Software /
code /
core/modulemanager.lua @ 11609:6dcc45a2e3bc
mod_s2s: Bail if connection is destroyed after attempting to open stream
Fixes "attempt to compare number with nil" because `session.version` has
been cleared by s2smanager.destroy_session.
This can happen with the server_epoll setting opportunistic_writes
enabled, which means that it can notice that the connection failed at
this point, after which it triggers the whole chain of events that leads
to session destruction and "cleaning" most of the session fields.
author | Kim Alvefur <> |
date | Wed, 16 Jun 2021 23:53:00 +0200 |
parent | 11585:057ce005937e |
child | 12079:76a5c0261793 |
line wrap: on
line source
-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local logger = require "util.logger"; local log = logger.init("modulemanager"); local config = require "core.configmanager"; local pluginloader = require "util.pluginloader"; local envload = require "util.envload"; local set = require "util.set"; local new_multitable = require "util.multitable".new; local api = require "core.moduleapi"; -- Module API container local prosody = prosody; local hosts = prosody.hosts; local xpcall = require "util.xpcall".xpcall; local debug_traceback = debug.traceback; local setmetatable, rawget = setmetatable, rawget; local ipairs, pairs, type, t_insert = ipairs, pairs, type, table.insert; local lua_version = _VERSION:match("5%.%d$"); local autoload_modules = { prosody.platform, "presence", "message", "iq", "offline", "c2s", "s2s", "s2s_auth_certs", }; local component_inheritable_modules = { "tls", "saslauth", "dialback", "iq", "s2s", "s2s_bidi", "server_contact_info", }; -- We need this to let modules access the real global namespace local _G = _G; local _ENV = nil; -- luacheck: std none local load_modules_for_host, load, unload, reload, get_module, get_items; local get_modules, is_loaded, module_has_method, call_module_method; -- [host] = { [module] = module_env } local modulemap = { ["*"] = {} }; -- Get the list of modules to be loaded on a host local function get_modules_for_host(host) local component = config.get(host, "component_module"); local global_modules_enabled = config.get("*", "modules_enabled"); local global_modules_disabled = config.get("*", "modules_disabled"); local host_modules_enabled = config.get(host, "modules_enabled"); local host_modules_disabled = config.get(host, "modules_disabled"); if host_modules_enabled == global_modules_enabled then host_modules_enabled = nil; end if host_modules_disabled == global_modules_disabled then host_modules_disabled = nil; end local global_modules = + -; if component then global_modules = set.intersection(, global_modules); end local modules = (global_modules + -; -- COMPAT w/ pre 0.8 if modules:contains("console") then log("error", "The mod_console plugin has been renamed to mod_admin_telnet. Please update your config."); modules:remove("console"); modules:add("admin_telnet"); end if modules:contains("vcard") and modules:contains("vcard_legacy") then log("error", "The mod_vcard_legacy plugin replaces mod_vcard but both are enabled. Please update your config."); modules:remove("vcard"); end return modules, component; end -- Load modules when a host is activated function load_modules_for_host(host) local modules, component_module = get_modules_for_host(host); -- Ensure component module is loaded first if component_module then load(host, component_module); end for module in modules do load(host, module); end end"host-activated", load_modules_for_host);"host-deactivated", function (host) modulemap[host] = nil; end); --- Private helpers --- local function do_unload_module(host, name) local mod = get_module(host, name); if not mod then return nil, "module-not-loaded"; end if module_has_method(mod, "unload") then local ok, err = call_module_method(mod, "unload"); if (not ok) and err then log("warn", "Non-fatal error unloading module '%s' on '%s': %s", name, host, err); end end for object, event, handler in mod.module.event_handlers:iter(nil, nil, nil) do object.remove_handler(event, handler); end if mod.module.items then -- remove items local events = (host == "*" and or hosts[host].events; for key,t in pairs(mod.module.items) do for i = #t,1,-1 