Software /
code /
plugins/mod_admin_adhoc.lua @ 12084:59557bc3c4b8 0.11
net.server_epoll: Process all queued events from epoll before timers
Should call timers less frequently when many sockets are waiting for
processing. May help under heavy load.
Requested by Ge0rG
Backport of 2bcd84123eba requested by Roi
author | Kim Alvefur <> |
date | Thu, 21 Oct 2021 15:59:16 +0200 |
parent | 9402:b530b5daae91 |
child | 10398:fa50789d6ec7 |
line wrap: on
line source
-- Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Florian Zeitz -- -- This file is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- -- luacheck: ignore 212/self 212/data 212/state 412/err 422/err local _G = _G; local prosody = _G.prosody; local hosts = prosody.hosts; local t_concat = table.concat; local t_sort = table.sort; local module_host = module:get_host(); local keys = require "util.iterators".keys; local usermanager_user_exists = require "core.usermanager".user_exists; local usermanager_create_user = require "core.usermanager".create_user; local usermanager_delete_user = require "core.usermanager".delete_user; local usermanager_get_password = require "core.usermanager".get_password; local usermanager_set_password = require "core.usermanager".set_password; local hostmanager_activate = require "core.hostmanager".activate; local hostmanager_deactivate = require "core.hostmanager".deactivate; local rm_load_roster = require "core.rostermanager".load_roster; local st, jid = require "util.stanza", require "util.jid"; local timer_add_task = require "util.timer".add_task; local dataforms_new = require "util.dataforms".new; local array = require "util.array"; local modulemanager = require "core.modulemanager"; local core_post_stanza = prosody.core_post_stanza; local adhoc_simple = require "util.adhoc".new_simple_form; local adhoc_initial = require "util.adhoc".new_initial_data_form; local set = require"util.set"; module:depends("adhoc"); local adhoc_new = module:require "adhoc".new; local function generate_error_message(errors) local errmsg = {}; for name, err in pairs(errors) do errmsg[#errmsg + 1] = name .. ": " .. err; end return { status = "completed", error = { message = t_concat(errmsg, "\n") } }; end -- Adding a new user local add_user_layout = dataforms_new{ title = "Adding a User"; instructions = "Fill out this form to add a user."; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "accountjid", type = "jid-single", required = true, label = "The Jabber ID for the account to be added" }; { name = "password", type = "text-private", label = "The password for this account" }; { name = "password-verify", type = "text-private", label = "Retype password" }; }; local add_user_command_handler = adhoc_simple(add_user_layout, function(fields, err) if err then return generate_error_message(err); end local username, host, resource = jid.split(fields.accountjid); if module_host ~= host then return { status = "completed", error = { message = "Trying to add a user on " .. host .. " but command was sent to " .. module_host}}; end if (fields["password"] == fields["password-verify"]) and username and host then if usermanager_user_exists(username, host) then return { status = "completed", error = { message = "Account already exists" } }; else if usermanager_create_user(username, fields.password, host) then module:log("info", "Created new account %s@%s", username, host); return { status = "completed", info = "Account successfully created" }; else return { status = "completed", error = { message = "Failed to write data to disk" } }; end end else module:log("debug", "Invalid data, password mismatch or empty username while creating account for %s", fields.accountjid or "<nil>"); return { status = "completed", error = { message = "Invalid data.\nPassword mismatch, or empty username" } }; end end); -- Changing a user's password local change_user_password_layout = dataforms_new{ title = "Changing a User Password"; instructions = "Fill out this form to change a user's password."; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "accountjid", type = "jid-single", required = true, label = "The Jabber ID for this account" }; { name = "password", type = "text-private", required = true, label = "The password for this account" }; }; local change_user_password_command_handler = adhoc_simple(change_user_password_layout, function(fields, err) if err then return generate_error_message(err); end local username, host, resource = jid.split(fields.accountjid); if module_host ~= host then