Software /
code /
plugins/mod_storage_xep0227.lua @ 11922:28f5c8061dad
net.server_epoll: Fix streaming downloads (thanks Menel)
ff4e34c448a4 broke the way net.http.server streams downloads from disk
because it made writes from the ondrain callback no longer reset the
want-write flag, causing the download to halt.
Writes from the predrain handler still must not trigger anything but
additions to the buffer, since it is about to do all the socket writing
author | Kim Alvefur <> |
date | Fri, 19 Nov 2021 15:45:01 +0100 |
parent | 11840:5e9e75c277a2 |
child | 12082:e87563fefd85 |
line wrap: on
line source
local ipairs, pairs = ipairs, pairs; local setmetatable = setmetatable; local tostring = tostring; local next, unpack = next, table.unpack or unpack; --luacheck: ignore 113/unpack local t_remove = table.remove; local os_remove = os.remove; local io_open =; local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare; local jid_prep = require "util.jid".prep; local array = require "util.array"; local base64 = require "util.encodings".base64; local dt = require "util.datetime"; local hex = require "util.hex"; local it = require "util.iterators"; local paths = require"util.paths"; local set = require "util.set"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local parse_xml_real = require "util.xml".parse; local lfs = require "lfs"; local function getXml(user, host) local jid = user.."@"; local path = paths.join(, jid..".xml"); local f, err = io_open(path); if not f then module:log("debug", "Unable to load XML file for <%s>: %s", jid, err); return; end module:log("debug", "Loaded %s", path); local s = f:read("*a"); f:close(); return parse_xml_real(s); end local function setXml(user, host, xml) local jid = user.."@"; local path = paths.join(, jid..".xml"); local f, err = io_open(path, "w"); if not f then return f, err; end if xml then local s = tostring(xml); f:write(s); f:close(); return true; else f:close(); return os_remove(path); end end local function getUserElement(xml) if xml and == "server-data" then local host = xml.tags[1]; if host and == "host" then local user = host.tags[1]; if user and == "user" then return user; end end end module:log("warn", "Unable to find user element"); end local function createOuterXml(user, host) return st.stanza("server-data", {xmlns='urn:xmpp:pie:0'}) :tag("host", {jid=host}) :tag("user", {name = user}); end local function removeFromArray(arr, value) for i,item in ipairs(arr) do if item == value then t_remove(arr, i); return; end end end local function removeStanzaChild(s, child) removeFromArray(s.tags, child); removeFromArray(s, child); end local function hex_to_base64(s) return base64.encode(hex.from(s)); end local function base64_to_hex(s) return base64.encode(hex.from(s)); end local handlers = {}; -- In order to support custom account properties local extended = "\1"; local scram_hash_name = module:get_option_string("password_hash", "SHA-1"); local scram_properties ={ "server_key", "stored_key", "iteration_count", "salt" }); handlers.accounts = { get = function(self, user) user = getUserElement(getXml(user,; local scram_credentials = user and user:get_child_with_attr( "scram-credentials", "urn:xmpp:pie:0#scram", "mechanism", "SCRAM-"..scram_hash_name ); if scram_credentials then return { iteration_count = tonumber(scram_credentials:get_child_text("iter-count")); server_key = base64_to_hex(scram_credentials:get_child_text("server-key")); stored_key = base64_to_hex(scram_credentials:get_child_text("stored-key")); salt = base64.decode(scram_credentials:get_child_text("salt")); }; elseif user and user.attr.password then return { password = user.attr.password }; elseif user then local data = {}; for k, v in pairs(user.attr) do if k:sub(1, #extended) == extended then data[k:sub(#extended+1)] = v; end end return data; end end; set = function(self, user, data) if not data then return setXml(user,, nil); end local xml = getXml(user,; if not xml then xml = createOuterXml(user,; end local usere = getUserElement(xml); local account_properties =; -- Include SCRAM credentials if known if account_properties:contains_set(scram_properties) then local scram_el = st.stanza("scram-credentials", { xmlns = "urn:xmpp:pie:0#scram", mechanism = "SCRAM-"..scram_hash_name }) :text_tag("server-key", hex_to_base64(data.server_key)) :text_tag("stored-key", hex_to_base64(data.stored_key)) :text_tag("iter-count", ("%d"):format(data.iteration_count)) :text_tag("salt", base64.encode(data.salt)); usere:add_child(scram_el); account_properties:exclude(scram_properties); end -- Include the password if present if account_properties:contains("password") then usere.attr.password = data.password; account_properties:remove("password"); end -- Preserve remaining