Software /
code /
net/dns.lua @ 10096:46a7792fdac5
util.poll: Add missing return statements in fallback mode
These allowed modifying or deleting select() state for unregistered FDs.
During normal usage this should never happen. Modifying one that isn't
set might cause weirdness but deleting an already deleted FD isn't a
author | Kim Alvefur <> |
date | Sun, 28 Jul 2019 16:17:23 +0200 |
parent | 9952:6402bc76f51a |
child | 10664:c2b79b44ded7 |
line wrap: on
line source
-- Prosody IM -- This file is included with Prosody IM. It has modifications, -- which are hereby placed in the public domain. -- todo: quick (default) header generation -- todo: nxdomain, error handling -- todo: cache results of encodeName -- reference: -- reference: (LOC) local socket = require "socket"; local timer = require "util.timer"; local new_ip = require "util.ip".new_ip; local have_util_net, util_net = pcall(require, ""); local _, windows = pcall(require, ""); local is_windows = (_ and windows) or os.getenv("WINDIR"); local coroutine, io, math, string, table = coroutine, io, math, string, table; local ipairs, next, pairs, print, setmetatable, tostring, assert, error, select, type = ipairs, next, pairs, print, setmetatable, tostring, assert, error, select, type; local ztact = { -- public domain 20080404 get = function(parent, ...) local len = select('#', ...); for i=1,len do parent = parent[select(i, ...)]; if parent == nil then break; end end return parent; end; set = function(parent, ...) local len = select('#', ...); local key, value = select(len-1, ...); local cutpoint, cutkey; for i=1,len-2 do local key = select (i, ...) local child = parent[key] if value == nil then if child == nil then return; elseif next(child, next(child)) then cutpoint = nil; cutkey = nil; elseif cutpoint == nil then cutpoint = parent; cutkey = key; end elseif child == nil then child = {}; parent[key] = child; end parent = child end if value == nil and cutpoint then cutpoint[cutkey] = nil; else parent[key] = value; return value; end end; }; local get, set = ztact.get, ztact.set; local default_timeout = 15; -------------------------------------------------- module dns local _ENV = nil; -- luacheck: std none local dns = {}; -- dns type & class codes ------------------------------ dns type & class codes local append = table.insert local function highbyte(i) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - highbyte return (i-(i%0x100))/0x100; end local function augment (t, prefix) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - augment local a = {}; for i,s in pairs(t) do a[i] = s; a[s] = s; a[string.lower(s)] = s; end setmetatable(a, { __index = function (_, i) if type(i) == "number" then return ("%s%d"):format(prefix, i); elseif type(i) == "string" then return i:upper(); end end; }) return a; end local function encode (t) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - encode local code = {}; for i,s in pairs(t) do local word = string.char(highbyte(i), i%0x100); code[i] = word; code[s] = word; code[string.lower(s)] = word; end return code; end dns.types = { [1] = "A", -- a host address,[RFC1035],, [2] = "NS", -- an authoritative name server,[RFC1035],, [3] = "MD", -- a mail destination (OBSOLETE - use MX),[RFC1035],, [4] = "MF", -- a mail forwarder (OBSOLETE - use MX),[RFC1035],, [5] = "CNAME", -- the canonical name for an alias,[RFC1035],, [6] = "SOA", -- marks the start of a zone of authority,[RFC1035],, [7] = "MB", -- a mailbox domain name (EXPERIMENTAL),[RFC1035],, [8] = "MG", -- a mail group member (EXPERIMENTAL),[RFC1035],, [9] = "MR", -- a mail rename domain name (EXPERIMENTAL),[RFC1035],, [10] = "NULL", -- a null RR (EXPERIMENTAL),[RFC1035],, [11] = "WKS", -- a well known service description,[RFC1035],, [12] = "PTR", -- a domain name pointer,[RFC1035],, [13] = "HINFO", -- host information,[RFC1035],, [14] = "MINFO", -- mailbox or mail list information,[RFC1035],, [15] = "MX", -- mail exchange,[RFC1035],, [16] = "TXT", -- text strings,[RFC1035],, [17] = "RP", -- for Responsible Person,[RFC1183],, [18] = "AFSDB", -- for AFS Data Base location,[RFC1183][RFC5864],, [19] = "X25", -- for X.25 PSDN address,[RFC1183],, [20] = "ISDN", -- for ISDN address,[RFC1183],, [21] = "RT", -- for Route Through,[RFC1183],, [22] = "NSAP", -- "for