Software /
code /
core/loggingmanager.lua @ 5977:3f22f0de30f8
Tagging 0.9.3
author | Matthew Wild <> |
date | Sun, 12 Jan 2014 06:17:40 -0500 |
parent | 5377:898454038524 |
child | 5776:bd0ff8ae98a8 |
line wrap: on
line source
-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local format = string.format; local setmetatable, rawset, pairs, ipairs, type = setmetatable, rawset, pairs, ipairs, type; local io_open, io_write =, io.write; local math_max, rep = math.max, string.rep; local os_date =; local getstyle, setstyle = require "util.termcolours".getstyle, require "util.termcolours".setstyle; if os.getenv("__FLUSH_LOG") then local io_flush = io.flush; local _io_write = io_write; io_write = function(...) _io_write(...); io_flush(); end end local config = require "core.configmanager"; local logger = require "util.logger"; local prosody = prosody; _G.log = logger.init("general"); module "loggingmanager" -- The log config used if none specified in the config file (see reload_logging for initialization) local default_logging; local default_file_logging; local default_timestamp = "%b %d %H:%M:%S"; -- The actual config loggingmanager is using local logging_config; local apply_sink_rules; local log_sink_types = setmetatable({}, { __newindex = function (t, k, v) rawset(t, k, v); apply_sink_rules(k); end; }); local get_levels; local logging_levels = { "debug", "info", "warn", "error" } -- Put a rule into action. Requires that the sink type has already been registered. -- This function is called automatically when a new sink type is added [see apply_sink_rules()] local function add_rule(sink_config) local sink_maker = log_sink_types[]; if sink_maker then -- Create sink local sink = sink_maker(sink_config); -- Set sink for all chosen levels for level in pairs(get_levels(sink_config.levels or logging_levels)) do logger.add_level_sink(level, sink); end else -- No such sink type end end -- Search for all rules using a particular sink type, and apply -- them. Called automatically when a new sink type is added to -- the log_sink_types table. function apply_sink_rules(sink_type) if type(logging_config) == "table" then for _, level in ipairs(logging_levels) do if type(logging_config[level]) == "string" then local value = logging_config[level]; if sink_type == "file" and not value:match("^%*") then add_rule({ to = sink_type; filename = value; timestamps = true; levels = { min = level }; }); elseif value == "*"..sink_type then add_rule({ to = sink_type; levels = { min = level }; }); end end end for _, sink_config in ipairs(logging_config) do if (type(sink_config) == "table" and == sink_type) then add_rule(sink_config); elseif (type(sink_config) == "string" and sink_config:match("^%*(.+)") == sink_type) then add_rule({ levels = { min = "debug" }, to = sink_type }); end end elseif type(logging_config) == "string" and (not logging_config:match("^%*")) and sink_type == "file" then -- User specified simply a filename, and the "file" sink type -- was just added for _, sink_config in pairs(default_file_logging) do sink_config.filename = logging_config; add_rule(sink_config); sink_config.filename = nil; end elseif type(logging_config) == "string" and logging_config:match("^%*(.+)") == sink_type then -- Log all levels (debug+) to this sink add_rule({ levels = { min = "debug" }, to = sink_type }); end end --- Helper function to get a set of levels given a "criteria" table function get_levels(criteria, set) set = set or {}; if type(criteria) == "string" then set[criteria] = true; return set; end local min, max = criteria.min, criteria.max; if min or max then local in_range; for _, level in ipairs(logging_levels) do if min == level then set[level] = true; in_range = true; elseif max == level then set[level] = true; return set; elseif in_range then set[level] = true; end end end for _, level in ipairs(criteria) do set[level] = true; end return set; end -- Initialize config, etc. -- function reload_logging() local old_sink_types = {}; for name, sink_maker in pairs(log_sink_types) do old_sink_types[name] = sink_maker; log_sink_types[name] = nil; end logger.reset(); local debug_mode = config.get("*", "debug"); default_logging = { { to = "console" , levels = { min = (debug_mode and "debug") or "info" } } }; default_file_logging = { { to = "file", levels = { min = (debug_mode and "debug") or "info" }, timestamps = true } }; default_timestamp = "%b %d %H:%M:%S"; logging_config = config.get("*", "log") or default_logging; for name, sink_maker in pairs(old_sink_types) do log_sink_types[name] = sink_maker; end"logging-reloaded"); end reload_logging();"config-reloaded", reload_logging); --- Definition of built-in logging sinks --- -- Null sink, must enter log_sink_types *first* function log_sink_types.nowhere() return function () return false; end; end -- Column width for "source" (used by stdout and console) local sourcewidth = 20; function log_sink_types.stdout(config) local timestamps = config.timestamps; if timestamps == true then timestamps = default_timestamp; -- Default format end return function (name, level, message, ...) sourcewidth = math_max(#name+2, sourcewidth); local namelen = #name; if timestamps then io_write(os_date(timestamps), " "); end if ... then io_write(name, rep(" ", sourcewidth-namelen), level, "\t", format(message, ...), "\n"); else io_write(name, rep(" ", sourcewidth-namelen), level, "\t", message, "\n"); end end end do local do_pretty_printing = true; local logstyles = {}; if do_pretty_printing then logstyles["info"] = getstyle("bold"); logstyles["warn"] = getstyle("bold", "yellow"); logstyles["error"] = getstyle("bold", "red"); end function log_sink_types.console(config) -- Really if we don't want pretty colours then just use plain stdout if not do_pretty_printing then return log_sink_types.stdout(config); end local timestamps = config.timestamps; if timestamps == true then timestamps = default_timestamp; -- Default format end return function (name, level, message, ...) sourcewidth = math_max(#name+2, sourcewidth); local namelen = #name; if timestamps then io_write(os_date(timestamps), " "); end io_write(name, rep(" ", sourcewidth-namelen)); setstyle(logstyles[level]); io_write(level); setstyle(); if ... then io_write("\t", format(message, ...), "\n"); else io_write("\t", message, "\n"); end end end end local empty_function = function () end; function log_sink_types.file(config) local log = config.filename; local logfile = io_open(log, "a+"); if not logfile then return empty_function; end local write, flush = logfile.write, logfile.flush; local timestamps = config.timestamps; if timestamps == nil or timestamps == true then timestamps = default_timestamp; -- Default format end return function (name, level, message, ...) if timestamps then write(logfile, os_date(timestamps), " "); end if ... then write(logfile, name, "\t", level, "\t", format(message, ...), "\n"); else write(logfile, name, "\t" , level, "\t", message, "\n"); end flush(logfile); end; end function register_sink_type(name, sink_maker) local old_sink_maker = log_sink_types[name]; log_sink_types[name] = sink_maker; return old_sink_maker; end return _M;