Software /
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util/sql.lua @ 6533:5da544e97bea
mod_admin_telnet: Use the session-specific print function
author | Kim Alvefur <> |
date | Sat, 13 Dec 2014 16:40:55 +0100 |
parent | 6532:a966efeb6cb3 |
child | 6730:7889515bac86 |
line wrap: on
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local setmetatable, getmetatable = setmetatable, getmetatable; local ipairs, unpack, select = ipairs, unpack, select; local tonumber, tostring = tonumber, tostring; local assert, xpcall, debug_traceback = assert, xpcall, debug.traceback; local t_concat = table.concat; local s_char = string.char; local log = require "util.logger".init("sql"); local DBI = require "DBI"; -- This loads all available drivers while globals are unlocked -- LuaDBI should be fixed to not set globals. DBI.Drivers(); local build_url = require "socket.url".build; module("sql") local column_mt = {}; local table_mt = {}; local query_mt = {}; --local op_mt = {}; local index_mt = {}; function is_column(x) return getmetatable(x)==column_mt; end function is_index(x) return getmetatable(x)==index_mt; end function is_table(x) return getmetatable(x)==table_mt; end function is_query(x) return getmetatable(x)==query_mt; end --function is_op(x) return getmetatable(x)==op_mt; end --function expr(...) return setmetatable({...}, op_mt); end function Integer(n) return "Integer()" end function String(n) return "String()" end --[[local ops = { __add = function(a, b) return "("..a.."+"..b..")" end; __sub = function(a, b) return "("..a.."-"..b..")" end; __mul = function(a, b) return "("..a.."*"..b..")" end; __div = function(a, b) return "("..a.."/"..b..")" end; __mod = function(a, b) return "("..a.."%"..b..")" end; __pow = function(a, b) return "POW("..a..","..b..")" end; __unm = function(a) return "NOT("..a..")" end; __len = function(a) return "COUNT("..a..")" end; __eq = function(a, b) return "("..a.."=="..b..")" end; __lt = function(a, b) return "("..a.."<"..b..")" end; __le = function(a, b) return "("..a.."<="..b..")" end; }; local functions = { }; local cmap = { [Integer] = Integer(); [String] = String(); };]] function Column(definition) return setmetatable(definition, column_mt); end function Table(definition) local c = {} for i,col in ipairs(definition) do if is_column(col) then c[i], c[] = col, col; elseif is_index(col) then col.table =; end end return setmetatable({ __table__ = definition, c = c, name = }, table_mt); end function Index(definition) return setmetatable(definition, index_mt); end function table_mt:__tostring() local s = { 'name="''"' } for i,col in ipairs(self.__table__) do s[#s+1] = tostring(col); end return 'Table{ '..t_concat(s, ", ")..' }' end table_mt.__index = {}; function table_mt.__index:create(engine) return engine:_create_table(self); end function table_mt:__call(...) -- TODO end function column_mt:__tostring() return 'Column{ name="''", type="'..self.type..'" }' end function index_mt:__tostring() local s = 'Index{ name="''"'; for i=1,#self do s = s..', "'..self[i]:gsub("[\\\"]", "\\%1")..'"'; end return s..' }'; -- return 'Index{ name="''", type="'..self.type..'" }' end -- local function urldecode(s) return s and (s:gsub("%%(%x%x)", function (c) return s_char(tonumber(c,16)); end)); end local function parse_url(url) local scheme, secondpart, database = url:match("^([%w%+]+)://([^/]*)/?(.*)"); assert(scheme, "Invalid URL format"); local username, password, host, port; local authpart, hostpart = secondpart:match("([^@]+)@([^@+])"); if not authpart then hostpart = secondpart; end if authpart then username, password = authpart:match("([^:]*):(.*)"); username = username or authpart; password = password and urldecode(password); end if hostpart then host, port = hostpart:match("([^:]*):(.*)"); host = host or hostpart; port = port and assert(tonumber(port), "Invalid URL format"); end return { scheme = scheme:lower(); username = username; password = password; host = host; port = port; database = #database > 0 and database or nil; }; end --[[local session = {}; function session.query(...) local rets = {...}; local query = setmetatable({ __rets = rets, __filters }, query_mt); return query; end -- local function db2uri(params) return build_url{ scheme = params.driver, user = params.username, password = params.password, host =, port = params.port, path = params.database, }; end]] local engine = {}; function engine:connect() if self.conn then return true; end local params = self.params; assert(params.driver, "no driver") local dbh, err = DBI.Connect( params.driver, params.database, params.username, params.password,, params.port ); if not dbh then return nil, err; end dbh:autocommit(false); -- don't commit automatically self.conn = dbh; self.prepared = {}; self:set_encoding(); return true; end function engine:execute(sql, ...) local success, err = self:connect(); if not success then return success, err; end local prepared = self.prepared; local stmt = prepared[sql]; if not stmt then local err; stmt, err = self.conn:prepare(sql); if not stmt then return stmt, err; end prepared[sql] = stmt; end local success, err = stmt:execute(...); if not success then return success, err; end return stmt; end local result_mt = { __index = { affected = function(self) return self.__stmt:affected(); end; rowcount = function(self) return self.