
util/serialization.lua @ 9994:524b8cd76780 0.11

net.server_epoll: Restore wantread flag after pause (fixes #1354) If a chunk of data has been received that is larger than the amount read at a time, then the connection is paused for a short time after which it tries to read some more. If, after that, there is still more data to read, it should do the same thing. However, because the "want read" flag is removed and was restored after the delayed reading, it would not schedule another delayed read.
author Kim Alvefur <>
date Sat, 04 May 2019 04:23:35 +0200
parent 9570:ce403b6470f8
child 9692:affcbccc1dff
child 10060:7a36b7ac309b
line wrap: on
line source

-- Prosody IM
-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild
-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain
-- Copyright (C) 2018 Kim Alvefur
-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.

local getmetatable = getmetatable;
local next, type = next, type;
local s_format = string.format;
local s_gsub = string.gsub;
local s_rep = string.rep;
local s_char = string.char;
local s_match = string.match;
local t_concat = table.concat;

local pcall = pcall;
local envload = require"util.envload".envload;

local pos_inf, neg_inf = math.huge, -math.huge;
-- luacheck: ignore 143/math
local m_type = math.type or function (n)
	return n % 1 == 0 and n <= 9007199254740992 and n >= -9007199254740992 and "integer" or "float";

local char_to_hex = {};
for i = 0,255 do
	char_to_hex[s_char(i)] = s_format("%02x", i);

local function to_hex(s)
	return (s_gsub(s, ".", char_to_hex));

local function fatal_error(obj, why)
	error("Can't serialize "..type(obj) .. (why and ": ".. why or ""));

local function nonfatal_fallback(x, why)
	return s_format("{__type=%q,__error=%q}", type(x), why or "fail");

local string_escapes = {
	['\a'] = [[\a]]; ['\b'] = [[\b]];
	['\f'] = [[\f]]; ['\n'] = [[\n]];
	['\r'] = [[\r]]; ['\t'] = [[\t]];
	['\v'] = [[\v]]; ['\\'] = [[\\]];
	['\"'] = [[\"]]; ['\''] = [[\']];

for i = 0, 255 do
	local c = s_char(i);
	if not string_escapes[c] then
		string_escapes[c] = s_format("\\%03d", i);

local default_keywords = {
	["do"] = true; ["and"] = true; ["else"] = true; ["break"] = true;
	["if"] = true; ["end"] = true; ["goto"] = true; ["false"] = true;
	["in"] = true; ["for"] = true; ["then"] = true; ["local"] = true;
	["or"] = true; ["nil"] = true; ["true"] = true; ["until"] = true;
	["elseif"] = true; ["function"] = true; ["not"] = true;
	["repeat"] = true; ["return"] = true; ["while"] = true;

local function new(opt)
	if type(opt) ~= "table" then
		opt = { preset = opt };

	local types = {
		table = true;
		string = true;
		number = true;
		boolean = true;
		["nil"] = true;

	-- presets
	if opt.preset == "debug" then
		opt.preset = "oneline";
		opt.freeze = true;
		opt.fatal = false;
		opt.fallback = nonfatal_fallback;
		opt.unquoted = true;
	if opt.preset == "oneline" then
		opt.indentwith = opt.indentwith or "";
		opt.itemstart = opt.itemstart or " ";
		opt.itemlast = opt.itemlast or "";
		opt.tend = opt.tend or " }";
	elseif opt.preset == "compact" then
		opt.indentwith = opt.indentwith or "";
		opt.itemstart = opt.itemstart or "";
		opt.itemlast = opt.itemlast or "";
		opt.equals = opt.equals or "=";
		opt.unquoted = true;

	local fallback = opt.fallback or opt.fatal == false and nonfatal_fallback or fatal_error;

	local function ser(v)
		return (types[type(v)] or fallback)(v);

	local keywords = opt.keywords or default_keywords;

