
util-src/compat.c @ 11922:28f5c8061dad

net.server_epoll: Fix streaming downloads (thanks Menel) ff4e34c448a4 broke the way net.http.server streams downloads from disk because it made writes from the ondrain callback no longer reset the want-write flag, causing the download to halt. Writes from the predrain handler still must not trigger anything but additions to the buffer, since it is about to do all the socket writing already.
author Kim Alvefur <>
date Fri, 19 Nov 2021 15:45:01 +0100
parent 9561:cfc7b2f7251e
child 12976:a187600ec7d6
line wrap: on
line source

#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>

static int lc_xpcall (lua_State *L) {
  int ret;
  int n_arg = lua_gettop(L);
  /* f, msgh, p1, p2... */
  luaL_argcheck(L, n_arg >= 2, 2, "value expected");
  lua_pushvalue(L, 1);  /* f to top */
  lua_pushvalue(L, 2);  /* msgh to top */
  lua_replace(L, 1); /* msgh to 1 */
  lua_replace(L, 2); /* f to 2 */
  /* msgh, f, p1, p2... */
  ret = lua_pcall(L, n_arg - 2, LUA_MULTRET, 1);
  lua_pushboolean(L, ret == 0);
  lua_replace(L, 1);
  return lua_gettop(L);

int luaopen_util_compat(lua_State *L) {
	lua_createtable(L, 0, 2);
		lua_pushcfunction(L, lc_xpcall);
		lua_setfield(L, -2, "xpcall");
	return 1;