Software /
code /
plugins/mod_pubsub/pubsub.lib.lua @ 9091:519dea077d20
util.dataforms: Allow passing dynamically generated options as values (fixes traceback)
This is awkward but there’s currently no better way to do this, short of
dynamically generating the entire form each time
author | Kim Alvefur <> |
date | Fri, 03 Aug 2018 22:05:40 +0200 |
parent | 9076:00d89430d77e |
child | 9096:7de4eec02ece |
line wrap: on
line source
local t_unpack = table.unpack or unpack; -- luacheck: ignore 113 local time_now = os.time; local jid_prep = require "util.jid".prep; local set = require "util.set"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local it = require "util.iterators"; local uuid_generate = require "util.uuid".generate; local dataform = require"util.dataforms".new; local xmlns_pubsub = ""; local xmlns_pubsub_errors = ""; local xmlns_pubsub_owner = ""; local _M = {}; local handlers = {}; _M.handlers = handlers; local pubsub_errors = { ["conflict"] = { "cancel", "conflict" }; ["invalid-jid"] = { "modify", "bad-request", nil, "invalid-jid" }; ["jid-required"] = { "modify", "bad-request", nil, "jid-required" }; ["nodeid-required"] = { "modify", "bad-request", nil, "nodeid-required" }; ["item-not-found"] = { "cancel", "item-not-found" }; ["not-subscribed"] = { "modify", "unexpected-request", nil, "not-subscribed" }; ["invalid-options"] = { "modify", "bad-request", nil, "invalid-options" }; ["forbidden"] = { "auth", "forbidden" }; ["not-allowed"] = { "cancel", "not-allowed" }; ["not-acceptable"] = { "modify", "not-acceptable" }; ["internal-server-error"] = { "wait", "internal-server-error" }; }; local function pubsub_error_reply(stanza, error) local e = pubsub_errors[error]; local reply = st.error_reply(stanza, t_unpack(e, 1, 3)); if e[4] then reply:tag(e[4], { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub_errors }):up(); end return reply; end _M.pubsub_error_reply = pubsub_error_reply; -- util.pubsub is meant to be agnostic to XEP-0060 local function config_to_xep0060(node_config) return { ["pubsub#title"] = node_config["title"]; ["pubsub#description"] = node_config["description"]; ["pubsub#max_items"] = tostring(node_config["max_items"]); ["pubsub#persist_items"] = node_config["persist_items"]; ["pubsub#notification_type"] = node_config["notification_type"]; } end local function config_from_xep0060(config) return { ["title"] = config["pubsub#title"]; ["description"] = config["pubsub#description"]; ["max_items"] = tonumber(config["pubsub#max_items"]); ["persist_items"] = config["pubsub#persist_items"]; ["notification_type"] = config["pubsub#notification_type"]; } end local node_config_form = dataform { { type = "hidden"; name = "FORM_TYPE"; value = ""; }; { type = "text-single"; name = "pubsub#title"; label = "Title"; }; { type = "text-single"; name = "pubsub#description"; label = "Description"; }; { type = "text-single"; name = "pubsub#max_items"; label = "Max # of items to persist"; }; { type = "boolean"; name = "pubsub#persist_items"; label = "Persist items to storage"; }; { type = "list-single"; name = "pubsub#notification_type"; label = "Specify the delivery style for notifications"; options = { { label = "Messages of type normal", value = "normal" }, { label = "Messages of type headline", value = "headline", default = true }, }; }; }; local options_form = dataform { { type = "hidden"; name = "FORM_TYPE"; value = ""; }; { type = "boolean"; name = "pubsub#include_body"; label = "Receive message body in addition to payload?"; }; }; local node_metadata_form = dataform { { type = "hidden"; name = "FORM_TYPE"; value = ""; }; { type = "text-single"; name = "pubsub#title"; }; { type = "text-single"; name = "pubsub#description"; }; }; local service_method_feature_map = { add_subscription = { "subscribe" }; create = { "create-nodes", "instant-nodes", "item-ids", "create-and-configure" }; delete = { "delete-nodes" }; get_items = { "retrieve-items" }; get_subscriptions = { "retrieve-subscriptions" }; node_defaults = { "retrieve-default" }; publish = { "publish" }; purge = { "purge-nodes" }; retract = { "delete-items", "retract-items" }; set_node_config = { "config-node" }; set_affiliation = { "modify-affiliations" }; }; local service_config_feature_map = { autocreate_on_publish = { "auto-create" }; }; function _M.get_feature_set(service) local supported_features =; for method, features in pairs(service_method_feature_map) do if service[method] then for _, feature in ipairs(features) do if feature then supported_features:add(feature); end end end end for option, features in pairs(service_config_feature_map) do if service.config[option] then for _, feature in ipairs(features) do if feature then supported_features:add(feature); end end end end for affiliation in pairs(service.config.capabilities) do if affiliation ~= "none" and affiliation ~= "owner" then supported_features:add(affiliation.."