
tools/ejabberd2prosody.lua @ 8791:8da11142fabf

muc: Allow clients to change multiple affiliations or roles at once (#345) According to XEP-0045 sections 9.2, 9.5 and 9.8 affiliation lists and role lists should allow mass-modification. Prosody however would just use the first entry of the list and ignore the rest. This is fixed by introducing a `for` loop to `set` stanzas of the respective `muc#admin` namespace. In order for this loop to work, the error handling was changed a little. Prosody no longer returns after the first error. Instead, an error reply is sent for each malformed or otherwise wrong entry, but the loop keeps going over the other entries. This may lead to multiple error messages being sent for one client request. A notable exception from this is when the XML Schema for `muc#admin` requests is violated. In that case the loop is aborted with an error message to the client. The change is a bit bigger than that in order to have the loop only for `set` stanzas without changing the behaviour of the `get` stanzas. This is now more in line with trunk, where there are separate methods for each stanza type. References: #345
author Lennart Sauerbeck <>
date Sat, 18 Mar 2017 18:47:28 +0100
parent 6798:8b4c8e957211
child 11841:94534717ffca
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env lua
-- Prosody IM
-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild
-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain
-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.

package.path = package.path ..";../?.lua";

local my_name = arg[0];
if my_name:match("[/\\]") then
	package.path = package.path..";"..my_name:gsub("[^/\\]+$", "../?.lua");
	package.path = package.path..";"..my_name:gsub("[^/\\]+$", "?.lua");
	package.cpath = package.cpath..";"..my_name:gsub("[^/\\]+$", "../?.so");

local erlparse = require "erlparse";

prosody = {};

package.loaded["util.logger"] = {init = function() return function() end; end}
local serialize = require "util.serialization".serialize;
local st = require "util.stanza";
local dm = require "util.datamanager"

function build_stanza(tuple, stanza)
	assert(type(tuple) == "table", "XML node is of unexpected type: "..type(tuple));
	if tuple[1] == "xmlelement" or tuple[1] == "xmlel" then
		assert(type(tuple[2]) == "string", "element name has type: "..type(tuple[2]));
		assert(type(tuple[3]) == "table", "element attribute array has type: "..type(tuple[3]));
		assert(type(tuple[4]) == "table", "element children array has type: "..type(tuple[4]));
		local name = tuple[2];
		local attr = {};
		for _, a in ipairs(tuple[3]) do
			if type(a[1]) == "string" and type(a[2]) == "string" then attr[a[1]] = a[2]; end
		local up;
		if stanza then stanza:tag(name, attr); up = true; else stanza = st.stanza(name, attr); end
		for _, a in ipairs(tuple[4]) do build_stanza(a, stanza); end
		if up then stanza:up(); else return stanza end
	elseif tuple[1] == "xmlcdata" then
		if type(tuple[2]) ~= "table" then
			assert(type(tuple[2]) == "string", "XML CDATA has unexpected type: "..type(tuple[2]));
		end -- else it's [], i.e., the null value, used for the empty string
		error("unknown element type: "..serialize(tuple));
function build_time(tuple)
	local Megaseconds,Seconds,Microseconds = unpack(tuple);
	return Megaseconds * 1000000 + Seconds;
function build_jid(tuple, full)
	local node, jid, resource = tuple[1], tuple[2], tuple[3]
	if type(node) == "string" and node ~= "" then
		jid = tuple[1] .. "@" .. jid;
	if full and type(resource) == "string" and resource ~= "" then
		jid = jid .. "/" .. resource;
	return jid;