NSAP address, NSAP style A record",[RFC1706],, [23] = "NSAP-PTR", -- "for domain name pointer, NSAP style",[RFC1348][RFC1637][RFC1706],, [24] = "SIG", -- for security signature,[RFC4034][RFC3755][RFC2535][RFC2536][RFC2537][RFC2931][RFC3110][RFC3008],, [25] = "KEY", -- for security key,[RFC4034][RFC3755][RFC2535][RFC2536][RFC2537][RFC2539][RFC3008][RFC3110],, [26] = "PX", -- X.400 mail mapping information,[RFC2163],, [27] = "GPOS", -- Geographical Position,[RFC1712],, [28] = "AAAA", -- IP6 Address,[RFC3596],, [29] = "LOC", -- Location Information,[RFC1876],, [30] = "NXT", -- Next Domain (OBSOLETE),[RFC3755][RFC2535],, [31] = "EID", -- Endpoint Identifier,[Michael_Patton][],,1995-06 [32] = "NIMLOC", -- Nimrod Locator,[1][Michael_Patton][],,1995-06 [33] = "SRV", -- Server Selection,[1][RFC2782],, [34] = "ATMA", -- ATM Address,"[ ATM Forum Technical Committee, ""ATM Name System, V2.0"", Doc ID: AF-DANS-0152.000, July 2000. Available from and held in escrow by IANA.]",, [35] = "NAPTR", -- Naming Authority Pointer,[RFC2915][RFC2168][RFC3403],, [36] = "KX", -- Key Exchanger,[RFC2230],, [37] = "CERT", -- CERT,[RFC4398],, [38] = "A6", -- A6 (OBSOLETE - use AAAA),[RFC3226][RFC2874][RFC6563],, [39] = "DNAME", -- DNAME,[RFC6672],, [40] = "SINK", -- SINK,[Donald_E_Eastlake][],,1997-11 [41] = "OPT", -- OPT,[RFC6891][RFC3225],, [42] = "APL", -- APL,[RFC3123],, [43] = "DS", -- Delegation Signer,[RFC4034][RFC3658],, [44] = "SSHFP", -- SSH Key Fingerprint,[RFC4255],, [45] = "IPSECKEY", -- IPSECKEY,[RFC4025],, [46] = "RRSIG", -- RRSIG,[RFC4034][RFC3755],, [47] = "NSEC", -- NSEC,[RFC4034][RFC3755],, [48] = "DNSKEY", -- DNSKEY,[RFC4034][RFC3755],, [49] = "DHCID", -- DHCID,[RFC4701],, [50] = "NSEC3", -- NSEC3,[RFC5155],, [51] = "NSEC3PARAM", -- NSEC3PARAM,[RFC5155],, [52] = "TLSA", -- TLSA,[RFC6698],, [53] = "SMIMEA", -- S/MIME cert association,[RFC8162],SMIMEA/smimea-completed-template,2015-12-01 -- [54] = "Unassigned", -- ,,, [55] = "HIP", -- Host Identity Protocol,[RFC8005],, [56] = "NINFO", -- NINFO,[Jim_Reid],NINFO/ninfo-completed-template,2008-01-21 [57] = "RKEY", -- RKEY,[Jim_Reid],RKEY/rkey-completed-template,2008-01-21 [58] = "TALINK", -- Trust Anchor LINK,[Wouter_Wijngaards],TALINK/talink-completed-template,2010-02-17 [59] = "CDS", -- Child DS,[RFC7344],CDS/cds-completed-template,2011-06-06 [60] = "CDNSKEY", -- DNSKEY(s) the Child wants reflected in DS,[RFC7344],,2014-06-16 [61] = "OPENPGPKEY", -- OpenPGP Key,[RFC7929],OPENPGPKEY/openpgpkey-completed-template,2014-08-12 [62] = "CSYNC", -- Child-To-Parent Synchronization,[RFC7477],,2015-01-27 -- [63 .. 98] = "Unassigned", -- ,,, [99] = "SPF", -- ,[RFC7208],, [100] = "UINFO", -- ,[IANA-Reserved],, [101] = "UID", -- ,[IANA-Reserved],, [102] = "GID", -- ,[IANA-Reserved],, [103] = "UNSPEC", -- ,[IANA-Reserved],, [104] = "NID", -- ,[RFC6742],ILNP/nid-completed-template, [105] = "L32", -- ,[RFC6742],ILNP/l32-completed-template, [106] = "L64", -- ,[RFC6742],ILNP/l64-completed-template, [107] = "LP", -- ,[RFC6742],ILNP/lp-completed-template, [108] = "EUI48", -- an EUI-48 address,[RFC7043],EUI48/eui48-completed-template,2013-03-27 [109] = "EUI64", -- an EUI-64 address,[RFC7043],EUI64/eui64-completed-template,2013-03-27 -- [110 .. 248] = "Unassigned", -- ,,, [249] = "TKEY", -- Transaction Key,[RFC2930],, [250] = "TSIG", -- Transaction Signature,[RFC2845],, [251] = "IXFR", -- incremental transfer,[RFC1995],, [252] = "AXFR", -- transfer of an entire zone,[RFC1035][RFC5936],, [253] = "MAILB", -- "mailbox-related RRs (MB, MG or MR)",[RFC1035],, [254] = "MAILA", -- mail agent RRs (OBSOLETE - see MX),[RFC1035],, [255] = "*", -- A request for all records the server/cache has available,[RFC1035][RFC6895],, [256] = "URI", -- URI,[RFC7553],URI/uri-completed-template,2011-02-22 [257] = "CAA", -- Certification Authority Restriction,[RFC6844],CAA/caa-completed-template,2011-04-07 [258] = "AVC", -- Application Visibility and Control,[Wolfgang_Riedel],AVC/avc-completed-template,2016-02-26 [259] = "DOA", -- Digital Object Architecture,[draft-durand-doa-over-dns],DOA/doa-completed-template,2017-08-30 -- [260 .. 