
plugins/mod_invites.lua @ 12642:9061f9621330

Switch to a new role-based authorization framework, removing is_admin() We began moving away from simple "is this user an admin?" permission checks before 0.12, with the introduction of mod_authz_internal and the ability to dynamically change the roles of individual users. The approach in 0.12 still had various limitations however, and apart from the introduction of roles other than "admin" and the ability to pull that info from storage, not much actually changed. This new framework shakes things up a lot, though aims to maintain the same functionality and behaviour on the surface for a default Prosody configuration. That is, if you don't take advantage of any of the new features, you shouldn't notice any change. The biggest change visible to developers is that usermanager.is_admin() (and the auth provider is_admin() method) have been removed. Gone. Completely. Permission checks should now be performed using a new module API method: module:may(action_name, context) This method accepts an action name, followed by either a JID (string) or (preferably) a table containing 'origin'/'session' and 'stanza' fields (e.g. the standard object passed to most events). It will return true if the action should be permitted, or false/nil otherwise. Modules should no longer perform permission checks based on the role name. E.g. a lot of code previously checked if the user's role was prosody:admin before permitting some action. Since many roles might now exist with similar permissions, and the permissions of prosody:admin may be redefined dynamically, it is no longer suitable to use this method for permission checks. Use module:may(). If you start an action name with ':' (recommended) then the current module's name will automatically be used as a prefix. To define a new permission, use the new module API: module:default_permission(role_name, action_name) module:default_permissions(role_name, { action_name[, action_name...] }) This grants the specified role permission to execute the named action(s) by default. This may be overridden via other mechanisms external to your module. The built-in roles that developers should use are: - prosody:user (normal user) - prosody:admin (host admin) - prosody:operator (global admin) The new prosody:operator role is intended for server-wide actions (such as shutting down Prosody). Finally, all usage of is_admin() in modules has been fixed by this commit. Some of these changes were trickier than others, but no change is expected to break existing deployments. EXCEPT: mod_auth_ldap no longer supports the ldap_admin_filter option. It's very possible nobody is using this, but if someone is then we can later update it to pull roles from LDAP somehow.
author Matthew Wild <>
date Wed, 15 Jun 2022 12:15:01 +0100
parent 12151:669d93f1db6a
child 12834:dcbff9f038a0
line wrap: on
line source

local id = require "";
local it = require "util.iterators";
local url = require "socket.url";
local jid_node = require "util.jid".node;
local jid_split = require "util.jid".split;

local default_ttl = module:get_option_number("invite_expiry", 86400 * 7);

local token_storage;
if prosody.process_type == "prosody" or prosody.shutdown then
	token_storage = module:open_store("invite_token", "map");

local function get_uri(action, jid, token, params) --> string
			scheme = "xmpp",
			path = jid,
			query = action..";preauth="..token..(params and (";"..params) or ""),

local function create_invite(invite_action, invite_jid, allow_registration, additional_data, ttl, reusable)
	local token = id.medium();

	local created_at = os.time();
	local expires = created_at + (ttl or default_ttl);

	local invite_params = (invite_action == "roster" and allow_registration) and "ibr=y" or nil;

	local invite = {
		type = invite_action;
		jid = invite_jid;

		token = token;
		allow_registration = allow_registration;
		additional_data = additional_data;

		uri = get_uri(invite_action, invite_jid, token, invite_params);

		created_at = created_at;
		expires = expires;

		reusable = reusable;

	module:fire_event("invite-created", invite);

	if allow_registration then
		local ok, err = token_storage:set(nil, token, invite);
		if not ok then
			module:log("warn", "Failed to store account invite: %s", err);
			return nil, "internal-server-error";

	if invite_action == "roster" then
		local username = jid_node(invite_jid);
		local ok, err = token_storage:set(username, token, expires);
		if not ok then
			module:log("warn", "Failed to store subscription invite: %s", err);
			return nil, "internal-server-error";

	return invite;