properties as namespaced attributes for property in account_properties do usere.attr[] = data[property]; end return setXml(user,, xml); end; }; handlers.vcard = { get = function(self, user) user = getUserElement(getXml(user,; if user then local vcard = user:get_child("vCard", 'vcard-temp'); if vcard then return st.preserialize(vcard); end end end; set = function(self, user, data) local xml = getXml(user,; local usere = xml and getUserElement(xml); if usere then local vcard = usere:get_child("vCard", 'vcard-temp'); if vcard then removeStanzaChild(usere, vcard); elseif not data then return true; end if data then vcard = st.deserialize(data); usere:add_child(vcard); end return setXml(user,, xml); end return true; end; }; handlers.private = { get = function(self, user) user = getUserElement(getXml(user,; if user then local private = user:get_child("query", "jabber:iq:private"); if private then local r = {}; for _, tag in ipairs(private.tags) do r[":"..tag.attr.xmlns] = st.preserialize(tag); end return r; end end end; set = function(self, user, data) local xml = getXml(user,; local usere = xml and getUserElement(xml); if usere then local private = usere:get_child("query", 'jabber:iq:private'); if private then removeStanzaChild(usere, private); end if data and next(data) ~= nil then private = st.stanza("query", {xmlns='jabber:iq:private'}); for _,tag in pairs(data) do private:add_child(st.deserialize(tag)); end usere:add_child(private); end return setXml(user,, xml); end return true; end; }; handlers.roster = { get = function(self, user) user = getUserElement(getXml(user,; if user then local roster = user:get_child("query", "jabber:iq:roster"); if roster then local r = { [false] = { version = roster.attr.version; pending = {}; } }; for item in roster:childtags("item") do r[item.attr.jid] = { jid = item.attr.jid, subscription = item.attr.subscription, ask = item.attr.ask, name =, groups = {}; }; for group in item:childtags("group") do r[item.attr.jid].groups[group:get_text()] = true; end for pending in user:childtags("presence", "jabber:client") do r[false].pending[pending.attr.from] = true; end end return r; end end end; set = function(self, user, data) local xml = getXml(user,; local usere = xml and getUserElement(xml); if usere then local roster = usere:get_child("query", 'jabber:iq:roster'); if roster then removeStanzaChild(usere, roster); end usere:maptags(function (tag) if tag.attr.xmlns == "jabber:client" and == "presence" and tag.attr.type == "subscribe" then return nil; end return tag; end); if data and next(data) ~= nil then roster = st.stanza("query", {xmlns='jabber:iq:roster'}); usere:add_child(roster); for jid, item in pairs(data) do if jid then roster:tag("item", { jid = jid, subscription = item.subscription, ask = item.ask, name =, }); for group in pairs(item.groups) do roster:tag("group"):text(group):up(); end roster:up(); -- move out from item else roster.attr.version = item.version; for pending_jid in pairs(item.pending) do usere:add_child(st.presence({ from = pending_jid, type = "subscribe" })); end end end end return setXml(user,, xml); end return true; end; }; -- PEP node configuration/etc. (not items) local xmlns_pubsub_owner = ""; local lib_pubsub = module:require "pubsub"; handlers.pep = { get = function (self, user) local xml = getXml(user,; local user_el = xml and getUserElement(xml); if not user_el then return nil; end local nodes = { --[[ [node_name] = { name = node_name; config = {}; affiliations = {}; subscribers = {}; }; ]] }; local owner_el = user_el:get_child("pubsub", xmlns_pubsub_owner); for node_el in owner_el:childtags() do local node_name = node_el.attr.node; local node = nodes[node_name]; if not node then node = { name = node_name; config = {}; affiliations = {}; subscribers = {}; }; nodes[node_name] = node; end if == "configure" then local form = node_el:get_child("x", "jabber:x:data"); if form then node.config = lib_pubsub.node_config_form:data(form); end elseif == "affiliations" then for affiliation_el in node_el:childtags("affiliation") do local aff_jid = jid_prep(affiliation_el.attr.jid); local aff_value = affiliation_el.attr.affiliation; if aff_jid and aff_value then node.affiliations[aff_jid] = aff_value; end end elseif == "subscriptions" then for subscription_el in node_el:childtags("subscription") do local sub_jid = jid_prep(subscription_el.attr.jid); local sub_state = subscription_el.attr.subscription; if sub_jid and sub_state == "subscribed" then local options; local subscription_options_el = subscription_el:get_child("options"); if subscription_options_el then local options_form = subscription_options_el:get_child("x", "jabber:x:data"); if options_form then options = lib_pubsub.subscription_options_form:data(options_form); end