32767] = "Unassigned", -- ,,, [32768] = "TA", -- DNSSEC Trust Authorities,"[Sam_Weiler][][ Deploying DNSSEC Without a Signed Root. Technical Report 1999-19, Information Networking Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, April 2004.]",,2005-12-13 [32769] = "DLV", -- DNSSEC Lookaside Validation,[RFC4431],, -- [32770 .. 65279] = "Unassigned", -- ,,, -- [65280 .. 65534] = "Private use", -- ,,, -- [65535] = "Reserved", -- ,,, } dns.classes = { 'IN', 'CS', 'CH', 'HS', [255] = '*' }; dns.type = augment (dns.types, "TYPE"); dns.class = augment (dns.classes, "CLASS"); dns.typecode = encode (dns.types); dns.classcode = encode (dns.classes); local function standardize(qname, qtype, qclass) -- - - - - - - standardize if string.byte(qname, -1) ~= 0x2E then qname = qname..'.'; end qname = string.lower(qname); return qname, dns.type[qtype or 'A'], dns.class[qclass or 'IN']; end local function prune(rrs, time, soft) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - prune time = time or socket.gettime(); for i,rr in ipairs(rrs) do if rr.tod then if rr.tod < time then rrs[rr[rr.type:lower()]] = nil; table.remove(rrs, i); return prune(rrs, time, soft); -- Re-iterate end elseif soft == 'soft' then -- What is this? I forget! assert(rr.ttl == 0); rrs[rr[rr.type:lower()]] = nil; table.remove(rrs, i); end end end -- metatables & co. ------------------------------------------ metatables & co. local resolver = {}; resolver.__index = resolver; resolver.timeout = default_timeout; local function default_rr_tostring(rr) local rr_val = rr.type and rr[rr.type:lower()]; if type(rr_val) ~= "string" then return "<UNKNOWN RDATA TYPE>"; end return rr_val; end local special_tostrings = { LOC = resolver.LOC_tostring; MX = function (rr) return string.format('%2i %s', rr.pref,; end; SRV = function (rr) local s = rr.srv; return string.format('%5d %5d %5d %s', s.priority, s.weight, s.port,; end; }; local rr_metatable = {}; -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rr_metatable function rr_metatable.__tostring(rr) local rr_string = (special_tostrings[rr.type] or default_rr_tostring)(rr); return string.format('%2s %-5s %6i %-28s %s', rr.class, rr.type, rr.ttl,, rr_string); end local rrs_metatable = {}; -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rrs_metatable function rrs_metatable.__tostring(rrs) local t = {}; for _, rr in ipairs(rrs) do append(t, tostring(rr)..'\n'); end return table.concat(t); end local cache_metatable = {}; -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cache_metatable function cache_metatable.__tostring(cache) local time = socket.gettime(); local t = {}; for class,types in pairs(cache) do for type,names in pairs(types) do for name,rrs in pairs(names) do prune(rrs, time); append(t, tostring(rrs)); end end end return table.concat(t); end -- packet layer -------------------------------------------------- packet layer function dns.random(...) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dns.random math.randomseed(math.floor(10000*socket.gettime()) % 0x80000000); dns.random = math.random; return dns.random(...); end local function encodeHeader(o) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - encodeHeader o = o or {}; = or dns.random(0, 0xffff); -- 16b (random) id o.rd = o.rd or 1; -- 1b 1 recursion desired = or 0; -- 1b 1 truncated response o.aa = o.aa or 0; -- 1b 1 authoritative response o.opcode = o.opcode or 0; -- 4b 0 query -- 1 inverse query -- 2 server status request -- 3-15 reserved o.qr = o.qr or 0; -- 1b 0 query, 1 response o.rcode = o.rcode or 0; -- 4b 0 no error -- 1 format error -- 2 server failure -- 3 name error -- 4 not implemented -- 5 refused -- 6-15 reserved o.z = o.z or 0; -- 3b 0 resvered o.ra = o.ra or 0; -- 1b 1 recursion available o.qdcount = o.qdcount or 1; -- 16b number of question RRs o.ancount = o.ancount or 0; -- 16b number of answers RRs o.nscount = o.nscount or 0; -- 16b number of nameservers RRs o.arcount = o.arcount or 0; -- 16b number of additional RRs -- string.char() rounds, so prevent roundup with -0.4999 local header = string.char( highbyte(, %0x100, o.rd + 2* + 4*o.aa + 8*o.opcode + 128*o.qr, o.rcode + 16*o.z + 128*o.ra, highbyte(o.qdcount), o.qdcount %0x100, highbyte(o.ancount), o.ancount %0x100, highbyte(o.nscount), o.nscount %0x100, highbyte(o.arcount), o.arcount %0x100 ); return header,; end local function encodeName(name) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - encodeName local t = {}; for part in string.gmatch(name, '[^.]