
util/human/units.lua @ 11740:b92f2abe0bda

mod_s2s: Fire 's2s-ondrain' event, mirroring mod_c2s Signals that any pending outgoing stanzas that were in the write buffer have at least been sent off to the Kernel and maybe even sent out over the network. See 7a703af90c9c for mod_c2s commit
author Kim Alvefur <>
date Mon, 16 Aug 2021 11:37:51 +0200
parent 10903:c5f26f9adb31
child 12573:0f4feaf9ca64
line wrap: on
line source

local math_abs = math.abs;
local math_ceil = math.ceil;
local math_floor = math.floor;
local math_log = math.log;
local math_max = math.max;
local math_min = math.min;
local unpack = table.unpack or unpack; --luacheck: ignore 113

if math_log(10, 10) ~= 1 then
	-- Lua 5.1 COMPAT
	local log10 = math.log10;
	function math_log(n, base)
		return log10(n) / log10(base);

local large = {
	"k", 1000,
	"M", 1000000,
	"G", 1000000000,
	"T", 1000000000000,
	"P", 1000000000000000,
	"E", 1000000000000000000,
	"Z", 1000000000000000000000,
	"Y", 1000000000000000000000000,
local small = {
	"m", 0.001,
	"μ", 0.000001,
	"n", 0.000000001,
	"p", 0.000000000001,
	"f", 0.000000000000001,
	"a", 0.000000000000000001,
	"z", 0.000000000000000000001,
	"y", 0.000000000000000000000001,

local binary = {
	"Ki", 2^10,
	"Mi", 2^20,
	"Gi", 2^30,
	"Ti", 2^40,
	"Pi", 2^50,
	"Ei", 2^60,
	"Zi", 2^70,
	"Yi", 2^80,

local function adjusted_unit(n, b)
	local round = math_floor;
	local prefixes = large;
	local logbase = 1000;
	if b == 'b' then
		prefixes = binary;
		logbase = 1024;
	elseif n < 1 then
		prefixes = small;
		round = math_ceil;
	local m = math_max(0, math_min(8, round(math_abs(math_log(math_abs(n), logbase)))));
	local prefix, multiplier = unpack(prefixes, m * 2-1, m*2);
	return multiplier or 1, prefix;

-- n: number, the number to format
-- unit: string, the base unit
-- b: optional enum 'b', thousands base
local function format(n, unit, b) --> string
	local fmt = "%.3g %s%s";
	if n == 0 then
		return fmt:format(n, "", unit);
	local multiplier, prefix = adjusted_unit(n, b);
	return fmt:format(n / multiplier, prefix or "", unit);

return {
	adjust = adjusted_unit;
	format = format;