
util/error.lua @ 10973:39991e40d1dc

util.dbuffer: dynamic string buffer Similar to util.ringbuffer (and shares almost identical API). Differences: - size limit is optional and dynamic - does not allocate a fixed buffer of max_size bytes - focus on simply storing references to existing string objects where possible, avoiding unnecessary allocations - references are still stored in a ring buffer to enable use as a fast FIFO Optional second parameter to new() provides the number of ring buffer segments. On Lua 5.2 on my laptop, a segment is ~19 bytes. If the ring buffer fills up, the next write will compact all strings into a single item.
author Matthew Wild <>
date Fri, 26 Jun 2020 16:41:31 +0100 (2020-06-26)
parent 10501:e8186aba1583
child 11050:51be24b16e8a
line wrap: on
line source
local error_mt = { __name = "error" };

function error_mt:__tostring()
	return ("error<%s:%s:%s>"):format(self.type, self.condition, self.text or "");

local function is_err(e)
	return getmetatable(e) == error_mt;

-- Do we want any more well-known fields?
-- Or could we just copy all fields from `e`?
-- Sometimes you want variable details in the `text`, how to handle that?
-- Translations?
-- Should the `type` be restricted to the stanza error types or free-form?
-- What to set `type` to for stream errors or SASL errors? Those don't have a 'type' attr.

local function new(e, context, registry)
	local template = (registry and registry[e]) or e or {};
	return setmetatable({
		type = template.type or "cancel";
		condition = template.condition or "undefined-condition";
		text = template.text;
		code = template.code;

		context = context or template.context or { _error_id = e };
	}, error_mt);

local function coerce(ok, err, ...)
	if ok or is_err(err) then
		return ok, err, ...;

	local new_err = setmetatable({
		native = err;

		type = "cancel";
		condition = "undefined-condition";
	}, error_mt);
	return ok, new_err, ...;

local function from_stanza(stanza, context)
	local error_type, condition, text = stanza:get_error();
	return setmetatable({
		type = error_type or "cancel";
		condition = condition or "undefined-condition";
		text = text;

		context = context or { stanza = stanza };
	}, error_mt);

return {
	new = new;
	coerce = coerce;
	is_err = is_err;
	from_stanza = from_stanza;