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tests/test.lua @ 8007:67f8954875a4
net.server_epoll: Check write buffer for remaining data to write when closing
author | Kim Alvefur <> |
date | Mon, 27 Mar 2017 03:41:24 +0200 |
parent | 7510:8a0a50e8ef2d |
line wrap: on
line source
-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local tests_passed = true; function run_all_tests() package.loaded["net.connlisteners"] = { get = function () return {} end }; dotest "util.jid" dotest "util.multitable" dotest "util.rfc6724" dotest "util.http" dotest "core.stanza_router" dotest "core.s2smanager" dotest "core.configmanager" dotest "util.ip" dotest "util.json" dotest "util.stanza" dotest "util.sasl.scram" dotest "util.async" dotest "util.cache" dotest "util.throttle" dotest "util.uuid" dotest "util.random" dotest "util.xml" dotest "util.xmppstream" dotest "util.queue" dotest "net.http.parser" dosingletest("test_sasl.lua", "latin1toutf8"); dosingletest("test_utf8.lua", "valid"); end local verbosity = tonumber(arg[1]) or 2; if os.getenv("WINDIR") then package.path = package.path..";..\\?.lua"; package.cpath = package.cpath..";..\\?.dll"; else package.path = package.path..";../?.lua"; package.cpath = package.cpath..";../?.so"; end local _realG = _G; require "util.import" local envloadfile = require "util.envload".envloadfile; local env_mt = { __index = function (t,k) return rawget(_realG, k) or print("WARNING: Attempt to access nil global '"..tostring(k).."'"); end }; function testlib_new_env(t) return setmetatable(t or {}, env_mt); end function assert_equal(a, b, message, level) if not (a == b) then error("\n assert_equal failed: "..tostring(a).." ~= "..tostring(b)..(message and ("\n Message: "..message) or ""), (level or 1) + 1); elseif verbosity >= 4 then print("assert_equal succeeded: "..tostring(a).." == "..tostring(b)); end end function assert_table(a, message, level) assert_equal(type(a), "table", message, (level or 1) + 1); end function assert_function(a, message, level) assert_equal(type(a), "function", message, (level or 1) + 1); end function assert_string(a, message, level) assert_equal(type(a), "string", message, (level or 1) + 1); end function assert_boolean(a, message) assert_equal(type(a), "boolean", message); end function assert_is(a, message) assert_equal(not not a, true, message); end function assert_is_not(a, message) assert_equal(not not a, false, message); end function dosingletest(testname, fname) local tests = setmetatable({}, { __index = _realG }); tests.__unit = testname; tests.__test = fname; local chunk, err = envloadfile(testname, tests); if not chunk then print("WARNING: ", "Failed to load tests for "..testname, err); return; end local success, err = pcall(chunk); if not success then print("WARNING: ", "Failed to initialise tests for "..testname, err); return; end if type(tests[fname]) ~= "function" then error(testname.." has no test '"..fname.."'", 0); end local line_hook, line_info = new_line_coverage_monitor(testname); debug.sethook(line_hook, "l") local success, ret = pcall(tests[fname]); debug.sethook(); if not success then tests_passed = false; print("TEST FAILED! Unit: ["..testname.."] Function: ["..fname.."]"); print(" Location: "..ret:gsub(":%s*\n", "\n")); line_info(fname, false, report_file); elseif verbosity >= 2 then print("TEST SUCCEEDED: ", testname, fname); print(string.format("TEST COVERED %d/%d lines", line_info(fname, true, report_file))); else line_info(name, success, report_file); end end function dotest(unitname) local _fakeG = setmetatable({}, {__index = _realG}); _fakeG._G = _fakeG; local tests = setmetatable({}, { __index = _fakeG }); tests.__unit = unitname; local chunk, err = envloadfile("test_"..unitname:gsub("%.", "_")..".lua", tests); if not chunk then print("WARNING: ", "Failed to load tests for "..unitname, err); return; end local success, err = pcall(chunk); if not success then print("WARNING: ", "Failed to initialise tests for "..unitname, err); return; end if tests.env then setmetatable(tests.env, { __index = _realG }); end local unit = setmetatable({}, { __index = setmetatable({ _G = tests.env or _fakeG }, { __index = tests.env or _fakeG }) }); local fn = "../"..unitname:gsub("%.", "/")..".lua"; local chunk, err = envloadfile(fn, unit); if not chunk then print("WARNING: ", "Failed to load module: "..unitname, err); return; end local oldmodule, old_M = _fakeG.module, _fakeG._M; _fakeG.module = function () setmetatable(unit, nil); unit._M = unit; end local success, ret = pcall(chunk); _fakeG.module, _fakeG._M = oldmodule, old_M; if not success then print("WARNING: ", "Failed to initialise module: "..unitname, ret); return; end if type(ret) == "table" then for k,v in pairs(ret) do unit[k] = v; end end for name, f in pairs(unit) do local test = rawget(tests, name); if type(f) ~= "function" then if verbosity >= 3 then print("INFO: ", "Skipping "..unitname.."."" because it is not a function"); end elseif type(test) ~= "function" then if verbosity >= 1 then print("WARNING: ", unitname.."."" has no test!"); end else if verbosity >= 4 then print("INFO: ", "Testing "..unitname.."."; end local line_hook, line_info = new_line_coverage_monitor(fn); debug.sethook(line_hook, "l") local success, ret = pcall(test, f, unit); debug.sethook(); if not success then tests_passed = false; print("TEST FAILED! Unit: ["..unitname.."] Function: [""]"); print(" Location: "..ret:gsub(":%s*\n", "\n")); line_info(name, false, report_file); elseif verbosity >= 2 then print("TEST SUCCEEDED: ", unitname, name); print(string.format("TEST COVERED %d/%d lines", line_info(name, true, report_file))); else line_info(name, success, report_file); end end end end function runtest(f, msg) if not f then print("SUBTEST NOT FOUND: "..(msg or "(no description)")); return; end local success, ret = pcall(f); if success and verbosity >= 2 then print("SUBTEST PASSED: "..(msg or "(no description)")); elseif (not success) and verbosity >= 0 then tests_passed = false; print("SUBTEST FAILED: "..(msg or "(no description)")); error(ret, 0); end end function new_line_coverage_monitor(file) local lines_hit, funcs_hit = {}, {}; local total_lines, covered_lines = 0, 0; for line in io.lines(file) do total_lines = total_lines + 1; end return function (event, line) -- Line hook if not lines_hit[line] then local info = debug.getinfo(2, "fSL") if not info.source:find(file) then return; end if not funcs_hit[info.func] and info.activelines then funcs_hit[info.func] = true; for line in pairs(info.activelines) do lines_hit[line] = false; -- Marks it as hittable, but not hit yet end end if lines_hit[line] == false then --print("New line hit: "..line.." in "..debug.getinfo(2, "S").source); lines_hit[line] = true; covered_lines = covered_lines + 1; end end end, function (test_name, success) -- Get info local fn = file:gsub("^%W*", ""); local total_active_lines = 0; local coverage_file ="reports/coverage_"..fn:gsub("%W+", "_")..".report", "a+"); for line, active in pairs(lines_hit) do if active ~= nil then total_active_lines = total_active_lines + 1; end if coverage_file then if active == false then coverage_file:write(fn, "|", line, "|", name or "", "|miss\n"); else coverage_file:write(fn, "|", line, "|", name or "", "|", tostring(success), "\n"); end end end if coverage_file then coverage_file:close(); end return covered_lines, total_active_lines, lines_hit; end end run_all_tests() os.exit(tests_passed and 0 or 1);