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code /
net/http/server.lua @ 11016:5176d9f727f6 0.11
net.http: Add request:cancel() method
This is a new API that should be used in preference to http.destroy_request()
when possible, as it ensures the callback is always called (with an error of
APIs that have edge-cases where they don't call callbacks have, from experience,
shown to be difficult to work with and often lead to unintentional leaks when
the callback was expected to free up certain resources.
author | Matthew Wild <> |
date | Sat, 08 Aug 2020 13:13:50 +0100 |
parent | 10951:f4215f8baa5d |
child | 10952:05d218aae3d1 |
child | 11159:de76f566159e |
line wrap: on
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local t_insert, t_remove, t_concat = table.insert, table.remove, table.concat; local parser_new = require "net.http.parser".new; local events = require "".new(); local addserver = require "net.server".addserver; local log = require "util.logger".init("http.server"); local os_date =; local pairs = pairs; local s_upper = string.upper; local setmetatable = setmetatable; local xpcall = require "util.xpcall".xpcall; local traceback = debug.traceback; local tostring = tostring; local cache = require "util.cache"; local codes = require ""; local blocksize = 2^16; local _M = {}; local sessions = {}; local incomplete = {}; local listener = {}; local hosts = {}; local default_host; local options = {}; local function is_wildcard_event(event) return event:sub(-2, -1) == "/*"; end local function is_wildcard_match(wildcard_event, event) return wildcard_event:sub(1, -2) == event:sub(1, #wildcard_event-1); end local _handlers = events._handlers; local recent_wildcard_events =, function (key, value) -- luacheck: ignore 212/value rawset(_handlers, key, nil); end); local event_map = events._event_map; setmetatable(events._handlers, { -- Called when firing an event that doesn't exist (but may match a wildcard handler) __index = function (handlers, curr_event) if is_wildcard_event(curr_event) then return; end -- Wildcard events cannot be fired -- Find all handlers that could match this event, sort them -- and then put the array into handlers[curr_event] (and return it) local matching_handlers_set = {}; local handlers_array = {}; for event, handlers_set in pairs(event_map) do if event == curr_event or is_wildcard_event(event) and is_wildcard_match(event, curr_event) then for handler, priority in pairs(handlers_set) do matching_handlers_set[handler] = { (select(2, event:gsub("/", "%1"))), is_wildcard_event(event) and 0 or 1, priority }; table.insert(handlers_array, handler); end end end if #handlers_array > 0 then table.sort(handlers_array, function(b, a) local a_score, b_score = matching_handlers_set[a], matching_handlers_set[b]; for i = 1, #a_score do if a_score[i] ~= b_score[i] then -- If equal, compare next score value return a_score[i] < b_score[i]; end end return false; end); else handlers_array = false; end rawset(handlers, curr_event, handlers_array); if not event_map[curr_event] then -- Only wildcard handlers match, if any recent_wildcard_events:set(curr_event, true); end return handlers_array; end; __newindex = function (handlers, curr_event, handlers_array) if handlers_array == nil and is_wildcard_event(curr_event) then -- Invalidate the indexes of all matching events for event in pairs(handlers) do if is_wildcard_match(curr_event, event) then handlers[event] = nil; end end end rawset(handlers, curr_event, handlers_array); end; }); local handle_request; local last_err; local function _traceback_handler(err) last_err = err; log("error", "Traceback[httpserver]: %s", traceback(tostring(err), 2)); end events.add_handler("http-error", function (error) return "Error processing request: "[error.code]..". Check your error log for more information."; end, -1); function listener.onconnect(conn) local secure = conn:ssl() and true or nil; local pending = {}; local waiting = false; local function process_next() if waiting then return; end -- log("debug", "can't process_next, waiting"); waiting = true; while sessions[conn] and #pending > 0 do local request = t_remove(pending); --log("debug", "process_next: %s", request.path); if not xpcall(handle_request, _traceback_handler, conn, request, process_next) then conn:write("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error\r\n\r\n""http-error", { code = 500, private_message = last_err })); conn:close(); end end --log("debug", "ready for more"); waiting = false; end local function success_cb(request) --log("debug", "success_cb: %s", request.path); if waiting then log("error", "http connection handler is not reentrant: %s", request.path); assert(false, "http connection handler is not reentrant"); end = secure; t_insert(pending, request); process_next(); end local function error_cb(err) log("debug", "error_cb: %s", err or "<nil>"); -- FIXME don't close immediately, wait until we process current stuff -- FIXME if err, send off a bad-request response sessions[conn] = nil; conn:close(); end local function options_cb() return options; end sessions[conn] = parser_new(success_cb, error_cb, "server", options_cb); end function listener.ondisconnect(conn) local open_response = conn._http_open_response; if open_response and open_response.on_destroy then open_response.finished = true; open_response:on_destroy(); end incomplete[conn] = nil; sessions[conn] = nil; end function listener.ondetach(conn) sessions[conn] = nil; incomplete[conn] = nil; end function listener.onincoming(conn, data) sessions[conn]:feed(data); end function listener.ondrain(conn) local response = incomplete[conn]; if response and response._send_more then response._send_more(); end end local headerfix = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, k) local v = "\r\n"..k:gsub("_", "-"):gsub("%f[%w].", s_upper)..": "; t[k] = v; return v; end }); function _M.hijack_response(response, listener) -- luacheck: ignore error("TODO"); end function handle_request(conn, request, finish_cb) --log("debug", "handler: %s", request.path); local headers = {}; for k,v in pairs(request.headers) do headers[k:gsub("-", "_")] = v; end request.headers = headers; request.conn = conn; local date_header = os_date('!