end node.subscribers[sub_jid] = options or true; end end else module:log("warn", "Ignoring unknown pubsub element: %s",; end end return nodes; end; set = function(self, user, data) local xml = getXml(user,; local user_el = xml and getUserElement(xml); if not user_el then return true; end -- Remove existing data, if any user_el:remove_children("pubsub", xmlns_pubsub_owner); -- Generate new data local owner_el = st.stanza("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub_owner }); for node_name, node_data in pairs(data) do local configure_el = st.stanza("configure", { node = node_name }) :add_child(lib_pubsub.node_config_form:form(node_data.config, "submit")); owner_el:add_child(configure_el); if node_data.affiliations and next(node_data.affiliations) ~= nil then local affiliations_el = st.stanza("affiliations", { node = node_name }); for aff_jid, aff_value in pairs(node_data.affiliations) do affiliations_el:tag("affiliation", { jid = aff_jid, affiliation = aff_value }):up(); end owner_el:add_child(affiliations_el); end if node_data.subscribers and next(node_data.subscribers) ~= nil then local subscriptions_el = st.stanza("subscriptions", { node = node_name }); for sub_jid, sub_data in pairs(node_data.subscribers) do local sub_el = st.stanza("subscription", { jid = sub_jid, subscribed = "subscribed" }); if sub_data ~= true then local options_form = lib_pubsub.subscription_options_form:form(sub_data, "submit"); sub_el:tag("options"):add_child(options_form):up(); end subscriptions_el:add_child(sub_el); end owner_el:add_child(subscriptions_el); end end user_el:add_child(owner_el); return setXml(user,, xml); end; }; -- PEP items local xmlns_pubsub = ""; handlers.pep_ = { _stores = function (self, xml) --luacheck: ignore 212/self local store_names =; local user_el = xml and getUserElement(xml); if not user_el then return store_names; end -- Locate existing pubsub element, if any local pubsub_el = user_el:get_child("pubsub", xmlns_pubsub); if not pubsub_el then return store_names; end -- Find node items element, if any for items_el in pubsub_el:childtags("items") do store_names:add("pep_"..items_el.attr.node); end return store_names; end; find = function (self, user, query) -- query keys: limit, reverse, key (id) local xml = getXml(user,; local user_el = xml and getUserElement(xml); if not user_el then return nil, "no 227 user element found"; end local node_name = self.datastore:match("^pep_(.+)$"); -- Locate existing pubsub element, if any local pubsub_el = user_el:get_child("pubsub", xmlns_pubsub); if not pubsub_el then return nil; end -- Find node items element, if any local node_items_el; for items_el in pubsub_el:childtags("items") do if items_el.attr.node == node_name then node_items_el = items_el; break; end end if not node_items_el then return nil; end local user_jid = user.."@"; local results = {}; for item_el in node_items_el:childtags("item") do if query and query.key then if == query.key then table.insert(results, {, item_el.tags[1], 0, user_jid }); break; end else table.insert(results, {, item_el.tags[1], 0, user_jid }); end if query and query.limit and #results >= query.limit then break; end end if query and query.reverse then return array.reverse(results); end local i = 0; return function () i = i + 1; local v = results[i]; if v == nil then return nil; end return unpack(v, 1, 4); end; end; append = function (self, user, key, payload, when, with) --luacheck: ignore 212/when 212/with 212/key local xml = getXml(user,; local user_el = xml and getUserElement(xml); if not user_el then return true; end local node_name = self.datastore:match("^pep_(.+)$"); -- Locate existing pubsub element, if any local pubsub_el = user_el:get_child("pubsub", xmlns_pubsub); if not pubsub_el then pubsub_el = st.stanza("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }); user_el:add_child(pubsub_el); end -- Find node items element, if any local node_items_el; for items_el in pubsub_el:childtags("items") do if items_el.attr.node == node_name then node_items_el = items_el; break; end end if not node_items_el then -- Doesn't exist yet, create one node_items_el = st.stanza("items", { node = node_name }); pubsub_el:add_child(node_items_el); end -- Append item to pubsub_el local item_el = st.stanza("item", { id = key }) :add_child(payload); node_items_el:add_child(item_el); return setXml(user,, xml); end; delete = function (self, user, query) -- query keys: limit, reverse, key (id) local xml = getXml(user,; local user_el = xml and getUserElement(xml); if not user_el then return nil, "no 227 user element found"; end local node_name = self.datastore:match("^pep_(.