Software /
code /
core/configmanager.lua @ 12094:84fd6a79cda7
adminstream: fire disconnected event on lower layer disconnect
This may in theory cause multiple disconnect events for the
adminstream client, if the only code using that wasn't calling
os.exit right away.
Hence, this should be a good enough partial fix for #1671. It is
not a full fix, because the shell will only notice the disconnect
after one has hit enter in the input; until then, it is stuck in
a read() call to stdin and completely oblivious to the disconnect.
author | Jonas Schäfer <> |
date | Tue, 21 Dec 2021 21:23:01 +0100 |
parent | 12083:ec21e379c145 |
child | 12440:1ef893715311 |
line wrap: on
line source
-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local _G = _G; local setmetatable, rawget, rawset, io, os, error, dofile, type, pairs, ipairs = setmetatable, rawget, rawset, io, os, error, dofile, type, pairs, ipairs; local format, math_max, t_insert = string.format, math.max, table.insert; local envload = require"util.envload".envload; local deps = require"util.dependencies"; local resolve_relative_path = require"util.paths".resolve_relative_path; local glob_to_pattern = require"util.paths".glob_to_pattern; local path_sep = package.config:sub(1,1); local get_traceback_table = require "util.debug".get_traceback_table; local encodings = deps.softreq"util.encodings"; local nameprep = encodings and encodings.stringprep.nameprep or function (host) return host:lower(); end local _M = {}; local _ENV = nil; -- luacheck: std none _M.resolve_relative_path = resolve_relative_path; -- COMPAT local parser = nil; local config_mt = { __index = function (t, _) return rawget(t, "*"); end}; local config = setmetatable({ ["*"] = { } }, config_mt); -- When host not found, use global local host_mt = { __index = function(_, k) return config["*"][k] end } function _M.getconfig() return config; end function _M.get(host, key, _oldkey) if key == "core" then key = _oldkey; -- COMPAT with code that still uses "core" end return config[host][key]; end function _M.rawget(host, key, _oldkey) if key == "core" then key = _oldkey; -- COMPAT with code that still uses "core" end local hostconfig = rawget(config, host); if hostconfig then return rawget(hostconfig, key); end end local function set(config_table, host, key, value) if host and key then local hostconfig = rawget(config_table, host); if not hostconfig then hostconfig = rawset(config_table, host, setmetatable({}, host_mt))[host]; end hostconfig[key] = value; return true; end return false; end function _M.set(host, key, value, _oldvalue) if key == "core" then key, value = value, _oldvalue; --COMPAT with code that still uses "core" end return set(config, host, key, value); end function _M.load(filename, config_format) config_format = config_format or filename:match("%w+$"); if config_format == "lua" then local f, err =; if f then local new_config = setmetatable({ ["*"] = { } }, config_mt); local ok, err = parser.load(f:read("*a"), filename, new_config); f:close(); if ok then config = new_config; end return ok, "parser", err; end return f, "file", err; end if not config_format then return nil, "file", "no parser specified"; else return nil, "file", "no parser for "..(config_format); end end -- Built-in Lua parser do local pcall = _G.pcall; local function get_line_number(config_file) local tb = get_traceback_table(nil, 2); for i = 1, #tb do if tb[i].info.short_src == config_file then return tb[i].info.currentline; end end end parser = {}; function parser.load(data, config_file, config_table) local set_options = {}; -- set_options[host.."/"..option_name] = true (when the option has been set already in this file) local warnings = {}; local env; -- The ' = true' are needed so as not to set off __newindex when we assign the functions below env = setmetatable({ Host = true, host = true, VirtualHost = true, Component = true, component = true, Include = true, include = true, RunScript = true }, { __index = function (_, k) if k:match("^ENV_") then return os.getenv(k:sub(5)); end return rawget(_G, k); end, __newindex = function (_, k, v) local host = env.__currenthost or "*"; local option_path = host.."/"..k; if set_options[option_path] then t_insert(warnings, ("%s:%d: Duplicate option '%s'"):format(config_file, get_line_number(config_file), k)); end set_options[option_path] = true; set(config_table, env.__currenthost or "*", k, v); end }); rawset(env, "__currenthost", "*") -- Default is global function env.VirtualHost(name) if not name then error("Host must have a name", 2); end local prepped_name = nameprep(name); if not prepped_name then error(format("Name of Host %q contains forbidden characters", name), 0); end name = prepped_name; if rawget(config_table, name) and rawget(config_table[name], "component_module") then error(format("Host %q clashes with previously defined %s Component %q, for services use a sub-domain like conference.%s", name, config_table[name].component_module:gsub("^%a+$", { component = "external", muc = "MUC"}), name, name), 0); end rawset(env, "__currenthost", name); -- Needs at least one setting to logically exist :) set(config_table, name or "*", "defined", true); return function (config_options) rawset(env, "__currenthost", "*"); -- Return to global scope for option_name, option_value in pairs(config_options) do set(config_table, name or "*", option_name, option_value); end end; end env.Host, = env.VirtualHost, env.VirtualHost; function env.Component(name) if not name then error("Component must have a name", 2); end local prepped_name = nameprep(name); if not prepped_name then error(format("Name of Component %q contains forbidden characters", name), 0); end name = prepped_name; if rawget(config_table, name) and rawget(config_table[name], "defined") and not rawget(config_table[name], "component_module") then error(format("Component %q clashes with previously defined VirtualHost %q, for services use a sub-domain like conference.%s", name, name, name), 0); end set(config_table, name, "component_module", "component"); -- Don't load the global modules by default set(config_table, name, "load_global_modules", false); rawset(env, "__currenthost", name); local function handle_config_options(config_options) rawset(env, "__currenthost", "*"); -- Return to global scope for option_name, option_value in pairs(config_options) do set(config_table, name or "*", option_name, option_value); end end return function (module) if type(module) == "string" then set(config_table, name, "component_module", module); return handle_config_options; end return handle_config_options(module); end end env.component = env.Component; function env.Include(file) -- Check whether this is a wildcard Include if file:match("[*?]") then local lfs = deps.softreq "lfs"; if not lfs then error(format("Error expanding wildcard pattern in Include %q - LuaFileSystem not available", file)); end local path_pos, glob = file:match("()([^"..path_sep.."]+)$"); local path = file:sub(1, math_max(path_pos-2,0)); local config_path = config_file:gsub("[^"..path_sep.."]+$", ""); if #path > 0 then path = resolve_relative_path(config_path, path); else path = config_path; end local patt = glob_to_pattern(glob); for f in lfs.dir(path) do if f:sub(1,1) ~= "." and f:match(patt) then env.Include(path..path_sep..f); end end return; end -- Not a wildcard, so resolve (potentially) relative path and run through config parser file = resolve_relative_path(config_file:gsub("[^"..path_sep.."]+$", ""), file); local f, err =; if f then local ret, err = parser.load(f:read("*a"), file, config_table); if not ret then error(err:gsub("%[string.-%]", file), 0); end if err then for _, warning in ipairs(err) do t_insert(warnings, warning); end end end if not f then error("Error loading included "..file..": "..err, 0); end return f, err; end env.include = env.Include; function env.RunScript(file) return dofile(resolve_relative_path(config_file:gsub("[^"..path_sep.."]+$", ""), file)); end local chunk, err = envload(data, "@"..config_file, env); if not chunk then return nil, err; end local ok, err = pcall(chunk); if not ok then return nil, err; end return true, warnings; end end return _M;