(t, key) if key > 1 then return key-1, t[key-1]; end end
function it.ripairs(t)
	return _ripairs_iter, t, #t+1;

local function _range_iter(max, curr) if curr < max then return curr + 1; end end
function it.range(x, y)
	if not y then x, y = 1, x; end -- Default to 1..x if y not given
	return _range_iter, y, x-1;

-- Convert the values returned by an iterator to an array
function it.to_array(f, s, var)
	local t = {};
	while true do
		var = f(s, var);
		if var == nil then break; end
		t_insert(t, var);
	return t;

-- Treat the return of an iterator as key,value pairs,
-- and build a table
function it.to_table(f, s, var)
	local t, var2 = {};
	while true do
		var, var2 = f(s, var);
		if var == nil then break; end
		t[var] = var2;
	return t;

return it;