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util/stanza.lua @ 2511:a81c710b1708
prosodyctl: Don't display message about failing to start Prosody is daemonizing is disabled (if daemonizing is disabled then Prosody is stopped by the time control returns to prosodyctl, which then can't see Prosody running)
author | Matthew Wild <> |
date | Thu, 28 Jan 2010 15:05:30 +0000 |
parent | 2482:a1570e371258 |
child | 2526:401ff68413a1 |
line wrap: on
line source
-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local t_insert = table.insert; local t_concat = table.concat; local t_remove = table.remove; local t_concat = table.concat; local s_format = string.format; local s_match = string.match; local tostring = tostring; local setmetatable = setmetatable; local getmetatable = getmetatable; local pairs = pairs; local ipairs = ipairs; local type = type; local next = next; local print = print; local unpack = unpack; local s_gsub = string.gsub; local s_char = string.char; local s_find = string.find; local os = os; local do_pretty_printing = not os.getenv("WINDIR"); local getstyle, getstring; if do_pretty_printing then local ok, termcolours = pcall(require, "util.termcolours"); if ok then getstyle, getstring = termcolours.getstyle, termcolours.getstring; else do_pretty_printing = nil; end end module "stanza" stanza_mt = { __type = "stanza" }; stanza_mt.__index = stanza_mt; function stanza(name, attr) local stanza = { name = name, attr = attr or {}, tags = {}, last_add = {}}; return setmetatable(stanza, stanza_mt); end function stanza_mt:query(xmlns) return self:tag("query", { xmlns = xmlns }); end function stanza_mt:body(text, attr) return self:tag("body", attr):text(text); end function stanza_mt:tag(name, attrs) local s = stanza(name, attrs); (self.last_add[#self.last_add] or self):add_direct_child(s); t_insert(self.last_add, s); return self; end function stanza_mt:text(text) (self.last_add[#self.last_add] or self):add_direct_child(text); return self; end function stanza_mt:up() t_remove(self.last_add); return self; end function stanza_mt:reset() local last_add = self.last_add; for i = 1,#last_add do last_add[i] = nil; end return self; end function stanza_mt:add_direct_child(child) if type(child) == "table" then t_insert(self.tags, child); end t_insert(self, child); end function stanza_mt:add_child(child) (self.last_add[#self.last_add] or self):add_direct_child(child); return self; end function stanza_mt:get_child(name, xmlns) for _, child in ipairs(self.tags) do if (not name or == name) and ((not xmlns and self.attr.xmlns == child.attr.xmlns) or child.attr.xmlns == xmlns) then return child; end end end function stanza_mt:child_with_name(name) for _, child in ipairs(self.tags) do if == name then return child; end end end function stanza_mt:child_with_ns(ns) for _, child in ipairs(self.tags) do if child.attr.xmlns == ns then return child; end end end function stanza_mt:children() local i = 0; return function (a) i = i + 1 local v = a[i] if v then return v; end end, self, i; end function stanza_mt:childtags() local i = 0; return function (a) i = i + 1 local v = self.tags[i] if v then return v; end end, self.tags[1], i; end local xml_escape do local escape_table = { ["'"] = "'", ["\""] = """, ["<"] = "<", [">"] = ">", ["&"] = "&" }; function xml_escape(str) return (s_gsub(str, "['&<>\"]", escape_table)); end _M.xml_escape = xml_escape; end local function _dostring(t, buf, self, xml_escape, parentns) local nsid = 0; local name = t_insert(buf, "<"; for k, v in pairs(t.attr) do if s_find(k, "\1", 1, true) then local ns, attrk = s_match(k, "^([^\1]*)\1?(.*)$"); nsid = nsid + 1; t_insert(buf, " xmlns:ns"..nsid.."='"..xml_escape(ns).."' ".."ns"..nsid..":"..attrk.."='"..xml_escape(v).."'"); elseif not(k == "xmlns" and v == parentns) then t_insert(buf, " "..k.."='"..xml_escape(v).."'"); end end local len = #t; if len == 0 then t_insert(buf, "/>"); else t_insert(buf, ">"); for n=1,len do local child = t[n]; if then self(child, buf, self, xml_escape, t.attr.xmlns); else t_insert(buf, xml_escape(child)); end end t_insert(buf, "</"">"); end end function stanza_mt.