return { status = "completed", error = { message = "Trying to change the password of a user on " .. host .. " but command was sent to " .. module_host } }; end if usermanager_user_exists(username, host) and usermanager_set_password(username, fields.password, host, nil) then return { status = "completed", info = "Password successfully changed" }; else return { status = "completed", error = { message = "User does not exist" } }; end end); -- Reloading the config local function config_reload_handler(self, data, state) local ok, err = prosody.reload_config(); if ok then return { status = "completed", info = "Configuration reloaded (modules may need to be reloaded for this to have an effect)" }; else return { status = "completed", error = { message = "Failed to reload config: " .. tostring(err) } }; end end -- Deleting a user's account local delete_user_layout = dataforms_new{ title = "Deleting a User"; instructions = "Fill out this form to delete a user."; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "accountjids", type = "jid-multi", required = true, label = "The Jabber ID(s) to delete" }; }; local delete_user_command_handler = adhoc_simple(delete_user_layout, function(fields, err) if err then return generate_error_message(err); end local failed = {}; local succeeded = {}; for _, aJID in ipairs(fields.accountjids) do local username, host, resource = jid.split(aJID); if (host == module_host) and usermanager_user_exists(username, host) and usermanager_delete_user(username, host) then module:log("debug", "User %s has been deleted", aJID); succeeded[#succeeded+1] = aJID; else module:log("debug", "Tried to delete non-existant user %s", aJID); failed[#failed+1] = aJID; end end return {status = "completed", info = (#succeeded ~= 0 and "The following accounts were successfully deleted:\n"..t_concat(succeeded, "\n").."\n" or "").. (#failed ~= 0 and "The following accounts could not be deleted:\n"..t_concat(failed, "\n") or "") }; end); -- Ending a user's session local function disconnect_user(match_jid) local node, hostname, givenResource = jid.split(match_jid); local host = hosts[hostname]; local sessions = host.sessions[node] and host.sessions[node].sessions; for resource, session in pairs(sessions or {}) do if not givenResource or (resource == givenResource) then module:log("debug", "Disconnecting %s@%s/%s", node, hostname, resource); session:close(); end end return true; end local end_user_session_layout = dataforms_new{ title = "Ending a User Session"; instructions = "Fill out this form to end a user's session."; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "accountjids", type = "jid-multi", label = "The Jabber ID(s) for which to end sessions", required = true }; }; local end_user_session_handler = adhoc_simple(end_user_session_layout, function(fields, err) if err then return generate_error_message(err); end local failed = {}; local succeeded = {}; for _, aJID in ipairs(fields.accountjids) do local username, host, resource = jid.split(aJID); if (host == module_host) and usermanager_user_exists(username, host) and disconnect_user(aJID) then succeeded[#succeeded+1] = aJID; else failed[#failed+1] = aJID; end end return {status = "completed", info = (#succeeded ~= 0 and "The following accounts were successfully disconnected:\n"..t_concat(succeeded, "\n").."\n" or "").. (#failed ~= 0 and "The following accounts could not be disconnected:\n"..t_concat(failed, "\n") or "") }; end); -- Getting a user's password local get_user_password_layout = dataforms_new{ title = "Getting User's Password"; instructions = "Fill out this form to get a user's password."; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "accountjid", type = "jid-single", required = true, label = "The Jabber ID for which to retrieve the password" }; }; local get_user_password_result_layout = dataforms_new{ { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "accountjid", type = "jid-single", label = "JID" }; { name = "password", type = "text-single", label = "Password" }; }; local get_user_password_handler = adhoc_simple(get_user_password_layout, function(fields, err) if err then return generate_error_message(err); end local user, host, resource = jid.split(fields.accountjid); local accountjid; local password; if host ~= module_host then return { status = "completed", error = { message = "Tried to get password for a user on " .. host .. " but command was sent to " .. module_host } }; elseif usermanager_user_exists(user, host) then accountjid = fields.accountjid; password = usermanager_get_password(user, host); else return { status = "completed", error = { message = "User does not exist" } }; end return { status = "completed", result = { layout = get_user_password_result_layout, values = {accountjid = accountjid, password = password} } }; end); -- Getting a user's roster local get_user_roster_layout = dataforms_new{ { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "accountjid", type = "jid-single", required = true, label = "The Jabber ID for which to retrieve the roster" }; }; local get_user_roster_result_layout = dataforms_new{ { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "accountjid", type = "jid-single", label = "This is the roster for" }; { name = "roster", type = "text-multi", label = "Roster XML" }; }; local get_user_roster_handler = adhoc_simple(get_user_roster_layout, function(fields, err) if err then return generate_error_message(err); end local user, host, resource = jid.split(fields.accountjid); if host ~= module_host then return { status = "completed", error = { message = "Tried to get roster for a user on " .. host .. " but command was sent to " .. module_host } }; elseif not usermanager_user_exists(user, host) then return { status = "completed", error = { message = "User does not exist" } }; end local roster = rm_load_roster(user, host); local query = st.stanza("query", { xmlns = "jabber:iq:roster" }); for contact_jid in pairs(roster) do if contact_jid then query:tag("item", { jid = contact_jid, subscription = roster[contact_jid].subscription, ask = roster[contact_jid].ask, name = roster[contact_jid].name, }); for group in pairs(roster[contact_jid].groups) do query:tag("group"):text(group):up(); end query:up(); end end local query_text = tostring(query):gsub("><", ">\n<"); local result = get_user_roster_result_layout:form({ accountjid = user.."@", roster = query_text }, "result"); result:add_child(query); return { status = "completed", other = result }; end); -- Getting user statistics local get_user_stats_layout = dataforms_new{ title = "Get User Statistics"; instructions = "Fill out this form to gather user statistics."; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "accountjid", type = "jid-single", required = true, label = "The Jabber ID for statistics" }; }; local get_user_stats_result_layout = dataforms_new{ { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "ipaddresses", type = "text-multi", label = "IP Addresses" }; { name = "rostersize", type = "text-single", label = "Roster size" }; { name = "onlineresources", type = "text-multi", label = "Online Resources" }; }; local get_user_stats_handler = adhoc_simple(get_user_stats_layout, function(fields, err) if err then return generate_error_message(err); end local user, host = jid.split(fields.accountjid); if host ~= module_host then return { status = "completed", error = { message = "Tried to get stats for a user on " .. host .. " but command was sent to " .. module_host } }; elseif not usermanager_user_exists(user, host) then return { status = "completed", error = { message = "User does not exist" } }; end local roster = rm_load_roster(user, host); local rostersize = 0; local IPs = ""; local resources = ""; for contact_jid in pairs(roster) do if contact_jid then rostersize = rostersize + 1; end end for resource, session in pairs((hosts[host].sessions[user] and hosts[host].sessions[user].sessions) or {}) do resources = resources .. "\n" .. resource; IPs = IPs .. "\n" .. session.ip; end return { status = "completed", result = {layout = get_user_stats_result_layout, values = {ipaddresses = IPs, rostersize = tostring(rostersize), onlineresources = resources}} }; end); -- Getting a list of online users local get_online_users_layout = dataforms_new{ title = "Getting List of Online Users"; instructions = "How many users should be returned at most?"; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "max_items", type = "list-single", label = "Maximum number of users", options = { "25", "50", "75", "100", "150", "200", "all" } }; { name = "details", type = "boolean", label = "Show details" }; }; local get_online_users_result_layout = dataforms_new{ { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "onlineuserjids", type = "text-multi", label = "The list of all online users" }; }; local get_online_users_command_handler = adhoc_simple(get_online_users_layout, function(fields, err) if err then return generate_error_message(err); end local max_items = nil if fields.max_items ~= "all" then max_items = tonumber(fields.max_items); end local count = 0; local users = {}; for username, user in pairs(hosts[module_host].sessions or {}) do if (max_items ~= nil) and (count >= max_items) then break; end users[#users+1] = username.."