Software /
code /
core/moduleapi.lua @ 9879:ddc07fb8dcd4 0.11
mod_mam: Perform message expiry based on building an index by date (backport of 39ee70fbb009 from trunk)
For each day, store a set of users that have new messages. To expire
messages, we collect the union of sets of users from dates that fall
outside the cleanup range.
The previous algoritm did not work well with many users, especially with
the default settings.
author | Kim Alvefur <> |
date | Fri, 22 Mar 2019 17:32:56 +0100 |
parent | 9556:e4c09e335bd9 |
child | 9686:e52e4e6e7ffb |
line wrap: on
line source
-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local array = require "util.array"; local set = require "util.set"; local it = require "util.iterators"; local logger = require "util.logger"; local pluginloader = require "util.pluginloader"; local timer = require "util.timer"; local resolve_relative_path = require"util.paths".resolve_relative_path; local st = require "util.stanza"; local t_insert, t_remove, t_concat = table.insert, table.remove, table.concat; local error, setmetatable, type = error, setmetatable, type; local ipairs, pairs, select = ipairs, pairs, select; local tonumber, tostring = tonumber, tostring; local require = require; local pack = table.pack or function(...) return {n=select("#",...), ...}; end -- table.pack is only in 5.2 local unpack = table.unpack or unpack; --luacheck: ignore 113 -- renamed in 5.2 local prosody = prosody; local hosts = prosody.hosts; -- FIXME: This assert() is to try and catch an obscure bug (2013-04-05) local core_post_stanza = assert(prosody.core_post_stanza, "prosody.core_post_stanza is nil, please report this as a bug"); -- Registry of shared module data local shared_data = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "v" }); local NULL = {}; local api = {}; -- Returns the name of the current module function api:get_name() return; end -- Returns the host that the current module is serving function api:get_host() return; end function api:get_host_type() return ( == "*" and "global") or hosts[].type or "local"; end function api:set_global() = "*"; -- Update the logger local _log = logger.init("mod_"; self.log = function (self, ...) return _log(...); end; --luacheck: ignore self self._log = _log; = true; end function api:add_feature(xmlns) self:add_item("feature", xmlns); end function api:add_identity(category, identity_type, name) self:add_item("identity", {category = category, type = identity_type, name = name}); end function api:add_extension(data) self:add_item("extension", data); end function api:fire_event(...) return (hosts[] or prosody).events.fire_event(...); end function api:hook_object_event(object, event, handler, priority) self.event_handlers:set(object, event, handler, true); return object.add_handler(event, handler, priority); end function api:unhook_object_event(object, event, handler) self.event_handlers:set(object, event, handler, nil); return object.remove_handler(event, handler); end function api:hook(event, handler, priority) return self:hook_object_event((hosts[] or prosody).events, event, handler, priority); end function api:hook_global(event, handler, priority) return self:hook_object_event(, event, handler, priority); end function api:hook_tag(xmlns, name, handler, priority) if not handler and type(name) == "function" then -- If only 2 options then they specified no xmlns xmlns, name, handler, priority = nil, xmlns, name, handler; elseif not (handler and name) then self:log("warn", "Error: Insufficient parameters to module:hook_stanza()"); return; end return self:hook("stanza/"..(xmlns and (xmlns..":") or ""), function (data) return handler(data.origin, data.stanza, data); end, priority); end api.hook_stanza = api.hook_tag; -- COMPAT w/pre-0.9 function api:unhook(event, handler) return self:unhook_object_event((hosts[] or prosody).events, event, handler); end function api:wrap_object_event(events_object, event, handler) return self:hook_object_event(assert(events_object.wrappers, "no wrappers"), event, handler); end function api:wrap_event(event, handler) return self:wrap_object_event((hosts[] or prosody).events, event, handler); end function api:wrap_global(event, handler) return self:hook_object_event(, event, handler); end function api:require(lib) local f, n = pluginloader.load_code_ext(, lib, "lib.lua", self.environment); if not f then error("Failed to load plugin library '"..lib.."', error: "..n); end -- FIXME better error message return f(); end function api:depends(name) local modulemanager = require"core.modulemanager"; if self:get_option_inherited_set("modules_disabled", {}):contains(name) then error("Dependency on disabled module mod_"; end if not self.dependencies then self.dependencies = {}; self:hook("module-reloaded", function (event) if self.dependencies[event.module] and not self.reloading then self:log("info", "Auto-reloading due to reload of %s:%s",, event.module); modulemanager.reload(,; return; end end); self:hook("module-unloaded", function (event) if self.dependencies[event.module] then self:log("info", "Auto-unloading due to unload of %s:%s",, event.module); modulemanager.unload(,; end end); end local mod = modulemanager.get_module(, name) or modulemanager.get_module("*", name); if mod and == "*" and ~= "*" and modulemanager.module_has_method(mod, "add_host") then mod = nil; -- Target is a shared module, so we still want to load it on our host end if not mod then local err; mod, err = modulemanager.load(, name); if not mod then return error(("Unable to load required module, mod_%s: %s"):format(name, ((err or "unknown error"):gsub("%-", " ")) )); end end self.dependencies[name] = true; return mod; end local function get_shared_table_from_path(module, tables, path) if path:sub(1,1) ~= "/" then -- Prepend default components local default_path_components = {, }; local n_components = select(2, path:gsub("/", "%1")); path = (n_components<#default_path_components and "/" or "") ..t_concat(default_path_components, "/", 1, #default_path_components-n_components).."