+)$"); -- Locate existing pubsub element, if any local pubsub_el = user_el:get_child("pubsub", xmlns_pubsub); if not pubsub_el then return nil; end -- Find node items element, if any local node_items_el; for items_el in pubsub_el:childtags("items") do if items_el.attr.node == node_name then node_items_el = items_el; break; end end if not node_items_el then return nil; end local results = array(); for item_el in pubsub_el:childtags("item") do if query and query.key then if == query.key then table.insert(results, item_el); break; end else table.insert(results, item_el); end if query and query.limit and #results >= query.limit then break; end end if query and query.truncate then results:sub(-query.truncate); end -- Actually remove the matching items local delete_keys = (item) return; end)); pubsub_el:maptags(function (item_el) if delete_keys:contains( then return nil; end return item_el; end); return setXml(user,, xml); end; }; -- MAM archives local xmlns_pie_mam = "urn:xmpp:pie:0#mam"; handlers.archive = { find = function (self, user, query) assert(query == nil, "XEP-0313 queries are not supported on XEP-0227 files"); local xml = getXml(user,; local user_el = xml and getUserElement(xml); if not user_el then return nil, "no 227 user element found"; end -- Locate existing archive element, if any local archive_el = user_el:get_child("archive", xmlns_pie_mam); if not archive_el then return nil; end local user_jid = user.."@"; local f, s, result_el = archive_el:childtags("result", "urn:xmpp:mam:2"); return function () result_el = f(s, result_el); if not result_el then return nil; end local id =; local item = result_el:find("{urn:xmpp:forward:0}forwarded/{jabber:client}message"); assert(item, "Invalid stanza in XEP-0227 archive"); local when = dt.parse(result_el:find("{urn:xmpp:forward:0}forwarded/{urn:xmpp:delay}delay@stamp")); local to_bare, from_bare = jid_bare(, jid_bare(item.attr.from); local with = to_bare == user_jid and from_bare or to_bare; -- id, item, when, with return id, item, when, with; end; end; append = function (self, user, key, payload, when, with) --luacheck: ignore 212/when 212/with 212/key local xml = getXml(user,; local user_el = xml and getUserElement(xml); if not user_el then return true; end -- Locate existing archive element, if any local archive_el = user_el:get_child("archive", xmlns_pie_mam); if not archive_el then archive_el = st.stanza("archive", { xmlns = xmlns_pie_mam }); user_el:add_child(archive_el); end local item = st.clone(payload); item.attr.xmlns = "jabber:client"; local result_el = st.stanza("result", { xmlns = "urn:xmpp:mam:2", id = key }) :tag("forwarded", { xmlns = "urn:xmpp:forward:0" }) :tag("delay", { xmlns = "urn:xmpp:delay", stamp = dt.datetime(when) }):up() :add_child(item) :up(); -- Append item to archive_el archive_el:add_child(result_el); return setXml(user,, xml); end; }; ----------------------------- local driver = {}; local function users(self) local file_patt = "^.*@"..("%p", "%%%1")).."%.xml$"; local f, s, filename = lfs.dir(; return function () filename = f(s, filename); while filename and not filename:match(file_patt) do filename = f(s, filename); end if not filename then return nil; end return filename:match("^[^@]+"); end; end function driver:open(datastore, typ) -- luacheck: ignore 212/self if typ and typ ~= "keyval" and typ ~= "archive" then return nil, "unsupported-store"; end local handler = handlers[datastore]; if not handler and datastore:match("^pep_") then handler = handlers.pep_; end if not handler then return nil, "unsupported-datastore"; end local instance = setmetatable({ host =; datastore = datastore; users = users; }, { __index = handler }); if instance.init then instance:init(); end return instance; end local function get_store_names(self, path) local stores =; local f, err = io_open(paths.join(, path)); if not f then module:log("warn", "Unable to load XML file for <%s>: %s", "store listing", err); return stores; end module:log("info", "Loaded %s", path); local s = f:read("*a"); f:close(); local xml = parse_xml_real(s); for _, handler_funcs in pairs(handlers) do if handler_funcs._stores then stores:include(handler_funcs._stores(self, xml)); end end return stores; end function driver:stores(username) local store_dir =; local mode, err = lfs.attributes(store_dir, "mode"); if not mode then return function() module:log("debug", "Could not iterate over stores in %s: %s", store_dir, err); end end local file_patt = "^.*@"..("%p", "%%%1")).."%.xml$"; local all_users = username == true; local store_names =; for filename in lfs.dir( do if filename:match(file_patt) then if all_users or filename == username.."@"".xml" then store_names:include(get_store_names(self, filename)); if not all_users then break; end end end end return store_names:items(); end module:provides("storage", driver);