do local value = t[i]; t[i] = nil; events.fire_event("item-removed/"..key, {source = mod.module, item = value}); end end end mod.module.loaded = false; modulemap[host][name] = nil; return true; end local function do_load_module(host, module_name, state) if not (host and module_name) then return nil, "insufficient-parameters"; elseif not hosts[host] and host ~= "*"then return nil, "unknown-host"; end if not modulemap[host] then modulemap[host] = hosts[host].modules; end if modulemap[host][module_name] then if not modulemap["*"][module_name] then log("debug", "%s is already loaded for %s, so not loading again", module_name, host); end return nil, "module-already-loaded"; elseif modulemap["*"][module_name] then local mod = modulemap["*"][module_name]; if module_has_method(mod, "add_host") then local _log = logger.init(host..":"..module_name); local host_module_api = setmetatable({ host = host, event_handlers = new_multitable(), items = {}; _log = _log, log = function (self, ...) return _log(...); end; --luacheck: ignore 212/self },{ __index = modulemap["*"][module_name].module; }); local host_module = setmetatable({ module = host_module_api }, { __index = mod }); host_module_api.environment = host_module; modulemap[host][module_name] = host_module; local ok, result, module_err = call_module_method(mod, "add_host", host_module_api); if not ok or result == false then modulemap[host][module_name] = nil; return nil, ok and module_err or result; end return host_module; end return nil, "global-module-already-loaded"; end local _log = logger.init(host..":"..module_name); local api_instance = setmetatable({ name = module_name, host = host, _log = _log, log = function (self, ...) return _log(...); end, --luacheck: ignore 212/self event_handlers = new_multitable(), reloading = not not state, saved_state = state~=true and state or nil } , { __index = api }); local pluginenv = setmetatable({ module = api_instance }, { __index = _G }); api_instance.environment = pluginenv; local mod, err = pluginloader.load_code(module_name, nil, pluginenv); if not mod then log("error", "Unable to load module '%s': %s", module_name or "nil", err or "nil"); api_instance:set_status("error", "Failed to load (see log)"); return nil, err; end api_instance.path = err; local custom_plugins = prosody.paths.installer; if custom_plugins and err:sub(1, #custom_plugins+1) == custom_plugins.."/" then -- Stage 1: Make it work (you are here) -- Stage 2: Make it less hacky (TODO) local manifest = {}; local luarocks_path = custom_plugins.."/lib/luarocks/rocks-"..lua_version; local manifest_filename = luarocks_path.."/manifest"; local load_manifest, err = envload.envloadfile(manifest_filename, manifest); if not load_manifest then -- COMPAT Luarocks 2.x log("debug", "Could not load LuaRocks 3.x manifest, trying 2.x", err); luarocks_path = custom_plugins.."/lib/luarocks/rocks"; manifest_filename = luarocks_path.."/manifest"; load_manifest, err = envload.envloadfile(manifest_filename, manifest); end if not load_manifest then log("error", "Could not load manifest of installed plugins: %s", err, load_manifest); else local ok, err = xpcall(load_manifest, debug_traceback); if not ok then log("error", "Could not load manifest of installed plugins: %s", err); elseif type(manifest.modules) ~= "table" then log("debug", "Expected 'table' but manifest.modules = %q", manifest.modules); log("error", "Can't look up resource path for mod_%s because '%s' does not appear to be a LuaRocks manifest", module_name, manifest_filename); else local versions = manifest.modules["mod_"..module_name]; if type(versions) == "table" and versions[1] then -- Not going to deal with multiple installed versions api_instance.resource_path = luarocks_path.."