-- Create invitation to register an account (optionally restricted to the specified username)
function create_account(account_username, additional_data, ttl) --luacheck: ignore 131/create_account
	local jid = account_username and (account_username.."@" or;
	return create_invite("register", jid, true, additional_data, ttl);

-- Create invitation to reset the password for an account
function create_account_reset(account_username, ttl) --luacheck: ignore 131/create_account_reset
	return create_account(account_username, { allow_reset = account_username }, ttl or 86400);

-- Create invitation to become a contact of a local user
function create_contact(username, allow_registration, additional_data, ttl) --luacheck: ignore 131/create_contact
	return create_invite("roster", username.."@", allow_registration, additional_data, ttl);

-- Create invitation to register an account and join a user group
-- If explicit ttl is passed, invite is valid for multiple signups
-- during that time period
function create_group(group_ids, additional_data, ttl) --luacheck: ignore 131/create_group
	local merged_additional_data = {
		groups = group_ids;
	if additional_data then
		for k, v in pairs(additional_data) do
			merged_additional_data[k] = v;
	return create_invite("register",, true, merged_additional_data, ttl, not not ttl);

-- Iterates pending (non-expired, unused) invites that allow registration
function pending_account_invites() --luacheck: ignore 131/pending_account_invites
	local store = module:open_store("invite_token");
	local now = os.time();
	local function is_valid_invite(_, invite)
		return invite.expires > now;
	return it.filter(is_valid_invite, pairs(store:get(nil) or {}));

function get_account_invite_info(token) --luacheck: ignore 131/get_account_invite_info
	if not token then
		return nil, "no-token";

	-- Fetch from host store (account invite)
	local token_info = token_storage:get(nil, token);
	if not token_info then
		return nil, "token-invalid";
	elseif os.time() > token_info.expires then
		return nil, "token-expired";

	return token_info;

function delete_account_invite(token) --luacheck: ignore 131/delete_account_invite
	if not token then
		return nil, "no-token";

	return token_storage:set(nil, token, nil);

local valid_invite_methods = {};
local valid_invite_mt = { __index = valid_invite_methods };

function valid_invite_methods:use()
	if self.reusable then
		return true;

	if self.username then
		-- Also remove the contact invite if present, on the
		-- assumption that they now have a mutual subscription
		token_storage:set(self.username, self.token, nil);
	token_storage:set(nil, self.token, nil);

	return true;

-- Get a validated invite (or nil, err). Must call :use() on the
-- returned invite after it is actually successfully used
-- For "roster" invites, the username of the local user (who issued
-- the invite) must be passed.
-- If no username is passed, but the registration is a roster invite
-- from a local user, the "inviter" field of the returned invite will
-- be set to their username.
function get(token, username)
	if not token then
		return nil, "no-token";

	local valid_until, inviter;

	-- Fetch from host store (account invite)
	local token_info = token_storage:get(nil, token);

	if username then -- token being used for subscription
		-- Fetch from user store (subscription invite)
		valid_until = token_storage:get(username, token);
	else -- token being used for account creation
		valid_until = token_info and token_info.expires;
		if token_info and token_info.type == "roster" then
			username = jid_node(token_info.jid);
			inviter = username;

	if not valid_until then
		module:log("debug", "Got unknown token: %s", token);
		return nil, "token-invalid";
	elseif os.time() > valid_until then
		module:log("debug", "Got expired token: %s", token);
		return nil, "token-expired";

	return setmetatable({
		token = token;
		username = username;
		inviter = inviter;
		type = token_info and token_info.type or "roster";
		uri = token_info and token_info.uri or get_uri("roster", username.."@", token);
		additional_data = token_info and token_info.additional_data or nil;
		reusable = token_info.reusable;
	}, valid_invite_mt);

function use(token) --luacheck: ignore 131/use
	local invite = get(token);
	return invite and invite:use();

--- shell command
	-- Since the console is global this overwrites the command for
	-- each host it's loaded on, but this should be fine.

	local get_module = require "core.modulemanager".get_module;

	local console_env = module:shared("/*/admin_shell/env");