@"..module_host; count = count + 1; if fields.details then for resource, session in pairs(user.sessions or {}) do local status, priority, ip = "unavailable", tostring(session.priority or "-"), session.ip or "<unknown>"; if session.presence then status = session.presence:child_with_name("show"); if status then status = status:get_text() or "[invalid!]"; else status = "available"; end end users[#users+1] = " - "..resource..": "..status.."("..priority.."), IP: ["..ip.."]"; end end end return { status = "completed", result = {layout = get_online_users_result_layout, values = {onlineuserjids=t_concat(users, "\n")}} }; end); -- Getting a list of S2S connections (this host) local list_s2s_this_result = dataforms_new { title = "List of S2S connections on this host"; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "sessions", type = "text-multi", label = "Connections:" }; { name = "num_in", type = "text-single", label = "#incoming connections:" }; { name = "num_out", type = "text-single", label = "#outgoing connections:" }; }; local function session_flags(session, line) line = line or {}; if then line[#line+1] = "[""]" else line[#line+1] = "["..session.type..(tostring(session):match("%x*$")).."]" end local flags = {}; if session.cert_identity_status == "valid" then flags[#flags+1] = "authenticated"; end if then flags[#flags+1] = "encrypted"; end if session.compressed then flags[#flags+1] = "compressed"; end if session.smacks then flags[#flags+1] = "sm"; end if session.ip and session.ip:match(":") then flags[#flags+1] = "IPv6"; end line[#line+1] = "("..t_concat(flags, ", ")..")"; return t_concat(line, " "); end local function list_s2s_this_handler(self, data, state) local count_in, count_out = 0, 0; local s2s_list = {}; local s2s_sessions = module:shared"/*/s2s/sessions"; for _, session in pairs(s2s_sessions) do local remotehost, localhost, direction; if session.direction == "outgoing" then direction = "->"; count_out = count_out + 1; remotehost, localhost = session.to_host or "?", session.from_host or "?"; else direction = "<-"; count_in = count_in + 1; remotehost, localhost = session.from_host or "?", session.to_host or "?"; end local sess_lines = { r = remotehost, session_flags(session, { "", direction, remotehost or "?" })}; if localhost == module_host then s2s_list[#s2s_list+1] = sess_lines; end end t_sort(s2s_list, function(a, b) return a.r < b.r; end); for i, sess_lines in ipairs(s2s_list) do s2s_list[i] = sess_lines[1]; end return { status = "completed", result = { layout = list_s2s_this_result; values = { sessions = t_concat(s2s_list, "\n"), num_in = tostring(count_in), num_out = tostring(count_out) } } }; end -- Getting a list of loaded modules local list_modules_result = dataforms_new { title = "List of loaded modules"; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "modules", type = "text-multi", label = "The following modules are loaded:" }; }; local function list_modules_handler(self, data, state) local modules = array.collect(keys(hosts[module_host].modules)):sort():concat("\n"); return { status = "completed", result = { layout = list_modules_result; values = { modules = modules } } }; end -- Loading a module local load_module_layout = dataforms_new { title = "Load module"; instructions = "Specify the module to be loaded"; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "module", type = "text-single", required = true, label = "Module to be loaded:"}; }; local load_module_handler = adhoc_simple(load_module_layout, function(fields, err) if err then return generate_error_message(err); end if modulemanager.is_loaded(module_host, fields.module) then return { status = "completed", info = "Module already loaded" }; end local ok, err = modulemanager.load(module_host, fields.module); if ok then return { status = "completed", info = 'Module "'..fields.module..'" successfully loaded on host "'..module_host..'".' }; else return { status = "completed", error = { message = 'Failed to load module "'..fields.module..'" on host "'..module_host.. '". Error was: "'..tostring(err or "<unspecified>")..'"' } }; end end); -- Globally loading a module local globally_load_module_layout = dataforms_new { title = "Globally load module"; instructions = "Specify the module to be