%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'); -- FIXME use local conn_header = request.headers.connection; conn_header = conn_header and ","..conn_header:gsub("[ \t]", ""):lower().."," or "" local httpversion = request.httpversion local persistent = conn_header:find(",keep-alive,", 1, true) or (httpversion == "1.1" and not conn_header:find(",close,", 1, true)); local response_conn_header; if persistent then response_conn_header = "Keep-Alive"; else response_conn_header = httpversion == "1.1" and "close" or nil end local response = { request = request; status_code = 200; headers = { date = date_header, connection = response_conn_header }; persistent = persistent; conn = conn; send = _M.send_response; send_file = _M.send_file; done = _M.finish_response; finish_cb = finish_cb; }; conn._http_open_response = response; local host =; if host then host = host:gsub(":%d+$",""); end -- Some sanity checking local err_code, err; if not request.path then err_code, err = 400, "Invalid path"; end if err then response.status_code = err_code; response:send(events.fire_event("http-error", { code = err_code, message = err, response = response })); return; end local global_event = request.method.." "..request.path:match("[^?]*"); local payload = { request = request, response = response }; log("debug", "Firing event: %s", global_event); local result = events.fire_event(global_event, payload); if result == nil then if not hosts[host] then if hosts[default_host] then host = default_host; elseif host then err_code, err = 404, "Unknown host: "; else err_code, err = 400, "Missing or invalid 'Host' header"; end end if err then response.status_code = err_code; response:send(events.fire_event("http-error", { code = err_code, message = err, response = response })); return; end local host_event = request.method.." ""[^?]*"); log("debug", "Firing event: %s", host_event); result = events.fire_event(host_event, payload); end if result ~= nil then if result ~= true then local body; local result_type = type(result); if result_type == "number" then response.status_code = result; if result >= 400 then payload.code = result; body = events.fire_event("http-error", payload); end elseif result_type == "string" then body = result; elseif result_type == "table" then for k, v in pairs(result) do if k ~= "headers" then response[k] = v; else for header_name, header_value in pairs(v) do response.headers[header_name] = header_value; end end end end response:send(body); end return; end -- if handler not called, return 404 response.status_code = 404; payload.code = 404; response:send(events.fire_event("http-error", payload)); end local function prepare_header(response) local status_line = "HTTP/"..response.request.httpversion.." "..(response.status or codes[response.status_code]); local headers = response.headers; local output = { status_line }; for k,v in pairs(headers) do t_insert(output, headerfix[k]..v); end t_insert(output, "\r\n\r\n"); return output; end _M.prepare_header = prepare_header; function _M.send_response(response, body) if response.finished then return; end body = body or response.body or ""; response.headers.content_length = #body; local output = prepare_header(response); t_insert(output, body); response.conn:write(t_concat(output)); response:done(); end function _M.send_file(response, f) if response.finished then return; end local chunked = not response.headers.content_length; if chunked then response.headers.transfer_encoding = "chunked"; end incomplete[response.conn] = response; response._send_more = function () if response.finished then incomplete[response.conn] = nil; return; end local chunk = f:read(blocksize); if chunk then if chunked then chunk = ("%x\r\n%s\r\n"):format(#chunk, chunk); end -- io.write("."); io.flush(); response.conn:write(chunk); else if chunked then response.conn:write("0\r\n\r\n"); end -- io.write("\n"); if f.close then f:close(); end incomplete[response.conn] = nil; return response:done(); end end response.conn:write(t_concat(prepare_header(response))); return true; end function _M.finish_response(response) if response.finished then return; end response.finished = true; response.conn._http_open_response = nil; if response.on_destroy then response:on_destroy(); response.on_destroy = nil; end if response.persistent then response:finish_cb(); else response.conn:close(); end end function _M.add_handler(event, handler, priority) events.add_handler(event, handler, priority); end function _M.remove_handler(event, handler) events.remove_handler(event, handler); end function _M.listen_on(port, interface, ssl) return addserver(interface or "*", port, listener, "*a", ssl); end function _M.add_host(host) hosts[host] = true; end function _M.remove_host(host) hosts[host] = nil; end function _M.set_default_host(host) default_host = host; end function _M.fire_event(event, ...) return events.fire_event(event, ...); end function _M.set_option(name, value) options[name] = value; end _M.listener = listener; = codes; _M._events = events; return _M;