Software /
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util/sql.lua @ 8791:8da11142fabf
muc: Allow clients to change multiple affiliations or roles at once (#345)
According to XEP-0045 sections 9.2, 9.5 and 9.8 affiliation lists and role
lists should allow mass-modification. Prosody however would just use the
first entry of the list and ignore the rest. This is fixed by introducing
a `for` loop to `set` stanzas of the respective `muc#admin` namespace.
In order for this loop to work, the error handling was changed a little.
Prosody no longer returns after the first error. Instead, an error reply
is sent for each malformed or otherwise wrong entry, but the loop keeps
going over the other entries. This may lead to multiple error messages
being sent for one client request. A notable exception from this is when
the XML Schema for `muc#admin` requests is violated. In that case the loop
is aborted with an error message to the client.
The change is a bit bigger than that in order to have the loop only for
`set` stanzas without changing the behaviour of the `get` stanzas. This is
now more in line with trunk, where there are separate methods for each
stanza type.
References: #345
author | Lennart Sauerbeck <> |
date | Sat, 18 Mar 2017 18:47:28 +0100 |
parent | 8378:6a098961bc00 |
child | 8380:a597ff326758 |
line wrap: on
line source
local setmetatable, getmetatable = setmetatable, getmetatable; local ipairs, unpack, select = ipairs, table.unpack or unpack, select; --luacheck: ignore 113 local tonumber, tostring = tonumber, tostring; local type = type; local assert, pcall, xpcall, debug_traceback = assert, pcall, xpcall, debug.traceback; local t_concat = table.concat; local s_char = string.char; local log = require "util.logger".init("sql"); local DBI = require "DBI"; -- This loads all available drivers while globals are unlocked -- LuaDBI should be fixed to not set globals. DBI.Drivers(); local build_url = require "socket.url".build; local _ENV = nil; local column_mt = {}; local table_mt = {}; local query_mt = {}; --local op_mt = {}; local index_mt = {}; local function is_column(x) return getmetatable(x)==column_mt; end local function is_index(x) return getmetatable(x)==index_mt; end local function is_table(x) return getmetatable(x)==table_mt; end local function is_query(x) return getmetatable(x)==query_mt; end local function Integer() return "Integer()" end local function String() return "String()" end local function Column(definition) return setmetatable(definition, column_mt); end local function Table(definition) local c = {} for i,col in ipairs(definition) do if is_column(col) then c[i], c[] = col, col; elseif is_index(col) then col.table =; end end return setmetatable({ __table__ = definition, c = c, name = }, table_mt); end local function Index(definition) return setmetatable(definition, index_mt); end function table_mt:__tostring() local s = { 'name="''"' } for _, col in ipairs(self.__table__) do s[#s+1] = tostring(col); end return 'Table{ '..t_concat(s, ", ")..' }' end table_mt.__index = {}; function table_mt.__index:create(engine) return engine:_create_table(self); end function table_mt:__call(...) -- TODO end function column_mt:__tostring() return 'Column{ name="''", type="'..self.type..'" }' end function index_mt:__tostring() local s = 'Index{ name="''"'; for i=1,#self do s = s..', "'..self[i]:gsub("[\\\"]", "\\%1")..'"'; end return s..' }'; -- return 'Index{ name="''", type="'..self.type..'" }' end local function urldecode(s) return s and (s:gsub("%%(%x%x)", function (c) return s_char(tonumber(c,16)); end)); end local function parse_url(url) local scheme, secondpart, database = url:match("^([%w%+]+)://([^/]*)/?(.*)"); assert(scheme, "Invalid URL format"); local username, password, host, port; local authpart, hostpart = secondpart:match("([^@]+)@([^@+])"); if not authpart then hostpart = secondpart; end if authpart then username, password = authpart:match("([^:]*):(.*)"); username = username or authpart; password = password and urldecode(password); end if hostpart then host, port = hostpart:match("([^:]*):(.