loaded on all hosts"; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "module", type = "text-single", required = true, label = "Module to globally load:"}; }; local globally_load_module_handler = adhoc_simple(globally_load_module_layout, function(fields, err) local ok_list, err_list = {}, {}; if err then return generate_error_message(err); end local ok, err = modulemanager.load(module_host, fields.module); if ok then ok_list[#ok_list + 1] = module_host; else err_list[#err_list + 1] = module_host .. " (Error: " .. tostring(err) .. ")"; end -- Is this a global module? if modulemanager.is_loaded("*", fields.module) and not modulemanager.is_loaded(module_host, fields.module) then return { status = "completed", info = 'Global module '..fields.module..' loaded.' }; end -- This is either a shared or "normal" module, load it on all other hosts for host_name, host in pairs(hosts) do if host_name ~= module_host and host.type == "local" then local ok, err = modulemanager.load(host_name, fields.module); if ok then ok_list[#ok_list + 1] = host_name; else err_list[#err_list + 1] = host_name .. " (Error: " .. tostring(err) .. ")"; end end end local info = (#ok_list > 0 and ("The module "..fields.module.." was successfully loaded onto the hosts:\n"..t_concat(ok_list, "\n")) or "") .. ((#ok_list > 0 and #err_list > 0) and "\n" or "") .. (#err_list > 0 and ("Failed to load the module "..fields.module.." onto the hosts:\n"..t_concat(err_list, "\n")) or ""); return { status = "completed", info = info }; end); -- Reloading modules local reload_modules_layout = dataforms_new { title = "Reload modules"; instructions = "Select the modules to be reloaded"; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "modules", type = "list-multi", required = true, label = "Modules to be reloaded:"}; }; local reload_modules_handler = adhoc_initial(reload_modules_layout, function() return { modules = array.collect(keys(hosts[module_host].modules)):sort() }; end, function(fields, err) if err then return generate_error_message(err); end local ok_list, err_list = {}, {}; for _, module in ipairs(fields.modules) do local ok, err = modulemanager.reload(module_host, module); if ok then ok_list[#ok_list + 1] = module; else err_list[#err_list + 1] = module .. "(Error: " .. tostring(err) .. ")"; end end local info = (#ok_list > 0 and ("The following modules were successfully reloaded on host "..module_host..":\n"..t_concat(ok_list, "\n")) or "") .. ((#ok_list > 0 and #err_list > 0) and "\n" or "") .. (#err_list > 0 and ("Failed to reload the following modules on host "..module_host..":\n"..t_concat(err_list, "\n")) or ""); return { status = "completed", info = info }; end); -- Globally reloading a module local globally_reload_module_layout = dataforms_new { title = "Globally reload module"; instructions = "Specify the module to reload on all hosts"; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "module", type = "list-single", required = true, label = "Module to globally reload:"}; }; local globally_reload_module_handler = adhoc_initial(globally_reload_module_layout, function() local loaded_modules = array(keys(modulemanager.get_modules("*"))); for _, host in pairs(hosts) do loaded_modules:append(array(keys(host.modules))); end loaded_modules = array(; return { module = loaded_modules }; end, function(fields, err) local is_global = false; if err then return generate_error_message(err); end if modulemanager.is_loaded("*", fields.module) then local ok, err = modulemanager.reload("*", fields.module); if not ok then return { status = "completed", info = 'Global module '..fields.module..' failed to reload: '..err }; end is_global = true; end local ok_list, err_list = {}, {}; for host_name in pairs(hosts) do if modulemanager.is_loaded(host_name, fields.module) then local ok, err = modulemanager.reload(host_name, fields.module); if ok then ok_list[#ok_list + 1] = host_name; else err_list[#err_list + 1] = host_name .. " (Error: " .. tostring(err) .. ")"; end end end if #ok_list == 0 and #err_list == 0 then if is_global then return { status = "completed", info = 'Successfully reloaded global module '..fields.module }; else return { status = "completed", info = 'Module '..fields.module..' not loaded on any host.' }; end end local info = (#ok_list > 0 and ("The module "..fields.module.." was successfully reloaded on the hosts:\n"..t_concat(ok_list, "\n")) or "") .. ((#ok_list > 0 and #err_list > 0) and "\n" or "") .. (#err_list > 0 and ("Failed to reload the module "..fields.module.." on the hosts:\n"..t_concat(err_list, "\n")) or ""); return { status = "completed", info = info }; end); local function send_to_online(message, server) local sessions; if server then sessions = { [server] = hosts[server] }; else sessions = hosts; end local c = 0; for domain, session in pairs(sessions) do for user in pairs(session.sessions or {}) do c = c + 1; message.attr.from = domain; = user.."