-affiliation"); end end return supported_features; end function _M.handle_disco_info_node(event, service) local stanza, reply, node = event.stanza, event.reply, event.node; local ok, ret = service:get_nodes(stanza.attr.from); local node_obj = ret[node]; if not ok or not node_obj then return; end event.exists = true; reply:tag("identity", { category = "pubsub", type = "leaf" }):up(); if node_obj.config then reply:add_child(node_metadata_form:form({ ["pubsub#title"] = node_obj.config.title; ["pubsub#description"] = node_obj.config.description; }, "result")); end end function _M.handle_disco_items_node(event, service) local stanza, reply, node = event.stanza, event.reply, event.node; local ok, ret = service:get_items(node, stanza.attr.from); if not ok then return; end for _, id in ipairs(ret) do reply:tag("item", { jid =, name = id }):up(); end event.exists = true; end function _M.handle_pubsub_iq(event, service) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; local pubsub_tag = stanza.tags[1]; local action = pubsub_tag.tags[1]; if not action then return origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "bad-request")); end local prefix = ""; if pubsub_tag.attr.xmlns == xmlns_pubsub_owner then prefix = "owner_"; end local handler = handlers[prefix..stanza.attr.type.."_"]; if handler then handler(origin, stanza, action, service); return true; end end function handlers.get_items(origin, stanza, items, service) local node = items.attr.node; local item = items:get_child("item"); local item_id = item and; if not node then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "nodeid-required")); return true; end local ok, results = service:get_items(node, stanza.attr.from, item_id); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, results)); return true; end local data = st.stanza("items", { node = node }); for _, id in ipairs(results) do data:add_child(results[id]); end local reply; if data then reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :add_child(data); else reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "item-not-found"); end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.get_subscriptions(origin, stanza, subscriptions, service) local node = subscriptions.attr.node; local ok, ret = service:get_subscriptions(node, stanza.attr.from, stanza.attr.from); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret)); return true; end local reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :tag("subscriptions"); for _, sub in ipairs(ret) do reply:tag("subscription", { node = sub.node, jid = sub.jid, subscription = 'subscribed' }):up(); end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.owner_get_subscriptions(origin, stanza, subscriptions, service) local node = subscriptions.attr.node; local ok, ret = service:get_subscriptions(node, stanza.attr.from); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret)); return true; end local reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub_owner }) :tag("subscriptions"); for _, sub in ipairs(ret) do reply:tag("subscription", { node = sub.node, jid = sub.jid, subscription = 'subscribed' }):up(); end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.owner_set_subscriptions(origin, stanza, subscriptions, service) local node = subscriptions.attr.node; if not node then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "nodeid-required")); return true; end if not service:may(node, stanza.attr.from, "subscribe_other") then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "forbidden")); return true; end local node_obj = service.nodes[node]; if not node_obj then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "item-not-found")); return true; end for subscription_tag in subscriptions:childtags("subscription") do if subscription_tag.attr.subscription == 'subscribed' then local ok, err = service:add_subscription(node, stanza.attr.from, subscription_tag.attr.jid); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, err)); return true; end elseif subscription_tag.attr.subscription == 'none' then local ok, err = service:remove_subscription(node, stanza.attr.from, subscription_tag.attr.jid); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, err)); return true; end end end local reply = st.reply(stanza); origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.set_create(origin, stanza, create, service) local node = create.attr.node; local ok, ret, reply; local config; local configure = stanza.tags[1]:get_child("configure"); if configure then local config_form = configure:get_child("x", "jabber:x:data"); if not config_form then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", "Missing dataform")); return true; end local form_data, err = node_config_form:data(config_form); if not form_data then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", err)); return true; end config = config_from_xep0060(form_data); end if node then ok, ret = service:create(node, stanza.attr.from, config); if ok then reply = st.reply(stanza); else reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret); end else repeat node = uuid_generate(); ok, ret = service:create(node, stanza.attr.from, config); until ok or ret ~= "conflict"; if ok then reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :tag("create", { node = node }); else reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret); end end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.owner_set_delete(origin, stanza, delete, service) local node = delete.attr.node; local reply; if not node then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "nodeid-required")); return true; end local ok, ret = service:delete(node, stanza.attr.from); if ok then reply = st.reply(stanza); else reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret); end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.set_subscribe(origin, stanza, subscribe, service) local node, jid = subscribe.attr.node, subscribe.attr.jid; jid = jid_prep(jid); if not (node and