/"..versions[1]; else log("debug", "mod_%s does not appear in the installation manifest", module_name); end end end end modulemap[host][module_name] = pluginenv; local ok, err = xpcall(mod, debug_traceback); if ok then -- Call module's "load" if module_has_method(pluginenv, "load") then ok, err = call_module_method(pluginenv, "load"); if not ok then log("warn", "Error loading module '%s' on '%s': %s", module_name, host, err or "nil"); api_instance:set_status("warn", "Error during load (see log)"); end end api_instance.reloading, api_instance.saved_state = nil, nil; if == "*" then if not then -- COMPAT w/pre-0.9 if host ~= "*" then log("warn", "mod_%s: Setting = '*' deprecated, call module:set_global() instead", module_name); end api_instance:set_global(); end modulemap[host][module_name] = nil; modulemap[][module_name] = pluginenv; if host ~= and module_has_method(pluginenv, "add_host") then -- Now load the module again onto the host it was originally being loaded on ok, err = do_load_module(host, module_name); end end end if not ok then modulemap[][module_name] = nil; log("error", "Error initializing module '%s' on '%s': %s", module_name, host, err or "nil"); api_instance:set_status("warn", "Error during load (see log)"); else api_instance:set_status("core", "Loaded", false); end return ok and pluginenv, err; end local function do_reload_module(host, name) local mod = get_module(host, name); if not mod then return nil, "module-not-loaded"; end local _mod, err = pluginloader.load_code(name); -- checking for syntax errors if not _mod then log("error", "Unable to load module '%s': %s", name or "nil", err or "nil"); return nil, err; end local saved; if module_has_method(mod, "save") then -- FIXME What goes in 'err' here? local ok, ret, err = call_module_method(mod, "save"); -- luacheck: ignore 211/err if ok then saved = ret; else log("warn", "Error saving module '%s:%s' state: %s", host, name, ret); if not config.get(host, "force_module_reload") then log("warn", "Aborting reload due to error, set force_module_reload to ignore this"); return nil, "save-state-failed"; else log("warn", "Continuing with reload (using the force)"); end end end mod.module.reloading = true; do_unload_module(host, name); local ok, err = do_load_module(host, name, saved or true); if ok then mod = get_module(host, name); if module_has_method(mod, "restore") then local ok, err = call_module_method(mod, "restore", saved or {}) if (not ok) and err then log("warn", "Error restoring module '%s' from '%s': %s", name, host, err); end end end return ok and mod, err; end --- Public API --- -- Load a module and fire module-loaded event function load(host, name) local mod, err = do_load_module(host, name); if mod then (hosts[] or prosody).events.fire_event("module-loaded", { module = name, host = }); end return mod, err; end -- Unload a module and fire module-unloaded function unload(host, name) local ok, err = do_unload_module(host, name); if ok then (hosts[host] or prosody).events.fire_event("module-unloaded", { module = name, host = host }); end return ok, err; end function reload(host, name) local mod, err = do_reload_module(host, name); if mod then modulemap[host][name].module.reloading = true; (hosts[host] or prosody).events.fire_event("module-reloaded", { module = name, host = host }); mod.module.reloading = nil; elseif not is_loaded(host, name) then (hosts[host] or prosody).events.fire_event("module-unloaded", { module = name, host = host }); end return mod, err; end function get_module(host, name) return modulemap[host] and modulemap[host][name]; end function get_items(key, host) local result = {}; local modules = modulemap[host]; if not key or not host or not modules then return nil; end for _, module in pairs(modules) do local mod = module.module; if mod.items and mod.items[key] then for _, value in ipairs(mod.items[key]) do t_insert(result, value); end end end return result; end function get_modules(host) return modulemap[host]; end function is_loaded(host, name) return modulemap[host] and modulemap[host][name] and true; end function module_has_method(module, method) return type(rawget(module.module, method)) == "function"; end function call_module_method(module, method, ...) local f = rawget(module.module, method); if type(f) == "function" then return xpcall(f, debug_traceback, ...); else return false, "no-such-method"; end end return { get_modules_for_host = get_modules_for_host; load_modules_for_host = load_modules_for_host; load = load; unload = unload; reload = reload; get_module = get_module; get_items = get_items; get_modules = get_modules; is_loaded = is_loaded; module_has_method = module_has_method; call_module_method = call_module_method; };