@"..domain; core_post_stanza(session, message); end end return c; end -- Shutting down the service local shut_down_service_layout = dataforms_new{ title = "Shutting Down the Service"; instructions = "Fill out this form to shut down the service."; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "delay", type = "list-single", label = "Time delay before shutting down", value = "5", options = { {label = "5 seconds", value = "5"}, {label = "30 seconds", value = "30"}, {label = "60 seconds", value = "60"}, {label = "90 seconds", value = "90"}, {label = "2 minutes", value = "120"}, {label = "3 minutes", value = "180"}, {label = "4 minutes", value = "240"}, {label = "5 minutes", value = "300"}, }; }; { name = "announcement", type = "text-multi", label = "Announcement" }; }; local shut_down_service_handler = adhoc_simple(shut_down_service_layout, function(fields, err) if err then return generate_error_message(err); end if fields.announcement and #fields.announcement > 0 then local message = st.message({type = "headline"}, fields.announcement):up() :tag("subject"):text("Server is shutting down"); send_to_online(message); end timer_add_task(tonumber(fields.delay or "5"), function() prosody.shutdown("Shutdown by adhoc command") end); return { status = "completed", info = "Server is about to shut down" }; end); -- Unloading modules local unload_modules_layout = dataforms_new { title = "Unload modules"; instructions = "Select the modules to be unloaded"; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "modules", type = "list-multi", required = true, label = "Modules to be unloaded:"}; }; local unload_modules_handler = adhoc_initial(unload_modules_layout, function() return { modules = array.collect(keys(hosts[module_host].modules)):sort() }; end, function(fields, err) if err then return generate_error_message(err); end local ok_list, err_list = {}, {}; for _, module in ipairs(fields.modules) do local ok, err = modulemanager.unload(module_host, module); if ok then ok_list[#ok_list + 1] = module; else err_list[#err_list + 1] = module .. "(Error: " .. tostring(err) .. ")"; end end local info = (#ok_list > 0 and ("The following modules were successfully unloaded on host "..module_host..":\n"..t_concat(ok_list, "\n")) or "") .. ((#ok_list > 0 and #err_list > 0) and "\n" or "") .. (#err_list > 0 and ("Failed to unload the following modules on host "..module_host..":\n"..t_concat(err_list, "\n")) or ""); return { status = "completed", info = info }; end); -- Globally unloading a module local globally_unload_module_layout = dataforms_new { title = "Globally unload module"; instructions = "Specify a module to unload on all hosts"; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "module", type = "list-single", required = true, label = "Module to globally unload:"}; }; local globally_unload_module_handler = adhoc_initial(globally_unload_module_layout, function() local loaded_modules = array(keys(modulemanager.get_modules("*"))); for _, host in pairs(hosts) do loaded_modules:append(array(keys(host.modules))); end loaded_modules = array(; return { module = loaded_modules }; end, function(fields, err) local is_global = false; if err then return generate_error_message(err); end if modulemanager.is_loaded("*", fields.module) then local ok, err = modulemanager.unload("*", fields.module); if not ok then return { status = "completed", info = 'Global module '..fields.module..' failed to unload: '..err }; end is_global = true; end local ok_list, err_list = {}, {}; for host_name in pairs(hosts) do if modulemanager.is_loaded(host_name, fields.module) then local ok, err = modulemanager.unload(host_name, fields.module); if ok then ok_list[#ok_list + 1] = host_name; else err_list[#err_list + 1] = host_name .. " (Error: " .. tostring(err) .. ")"; end end end if #ok_list == 0 and #err_list == 0 then if is_global then return { status = "completed", info = 'Successfully unloaded global module '..fields.module }; else return { status = "completed", info = 'Module '..fields.module..' not loaded on any host.' }; end end local info = (#ok_list > 