jid) then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, jid and "nodeid-required" or "invalid-jid")); return true; end local options_tag, options = stanza.tags[1]:get_child("options"), nil; if options_tag then options = options_form:data(options_tag.tags[1]); end local ok, ret = service:add_subscription(node, stanza.attr.from, jid, options); local reply; if ok then reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :tag("subscription", { node = node, jid = jid, subscription = "subscribed" }):up(); if options_tag then reply:add_child(options_tag); end else reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret); end origin.send(reply); end function handlers.set_unsubscribe(origin, stanza, unsubscribe, service) local node, jid = unsubscribe.attr.node, unsubscribe.attr.jid; jid = jid_prep(jid); if not (node and jid) then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, jid and "nodeid-required" or "invalid-jid")); return true; end local ok, ret = service:remove_subscription(node, stanza.attr.from, jid); local reply; if ok then reply = st.reply(stanza); else reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret); end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.get_options(origin, stanza, options, service) local node, jid = options.attr.node, options.attr.jid; jid = jid_prep(jid); if not (node and jid) then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, jid and "nodeid-required" or "invalid-jid")); return true; end local ok, ret = service:get_subscription(node, stanza.attr.from, jid); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "not-subscribed")); return true; end if ret == true then ret = {} end origin.send(st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :tag("options", { node = node, jid = jid }) :add_child(options_form:form(ret))); return true; end function handlers.set_options(origin, stanza, options, service) local node, jid = options.attr.node, options.attr.jid; jid = jid_prep(jid); if not (node and jid) then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, jid and "nodeid-required" or "invalid-jid")); return true; end local ok, ret = service:get_subscription(node, stanza.attr.from, jid); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret)); return true; elseif not ret then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "not-subscribed")); return true; end local new_subopts, err = options_form:data(options.tags[1]); if not new_subopts then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret)); return true; end local ok, err = service:add_subscription(node, stanza.attr.from, jid, new_subopts); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, err)); return true; end origin.send(st.reply(stanza)); return true; end function handlers.set_publish(origin, stanza, publish, service) local node = publish.attr.node; if not node then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "nodeid-required")); return true; end local item = publish:get_child("item"); local id = (item and; if not id then id = uuid_generate(); if item then = id; end end local ok, ret = service:publish(node, stanza.attr.from, id, item); local reply; if ok then if type(ok) == "string" then id = ok; end reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :tag("publish", { node = node }) :tag("item", { id = id }); else reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret); end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.set_retract(origin, stanza, retract, service) local node, notify = retract.attr.node, retract.attr.notify; notify = (notify == "1") or (notify == "true"); local item = retract:get_child("item"); local id = item and if not (node and id) then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, node and "item-not-found" or "nodeid-required")); return true; end local reply, notifier; if notify then notifier = st.stanza("retract", { id = id }); end local ok, ret = service:retract(node, stanza.attr.from, id, notifier); if ok then reply = st.reply(stanza); else reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret); end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.owner_set_purge(origin, stanza, purge, service) local node, notify = purge.attr.node, purge.attr.notify; notify = (notify == "1") or (notify == "true"); local reply; if not node then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "nodeid-required")); return true; end local ok, ret = service:purge(node, stanza.attr.from, notify); if ok then reply = st.reply(stanza); else reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret); end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.owner_get_configure(origin, stanza, config, service) local node = config.attr.node; if not node then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "nodeid-required")); return true; end if not service:may(node, stanza.attr.from, "configure") then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "forbidden")); return true; end local node_obj = service.nodes[node]; if not node_obj then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "item-not-found")); return true; end local node_config = node_obj.config; local pubsub_form_data = config_to_xep0060(node_config); local reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub_owner }) :tag("configure", { node = node }) :add_child(node_config_form:form(pubsub_form_data)); origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.owner_set_configure(origin, stanza, config, service) local node = config.attr.node; if not node then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "nodeid-required")); return true; end if not service:may(node, stanza.attr.from, "configure") then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "forbidden")); return true; end local config_form = config:get_child("x", "jabber:x:data"); if not config_form then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", "Missing dataform")); return true; end local form_data, err = node_config_form:data(config_form); if not form_data then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", err)); return true; end local new_config = config_from_xep0060(form_data); local ok, err = service:set_node_config(node, stanza.attr.from, new_config); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, err)); return true; end origin.send(st.reply(stanza)); return true; end function handlers.owner_get_default(origin, stanza, default, service) -- luacheck: ignore 212/default local pubsub_form_data = config_to_xep0060(service.node_defaults); local reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub_owner }) :tag("default") :add_child(node_config_form:form(pubsub_form_data)); origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.owner_get_affiliations(origin, stanza, affiliations, service) local node = affiliations.attr.node; if not node then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "nodeid-required")); return true; end if not service:may(node, stanza.attr.from, "set_affiliation") then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "forbidden")); return true; end local node_obj = service.nodes[node]; if not node_obj then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "item-not-found")); return true; end local reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub_owner }) :tag("affiliations", { node = node }); for jid, affiliation in pairs(node_obj.affiliations) do reply:tag("affiliation", { jid = jid, affiliation = affiliation }):up(); end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.owner_set_affiliations(origin, stanza, affiliations, service) local node = affiliations.attr.node; if not node then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "nodeid-required")); return true; end if not service:may(node, stanza.attr.from, "set_affiliation") then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "forbidden")); return true; end local node_obj = service.nodes[node]; if not node_obj then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "item-not-found")); return true; end for affiliation_tag in affiliations:childtags("affiliation") do local jid = affiliation_tag.attr.jid; local affiliation = affiliation_tag.attr.affiliation; jid = jid_prep(jid); if affiliation == "none" then affiliation = nil; end local ok, err = service:set_affiliation(node, stanza.attr.from, jid, affiliation); if not ok then -- FIXME Incomplete error handling, -- see XEP 60 Multiple Simultaneous Modifications origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, err)); return true; end end local reply = st.reply(stanza); origin.send(reply); return true; end local function create_encapsulating_item(id, payload) local item = st.stanza("item", { id = id, xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }); item:add_child(payload); return item; end local function archive_itemstore(archive, config, user, node) module:log("debug", "Creation of itemstore for node %s with config %s", node, config); local get_set = {}; local max_items = config["max_items"]; function get_set:items() -- luacheck: ignore 212/self local data, err = archive:find(user, { limit = tonumber(max_items); reverse = true; }); if not data then module:log("error", "Unable to get items: %s", err); return true; end module:log("debug", "Listed items %s", data); return it.reverse(function() local id, payload, when, publisher = data(); if id == nil then return; end local item = create_encapsulating_item(id, payload, publisher); return id, item; end); end function get_set:get(key) -- luacheck: ignore 212/self local data, err = archive:find(user, { key = key; -- Get the last item with that key, if the archive doesn't deduplicate reverse = true, limit = 1; }); if not data then module:log("error", "Unable to get item: %s", err); return nil, err; end local id, payload, when, publisher = data(); module:log("debug", "Get item %s (published at %s by %s)", id, when, publisher); if id == nil then return nil; end return create_encapsulating_item(id, payload, publisher); end function get_set:set(key, value) -- luacheck: ignore 212/self local data, err; if value ~= nil then local publisher = value.attr.publisher; local payload = value.tags[1]; data, err = archive:append(user, key, payload, time_now(), publisher); else data, err = archive:delete(user, { key = key; }); end -- TODO archive support for maintaining maximum items archive:delete(user, { truncate = max_items; }); if not data then module:log("error", "Unable to set item: %s", err); return nil, err; end return data; end function get_set:clear() -- luacheck: ignore 212/self return archive:delete(user); end function get_set:resize(size) -- luacheck: ignore 212/self max_items = size; return archive:delete(user, { truncate = size; }); end function get_set:tail() -- This should conveniently return the last item local item = self:get(nil); if item then return, item; end end return setmetatable(get_set, archive); end _M.archive_itemstore = archive_itemstore; return _M;