	-- luacheck: ignore 212/self
	console_env.invite = {};
	function console_env.invite:create_account(user_jid)
		local username, host = jid_split(user_jid);
		local mod_invites, err = get_module(host, "invites");
		if not mod_invites then return nil, err or "mod_invites not loaded on this host"; end
		local invite, err = mod_invites.create_account(username);
		if not invite then return nil, err; end
		return true, invite.uri;

	function console_env.invite:create_contact(user_jid, allow_registration)
		local username, host = jid_split(user_jid);
		local mod_invites, err = get_module(host, "invites");
		if not mod_invites then return nil, err or "mod_invites not loaded on this host"; end
		local invite, err = mod_invites.create_contact(username, allow_registration);
		if not invite then return nil, err; end
		return true, invite.uri;

--- prosodyctl command
function module.command(arg)
	if #arg < 2 or arg[1] ~= "generate" then
		print("usage: prosodyctl mod_"" generate");
		return 2;
	table.remove(arg, 1); -- pop command

	local sm = require "core.storagemanager";
	local mm = require "core.modulemanager";

	local host = arg[1];
	assert(prosody.hosts[host], "Host "..tostring(host).." does not exist");
	table.remove(arg, 1); -- pop host = host; --luacheck: ignore 122/module
	token_storage = module:open_store("invite_token", "map");

	-- Load mod_invites
	local invites = module:depends("invites");
	-- Optional community module that if used, needs to be loaded here
	local invites_page_module = module:get_option_string("invites_page_module", "invites_page");
	if mm.get_modules_for_host(host):contains(invites_page_module) then

	local allow_reset;
	local roles;
	local groups = {};

	while #arg > 0 do
		local value = arg[1];
		table.remove(arg, 1);
		if value == "--help" then
			print("usage: prosodyctl mod_"" generate DOMAIN --reset USERNAME")
			print("usage: prosodyctl mod_"" generate DOMAIN [--admin] [--role ROLE] [--group GROUPID]...")
			print("This command has two modes: password reset and new account.")
			print("If --reset is given, the command operates in password reset mode and in new account mode otherwise.")
			print("required arguments in password reset mode:")
			print("    --reset USERNAME  Generate a password reset link for the given USERNAME.")
			print("optional arguments in new account mode:")
			print("    --admin           Make the new user privileged")
			print("                      Equivalent to --role prosody:admin")
			print("    --role ROLE       Grant the given ROLE to the new user")
			print("    --group GROUPID   Add the user to the group with the given ID")
			print("                      Can be specified multiple times")
			print("--role and --admin override each other; the last one wins")
			print("--group can be specified multiple times; the user will be added to all groups.")
			print("--reset and the other options cannot be mixed.")
			return 2
		elseif value == "--reset" then
			local nodeprep = require "util.encodings".stringprep.nodeprep;
			local username = nodeprep(arg[1])
			table.remove(arg, 1);
			if not username then
				print("Please supply a valid username to generate a reset link for");
				return 2;
			allow_reset = username;
		elseif value == "--admin" then
			roles = { ["prosody:admin"] = true };
		elseif value == "--role" then
			local rolename = arg[1];
			if not rolename then
				print("Please supply a role name");
				return 2;
			roles = { [rolename] = true };
			table.remove(arg, 1);
		elseif value == "--group" or value == "-g" then
			local groupid = arg[1];
			if not groupid then
				print("Please supply a group ID")
				return 2;
			table.insert(groups, groupid);
			table.remove(arg, 1);
			print("unexpected argument: "..value)

	local invite;
	if allow_reset then
		if roles then
			print("--role/--admin and --reset are mutually exclusive")
			return 2;
		if #groups > 0 then
			print("--group and --reset are mutually exclusive")
		invite = assert(invites.create_account_reset(allow_reset));
		invite = assert(invites.create_account(nil, {
			roles = roles,
			groups = groups

	print(invite.landing_page or invite.uri);