0 and ("The module "..fields.module.." was successfully unloaded on the hosts:\n"..t_concat(ok_list, "\n")) or "") .. ((#ok_list > 0 and #err_list > 0) and "\n" or "") .. (#err_list > 0 and ("Failed to unload the module "..fields.module.." on the hosts:\n"..t_concat(err_list, "\n")) or ""); return { status = "completed", info = info }; end); -- Activating a host local activate_host_layout = dataforms_new { title = "Activate host"; instructions = ""; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "host", type = "text-single", required = true, label = "Host:"}; }; local activate_host_handler = adhoc_simple(activate_host_layout, function(fields, err) if err then return generate_error_message(err); end local ok, err = hostmanager_activate(; if ok then return { status = "completed", info = .. " activated" }; else return { status = "canceled", error = err } end end); -- Deactivating a host local deactivate_host_layout = dataforms_new { title = "Deactivate host"; instructions = ""; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "" }; { name = "host", type = "text-single", required = true, label = "Host:"}; }; local deactivate_host_handler = adhoc_simple(deactivate_host_layout, function(fields, err) if err then return generate_error_message(err); end local ok, err = hostmanager_deactivate(; if ok then return { status = "completed", info = .. " deactivated" }; else return { status = "canceled", error = err } end end); -- luacheck: max_line_length 180 local add_user_desc = adhoc_new("Add User", "", add_user_command_handler, "admin"); local change_user_password_desc = adhoc_new("Change User Password", "", change_user_password_command_handler, "admin"); local config_reload_desc = adhoc_new("Reload configuration", "", config_reload_handler, "global_admin"); local delete_user_desc = adhoc_new("Delete User", "", delete_user_command_handler, "admin"); local end_user_session_desc = adhoc_new("End User Session", "", end_user_session_handler, "admin"); local get_user_password_desc = adhoc_new("Get User Password", "", get_user_password_handler, "admin"); local get_user_roster_desc = adhoc_new("Get User Roster","", get_user_roster_handler, "admin"); local get_user_stats_desc = adhoc_new("Get User Statistics","", get_user_stats_handler, "admin"); local get_online_users_desc = adhoc_new("Get List of Online Users", "", get_online_users_command_handler, "admin"); local list_s2s_this_desc = adhoc_new("List S2S connections", "", list_s2s_this_handler, "admin"); local list_modules_desc = adhoc_new("List loaded modules", "", list_modules_handler, "admin"); local load_module_desc = adhoc_new("Load module", "", load_module_handler, "admin"); local globally_load_module_desc = adhoc_new("Globally load module", "", globally_load_module_handler, "global_admin"); local reload_modules_desc = adhoc_new("Reload modules", "", reload_modules_handler, "admin"); local globally_reload_module_desc = adhoc_new("Globally reload module", "", globally_reload_module_handler, "global_admin"); local shut_down_service_desc = adhoc_new("Shut Down Service", "", shut_down_service_handler, "global_admin"); local unload_modules_desc = adhoc_new("Unload modules", "", unload_modules_handler, "admin"); local globally_unload_module_desc = adhoc_new("Globally unload module", "", globally_unload_module_handler, "global_admin"); local activate_host_desc = adhoc_new("Activate host", "", activate_host_handler, "global_admin"); local deactivate_host_desc = adhoc_new("Deactivate host", "", deactivate_host_handler, "global_admin"); module:provides("adhoc", add_user_desc); module:provides("adhoc", change_user_password_desc); module:provides("adhoc", config_reload_desc); module:provides("adhoc", delete_user_desc); module:provides("adhoc", end_user_session_desc); module:provides("adhoc", get_user_password_desc); module:provides("adhoc", get_user_roster_desc); module:provides("adhoc", get_user_stats_desc); module:provides("adhoc", get_online_users_desc); module:provides("adhoc", list_s2s_this_desc); module:provides("adhoc", list_modules_desc); module:provides("adhoc", load_module_desc); module:provides("adhoc", globally_load_module_desc); module:provides("adhoc", reload_modules_desc); module:provides("adhoc", globally_reload_module_desc); module:provides("adhoc", shut_down_service_desc); module:provides("adhoc", unload_modules_desc); module:provides("adhoc", globally_unload_module_desc); module:provides("adhoc", activate_host_desc); module:provides("adhoc", deactivate_host_desc);