__tostring(t) local buf = {}; _dostring(t, buf, _dostring, xml_escape, nil); return t_concat(buf); end function stanza_mt.top_tag(t) local attr_string = ""; if t.attr then for k, v in pairs(t.attr) do if type(k) == "string" then attr_string = attr_string .. s_format(" %s='%s'", k, xml_escape(tostring(v))); end end end return s_format("<%s%s>",, attr_string); end function stanza_mt.get_text(t) if #t.tags == 0 then return t_concat(t); end end function stanza_mt.__add(s1, s2) return s1:add_direct_child(s2); end do local id = 0; function new_id() id = id + 1; return "lx"; end end function preserialize(stanza) local s = { name =, attr = stanza.attr }; for _, child in ipairs(stanza) do if type(child) == "table" then t_insert(s, preserialize(child)); else t_insert(s, child); end end return s; end function deserialize(stanza) -- Set metatable if stanza then local attr = stanza.attr; for i=1,#attr do attr[i] = nil; end local attrx = {}; for att in pairs(attr) do if s_find(att, "|", 1, true) and not s_find(k, "\1", 1, true) then local ns,na = s_match(k, "^([^|]+)|(.+)$"); attrx[ns.."\1"] = attr[att]; attr[att] = nil; end end for a,v in pairs(attrx) do attr[x] = v; end setmetatable(stanza, stanza_mt); for _, child in ipairs(stanza) do if type(child) == "table" then deserialize(child); end end if not stanza.tags then -- Rebuild tags local tags = {}; for _, child in ipairs(stanza) do if type(child) == "table" then t_insert(tags, child); end end stanza.tags = tags; if not stanza.last_add then stanza.last_add = {}; end end end return stanza; end function clone(stanza) local lookup_table = {}; local function _copy(object) if type(object) ~= "table" then return object; elseif lookup_table[object] then return lookup_table[object]; end local new_table = {}; lookup_table[object] = new_table; for index, value in pairs(object) do new_table[_copy(index)] = _copy(value); end return setmetatable(new_table, getmetatable(object)); end return _copy(stanza) end function message(attr, body) if not body then return stanza("message", attr); else return stanza("message", attr):tag("body"):text(body); end end function iq(attr) if attr and not then = new_id(); end return stanza("iq", attr or { id = new_id() }); end function reply(orig) return stanza(, orig.attr and { to = orig.attr.from, from =, id =, type = (( == "iq" and "result") or orig.attr.type) }); end function error_reply(orig, type, condition, message) local t = reply(orig); t.attr.type = "error"; t:tag("error", {type = type}) :tag(condition, {xmlns = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"}):up(); if (message) then t:tag("text"):text(message):up(); end return t; -- stanza ready for adding app-specific errors end function presence(attr) return stanza("presence", attr); end if do_pretty_printing then local style_attrk = getstyle("yellow"); local style_attrv = getstyle("red"); local style_tagname = getstyle("red"); local style_punc = getstyle("magenta"); local attr_format = " "..getstring(style_attrk, "%s")..getstring(style_punc, "=")..getstring(style_attrv, "'%s'"); local top_tag_format = getstring(style_punc, "<")..getstring(style_tagname, "%s").."%s"..getstring(style_punc, ">"); --local tag_format = getstring(style_punc, "<")..getstring(style_tagname, "%s").."%s"..getstring(style_punc, ">").."%s"..getstring(style_punc, "</")..getstring(style_tagname, "%s")..getstring(style_punc, ">"); local tag_format = top_tag_format.."%s"..getstring(style_punc, "</")..getstring(style_tagname, "%s")..getstring(style_punc, ">"); function stanza_mt.pretty_print(t) local children_text = ""; for n, child in ipairs(t) do if type(child) == "string" then children_text = children_text .. xml_escape(child); else children_text = children_text .. child:pretty_print(); end end local attr_string = ""; if t.attr then for k, v in pairs(t.attr) do if type(k) == "string" then attr_string = attr_string .. s_format(attr_format, k, tostring(v)); end end end return s_format(tag_format,, attr_string, children_text,; end function stanza_mt.pretty_top_tag(t) local attr_string = ""; if t.attr then for k, v in pairs(t.attr) do if type(k) == "string" then attr_string = attr_string .. s_format(attr_format, k, tostring(v)); end end end return s_format(top_tag_format,, attr_string); end else -- Sorry, fresh out of colours for you guys ;) stanza_mt.pretty_print = stanza_mt.__tostring; stanza_mt.pretty_top_tag = stanza_mt.top_tag; end return _M;