function vcard(node, host, stanza)
	local ret, err =, host, "vcard", st.preserialize(stanza));
	print("["..(err or "success").."] vCard: "..node.."@";
function password(node, host, password)
	local data = {};
	if type(password) == "string" then
		data.password = password;
	elseif type(password) == "table" and password[1] == "scram" then
		local unb64 = require"mime".unb64;
		local function hex(s)
			return s:gsub(".", function (c)
				return ("%02x"):format(c:byte());
		data.stored_key = hex(unb64(password[2]));
		data.server_key = hex(unb64(password[3]));
		data.salt = unb64(password[4]);
		data.iteration_count = password[5];
	local ret, err =, host, "accounts", data);
	print("["..(err or "success").."] accounts: "..node.."@";
function roster(node, host, jid, item)
	local roster = dm.load(node, host, "roster") or {};
	roster[jid] = item;
	local ret, err =, host, "roster", roster);
	print("["..(err or "success").."] roster: " ..node.."@"" - "..jid);
function roster_pending(node, host, jid)
	local roster = dm.load(node, host, "roster") or {};
	roster.pending = roster.pending or {};
	roster.pending[jid] = true;
	local ret, err =, host, "roster", roster);
	print("["..(err or "success").."] roster: " ..node.."@"" - "..jid);
function private_storage(node, host, xmlns, stanza)
	local private = dm.load(node, host, "private") or {};
	private[":"..xmlns] = st.preserialize(stanza);
	local ret, err =, host, "private", private);
	print("["..(err or "success").."] private: " ..node.."@"" - "..xmlns);
function offline_msg(node, host, t, stanza)
	stanza.attr.stamp ="!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", t);
	stanza.attr.stamp_legacy ="!%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S", t);
	local ret, err = dm.list_append(node, host, "offline", st.preserialize(stanza));
	print("["..(err or "success").."] offline: " ..node.."@"" - ""!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", t));
function privacy(node, host, default, lists)
	local privacy = { lists = {} };
	local count = 0;
	if default then privacy.default = default; end
	for _, inlist in ipairs(lists) do
		local name, items = inlist[1], inlist[2];
		local list = { name = name; items = {}; };
		local orders = {};
		for _, item in pairs(items) do
				if item[1] ~= "listitem" then print("[error] privacy: unhandled item: "..tostring(item[1])); break; end
				local _type, value = item[2], item[3];
				if _type == "jid" then
					if type(value) ~= "table" then print("[error] privacy: jid value is not valid: "..tostring(value)); break; end
					local _node, _host, _resource = value[1], value[2], value[3];
					value = build_jid(value, true)
				elseif _type == "none" then
					_type = nil;
					value = nil;
				elseif _type == "group" then
					if type(value) ~= "string" then print("[error] privacy: group value is not string: "..tostring(value)); break; end
				elseif _type == "subscription" then
					if value~="both" and value~="from" and value~="to" and value~="none" then
						print("[error] privacy: subscription value is invalid: "..tostring(value)); break;
				else print("[error] privacy: invalid item type: "..tostring(_type)); break; end
				local action = item[4];
				if action ~= "allow" and action ~= "deny" then print("[error] privacy: unhandled action: "..tostring(action)); break; end
				local order = item[5];
				if type(order) ~= "number" or order<0 then print("[error] privacy: order is not numeric: "..tostring(order)); break; end
				if orders[order] then print("[error] privacy: duplicate order value: "..tostring(order)); break; end
				orders[order] = true;
				local match_all = item[6];
				local match_iq = item[7];
				local match_message = item[8];
				local match_presence_in = item[9];
				local match_presence_out = item[10];
				list.items[#list.items+1] = {
					type = _type;
					value = value;
					action = action;
					order = order;
					message = match_message == "true";
					iq = match_iq == "true";
					["presence-in"] = match_presence_in == "true";
					["presence-out"] = match_presence_out == "true";
			until true;
		table.sort(list.items, function(a, b) return a.order < b.order; end);
		if privacy.lists[] then print("[warn] duplicate privacy list: "..tostring(; end
		privacy.lists[] = list;
		count = count + 1;
	if default and not privacy.lists[default] then
		if default == "none" then privacy.default = nil;
		else print("[warn] default privacy list doesn't exist: "..tostring(default)); end
	local ret, err =, host, "privacy", privacy);
	print("["..(err or "success").."] privacy: " ..node.."@"" - "..count.." list(s)");
function muc_room(node, host, properties)
	local store = { jid = node.."@", _data = {}, _affiliations = {} };
	for _,aff in ipairs(properties.affiliations) do
		store._affiliations[build_jid(aff[1])] = aff[2][1] or aff[2];
	store._data.subject = properties.subject;
	if properties.subject_author then
		store._data.subject_from = store.jid .. "/" .. properties.subject_author;
	end = properties.title;
	store._data.description = properties.description;
	store._data.password = properties.password;
	store._data.moderated = (properties.moderated == "true") or nil;
	store._data.members_only = (properties.members_only == "true") or nil;
	store._data.persistent = (properties.persistent == "true") or nil;
	store._data.changesubject = (properties.allow_change_subj == "true") or nil;
	store._data.whois = properties.anonymous == "true" and "moderators" or "anyone";
	store._data.hidden = (properties.public_list == "false") or nil;