*)"); host = host or hostpart; port = port and assert(tonumber(port), "Invalid URL format"); end return { scheme = scheme:lower(); username = username; password = password; host = host; port = port; database = #database > 0 and database or nil; }; end local engine = {}; function engine:connect() if self.conn then return true; end local params = self.params; assert(params.driver, "no driver") log("debug", "Connecting to [%s] %s...", params.driver, params.database); local ok, dbh, err = pcall(DBI.Connect, params.driver, params.database, params.username, params.password,, params.port ); if not ok then return ok, dbh; end if not dbh then return nil, err; end dbh:autocommit(false); -- don't commit automatically self.conn = dbh; self.prepared = {}; local ok, err = self:set_encoding(); if not ok then return ok, err; end local ok, err = self:onconnect(); if ok == false then return ok, err; end return true; end function engine:onconnect() -- Override from create_engine() end function engine:prepquery(sql) if self.params.driver == "MySQL" then sql = sql:gsub("\"", "`"); end return sql; end function engine:execute(sql, ...) local success, err = self:connect(); if not success then return success, err; end local prepared = self.prepared; sql = self:prepquery(sql); local stmt = prepared[sql]; if not stmt then local err; stmt, err = self.conn:prepare(sql); if not stmt then return stmt, err; end prepared[sql] = stmt; end local success, err = stmt:execute(...); if not success then return success, err; end return stmt; end local result_mt = { __index = { affected = function(self) return self.__stmt:affected(); end; rowcount = function(self) return self.__stmt:rowcount(); end; } }; local function debugquery(where, sql, ...) local i = 0; local a = {...} sql = sql:gsub("\n?\t+", " "); log("debug", "[%s] %s", where, sql:gsub("%?", function () i = i + 1; local v = a[i]; if type(v) == "string" then v = ("'%s'"):format(v:gsub("'", "''")); end return tostring(v); end)); end function engine:execute_query(sql, ...) sql = self:prepquery(sql); local stmt = assert(self.conn:prepare(sql)); assert(stmt:execute(...)); local result = {}; for row in stmt:rows() do result[#result + 1] = row; end stmt:close(); local i = 0; return function() i=i+1; return result[i]; end; end function engine:execute_update(sql, ...) sql = self:prepquery(sql); local prepared = self.prepared; local stmt = prepared[sql]; if not stmt then stmt = assert(self.conn:prepare(sql)); prepared[sql] = stmt; end assert(stmt:execute(...)); return setmetatable({ __stmt = stmt }, result_mt); end engine.insert = engine.execute_update; = engine.execute_query; engine.delete = engine.execute_update; engine.update = engine.execute_update; local function debugwrap(name, f) return function (self, sql, ...) debugquery(name, sql, ...) return f(self, sql, ...) end end function engine:debug(enable) self._debug = enable; if enable then engine.insert = debugwrap("insert", engine.execute_update); = debugwrap("select", engine.execute_query); engine.delete = debugwrap("delete", engine.execute_update); engine.update = debugwrap("update", engine.execute_update); else engine.insert = engine.execute_update; = engine.execute_query; engine.delete = engine.execute_update; engine.update = engine.execute_update; end end local function handleerr(err) local trace = debug_traceback(err, 3); log("debug", "Error in SQL transaction: %s", trace); return { err = err, traceback = trace }; end function engine:_transaction(func, ...) if not self.conn then local ok, err = self:connect(); if not ok then return ok, err; end end --assert(not self.__transaction, "Recursive transactions not allowed"); local args, n_args = {...}, select("#", ...); local function f() return func(unpack(args, 1, n_args)); end log("debug", "SQL transaction begin [%s]", tostring(func)); self.__transaction = true; local success, a, b, c = xpcall(f, handleerr); self.