__stmt:rowcount(); end; } }; function engine:execute_query(sql, ...) if self.params.driver == "PostgreSQL" then sql = sql:gsub("`", "\""); end local stmt = assert(self.conn:prepare(sql)); assert(stmt:execute(...)); return stmt:rows(); end function engine:execute_update(sql, ...) if self.params.driver == "PostgreSQL" then sql = sql:gsub("`", "\""); end local prepared = self.prepared; local stmt = prepared[sql]; if not stmt then stmt = assert(self.conn:prepare(sql)); prepared[sql] = stmt; end assert(stmt:execute(...)); return setmetatable({ __stmt = stmt }, result_mt); end engine.insert = engine.execute_update; = engine.execute_query; engine.delete = engine.execute_update; engine.update = engine.execute_update; function engine:_transaction(func, ...) if not self.conn then local a,b = self:connect(); if not a then return a,b; end end --assert(not self.__transaction, "Recursive transactions not allowed"); local args, n_args = {...}, select("#", ...); local function f() return func(unpack(args, 1, n_args)); end self.__transaction = true; local success, a, b, c = xpcall(f, debug_traceback); self.__transaction = nil; if success then log("debug", "SQL transaction success [%s]", tostring(func)); local ok, err = self.conn:commit(); if not ok then return ok, err; end -- commit failed return success, a, b, c; else log("debug", "SQL transaction failure [%s]: %s", tostring(func), a); if self.conn then self.conn:rollback(); end return success, a; end end function engine:transaction(...) local a,b = self:_transaction(...); if not a then local conn = self.conn; if not conn or not conn:ping() then self.conn = nil; a,b = self:_transaction(...); end end return a,b; end function engine:_create_index(index) local sql = "CREATE INDEX `""` ON `"..index.table.."` ("; for i=1,#index do sql = sql.."`"..index[i].."`"; if i ~= #index then sql = sql..", "; end end sql = sql..");" if self.params.driver == "PostgreSQL" then sql = sql:gsub("`", "\""); elseif self.params.driver == "MySQL" then sql = sql:gsub("`([,)])", "`(20)%1"); end if index.unique then sql = sql:gsub("^CREATE", "CREATE UNIQUE"); end --print(sql); return self:execute(sql); end function engine:_create_table(table) local sql = "CREATE TABLE `""` ("; for i,col in ipairs(table.c) do local col_type = col.type; if col_type == "MEDIUMTEXT" and self.params.driver ~= "MySQL" then col_type = "TEXT"; -- MEDIUMTEXT is MySQL-specific end if col.auto_increment == true and self.params.driver == "PostgreSQL" then col_type = "BIGSERIAL"; end sql = sql.."`""` "..col_type; if col.nullable == false then sql = sql.." NOT NULL"; end if col.primary_key == true then sql = sql.." PRIMARY KEY"; end if col.auto_increment == true then if self.params.driver == "MySQL" then sql = sql.." AUTO_INCREMENT"; elseif self.params.driver == "SQLite3" then sql = sql.." AUTOINCREMENT"; end end if i ~= #table.c then sql = sql..", "; end end sql = sql.. ");" if self.params.driver == "PostgreSQL" then sql = sql:gsub("`", "\""); elseif self.params.driver == "MySQL" then sql = sql:gsub(";$", " CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_bin';"); end local success,err = self:execute(sql); if not success then return success,err; end for i,v in ipairs(table.__table__) do if is_index(v) then self:_create_index(v); end end return success; end function engine:set_encoding() -- to UTF-8 local driver = self.params.driver; if driver == "SQLite3" then return self:transaction(function() if self:select"PRAGMA encoding;"()[1] == "UTF-8" then self.charset = "utf8"; end end); end local set_names_query = "SET NAMES '%s';" local charset = "utf8"; if driver == "MySQL" then set_names_query = set_names_query:gsub(";$", " COLLATE 'utf8_bin';"); local ok, charsets = self:transaction(function() return self:select"SELECT `CHARACTER_SET_NAME` FROM `information_schema`.`CHARACTER_SETS` WHERE `CHARACTER_SET_NAME` LIKE 'utf8%' ORDER BY MAXLEN DESC LIMIT 1;"; end); local row = ok and charsets(); charset = row and row[1] or charset; end self.charset = charset; return self:transaction(function() return self:execute(set_names_query:format(charset)); end); end local engine_mt = { __index = engine }; local function db2uri(params) return build_url{ scheme = params.driver, user = params.username, password = params.password, host =, port = params.port, path = params.database, }; end local engine_cache = {}; -- TODO make weak valued function create_engine(self, params) local url = db2uri(params); if not engine_cache[url] then local engine = setmetatable({ url = url, params = params }, engine_mt); engine_cache[url] = engine; end return engine_cache[url]; end --[[Users = Table { name="users"; Column { name="user_id", type=String(), primary_key=true }; }; print(Users) print(Users.c.user_id)]] --local engine = create_engine('postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost:5432/mydatabase'); --[[local engine = create_engine{ driver = "SQLite3", database = "./alchemy.sqlite" }; local i = 0; for row in assert(engine:execute("select * from sqlite_master")):rows(true) do i = i+1; print(i); for k,v in pairs(row) do print("",k,v); end end print("---") Prosody = Table { name="prosody"; Column { name="host", type="TEXT", nullable=false }; Column { name="user", type="TEXT", nullable=false }; Column { name="store", type="TEXT", nullable=false }; Column { name="key", type="TEXT", nullable=false }; Column { name="type", type="TEXT", nullable=false }; Column { name="value", type="TEXT", nullable=false }; Index { name="prosody_index", "host", "user", "store", "key" }; }; --print(Prosody); assert(engine:transaction(function() assert(Prosody:create(engine)); end)); for row in assert(engine:execute("select user from prosody")):rows(true) do print("username:", row['username']) end --result.close();]] return _M;