	if not store._data.persistent then
		return print("[error] muc_room: skipping non-persistent room: "..node.."@";

	local ret, err =, host, "config", store);
	if ret then
		ret, err = dm.load(nil, host, "persistent");
		if ret or not err then
			ret = ret or {};
			ret[store.jid] = true;
			ret, err =, host, "persistent", ret);
	print("["..(err or "success").."] muc_room: " ..node.."@";

local filters = {
	passwd = function(tuple)
		password(tuple[2][1], tuple[2][2], tuple[3]);
	vcard = function(tuple)
		vcard(tuple[2][1], tuple[2][2], build_stanza(tuple[3]));
	roster = function(tuple)
		local node = tuple[3][1]; local host = tuple[3][2];
		local contact = build_jid(tuple[4]);
		local name = tuple[5]; local subscription = tuple[6];
		local ask = tuple[7]; local groups = tuple[8];
		if type(name) ~= type("") then name = nil; end
		if ask == "none" then
			ask = nil;
		elseif ask == "out" then
			ask = "subscribe"
		elseif ask == "in" then
			roster_pending(node, host, contact);
			ask = nil;
		elseif ask == "both" then
			roster_pending(node, host, contact);
			ask = "subscribe";
		else error("Unknown ask type: "..ask); end
		if subscription ~= "both" and subscription ~= "from" and subscription ~= "to" and subscription ~= "none" then error(subscription) end
		local item = {name = name, ask = ask, subscription = subscription, groups = {}};
		for _, g in ipairs(groups) do
			if type(g) == "string" then
				item.groups[g] = true;
		roster(node, host, contact, item);
	private_storage = function(tuple)
		private_storage(tuple[2][1], tuple[2][2], tuple[2][3], build_stanza(tuple[3]));
	offline_msg = function(tuple)
		offline_msg(tuple[2][1], tuple[2][2], build_time(tuple[3]), build_stanza(tuple[7]));
	privacy = function(tuple)
		privacy(tuple[2][1], tuple[2][2], tuple[3], tuple[4]);
	muc_room = function(tuple)
		local properties = {};
		for _,pair in ipairs(tuple[3]) do
			if not(type(pair[2]) == "table" and #pair[2] == 0) then -- skip nil values
				properties[pair[1]] = pair[2];
		muc_room(tuple[2][1], tuple[2][2], properties);
	--[=[config = function(tuple)
		if tuple[2] == "hosts" then
			local output = io.output(); io.output("prosody.cfg.lua");
			io.write("-- Configuration imported from ejabberd --\n");
			io.write([[Host "*"
	modules_enabled = {
		"saslauth"; -- Authentication for clients and servers. Recommended if you want to log in.
		"legacyauth"; -- Legacy authentication. Only used by some old clients and bots.
		"roster"; -- Allow users to have a roster. Recommended ;)
		"register"; -- Allow users to register on this server using a client
		"tls"; -- Add support for secure TLS on c2s/s2s connections
		"vcard"; -- Allow users to set vCards
		"private"; -- Private XML storage (for room bookmarks, etc.)
		"version"; -- Replies to server version requests
		"dialback"; -- s2s dialback support
			for _, h in ipairs(tuple[3]) do
				io.write("Host \"" .. h .. "\"\n");
			print("prosody.cfg.lua created");

local arg = ...;
local help = "/? -? ? /h -h /help -help --help";
if not arg or help:find(arg, 1, true) then
	print([[ejabberd db dump importer for Prosody

  Usage: ]]..my_name..[[ filename.txt

The file can be generated from ejabberd using:
  sudo ejabberdctl dump filename.txt

Note: The path of ejabberdctl depends on your ejabberd installation, and ejabberd needs to be running for ejabberdctl to work.]]);
local count = 0;
local t = {};
for item in erlparse.parseFile(arg) do
	count = count + 1;
	local name = item[1];
	t[name] = (t[name] or 0) + 1;
	--print(count, serialize(item));
	if filters[name] then filters[name](item); end