__transaction = nil; if success then log("debug", "SQL transaction success [%s]", tostring(func)); local ok, err = self.conn:commit(); -- LuaDBI doesn't actually return an error message here, just a boolean if not ok then return ok, err or "commit failed"; end return success, a, b, c; else log("debug", "SQL transaction failure [%s]: %s", tostring(func), a.err); if self.conn then self.conn:rollback(); end return success, a.err; end end function engine:transaction(...) local ok, ret = self:_transaction(...); if not ok then local conn = self.conn; if not conn or not conn:ping() then log("debug", "Database connection was closed. Will reconnect and retry."); self.conn = nil; log("debug", "Retrying SQL transaction [%s]", tostring((...))); ok, ret = self:_transaction(...); log("debug", "SQL transaction retry %s", ok and "succeeded" or "failed"); else log("debug", "SQL connection is up, so not retrying"); end if not ok then log("error", "Error in SQL transaction: %s", ret); end end return ok, ret; end function engine:_create_index(index) local sql = "CREATE INDEX \"""\" ON \""..index.table.."\" ("; for i=1,#index do sql = sql.."\""..index[i].."\""; if i ~= #index then sql = sql..", "; end end sql = sql..");" if self.params.driver == "MySQL" then sql = sql:gsub("\"([,)])", "\"(20)%1"); end if index.unique then sql = sql:gsub("^CREATE", "CREATE UNIQUE"); end if self._debug then debugquery("create", sql); end return self:execute(sql); end function engine:_create_table(table) local sql = "CREATE TABLE \"""\" ("; for i,col in ipairs(table.c) do local col_type = col.type; if col_type == "MEDIUMTEXT" and self.params.driver ~= "MySQL" then col_type = "TEXT"; -- MEDIUMTEXT is MySQL-specific end if col.auto_increment == true and self.params.driver == "PostgreSQL" then col_type = "BIGSERIAL"; end sql = sql.."\"""\" "..col_type; if col.nullable == false then sql = sql.." NOT NULL"; end if col.primary_key == true then sql = sql.." PRIMARY KEY"; end if col.auto_increment == true then if self.params.driver == "MySQL" then sql = sql.." AUTO_INCREMENT"; elseif self.params.driver == "SQLite3" then sql = sql.." AUTOINCREMENT"; end end if i ~= #table.c then sql = sql..", "; end end sql = sql.. ");" if self.params.driver == "MySQL" then sql = sql:gsub(";$", (" CHARACTER SET '%s' COLLATE '%s_bin';"):format(self.charset, self.charset)); end if self._debug then debugquery("create", sql); end local success,err = self:execute(sql); if not success then return success,err; end for _, v in ipairs(table.__table__) do if is_index(v) then self:_create_index(v); end end return success; end function engine:set_encoding() -- to UTF-8 local driver = self.params.driver; if driver == "SQLite3" then return self:transaction(function() for encoding in self:select"PRAGMA encoding;" do if encoding[1] == "UTF-8" then self.charset = "utf8"; end end end); end local set_names_query = "SET NAMES '%s';" local charset = "utf8"; if driver == "MySQL" then self:transaction(function() for row in self:select"SELECT \"CHARACTER_SET_NAME\" FROM \"information_schema\".\"CHARACTER_SETS\" WHERE \"CHARACTER_SET_NAME\" LIKE 'utf8%' ORDER BY MAXLEN DESC LIMIT 1;" do charset = row and row[1] or charset; end end); set_names_query = set_names_query:gsub(";$", (" COLLATE '%s';"):format(charset.."_bin")); end self.charset = charset; log("debug", "Using encoding '%s' for database connection", charset); local ok, err = self:transaction(function() return self:execute(set_names_query:format(charset)); end); if not ok then return ok, err; end if driver == "MySQL" then local ok, actual_charset = self:transaction(function () return self:select"SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_client'"; end); local charset_ok = true; for row in actual_charset do if row[2] ~= charset then log("error", "MySQL %s is actually %q (expected %q)", row[1], row[2], charset); charset_ok = false; end end if not charset_ok then return false, "Failed to set connection encoding"; end end return true; end local engine_mt = { __index = engine }; local function db2uri(params) return build_url{ scheme = params.driver, user = params.username, password = params.password, host =, port = params.port, path = params.database, }; end local function create_engine(self, params, onconnect) return setmetatable({ url = db2uri(params), params = params, onconnect = onconnect }, engine_mt); end return { is_column = is_column; is_index = is_index; is_table = is_table; is_query = is_query; Integer = Integer; String = String; Column = Column; Table = Table; Index = Index; create_engine = create_engine; db2uri = db2uri; };