/"..path; end local shared = tables[path]; if not shared then shared = {}; if path:match("%-cache$") then setmetatable(shared, { __mode = "kv" }); end tables[path] = shared; end return shared; end -- Returns a shared table at the specified virtual path -- Intentionally does not allow the table to be _set_, it -- is auto-created if it does not exist. function api:shared(path) if not self.shared_data then self.shared_data = {}; end local shared = get_shared_table_from_path(self, shared_data, path); self.shared_data[path] = shared; return shared; end function api:get_option(name, default_value) local config = require "core.configmanager"; local value = config.get(, name); if value == nil then value = default_value; end return value; end function api:get_option_scalar(name, default_value) local value = self:get_option(name, default_value); if type(value) == "table" then if #value > 1 then self:log("error", "Config option '%s' does not take a list, using just the first item", name); end value = value[1]; end return value; end function api:get_option_string(name, default_value) local value = self:get_option_scalar(name, default_value); if value == nil then return nil; end return tostring(value); end function api:get_option_number(name, ...) local value = self:get_option_scalar(name, ...); local ret = tonumber(value); if value ~= nil and ret == nil then self:log("error", "Config option '%s' not understood, expecting a number", name); end return ret; end function api:get_option_boolean(name, ...) local value = self:get_option_scalar(name, ...); if value == nil then return nil; end local ret = value == true or value == "true" or value == 1 or nil; if ret == nil then ret = (value == false or value == "false" or value == 0); if ret then ret = false; else ret = nil; end end if ret == nil then self:log("error", "Config option '%s' not understood, expecting true/false", name); end return ret; end function api:get_option_array(name, ...) local value = self:get_option(name, ...); if value == nil then return nil; end if type(value) ~= "table" then return array{ value }; -- Assume any non-list is a single-item list end return array():append(value); -- Clone end function api:get_option_set(name, ...) local value = self:get_option_array(name, ...); if value == nil then return nil; end return; end function api:get_option_inherited_set(name, ...) local value = self:get_option_set(name, ...); local global_value = self:context("*"):get_option_set(name, ...); if not value then return global_value; elseif not global_value then return value; end value:include(global_value); return value; end function api:get_option_path(name, default, parent) if parent == nil then parent = self:get_directory(); elseif prosody.paths[parent] then parent = prosody.paths[parent]; end local value = self:get_option_string(name, default); if value == nil then return nil; end return resolve_relative_path(parent, value); end function api:context(host) return setmetatable({host=host or "*"}, {__index=self,__newindex=self}); end function api:add_item(key, value) self.items = self.items or {}; self.items[key] = self.items[key] or {}; t_insert(self.items[key], value); self:fire_event("item-added/"..key, {source = self, item = value}); end function api:remove_item(key, value) local t = self.items and self.items[key] or NULL; for i = #t,1,-1 do if t[i] == value then t_remove(self.items[key], i); self:fire_event("item-removed/"..key, {source = self, item = value}); return value; end end end function api:get_host_items(key) local modulemanager = require"core.modulemanager"; local result = modulemanager.get_items(key, or {}; return result; end function api:handle_items(item_type, added_cb, removed_cb, existing) self:hook("item-added/"..item_type, added_cb); self:hook("item-removed/"..item_type, removed_cb); if existing ~= false then for _, item in ipairs(self:get_host_items(item_type)) do added_cb({ item = item }); end end end function api:provides(name, item) -- if not item then item = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t,k) return rawget(self.environment, k); end }); end if not item then item = {} for k,v in pairs(self.environment) do if k ~= "module" then item[k] = v; end end end if not then local item_name =; -- Strip a provider prefix to find the item name -- (e.g. "auth_foo" -> "foo" for an auth provider) if item_name:find(name.."_", 1, true) == 1 then item_name = item_name:sub(#name+2); end = item_name; end item._provided_by =; self:add_item(name.."-provider", item); end function api:send(stanza, origin) return core_post_stanza(origin or hosts[], stanza); end function api:broadcast(jids, stanza, iter) for jid in (iter or it.values)(jids) do local new_stanza = st.clone(stanza); = jid; self:send(new_stanza); end end local timer_methods = { } local timer_mt = { __index = timer_methods; } function timer_methods:stop( ) timer.stop(; end timer_methods.disarm = timer_methods.stop function timer_methods:reschedule(delay) timer.reschedule(, delay) end local function timer_callback(now, id, t) --luacheck: ignore 212/id if t.module_env.loaded == false then return; end return t.callback(now, unpack(t, 1, t.n)); end function api:add_timer(delay, callback, ...) local t = pack(...) t.module_env = self; t.callback = callback; = timer.add_task(delay, timer_callback, t); return setmetatable(t, timer_mt); end local path_sep = package.config:sub(1,1); function api:get_directory() return self.path and (self.path:gsub("%"..path_sep.."[^"..path_sep.."]*$", "")) or nil; end function api:load_resource(path, mode) path = resolve_relative_path(self:get_directory(), path); return, mode); end function api:open_store(name, store_type) return require"core.storagemanager".open(, name or, store_type); end function api:measure(name, stat_type) local measure = require "core.statsmanager".measure; return measure(stat_type, "/""/mod_""/"; end function api:measure_object_event(events_object, event_name, stat_name) local m = self:measure(stat_name or event_name, "times"); local function handler(handlers, _event_name, _event_data) local finished = m(); local ret = handlers(_event_name, _event_data); finished(); return ret; end return self:hook_object_event(events_object, event_name, handler); end function api:measure_event(event_name, stat_name) return self:measure_object_event((hosts[] or prosody).events.wrappers, event_name, stat_name); end function api:measure_global_event(event_name, stat_name) return self:measure_object_event(, event_name, stat_name); end return api;