Software /
code /
tools/migration/migrator/jabberd14.lua @ 4979:5614bbc163e0
Merge with Maranda
author | Matthew Wild <> |
date | Sun, 22 Jul 2012 18:52:20 +0100 (2012-07-22) |
parent | 4445:0434eb77d18c |
child | 5218:8350eaa3f3f3 |
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line source
local lfs = require "lfs"; local lxp = require "lxp"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local os_getenv = os.getenv; local io_open =; local assert = assert; local ipairs = ipairs; local coroutine = coroutine; local print = print; module "jabberd14" local function is_dir(path) return lfs.attributes(path, "mode") == "directory"; end local function is_file(path) return lfs.attributes(path, "mode") == "file"; end local function clean_path(path) return path:gsub("\\", "/"):gsub("//+", "/"):gsub("^~", os_getenv("HOME") or "~"); end local parse_xml = (function() local ns_prefixes = { [""] = "xml"; }; local ns_separator = "\1"; local ns_pattern = "^([^"..ns_separator.."]*)"..ns_separator.."?(.*)$"; return function(xml) local handler = {}; local stanza = st.stanza("root"); function handler:StartElement(tagname, attr) local curr_ns,name = tagname:match(ns_pattern); if name == "" then curr_ns, name = "", curr_ns; end if curr_ns ~= "" then attr.xmlns = curr_ns; end for i=1,#attr do local k = attr[i]; attr[i] = nil; local ns, nm = k:match(ns_pattern); if nm ~= "" then ns = ns_prefixes[ns]; if ns then attr[ns..":"..nm] = attr[k]; attr[k] = nil; end end end stanza:tag(name, attr); end function handler:CharacterData(data) stanza:text(data); end function handler:EndElement(tagname) stanza:up(); end local parser =, "\1"); local ok, err, line, col = parser:parse(xml); if ok then ok, err, line, col = parser:parse(); end --parser:close(); if ok then return stanza.tags[1]; else return ok, err.." (line "..line..", col "..col..")"; end end; end)(); local function load_xml(path) local f, err = io_open(path); if not f then return f, err; end local data = f:read("*a"); f:close(); if not data then return; end return parse_xml(data); end local function load_spool_file(host, filename, path) local xml = load_xml(path); if not xml then return; end local register_element = xml:get_child("query", "jabber:iq:register"); local username_element = register_element and register_element:get_child("username", "jabber:iq:register"); local password_element = register_element and register_element:get_child("password", "jabber:iq:auth"); local username = username_element and username_element:get_text(); local password = password_element and password_element:get_text(); if not username then print("[warn] Missing /xdb/{jabber:iq:register}register/username> in file "..filename) return; elseif username..".xml" ~= filename then print("[warn] Missing /xdb/{jabber:iq:register}register/username does not match filename "..filename); return; end local userdata = { user = username; host = host; stores = {}; }; local stores = userdata.stores; stores.accounts = { password = password }; for i=1,#xml.tags do local tag = xml.tags[i]; local xname = (tag.attr.xmlns or "")..":"; if tag.attr.j_private_flag == "1" and tag.attr.xmlns then -- Private XML stores.private = stores.private or {}; tag.attr.j_private_flag = nil; stores.private[tag.attr.xmlns] = st.preserialize(tag); elseif xname == "jabber:iq:auth:password" then if stores.accounts.password ~= tag:get_text() then if password then print("[warn] conflicting passwords") else stores.accounts.password = tag:get_text(); end end elseif xname == "jabber:iq:register:query" then -- already processed elseif xname == "jabber:xdb:nslist:foo" then -- ignore elseif xname == "jabber:iq:auth:0k:zerok" then -- ignore elseif xname == "jabber:iq:roster:query" then -- Roster local roster = {}; local subscription_types = { from = true, to = true, both = true, none = true }; for _,item_element in ipairs(tag.tags) do assert( == "item"); assert(item_element.attr.jid); assert(subscription_types[item_element.attr.subscription]); assert((item_element.attr.ask or "subscribe") == "subscribe") if == "item" then local groups = {}; for _,group_element in ipairs(item_element.tags) do assert( == "group"); groups[group_element:get_text()] = true; end local item = { name =; subscription = item_element.attr.subscription; ask = item_element.attr.ask; groups = groups; }; roster[item_element.attr.jid] = item; end end stores.roster = roster; elseif xname == "jabber:iq:last:query" then -- Last activity elseif xname == "jabber:x:offline:foo" then -- Offline messages elseif xname == "vcard-temp:vCard" then -- vCards stores.vcard = st.preserialize(tag); else print("[warn] Unknown tag: "..xname); end end return userdata; end local function loop_over_users(path, host, cb) for file in lfs.dir(path) do if file:match("%.xml$") then local user = load_spool_file(host, file, path.."/"..file); if user then cb(user); end end end end local function loop_over_hosts(path, cb) for host in lfs.dir(path) do if host ~= "." and host ~= ".." and is_dir(path.."/" then loop_over_users(path.."/", host, cb); end end end function reader(input) local path = clean_path(assert(input.path, "no input.path specified")); assert(is_dir(path), "input.path is not a directory"); if then return coroutine.wrap(function() loop_over_users(input.path,, coroutine.yield) end); else return coroutine.wrap(function() loop_over_hosts(input.path, coroutine.yield) end); end end return _M;