	-- indented
	local indentwith = opt.indentwith or "\t";
	local itemstart = opt.itemstart or "\n";
	local itemsep = opt.itemsep or ";";
	local itemlast = opt.itemlast or ";\n";
	local tstart = opt.tstart or "{";
	local tend = opt.tend or "}";
	local kstart = opt.kstart or "[";
	local kend = opt.kend or "]";
	local equals = opt.equals or " = ";
	local unquoted = opt.unquoted == true and "^[%a_][%w_]*$" or opt.unquoted;
	local hex = opt.hex;
	local freeze = opt.freeze;
	local maxdepth = opt.maxdepth or 127;
	local multirefs = opt.multiref;

	-- serialize one table, recursively
	-- t - table being serialized
	-- o - array where tokens are added, concatenate to get final result
	--   - also used to detect cycles
	-- l - position in o of where to insert next token
	-- d - depth, used for indentation
	local function serialize_table(t, o, l, d)
		if o[t] then
			o[l], l = fallback(t, "table has multiple references"), l + 1;
			return l;
		elseif d > maxdepth then
			o[l], l = fallback(t, "max table depth reached"), l + 1;
			return l;

		-- Keep track of table loops
		local ot = t; -- reference pre-freeze
		o[t] = true;
		o[ot] = true;

		if freeze == true then
			-- opportunity to do pre-serialization
			local mt = getmetatable(t);
			if type(mt) == "table" then
				local tag = mt.__name;
				local fr = mt.__freeze;

				if type(fr) == "function" then
					t = fr(t);
					if type(tag) == "string" then
						o[l], l = tag, l + 1;

		o[l], l = tstart, l + 1;
		local indent = s_rep(indentwith, d);
		local numkey = 1;
		local ktyp, vtyp;
		for k,v in next,t do
			o[l], l = itemstart, l + 1;
			o[l], l = indent, l + 1;
			ktyp, vtyp = type(k), type(v);
			if k == numkey then
				-- next index in array part
				-- assuming that these are found in order
				numkey = numkey + 1;
			elseif unquoted and ktyp == "string" and
				not keywords[k] and s_match(k, unquoted) then
				-- unquoted keys
				o[l], l = k, l + 1;
				o[l], l = equals, l + 1;
				-- quoted keys
				o[l], l = kstart, l + 1;
				if ktyp == "table" then
					l = serialize_table(k, o, l, d+1);
					o[l], l = ser(k), l + 1;
				-- =
				o[l], o[l+1], l = kend, equals, l + 2;

			-- the value
			if vtyp == "table" then
				l = serialize_table(v, o, l, d+1);
				o[l], l = ser(v), l + 1;
			-- last item?
			if next(t, k) ~= nil then
				o[l], l = itemsep, l + 1;
				o[l], l = itemlast, l + 1;
		if next(t) ~= nil then
			o[l], l = s_rep(indentwith, d-1), l + 1;
		o[l], l = tend, l +1;

		if multirefs then
			o[t] = nil;
			o[ot] = nil;

		return l;

	function types.table(t)
		local o = {};
		serialize_table(t, o, 1, 1);
		return t_concat(o);

	local function serialize_string(s)
		return '"' .. s_gsub(s, "[%z\1-\31\"\'\\\127-\255]", string_escapes) .. '"';

	if type(hex) == "string" then
		function types.string(s)
			local esc = serialize_string(s);
			if #esc > (#s*2+2+#hex) then
				return hex .. '"' .. to_hex(s) .. '"';
			return esc;
		types.string = serialize_string;

	function types.number(t)
		if m_type(t) == "integer" then
			return s_format("%d", t);
		elseif t == pos_inf then
			return "(1/0)";
		elseif t == neg_inf then
			return "(-1/0)";
		elseif t ~= t then
			return "(0/0)";
		return s_format("%.18g", t);

	-- Are these faster than tostring?
	types["nil"] = function()
		return "nil";

	function types.boolean(t)
		return t and "true" or "false";

	return ser;

local function deserialize(str)
	if type(str) ~= "string" then return nil; end
	str = "return "..str;
	local f, err = envload(str, "=serialized data", {});
	if not f then return nil, err; end
	local success, ret = pcall(f);
	if not success then return nil, ret; end
	return ret;

return {
	new = new;
	serialize = function (x, opt)
		return new(opt)(x);
	deserialize = deserialize;