+') do append(t, string.char(string.len(part))); append(t, part); end append(t, string.char(0)); return table.concat(t); end local function encodeQuestion(qname, qtype, qclass) -- - - - encodeQuestion qname = encodeName(qname); qtype = dns.typecode[qtype or 'a']; qclass = dns.classcode[qclass or 'in']; return qname..qtype..qclass; end function resolver:byte(len) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - byte len = len or 1; local offset = self.offset; local last = offset + len - 1; if last > #self.packet then error(string.format('out of bounds: %i>%i', last, #self.packet)); end self.offset = offset + len; return string.byte(self.packet, offset, last); end function resolver:word() -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - word local b1, b2 = self:byte(2); return 0x100*b1 + b2; end function resolver:dword () -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dword local b1, b2, b3, b4 = self:byte(4); --print('dword', b1, b2, b3, b4); return 0x1000000*b1 + 0x10000*b2 + 0x100*b3 + b4; end function resolver:sub(len) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub len = len or 1; local s = string.sub(self.packet, self.offset, self.offset + len - 1); self.offset = self.offset + len; return s; end function resolver:header(force) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - header local id = self:word(); --print(string.format(':header id %x', id)); if not[id] and not force then return nil; end local h = { id = id }; local b1, b2 = self:byte(2); h.rd = b1 %2; = b1 /2%2; h.aa = b1 /4%2; h.opcode = b1 /8%16; h.qr = b1 /128; h.rcode = b2 %16; h.z = b2 /16%8; h.ra = b2 /128; h.qdcount = self:word(); h.ancount = self:word(); h.nscount = self:word(); h.arcount = self:word(); for k,v in pairs(h) do h[k] = v-v%1; end return h; end function resolver:name() -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - name local remember, pointers = nil, 0; local len = self:byte(); local n = {}; if len == 0 then return "." end -- Root label while len > 0 do if len >= 0xc0 then -- name is "compressed" pointers = pointers + 1; if pointers >= 20 then error('dns error: 20 pointers'); end; local offset = ((len-0xc0)*0x100) + self:byte(); remember = remember or self.offset; self.offset = offset + 1; -- +1 for lua else -- name is not compressed append(n, self:sub(len)..'.'); end len = self:byte(); end self.offset = remember or self.offset; return table.concat(n); end function resolver:question() -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - question local q = {}; = self:name(); q.type = dns.type[self:word()]; q.class = dns.class[self:word()]; return q; end function resolver:A(rr) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A local b1, b2, b3, b4 = self:byte(4); rr.a = string.format('%i.%i.%i.%i', b1, b2, b3, b4); end if have_util_net and util_net.ntop then function resolver:A(rr) rr.a = util_net.ntop(self:sub(4)); end end function resolver:AAAA(rr) local addr = {}; for _ = 1, rr.rdlength, 2 do local b1, b2 = self:byte(2); table.insert(addr, ("%02x%02x"):format(b1, b2)); end addr = table.concat(addr, ":"):gsub("%f[%x]0+(%x)","%1"); local zeros = {}; for item in addr:gmatch(":[0:]+:[0:]+:") do table.insert(zeros, item) end if #zeros == 0 then rr.aaaa = addr; return elseif #zeros > 1 then table.sort(zeros, function(a, b) return #a > #b end); end rr.aaaa = addr:gsub(zeros[1], "::", 1):gsub("^0::", "::"):gsub("::0$", "::"); end if have_util_net and util_net.ntop then function resolver:AAAA(rr) rr.aaaa = util_net.ntop(self:sub(16)); end end function resolver:CNAME(rr) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CNAME rr.cname = self:name(); end function resolver:MX(rr) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MX rr.pref = self:word(); = self:name(); end function resolver:LOC_nibble_power() -- - - - - - - - - - LOC_nibble_power local b = self:byte(); --print('nibbles', ((b-(b%0x10))/0x10), (b%0x10)); return ((b-(b%0x10))/0x10) * (10^(b%0x10)); end function resolver:LOC(rr) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LOC rr.version = self:byte(); if rr.version == 0 then rr.loc = rr.loc or {}; rr.loc.size = self:LOC_nibble_power(); rr.loc.horiz_pre = self:LOC_nibble_power(); rr.loc.vert_pre = self:LOC_nibble_power(); rr.loc.latitude = self:dword(); rr.loc.longitude = self:dword(); rr.loc.altitude = self:dword(); end end local function LOC_tostring_degrees(f, pos, neg) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - f = f - 0x80000000; if f < 0 then pos = neg; f = -f; end local deg, min, msec; msec = f%60000; f = (f-msec)/60000; min = f%60; deg = (f-min)/60; return string.format('%3d %2d %2.3f %s', deg, min, msec/1000, pos); end function resolver.LOC_tostring(rr) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - LOC_tostring local t = {}; --[[ for k,name in pairs { 'size', 'horiz_pre', 'vert_pre', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'altitude' } do append(t, string.format('%4s%-10s: %12.0f\n', '', name, rr.loc[name])); end --]] append(t, string.format( '%s %s %.2fm %.2fm %.2fm %.2fm', LOC_tostring_degrees (rr.loc.latitude, 'N', 'S'), LOC_tostring_degrees (rr.loc.longitude, 'E', 'W'), (rr.loc.altitude - 10000000) / 100, rr.loc.size / 100, rr.loc.horiz_pre / 100, rr.loc.vert_pre / 100 )); return table.concat(t); end function resolver:NS(rr) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NS rr.ns = self:name(); end function resolver:SOA(rr) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SOA end function resolver:SRV(rr) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SRV rr.srv = {}; rr.srv.priority = self:word(); rr.srv.weight = self:word(); rr.srv.port = self:word(); = self:name(); end function resolver:PTR(rr) rr.ptr = self:name(); end function resolver:TXT(rr) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TXT rr.txt = self:sub (self:byte()); end function resolver:rr() -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rr local rr = {}; setmetatable(rr, rr_metatable); = self:name(self); rr.type = dns.type[self:word()] or rr.type; rr.class = dns.class[self:word()] or rr.class; rr.ttl = 0x10000*self:word() + self:word(); rr.rdlength = self:word(); rr.tod = self.time + math.max(rr.ttl, 1); local remember = self.offset; local rr_parser = self[dns.type[rr.type]]; if rr_parser then rr_parser(self, rr); end self.offset = remember; rr.rdata = self:sub(rr.rdlength); return rr; end function resolver:rrs (count) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rrs local rrs = {}; for _ = 1, count do append(rrs, self:rr()); end return rrs; end function resolver:decode(packet, force) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - decode self.packet, self.offset = packet, 1; local header = self:header(force); if not header then return nil; end local response = { header = header }; response.question = {}; local offset = self.offset; for _ = 1, response.header.qdcount do append(response.question, self:question()); end response.question.raw = string.sub(self.packet, offset, self.offset - 1); if not force then if not[] or not[][response.question.raw] then[] = nil; return nil; end end response.answer = self:rrs(response.header.ancount); response.authority = self:rrs(response.header.nscount); response.additional = self:rrs(response.header.arcount); return response; end -- socket layer -------------------------------------------------- socket layer resolver.delays = { 1, 3 }; function resolver:addnameserver(address) -- - - - - - - - - - addnameserver self.server = self.server or {}; append(self.server, address); end function resolver:setnameserver(address) -- - - - - - - - - - setnameserver self.server = {}; self:addnameserver(address); end function resolver:adddefaultnameservers() -- - - - - adddefaultnameservers if is_windows then if windows and windows.get_nameservers then for _, server in ipairs(windows.get_nameservers()) do self:addnameserver(server); end end if not self.server or #self.server == 0 then -- TODO log warning about no nameservers, adding opendns servers as fallback self:addnameserver(""); self:addnameserver(""); end else -- posix local resolv_conf ="/etc/resolv.conf"); if resolv_conf then for line in resolv_conf:lines() do line = line:gsub("#.*$", "") :match('^%s*nameserver%s+([%x:%.]*%%?