
net/http/codes.lua @ 11661:735b8f4a6d7e

net.http: Send entire HTTP request header as one write When opportunistic writes are enabled this reduces the number of syscalls and TCP packets sent on the wire. Experiments with TCP Fast Open made this even more obvious. That table trick probably wasn't as efficient. Lua generates bytecode for a table with zero array slots and space for two entries in the hash part, plus code to set [2] and [4]. I didn't verify but I suspect it would have had to resize the table when setting [1] and [3], although probably only once. Concatenating the strings directly in Lua is easier to read and involves no extra table or function call.
author Kim Alvefur <>
date Thu, 08 Jul 2021 18:21:59 +0200
parent 10370:78bda7932f17
child 12548:5133d6e48686
line wrap: on
line source

local response_codes = {
	-- Source:

	[100] = "Continue"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.2.1
	[101] = "Switching Protocols"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.2.2
	[102] = "Processing";
	[103] = "Early Hints";
	-- [104-199] = "Unassigned";

	[200] = "OK"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.3.1
	[201] = "Created"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.3.2
	[202] = "Accepted"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.3.3
	[203] = "Non-Authoritative Information"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.3.4
	[204] = "No Content"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.3.5
	[205] = "Reset Content"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.3.6
	[206] = "Partial Content"; -- RFC7233, Section 4.1
	[207] = "Multi-Status";
	[208] = "Already Reported";
	-- [209-225] = "Unassigned";
	[226] = "IM Used";
	-- [227-299] = "Unassigned";

	[300] = "Multiple Choices"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.4.1
	[301] = "Moved Permanently"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.4.2
	[302] = "Found"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.4.3
	[303] = "See Other"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.4.4
	[304] = "Not Modified"; -- RFC7232, Section 4.1
	[305] = "Use Proxy"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.4.5
	-- [306] = "(Unused)"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.4.6
	[307] = "Temporary Redirect"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.4.7
	[308] = "Permanent Redirect";
	-- [309-399] = "Unassigned";

	[400] = "Bad Request"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.1
	[401] = "Unauthorized"; -- RFC7235, Section 3.1
	[402] = "Payment Required"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.2
	[403] = "Forbidden"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.3
	[404] = "Not Found"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.4
	[405] = "Method Not Allowed"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.5
	[406] = "Not Acceptable"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.6
	[407] = "Proxy Authentication Required"; -- RFC7235, Section 3.2
	[408] = "Request Timeout"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.7
	[409] = "Conflict"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.8
	[410] = "Gone"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.9
	[411] = "Length Required"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.10
	[412] = "Precondition Failed"; -- RFC7232, Section 4.2
	[413] = "Payload Too Large"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.11
	[414] = "URI Too Long"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.12
	[415] = "Unsupported Media Type"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.13
	[416] = "Range Not Satisfiable"; -- RFC7233, Section 4.4
	[417] = "Expectation Failed"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.14
	[418] = "I'm a teapot"; -- RFC2324, Section 2.3.2
	-- [419-420] = "Unassigned";
	[421] = "Misdirected Request"; -- RFC7540, Section 9.1.2
	[422] = "Unprocessable Entity";
	[423] = "Locked";
	[424] = "Failed Dependency";
	[425] = "Too Early";
	[426] = "Upgrade Required"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.15
	-- [427] = "Unassigned";
	[428] = "Precondition Required";
	[429] = "Too Many Requests";
	-- [430] = "Unassigned";
	[431] = "Request Header Fields Too Large";
	-- [432-450] = "Unassigned";
	[451] = "Unavailable For Legal Reasons";
	-- [452-499] = "Unassigned";

	[500] = "Internal Server Error"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.6.1
	[501] = "Not Implemented"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.6.2
	[502] = "Bad Gateway"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.6.3
	[503] = "Service Unavailable"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.6.4
	[504] = "Gateway Timeout"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.6.5
	[505] = "HTTP Version Not Supported"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.6.6
	[506] = "Variant Also Negotiates";
	[507] = "Insufficient Storage";
	[508] = "Loop Detected";
	-- [509] = "Unassigned";
	[510] = "Not Extended";
	[511] = "Network Authentication Required";
	-- [512-599] = "Unassigned";

for k,v in pairs(response_codes) do response_codes[k] = ("%03d %s"):format(k, v); end
return setmetatable(response_codes, { __index = function(_, k) return k.." Unassigned"; end })