%S*)%s*$'); if line then local ip = new_ip(line); if ip then self:addnameserver(ip.addr); end end end resolv_conf:close(); end if not self.server or #self.server == 0 then -- TODO log warning about no nameservers, adding localhost as the default nameserver self:addnameserver(""); end end end function resolver:getsocket(servernum) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - getsocket self.socket = self.socket or {}; self.socketset = self.socketset or {}; local sock = self.socket[servernum]; if sock then return sock; end local ok, err; local peer = self.server[servernum]; if peer:find(":") then sock, err = socket.udp6(); else sock, err = (socket.udp4 or socket.udp)(); end if sock and self.socket_wrapper then sock, err = self.socket_wrapper(sock, self); end if not sock then return nil, err; end sock:settimeout(0); -- todo: attempt to use a random port, fallback to 0 self.socket[servernum] = sock; self.socketset[sock] = servernum; -- set{sock,peer}name can fail, eg because of local routing table -- if so, try the next server ok, err = sock:setsockname('*', 0); if not ok then return self:servfail(sock, err); end ok, err = sock:setpeername(peer, 53); if not ok then return self:servfail(sock, err); end return sock; end function resolver:voidsocket(sock) if self.socket[sock] then self.socketset[self.socket[sock]] = nil; self.socket[sock] = nil; elseif self.socketset[sock] then self.socket[self.socketset[sock]] = nil; self.socketset[sock] = nil; end sock:close(); end function resolver:socket_wrapper_set(func) -- - - - - - - socket_wrapper_set self.socket_wrapper = func; end function resolver:closeall () -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - closeall for i,sock in ipairs(self.socket) do self.socket[i] = nil; self.socketset[sock] = nil; sock:close(); end end function resolver:remember(rr, type) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - remember --print ('remember', type, rr.class, rr.type, local qname, qtype, qclass = standardize(, rr.type, rr.class); if type ~= '*' then type = qtype; local all = get(self.cache, qclass, '*', qname); --print('remember all', all); if all then append(all, rr); end end self.cache = self.cache or setmetatable({}, cache_metatable); local rrs = get(self.cache, qclass, type, qname) or set(self.cache, qclass, type, qname, setmetatable({}, rrs_metatable)); if rr[qtype:lower()] and not rrs[rr[qtype:lower()]] then rrs[rr[qtype:lower()]] = true; append(rrs, rr); end if type == 'MX' then self.unsorted[rrs] = true; end end local function comp_mx(a, b) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - comp_mx return (a.pref == b.pref) and ( < or (a.pref < b.pref); end function resolver:peek (qname, qtype, qclass, n) -- - - - - - - - - - - - peek qname, qtype, qclass = standardize(qname, qtype, qclass); local rrs = get(self.cache, qclass, qtype, qname); if not rrs then if n then if n <= 0 then return end else n = 3 end rrs = get(self.cache, qclass, "CNAME", qname); if not (rrs and rrs[1]) then return end return self:peek(rrs[1].cname, qtype, qclass, n - 1); end if prune(rrs, socket.gettime()) and qtype == '*' or not next(rrs) then set(self.cache, qclass, qtype, qname, nil); return nil; end if self.unsorted[rrs] then table.sort (rrs, comp_mx); self.unsorted[rrs] = nil; end return rrs; end function resolver:purge(soft) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - purge if soft == 'soft' then self.time = socket.gettime(); for class,types in pairs(self.cache or {}) do for type,names in pairs(types) do for name,rrs in pairs(names) do prune(rrs, self.time, 'soft') end end end else self.cache = setmetatable({}, cache_metatable); end end function resolver:query(qname, qtype, qclass) -- - - - - - - - - - -- query qname, qtype, qclass = standardize(qname, qtype, qclass) local co = coroutine.running(); local q = get(self.wanted, qclass, qtype, qname); if co and q then -- We are already waiting for a reply to an identical query. set(self.wanted, qclass, qtype, qname, co, true); return true; end if not self.server then self:adddefaultnameservers(); end local question = encodeQuestion(qname, qtype, qclass); local peek = self:peek (qname, qtype, qclass); if peek then return peek; end local header, id = encodeHeader(); --print ('query id', id, qclass, qtype, qname) local o = { packet = header..question, server = self.best_server, delay = 1, retry = socket.gettime() + self.delays[1] }; -- remember the query[id] =[id] or {};[id][question] = o; local conn, err = self:getsocket(o.server) if not conn then return nil, err; end conn:send (o.packet) -- remember which coroutine wants the answer if co then set(self.wanted, qclass, qtype, qname, co, true); end if timer and self.timeout then local num_servers = #self.server; local i = 1; timer.add_task(self.timeout, function () if get(self.wanted, qclass, qtype, qname, co) then if i < num_servers then i = i + 1; self:servfail(conn); o.server = self.best_server; conn, err = self:getsocket(o.server); if conn then conn:send(o.packet); return self.timeout; end end -- Tried everything, failed self:cancel(qclass, qtype, qname); end end) end return true; end function resolver:servfail(sock, err) -- Resend all queries for this server local num = self.socketset[sock] -- Socket is dead now sock = self:voidsocket(sock); -- Find all requests to the down server, and retry on the next server self.time = socket.gettime(); for id,queries in pairs( do for question,o in pairs(queries) do if o.server == num then -- This request was to the broken server o.server = o.server + 1 -- Use next server if o.server > #self.server then o.server = 1; end o.retries = (o.retries or 0) + 1; if o.retries >= #self.server then --print('timeout'); queries[question] = nil; else sock, err = self:getsocket(o.server); if sock then sock:send(o.packet); end end end end if next(queries) == nil then[id] = nil; end end if num == self.best_server then self.best_server = self.best_server + 1; if self.best_server > #self.server then -- Exhausted all servers, try first again self.best_server = 1; end end return sock, err; end function resolver:settimeout(seconds) self.timeout = seconds; end function resolver:receive(rset) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - receive --print('receive'); print(self.socket); self.time = socket.gettime(); rset = rset or self.socket; local response; for _, sock in pairs(rset) do if self.socketset[sock] then local packet = sock:receive(); if packet then response = self:decode(packet); if response and[] and[][response.question.raw] then --print('received response'); --self.print(response); for _, rr in pairs(response.answer) do if[1].name, -1) == response.question[1].name then self:remember(rr, response.question[1].type) end end -- retire the query local queries =[]; queries[response.question.raw] = nil; if not next(queries) then[] = nil; end if not next( then self:closeall(); end -- was the query on the wanted list? local q = response.question[1]; local cos = get(self.wanted, q.class, q.type,; if cos then for co in pairs(cos) do if coroutine.status(co) == "suspended" then coroutine.resume(co); end end set(self.wanted, q.class, q.type,, nil); end end end end end return response; end function resolver:feed(sock, packet, force) --print('receive'); print(self.socket); self.time = socket.gettime(); local response = self:decode(packet, force); if response and[] and[][response.question.raw] then --print('received response'); --self.print(response); for _, rr in pairs(response.answer) do self:remember(rr, rr.type); end for _, rr in pairs(response.additional) do self:remember(rr, rr.type); end -- retire the query local queries =[]; queries[response.question.raw] = nil; if not next(queries) then[] = nil; end if not next( then self:closeall(); end -- was the query on the wanted list? local q = response.question[1]; if q then local cos = get(self.wanted, q.class, q.type,; if cos then for co in pairs(cos) do if coroutine.status(co) == "suspended" then coroutine.resume(co); end end set(self.wanted, q.class, q.type,, nil); end end end return response; end function resolver:cancel(qclass, qtype, qname) local cos = get(self.wanted, qclass, qtype, qname); if cos then for co in pairs(cos) do if coroutine.status(co) == "suspended" then coroutine.resume(co); end end set(self.wanted, qclass, qtype, qname, nil); end end function resolver:pulse() -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pulse --print(':pulse'); while self:receive() do end if not next( then return nil; end self.time = socket.gettime(); for id,queries in pairs( do for question,o in pairs(queries) do if self.time >= o.retry then o.server = o.server + 1; if o.server > #self.server then o.server = 1; o.delay = o.delay + 1; end if o.delay > #self.delays then --print('timeout'); queries[question] = nil; if not next(queries) then[id] = nil; end if not next( then return nil; end else --print('retry', o.server, o.delay); local _a = self.socket[o.server]; if _a then _a:send(o.packet); end o.retry = self.time + self.delays[o.delay]; end end end end if next( then return true; end return nil; end function resolver:lookup(qname, qtype, qclass) -- - - - - - - - - - lookup self:query (qname, qtype, qclass) while self:pulse() do local recvt = {} for i, s in ipairs(self.socket) do recvt[i] = s end, nil, 4) end --print(self.cache); return self:peek(qname, qtype, qclass); end function resolver:lookupex(handler, qname, qtype, qclass) -- - - - - - - - - - lookup return self:peek(qname, qtype, qclass) or self:query(qname, qtype, qclass); end function resolver:tohostname(ip) return dns.lookup(ip:gsub("(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)", ""), "PTR"); end --print ---------------------------------------------------------------- print local hints = { -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - hints qr = { [0]='query', 'response' }, opcode = { [0]='query', 'inverse query', 'server status request' }, aa = { [0]='non-authoritative', 'authoritative' }, tc = { [0]='complete', 'truncated' }, rd = { [0]='recursion not desired', 'recursion desired' }, ra = { [0]='recursion not available', 'recursion available' }, z = { [0]='(reserved)' }, rcode = { [0]='no error', 'format error', 'server failure', 'name error', 'not implemented' }, type = dns.type, class = dns.class }; local function hint(p, s) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - hint return (hints[s] and hints[s][p[s]]) or ''; end function resolver.print(response) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - resolver.print for _, s in pairs { 'id', 'qr', 'opcode', 'aa', 'tc', 'rd', 'ra', 'z', 'rcode', 'qdcount', 'ancount', 'nscount', 'arcount' } do print( string.format('%-30s', 'header.'..s), response.header[s], hint(response.header, s) ); end for i,question in ipairs(response.question) do print(string.format ('question[%i].name ', i),; print(string.format ('question[%i].type ', i), question.type); print(string.format ('question[%i].class ', i), question.class); end local common = { name=1, type=1, class=1, ttl=1, rdlength=1, rdata=1 }; local tmp; for _, s in pairs({'answer', 'authority', 'additional'}) do for i,rr in pairs(response[s]) do for _, t in pairs({ 'name', 'type', 'class', 'ttl', 'rdlength' }) do tmp = string.format('%s[%i].%s', s, i, t); print(string.format('%-30s', tmp), rr[t], hint(rr, t)); end for j,t in pairs(rr) do if not common[j] then tmp = string.format('%s[%i].%s', s, i, j); print(string.format('%-30s %s', tostring(tmp), tostring(t))); end end end end end -- module api ------------------------------------------------------ module api function dns.resolver () -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - resolver local r = { active = {}, cache = {}, unsorted = {}, wanted = {}, best_server = 1 }; setmetatable (r, resolver); setmetatable (r.cache, cache_metatable); setmetatable (r.unsorted, { __mode = 'kv' }); return r; end local _resolver = dns.resolver(); dns._resolver = _resolver; function dns.lookup(...) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lookup return _resolver:lookup(...); end function dns.tohostname(...) return _resolver:tohostname(...); end function dns.purge(...) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - purge return _resolver:purge(...); end function dns.peek(...) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - peek return _resolver:peek(...); end function dns.query(...) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - query return _resolver:query(...); end function dns.feed(...) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - feed return _resolver:feed(...); end function dns.cancel(...) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cancel return _resolver:cancel(...); end function dns.settimeout(...) return _resolver:settimeout(...); end function dns.cache() return _resolver.cache; end function dns.socket_wrapper_set(...) -- - - - - - - - - socket_wrapper_set return _resolver:socket_wrapper_set(...); end return dns;